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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from FunnyWolf.
Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 13:36 (10 Years ago)
"We come in.. peace?" One of the humans said and looked around "We just need your best uh.. aliens... to come on our ship" another human said

Back on akzar

The hunter came back with a 3 eyed no tailed squirrel he took its fur and skin off then took the meat and cooked it "Hm.." He looked around his tree house in the higher trees it lead down a bridge into the main area it became darker as the sun set.

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 13:26 (10 Years ago)
a ship flew through a storm on fogenia and crashed into town it was large and acid did not damage the metal "Erk..." The pilot said "We're.. here... ugh.. Go get some of those .. whatever they are" The pilot said and 3 soldiers wearing armor ran outside the acid rain not damaging they're armor "Move out!" One of them said and then ran around town recruiting chooks (These are humans)

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Posted: Wed, 31/12/2014 00:46 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 16:38 (10 Years ago)
A Hunter silently watched a pig-like creature with 2 snouts instead of one he had his bow and arrow ready and aimed then something slammed into him a big furry creature blades came out of his elbows and he jumped at the creature and sliced its chest killing it the pig-like creature had escaped though.

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 16:23 (10 Years ago)
(Accepted We can start now)

a bunch of Akzarians walked around the jungles mainly across bridges up in the trees buying stuff from shops built inside trees there was also buildings on the ground but they avoided living down there because of the creatures that lurk around at night "How about 13 pieces of metalter for that human trash" An alien said pointing at a gun on the wall of a shop "Sure.." a blue and green alien with one arm handed him the gun and the akzarian gave him the 13 pieces of metalter The blue and green alien got back into his shop and flew off going to another town somewhere on the planet to sell things from space.

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Posted: Tue, 30/12/2014 12:34 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 29/12/2014 14:57 (10 Years ago)
You play as an alien race on a planet near or far from earth (Or you can be humans..) And must grow and control other planets and have war or peace with other aliens


1. No godmodding.. you cannot win a battle against everybody (Nor NPCs..)

2. You cannot kill an alien race unless you have permission from me and the user (NPC races may not be killed unless you have my permission)

3. More rules will be added

4. Have fun!


Alien race name:
What do they look like:
Whats the planet look like:
Planet name:
Anything else?:

My form

Alien race name:Akzarians
What do they look like: Human but Blades (Kinda like spikes) can come out of there elbow They also have a white or gray tail very rarely a brown or black tail
Whats the planet look like:Half of the planet is jungle and claimed by akzarians but then theres a small ocean and on the other side a unclaimed desert In the middle of the ocean is an island with the only volcano and its mainly jungle (That is also unclaimed)
Planet name:Akzar
Anything else?:Nope

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Posted: Fri, 26/12/2014 19:37 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 23/12/2014 13:27 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 19/12/2014 18:47 (10 Years ago)
I gave up on my snover hunt and decided to hunt absol

I also got this shiny today from my friend pwned as a gift

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Posted: Fri, 19/12/2014 12:35 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 18/12/2014 15:28 (10 Years ago)
Bumpity bump

Yay :3

Npw a Normal snover

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Posted: Thu, 18/12/2014 15:26 (10 Years ago)
20 ice gems for the icicle plate?

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Posted: Wed, 17/12/2014 17:29 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 17/12/2014 02:51 (10 Years ago)
sending one : D

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Posted: Wed, 17/12/2014 02:49 (10 Years ago)
15k PD for 5 packs? (Did i get the price right? I kinda stink at math)

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Posted: Tue, 16/12/2014 20:29 (10 Years ago)
It'd become a magikarp

If magikarp evolved into magikarp what would happen?

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Posted: Tue, 16/12/2014 18:36 (10 Years ago)
Welcome! I've decided to start up a shiny hunt shop

Lets start with the rules

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1: All PH rules Apply
2: Please Be patient And do not rush me (I've had a snover hunt take 150+ Eggs) I'll give you a warning and possibly cancel your hunt (If you complain enough)
3: Please do not prepay
4: Im only hunting 2 shinys per person at a time Both hunts will take a spot (If you want me to hunt 2 magikarps then they'll each take up different spots)
5: More rules are going to be added! (If needed or if i think of more)

Im only going to have 5 spots Once they're full i may add a 6th spot (Especially if i like your offer)

1. Nobody

2. Nobody

3. Nobody

4. Nobody

5. Nobody

I've decided i'll be hunting mega's for people it'll be a smaller list (Only 1 mega per person any extras will be sold to whoever has the best offer or i'll keep them)

List of people who want megas

1. Nobody

2. Nobody

3. Nobody

Price guide (For shinys) (I'm less likely to accept PD since i do not need it)
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Basically just offer (Items nuggets PD etc)

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Posted: Tue, 16/12/2014 04:59 (10 Years ago)
sending! ^^

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Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 17:02 (10 Years ago)
I'd like to buy 7 packs (21k right? sorry if im wrong i woke up earlier today)

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