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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 14:22 (1 Month ago)

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 12:18 (1 Month ago)
“I’ll name you lemon “ said Lily
“I Like that name” said Lemon
lemon spotted the bushes rustling, and went to investigate

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 11:48 (1 Month ago)
@swampert, accepted!

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 10:53 (1 Month ago)
@draco if required I will go into more detail in palpad, more stuff about the reasons:
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due to the form being so jumbled up I can not really tell what is going on

and 2, because there isn’t any proper information on the characters appearance (example: colors[like if they don’t have the regular color] ) it makes it harder to imagine the roleplay, and when I want to make the banner, it would make it harder to imagine the colors and height

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 10:37 (1 Month ago)
pyro hugs Dakota tightly.
“Ello ello!” Says Lily
“It’s me, thorn!” Said thorn
“And maple!” Said maple
Lily sees spectrier in the distance, walking towards her smiling
“Spectrier!” says Lily, remembering spectrier giving her the stuff to mega evolve chompers
Lily hugs Dakota
“Dakota, meet my legendary Pokemon friend, spectrier!” Said Lily
Lily had kept it a secret to everyone except thorn and maple for long time, but she trusted Dakota enough to keep it secret
lily remembered taking care of spectrier when it was injured, thorn and maple helped alot
Lily hugged spectrier

“hello, Lily. I have came here for you to capture me. I look forward to the adventures we have” said spectrier
Lily grabbed a pokeball and held it out and spectrier touched it with its muzzle, “spectrier registered to your Pokédex!” said her rotom phone

“spectrier, come on out!” said her Lily. spectrier appeared out of its pokeball, Lily smiled

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2025 10:20 (1 Month ago)
@swampert, declined
didn’t use the proper form
you put appearance as “mudkip level 3” which doesn’t show me anything about what he looks like.

@orangepoplio accepted!

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 22:27 (1 Month ago)
“Dakota?” Bubba’s voice echoed

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 20:26 (1 Month ago)
Thorn noticed the bush moving, but she new she needed to rest
”dakota! im just chilling out with thorn and maple, if you want you can join us!” said Lily

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 20:22 (1 Month ago)
@swampert, yes! You can!

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 16:44 (1 Month ago)
Lily blushes
“yep!” Says Lily, sending out her Pokemon to eat

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 15:30 (1 Month ago)
Thorn lays down, her injury stung.
“good mornin, maple” says Thorn
“good morning, Thorn” said Maple
“HEY! maple! Thorny!” says Lily
“ms Bloomheart!” said Thorn

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 15:23 (1 Month ago)
@all, accepted!

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 13:21 (1 Month ago)
“when are we going to play?” Asked Bubba
“We can play at some point in alola” says Flareskull

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 12:20 (1 Month ago)
@spiderrs, accepted!(if you want you can add Dakota!)

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 11:42 (1 Month ago)

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 10:52 (1 Month ago)
@drakonia accepted!

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 10:24 (1 Month ago)
sign up here!

This roleplay will be in the galar region!(accepting pokemon and trainer sign ups!)
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some Pokemon have been mind-controlled and been stealing other Pokemon
so it’s up to project: anti mind control to stop them.

my forms
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Lily bloomheart

character name:lily bloomheart
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):
nicknames:lil, ms bloomheart
hometown: glimwood tangle
Pokemon team: chompers(mawile)[male] moon(umbreon)[female] frog(leafeon)[male] pyro(raboot)[male]
lemon(spectrier)[non-binary] Flower(shiny gible)[female]
(Some Pokemon will evolve)
(some Pokemon will be captured)


character name: maple
Appearance:a small sprigatito that wears a purple collar around his neck, he is the brother of thorn
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):magical leaf, hone claws, leafage.


character name:thorn
Appearance:a Floragato who currently has a bandage around her right leg due to a mind controlled charmander badly injuring it, she is the sister of maple
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):slash, seed bomb, energy ball, quick attack


character name:glacier
Appearance:a alolan ninetails who wears a deep blue scarf
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):dazzling gleam, ice shard, ice beam, psyshock.
nicknames:icy stare
Hometown: tapu village

angel webspark

character name: angel webspark
Appearance:a tall, blonde haired girl, she has a sylveon backpack that she always keeps with her. Her eyes are a nice, forest green
nicknames:Angelica, webspark
hometown:Glimwood tangle
Pokemon team(if they are a trainer, the Pokemon can also have nicknames):tango(shiny flareon)[male] empress(purrloin)[female] sylvio(sylveon)[male]


character name: Gemstone
Appearance: A mewtwo with bright yellow gems on her, the gems give her special powers. Eyes are also Yellow
moveset(if they are a Pokemon): aura sphere | psycho cut | future sight | recover
nicknames: Gem
gender+pronouns: female(she/her)
hometown: unknown


character name: Darkwing
Appearance: he is a regular murkrow, and he lost one of his wings. So he has a replacement wing.
moveset(if they are a Pokemon): Wing attack | Confuse ray | Hex | Acrobatics
nicknames: officer Darkwing.
gender+pronouns: male (he/him)
hometown: blackthorn

(More characters will be added)

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Posted: Sat, 25/01/2025 10:21 (1 Month ago)
roleplay here!

This roleplay will be in the galar region!(accepting pokemon and trainer sign ups!)
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some Pokemon have been mind-controlled and been stealing other Pokemon
so it’s up to project: anti mind control to stop them.

(You can change the form depending on if they are a trainer or a Pokemon)

character name:
Appearance:(description/ picture)
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):
Pokemon team(if they are a trainer, the Pokemon can also have nicknames):

my forms
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Lily bloomheart

character name:lily bloomheart
nicknames:lil, ms bloomheart
hometown: glimwood tangle
Pokemon team: chompers(mawile)[male] moon(umbreon)[female] frog(leafeon)[male] pyro(raboot)[male]
Lemon(spectrier)[non-binary] Flower(shiny Gible)[female]
(Some Pokemon will evolve)
(Some Pokemon will be caught)


character name: maple
Appearance:a small sprigatito that wears a purple collar around his neck, he is the brother of thorn
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):magical leaf, hone claws, leafage.


character name:thorn
Appearance:a Floragato who currently has a bandage around her right leg due to a mind controlled charmander badly injuring it, she is the sister of maple
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):slash, seed bomb, energy ball, quick attack


character name:glacier
Appearance:a alolan ninetails who wears a deep blue scarf
moveset(if they are a Pokemon):dazzling gleam, ice shard, ice beam, psyshock.
nicknames:icy stare
Hometown: tapu village

angel webspark

character name: angel webspark
Appearance:a tall, blonde haired girl, she has a sylveon backpack that she always keeps with her. Her eyes are a nice, forest green
nicknames:Angelica, webspark
hometown:Glimwood tangle
Pokemon team(if they are a trainer, the Pokemon can also have nicknames):tango(shiny flareon)[male] empress(purrloin)[female] sylvio(sylveon)[male]


character name: Gemstone
Appearance: A mewtwo with bright yellow gems on her, the gems give her special powers. her Eyes are also Yellow
moveset(if they are a Pokemon): aura sphere | psycho cut | future sight | recover
nicknames: Gem
gender+pronouns: female(she/her)
hometown: unknown


character name: Darkwing
Appearance: he is a regular murkrow, and he lost one of his wings. So he has a replacement wing.
moveset(if they are a Pokemon): Wing attack | Confuse ray | Hex | Acrobatics
nicknames: officer Darkwing.
gender+pronouns: male (he/him)
hometown: blackthorn

character name: Darkwing
Appearance: he is a regular murkrow, and he lost one of his wings. So he has a replacement wing.
moveset(if they are a Pokemon): Wing attack | Confuse ray | Hex | Acrobatics
nicknames: officer Darkwing.
gender+pronouns: male (he/him)
hometown: blackthorn

(More characters will be added)

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2025 20:18 (1 Month ago)

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2025 18:48 (1 Month ago)
“that offer is always their if you ever need help!” said Indigo
hey, does anyone want to play hide and seek? Since we’re probably gonna be here for a while why not try to have some fun!” Said flareskull
“that sounds fun!” Says Robyn
“Me!” Says Ruby
“I’ll play!” Said Bubba
“sure, why not! my name is Indigo” says Indigo

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