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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Uchiha_Sasuke.
Posted: Mon, 03/02/2014 01:01 (11 Years ago)
Yay! Drawing is my hobby :3

Opening the fridge and you find nothing in it ._.

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2014 01:00 (11 Years ago)
When I click it, it works o.o

But either way, you'll still get one cause you read everything :D
It's in the GTS

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2014 00:28 (11 Years ago)
No problem! ^^

@Pitibruna- What do you mean by nothing opened? owo

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Posted: Mon, 03/02/2014 00:28 (11 Years ago)
Depends on where and what I'm walking on xD. But yay

Playing a video game~

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 18:28 (11 Years ago)
Yay! It was the first pokemon game I played :3

Going to the beach~

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 03:11 (11 Years ago)
Nay because I threw it away, yay because I still have a shiny. xD

Finding a kitten and it likes you~

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 03:02 (11 Years ago)
Yay! (though I've never played it)

Eating a bar of chocolate~

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 02:57 (11 Years ago)
YAY! OMG I LOVED SPACE MOUNTAIN. And all of Disney World. XD

Digging a tunnel to China! ;)

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 01:50 (11 Years ago)
5/10; It's a bit too plain for my liking >w<

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 01:30 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 01:19 (11 Years ago)
Yay (although I've never watched those before >_<)

Flying in a air plane~

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 00:22 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 00:12 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 00:08 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 02/02/2014 00:03 (11 Years ago)
So, I am completely done with my finals! :D
Putting everyone's chatots in the GTS, thank you for your patience!

@humza- Please do not double post. >_>

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Posted: Wed, 29/01/2014 07:10 (11 Years ago)
Buuuuurnnn! >:3

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Posted: Tue, 28/01/2014 21:04 (11 Years ago)
Yay! (I have Emerald xD)

Dancing to your favorite song~

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2014 21:37 (11 Years ago)
Oooh, I like this new system! It'll make more people become involved here! As for the eggs, tina seems to be onto something :3

And I'll be your valentine of course :p

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2014 00:39 (11 Years ago)
Oops, I misread that as 2. >_<
I'll accept the one you offered on, and cancel the other. Sorry about that!

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2014 00:30 (11 Years ago)
@jiyuan- They're in the GTS~

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