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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 03:11 (9 Years ago)
"kill, kILL" Anxiety said

He started whimpering, his eyes shined brightly and his plush nails sharpened

"KIIIILL" Anxiety said, as his voice turned creepier and creepier


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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 03:01 (9 Years ago)
"I don't know!" Yokomiza said

Her deer legs whimpered in fear

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 02:58 (9 Years ago)
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Schneike laughed as he disappeared

Anxiety kept repeating kill

Yokomiza looked at Anxiety

"He is still under his mind control...." Yokomiza said

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 02:52 (9 Years ago)
((in the same room as Toriel))

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 02:49 (9 Years ago)
((psst... Sorrow wants to kill because it is being controlled))

Schneike poked Anxiety's head as his eyes turned black and invisible

"I want you to KILL the humans" he said with his mind to Anxiety

"k-kill......" Anxiety whispered

Yokomiza turned


Schneike only grinned

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 02:40 (9 Years ago)
Shneike smiled

"I need to kill those humans but I need a weak monster....Oh I know! Anxiety!" he thought

Schneike stood near Anxiety
"W- WHAT!?" Anxiety shouted, looking at Schneike

(Schneike can control minds, but only the one of a weak monster)

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 02:14 (9 Years ago)
Shneike smiled

"so, whatcha up to eh?" Shneike said
Schneike's eyes turn black for a second

"Oh! I'm sorry for that!" he said

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 02:09 (9 Years ago)
Scheneike appeared behind Miguel as his brown Eyes shined

"Well Well well..... Some humans I see" he said in a creepy voice

Yokomiza looked at Schneike

"you....you remind me of someone I met when I was little...." Yokomiza said to Schneike

"hehe.... I don't remember you...." Schneider said in a soft, cold voice

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Posted: Sat, 21/11/2015 01:58 (9 Years ago)

Name: Schneike

Species: (Type of monster) unknown

Age: ???

Gender: (Or pronouns) Male

Appearance: his head is like an upside down cat head and face, his body is like the velociraptor (scaly and stands on two legs in a hunchback manner) his feet are frog like and his tail has a face. His Eyes are brown normally, but they can turn black with red dots, his fur is white

Jobs: (Hotdog seller, Shop keeper, a person) normal monster

Attacks: dark scratch and eye beam


History: (Optional)

Crushes/Family: ???

Other: he may seem friendly at the beginning, but in the inside he seems To be heartless

Character theme: (Optional)
Yokomiza looked at Miguel too, while Anxiety just bit his plush finger nails


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Posted: Fri, 20/11/2015 21:13 (9 Years ago)
Power lily created some plant food

Iceberg lettuce was trying to look at the sky

While potato mine... Well... He looked busy, as always

"Hmm.. Should I explode inmediately To kill the zombie who stepped on me, or should wait a few seconds and then kill more zombies...hmm.... Let's see, the chance of success of the first one is about 70% so... As for the second one is 30% so... If we substract them, then divide it by two then by three and..." Potato mine said

"sTOP" Iceberg lettuce said

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 21:06 (9 Years ago)
"Oh well, perhaps I shouldn't Tell the story here...." Anxiety said

"So... What now?" Yokomiza asked

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 21:05 (9 Years ago)
Username: Glotilde2

Plant species: potato mine

Gender (or pronuns): unknown, They pronouns

Personality: hyper and really smart

Appearence: normal potato mine

Special Effects?: when stepped they will explode after a few seconds

Other: noe toes


Power lily looked at peashooter

"What's wrong?"

Iceberg lettuce only winked

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 02:16 (9 Years ago)
Hot N Cold - Katy Perry

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 02:14 (9 Years ago)
"Also, Yokomiza I need to Tell you something..." Anxiety said

"Yes?" Yokomiza said

"You wanted to know how Sorrow and I got here a long time ago didn't you?" Anxiety asked

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 02:02 (9 Years ago)
"ShE AcTeD sTrAnGe.... WhEn I aSkEd To HeR iF sHe WaS oK sHe TaLkEd In A sTrAnGe AnD cReEpY vOiCe WhIle SaYiNg StRaNgE wOrDs, I was so worried....." Anxiety said

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 01:55 (9 Years ago)
Anxiety twitched

Yokomiza looked at Anxiety and Shadow

"Anxiety, has your sister ever acted like.... Right now?" Yokomiza asked To Anxiety

" WeLl.... WhEn ThE fIrSt hUmAn FeLl..." Anxiety said

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 01:30 (9 Years ago)
(Btw, what happens if a plant dies?)

"Did I missed something?" iceberg lettuce asked

"Are zombies near!?" Power lily asked

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 01:24 (9 Years ago)
Yokomiza followed shadow

Anxiety quietly followed her

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 00:58 (9 Years ago)
Yokomiza looked at shadow

"What is it?"

Anxiety spinned in circles

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Posted: Thu, 19/11/2015 00:49 (9 Years ago)
Anxiety started to twitch intensively

"can you please calm down anxiety?" Yokomiza said, petting Anxiety

"PHYSICAL CONTACT!!! GAH!!!" Anxiety shouted

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