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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 12:18 (10 Years ago)
Kyle continued eating his Mac and cheese then he heard footsteps "Hm.." He Hurried over to his backpack on the floor right beside the bed and pulled out his knife he put it in his pocket and continued eating at the table.

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 12:03 (10 Years ago)
(Its your choice) Kyle put the cheese inside the packets into the mac and cheese then stirred it using a large spoon totodile woke up smelling the food kyle poured about three big spoonfuls of mac and cheese onto his plate and one onto totodiles plate then they ate.

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 11:25 (10 Years ago)
Hm.. Could i offer 12 ice gems and 101 flying gems for a starpiece then?

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 10:38 (10 Years ago)
(Pwned had to go)

Kyle checked the cabinet it had pans plates Etc "Huh... I'll cook some mac and cheese for totodile and me.. i guess" He opened the fridge and got a bottle of water And poured it into a pan filling the pan over half with water Then he put the mac and cheese into the pan and it started to cook "Hm.." He looked around the room waiting for the mac and cheese to be done "Last i remember... i fell asleep at Camp.. No... I got kidnapped and dragged here.. The lab And.." Then the mac and cheese started bubbling so he quickly turned it off and put the mac and cheese into a bowl.

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 10:30 (10 Years ago)
Kyle woke up to feeling pain everywhere "Ugh..." He was in a bed and totodile slept at his feet He got out of bed and looked around it looked kinda normal a chair a table a fridge a dressor "Hm..." He opened the fridge and it was stocked full of nuka-cola and.. steak on top a couple mac and cheese boxes he took them and found a stove right beside the fridge a cabinet over it "This is... strange"

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 10:17 (10 Years ago)
They made kyle unconscious again and put him into a cell thing (One of those glass ones like a tube..) Then they attached a bunch of stuff Onto him then the cell filled with liquid "Alright ready to inject TAH-45 into him" The head scientist said a large needle moved slowly toward his head Then it went into his head and injected TAH-45 (Random chemical thing i thought of) Into him.

(Kyles out till morning..so saka needs to find a place to sleep maybe then we can find out what happened to kyle)

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 10:08 (10 Years ago)
"Alright then.. Just dont go to the lower level! The overseer doesn't Need anybody interrupting his meeting" The guard said to saka Then closed his eyes falling asleep again

Kyle got the bag off of his head and looked around the room "Ugh.. No escape" He looked up "There Is a vent though but That options gone... Unless.." He looked at totodile "Alright use your watergun to blast me up there then i can get rid of the vent seal" Totodile did so and the seal fell off just by his head hitting it "That hurt.." Then someone came into the room "Ooh... Hello" The Lead of the scientists said "Come..." a couple guards came in and started dragging kyle Even deeper into the vault "Lab" a sign said a pikachu was inside handing tools to some scientists They dragged kyle inside.

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 10:01 (10 Years ago)
The vault guard had fallen asleep and forgot to close the door his arcanine Yelled at him "ARRRR ARRCANINE!" The guard woke "HUH? Be quiet... Dumb Pokem-.. HEY! How did YOU get in the vault!" He yelled at saka

Deep in the vault...

a couple guards tossed kyle and totodile into a room Then they went into a different to discuss what they were going to do with kyle "I say we test on him..." The lead scientist said "i say he gets trained into a soldier" The vaults general said "Hmph... I'll choose what we do to him..." The overseer said.

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 09:52 (10 Years ago)
Kyle started getting Drowsy (Pun not intended) But then a sack (Like a cloth one) was put over his head Before that happened he could see totodile getting Tossed into a bag "HEY LET M-ooh.." They injected him with a syringe and he fell unconcious He then got dragged (A lot) through the forest then the kidnappers Took him into... a vault (Vault 536.. i made it up)

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 09:37 (10 Years ago)
Kyle Took some sticks and branchs from outside the forest and piled them up then he cut a piece of blanket and put it in the middle of all the branchs and sticks "Hmm.. i need to light this" He said and looked around camp for a rock or two He found one and decided it would be enough He then scraped the rock against his knife shooting sparks into the firepit it didn't start he put some dry grass into the firepit then tried again and then about 5 more times before it started to smoke "Alright!" He blowed air at the smoke and Burning grass then the firepit and the branchs and sticks and all of it were on fire Both totodile and kyle backed up then set up the blankets like beds.

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Posted: Sun, 23/11/2014 00:00 (10 Years ago)
I'd Like to buy 10 card packs please And thank you (sending PD ^^)

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Posted: Sat, 22/11/2014 19:58 (10 Years ago)
(Uhm... i dont think any of those citys ... are around .. we're in a different region one that i made though it has no name..)

Kyle Continued through the wasteland the effects of nuka cola wearing off him and then they stopped in the middle of the path in front of a forest "The trees are covering the sun.. its nearly night time anyway Lets set up camp" Kyle said "You stay here i'll go back to that old building we saw Maybe i'll be able to find a mattress or some blankets.. or a sleeping bag that we can use" Kyle said and backtracked on the path until he found the old hut he went in and found a pile of blankets Then a rumble could be heard once he picked them up a double headed ninetails rose up behind the counter "Oh crud" Kyle ran out of the building and back to camp.

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Posted: Sat, 22/11/2014 18:15 (10 Years ago)
Kyle stood up waking totodile "Lets go" He said and they left the tiny room and Left the hotel "Alright... Lets.. Go see outside the.. city" Kyle said the nuka cola making him feel like running around they left the city and went towards the wasteland

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Posted: Sat, 22/11/2014 17:46 (10 Years ago)
would 12 ice gems and 96 flying gems be enough for the icicle plate? (If not that How about a kyurem?)

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Posted: Sat, 22/11/2014 14:25 (10 Years ago)
I would like to join this raffle!
Username: fastrun25
Number:30 (Or 36 if 30 is taken)
Password:Pie in the sky
Something else:You fed Toshiro Hitsugaya a Oran Berry!

The Pokémon raised by 15,525 Exp. Points.

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Posted: Sat, 22/11/2014 13:07 (10 Years ago)
Venturiantale are My number one favorite youtubers (And second place tobuscus Maybe..)

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Posted: Sat, 22/11/2014 00:00 (10 Years ago)
Could i get 10 Packs? Thanks!

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Posted: Fri, 21/11/2014 14:48 (10 Years ago)
Here is my list of ALL My professor_Joe trading cards! (Removed pictures so nobody steals)

Show hidden content

Mega Venusaur (2)
Mega Aerodactyl (2)
Mega Charizard Y (3)
Mega Gyarados (1)
Mega Gengar (1)
Mega Alakazam (1)
Mega Blastoise (1)
Mega Pidgeot (1)

Clefable (11)
electabuzz (13)
hitmonchan (13)
Gyarados (14)
Psyduck (14)
Blastoise (12)
Rapidash (13)
Nidoran F (16)
Nidoran M (15)
Omanyte (14)
Ponyta (13)
Abra (8)
Kadabra (6)
Alakazam (5)
Pikachu (16)
Haunter (19)
Gastly (18)
Magikarp (10)
charizard (11)
Kabuto (9)
scyther (7)
Venusaur (10)
Gengar (10)
Aerodactyl (11)
Charmander (7)
squirtle (6)
Hitmonlee (7)
Diglett (6)
Dragonite (6)
staryu (8)
starmie (4)
Bulbasaur (2)
Machoke (2)
Pidgeotto (1)
Clefairy (2)
Jigglypuff (2)
Pidgeot (1)
Machop (2)
Ivysaur (2)
Slowpoke (3)
Wartortle (3)
Charmeleon (3)
Slowbro (1)
Kabutops (1)
Dugtrio (1)
Dratini (1)
Omastar (1)
Snorlax (2)

Gambler (4)
Potion (4)
Prof-Oak (2)
Super potion (1)
Pokeball (2)
Defender (3)
Plus power (1)

Colorless (2)
Psychic (3)
Fire (3)
Grass (2)
Plus power (2)
Water (3)
Fighting (3)
Lightning (2)

shadow lugia (1)

Blazikin (9)
Mega Swampert (1)
Sceptile (9)
Mega Metagross (2)
Metagross (6)
Swampert (6)
Mega Sceptile (3)
Mega Blazikin (1)
Mega steelix (1)

Toothie (1)
Oras starters (1)
-Max (1)

Kabuto (3)
Aerodactyl (4)
Potion (3)
Hitmonchan (1)
Omanyte (2)
Electabuzz (3)
Clefable (1)
Mega venusaur (1)
Mega gengar (1)

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Posted: Fri, 21/11/2014 00:05 (10 Years ago)
Could i buy 3 more normal packs? (i see everyone else buying 10 normal and 3 oras sooo..?)

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Posted: Fri, 21/11/2014 00:00 (10 Years ago)
3 Oras Packs and 7 normal ones for 29k PD (I think thats correct?)

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