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Posted: Sun, 05/01/2020 21:53 (5 Years ago)
Sydney is actually getting quite nervous, but she takes a few deep breaths, then she walks forwards.

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Posted: Sun, 05/01/2020 21:47 (5 Years ago)
"How did I get here? I don't remember walking here," says the Oshawott.

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Posted: Sun, 05/01/2020 21:42 (5 Years ago)
An Oshawott named Sydney washes up on the beach and is unconscious, but she soon wakes up."Geez... where am I?" she asks herself.

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Posted: Sun, 05/01/2020 21:12 (5 Years ago)
May I join?

Name: Sydney
Age: 16
Gender: female
Pokemon: Oshawott
Are you from this world?: No. Sydney was originally a human.
Appearance: Sydney looks like a normal Oshawott, but she has glasses. Without them, she can barely see.
Personality: Sydney is quite kind, only fighting when it's absolutely necessary
Moveset: False Swipe; Razor Shell; Hydro Pump; Grass Knot (they're all learnable)
Other: Midgard

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2019 04:50 (5 Years ago)
Which one of us was accepted? Me, Crystal, or Banned?

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Posted: Mon, 30/12/2019 08:11 (5 Years ago)
Legendary Pokemon: Mewtwo
Name: Mirage
Knight Name: (can I just use the Pokémon?)
Age: 14
Level: 60
Are you new to RP?: No

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Posted: Sat, 07/09/2019 21:13 (5 Years ago)
Username: Mijumarulover1
Name: Kero
Gender: male
Pokemon: Froakie
Shiny: No
Appearance: a normal, non-shiny Froakie
Personality: kind; shy, so he doesn't talk much
Other: May I join?

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Posted: Fri, 06/09/2019 20:38 (5 Years ago)
What was the bump for?

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Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 00:07 (5 Years ago)

Title: Just Waiting


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Posted: Wed, 04/09/2019 00:03 (5 Years ago)
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Legend: Hoopa

Alternative Name/Nickname: Hoopz

Age: 19

Gender: female

Gijinka Appearance:  

Strengths: Hoopz is strong in her Confined form
Flaws: if Hoopz is in her Unbound form, she rages and damages a lot of stuff

Ability: Magician

Moves: Hyperspace Hole | Fire Punch | Gunk Shot | Focus Blast

Other: Is this acceptable?

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Posted: Tue, 03/09/2019 01:05 (5 Years ago)
(May I join? *sees date* DARN IT!)

Name: Mirage
Gender(optional): male
Ledgendary: Mewtwo
Personality: Mirage has a short temper, but whenever he gets upset, he tries his best to calm down
Look: a Mewtwo with a speaker on his stomach
Other: Mirage is great with battery-operated electronic devices. He can also use Roar. A Flash of blue light activates whenever the Roar is triggered.

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2019 23:10 (5 Years ago)
Sydney arrives at Hogwarts, and she's excited to try and learn as much helpful magic as possible. "Ready, Mirage?" She asks her friend. The small Mewtwo uses Roar happily in response. "Alright, but don't accidentally scare anyone with your roaring." Mirage uses Roar again, and this time the sound was a bit longer. "Mirage, if you misbehave or scare anyone, I WILL take out the batteries!" The Mewtwo stays silent after this.

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2019 22:58 (5 Years ago)
Oh. Sorry.

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2019 19:36 (5 Years ago)
(May I join? Wait a minute... *sees the date* Darn it!)

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2019 18:52 (5 Years ago)
Name: Miju
Age (2-16): 13
Gender: male
What kind of pokemon are you? (If you are a ghost pokemon, you must be Void's minion.): Oshawott
Looks? (Please try to include an image, Pal Pad me if you don't know how!):
What was happening before you were kidnapped?: Miju was trying to run away from a Drifloon, but he tripped over a tree root, so he was kidnapped by the Drifloon
Did you read the rules? If so, what's the password?: COOKIEZZZZZ!

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2019 18:26 (5 Years ago)
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Legend: Hoopa

Alternative Name/Nickname: N/A

Age: 19

Gender: female

Gijinka Appearance: either or

Strengths: Hoopa is strong in her Confined form
Flaws: if Hoopa is in her Unbound form, she rages and damages a lot of stuff

Ability: Magician

Moves: Hyperspace Hole | Psychic

Other: Is this acceptable?

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2019 15:55 (5 Years ago)
(May I join?)

Pokemon: Mewtwo
Nickname: Mirage
Picture of pokemon:
Personality: Mirage has a short temper, but whenever he gets upset, he tries his best to calm down
Likes: using his power, although he doesn't like using it when he doesn't need to
Have a trainer?: yes, Sydney
Other: I don't know why I thought this was a good idea...

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2019 15:21 (5 Years ago)
(I would like to start now, please.)

Sydney is excited to go to Hogwarts and learn as much helpful magic as possible. "Ready, Mirage?" She asks her friend. The small Mewtwo uses Roar happily in response. "Alright, but don't accidentally scare anyone with your roaring." Mirage uses Roar again, and this time the sound was a bit longer. "Hush! I don't want you to misbehave, nor do I want you to scare everyone." Mirage stays silent after this.

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Posted: Mon, 02/09/2019 04:21 (5 Years ago)

Title: May I Join?

Name: Sydney
Age: 17
Pokemon: a Mewtwo named Mirage
Brief bio: Sydney didn't know she was a witch, but her parents knew and enrolled her in Hogwarts. Because of this, Sydney tries to learn as much helpful magic as possible.
likes: Pokémon; magic; video games; and nice people
dislikes: rude people
Favorite classes (both magical and non magical if you went to a normal school before hand): Computer Graphics and Web Tech (non-magical classes)
Sexuality (just incase you want to make any relationships to last forever): Straight
Personality: Sydney is quite kind, and she does not want anything bad to happen to Mirage. If anything bad DOES happen to him, she will be quite frustrated.
Wand: a copper rod

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Posted: Sun, 01/09/2019 02:32 (5 Years ago)
(May I join?)


Name: Mewtwo
Nickname: Mirage
Gender: male
Legendary: Mewtwo
Personality: Mirage has a short temper, but whenever he gets upset, he tries his best to calm down
Appearance: ...this

Other: Mirage is great with battery-operated electronic devices. He can also use Roar. A Flash of blue light activates whenever the Roar is triggered.

(I know, this is stupid. My sincerest apologies.)

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