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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Emil_.
Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 23:14 (6 Years ago)
First off, I wasn't saying to kill the SK. I just said that most serial killers in this game random kill.
How is assuming they're evil suspicious? I'm just a townie, I can be scared that they'll kill me too. I'm not saying I was, just stating that I can. I know they can be important like the vigilante, but they'll need to figure out each role first.

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 23:06 (6 Years ago)
(Oh mang)
Harrison, startled, glanced to StarBurst, who had made her way under the nearest cover. "Where did that come from!" He took out StarBurst's pokeball, apologizing, before sending her back in. "Hhh..." He bit his lip, starting to get a bit cold. "Curse the fact that I didn't wear a jacket..."

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 22:51 (6 Years ago)
Mirinja, you're really bent on taking Anarchy down. If you look at previous rounds, people have spoken of other roles or groups without being part of the group.
Plus, the serial killer usually randomly kills people. Unless they're on a side, they will just kill whoever they want, usually to win on their own.

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 03:28 (6 Years ago)
Lillian smiled at her familiar, nodding in agreement. "It eon't take long to get used to the schedule, I'n sure." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she plodded to the bathroom, looking around for her toothbrush. "Hmmph..." she grabbed it, starting to run it through her hair, which was a mess from last night. "How was your sleep?"

Jonas looked back at his wizard, smiling. "Hey, you're up." He mused, running his hand through his own hair. "You need to get ready, class'll be starting... eventually. It'll be better to be prepared." He went quickly into his natural form, ruffling his feathers more than they already were in the process, and started to clean them.

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 02:34 (6 Years ago)
Harrison huffed, rubbing his arm. "Really sucks to be you, doesn't it." StarBurst mumbled, grinning her odd infernape grin. Harrison jumped, looking to her. "Miss me?" Harrison shook his head, still rubbing his arm. "Maybe. You gave me the silent treatment."

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 00:46 (6 Years ago)
Lillian rolled over in bed, the movement pulling her from her dream. She grumbled, not wanting to wake up, only wanting to go back to sleep, back to dreaming. "Why are mornings so haaaard..." she grumbled, rubbing her haid, before opeming up her eyes halfway and slowly getting off the bed.

Jonas smiled as he woke up, popping up quickly and stretching. He looked outside, and smiled. "I'm sure it'll be a lovely day today." He got up, glancing around. "Not sure what to do until I have to get ready..." he mused, not caring that he was talking to himself.

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 00:17 (6 Years ago)
Harrison furrowed his eyebrows when he heard Kelsey sigh. "Sorry, I-" he grunted, glancing to StarBurst. "I just got excited when I saw your torterra- another Sinnoh trainer, right...?"

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 00:02 (6 Years ago)
After healing his pokemon, Harrison stepped out, looking around and seeing a Torterra. He smiled. "Look, StarBurst, another Sinnoh trainer!" He began to walk over to the torterra, smiling at Kelsey. "Hey there-"

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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 23:26 (6 Years ago)
Starburst let go of Harrison, and he awkeardly skated his way to a pokemon center to heal the rest of his team. "Oh, Arceus, I hate these things- when can I take them off." He mumbled and he awkwardly went into the center, taking them off anyways and placing them in his bag. "Hhh..."

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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 23:04 (6 Years ago)
Harrison continued to struggle, StarBurst finally helping to keep him up. "Thanks, but it's a little late." He mumbled. Starburst grinned simply, looking up. "We're almost to the fountain." Harrison mused, waving his arms as he lost balance again.

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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 22:48 (6 Years ago)
Harrison was trying to roller skate to the nearest city, Lumiose. He kept wobbling, and questioned why he even agreed to try them when he feel over again. "Geez, StarBurst, I don't understand these." Starburst replied with a noise similar to a laugh and walked ahead. "Seriously? The silent treatment?" He grunted, trying to get up.

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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 22:08 (6 Years ago)
I'mma try to reserve a spot!

Name: Harrison Lewis
Age: 16
Appearance: Harrison has tan skin and dark brown hair, which he tries to keep tidy. He wears a pale gray bandanna over a white shirt/black overcoat combo. He wears simple blue jeans.
Personality: A very soft emotional boy! He also always insists on things being tidy and orderly. Harrison often gets angered at people, and will run his hand through his hair, messing it up and possibly angering him further. As of now he's trying his hardest to be an optimist.
Team: StarBurst | Infernape | Female | Partner Pokémon
Flame Wheel, Close Combat, Flare Blitz, Leer
Chomper | Deino | Male |
Tackle, Bite, Leer
Lucky | Bellossom | Male
magical leaf, leaf storm, leaf blade, sweet scent
Suzanne | Glaceon | Female
Icy wind, Bite, Ice fang, Ice shard
Howard | Male | Staraptor
Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Double Team
Summon Item: n/a
History: Hailing from Sinnoh, Harrison lived in a small home, alone with his father and grandparents. He had no siblings, and life was a struggle, with his grandparents in a constant struggle to find jobs, and his father constantly working. (Wip)
Ability: can communicate with fire and ice types, but only when the pokemon wishes to speak.
Crush/BF/GF: --
Other: slight Russian accent, but the orgin is unknown

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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 20:20 (6 Years ago)
I'm not saying they hate eggs. I was trying to say stay on topic. So no talking about your eggs, or pokemon. Please only talk about the Mafia game in this thread.

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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 20:18 (6 Years ago)
Pokemon, 1) It is possible to descover who the SK is now. You're acting a little suspicious, in my opinion.
2) this forum is for game conversations only. No talking about hating eggs. Please.

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Posted: Sun, 11/03/2018 20:03 (6 Years ago)
J e e z.
The guard keeps guarding doctors and jailkeepers, that's the third time in a row, iirc. Dang.
Lots of night one deaths- and we have lost our protective roles. Hopefully we can get the rest of the mafia down.

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Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 19:15 (6 Years ago)
Nish posted on the last page

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Posted: Sat, 10/03/2018 18:43 (6 Years ago)
Haha, that was the best.
You already know my vote. Nobody's suspicious enough.

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 18:55 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 15:09 (6 Years ago)
I'm in! If I can

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Posted: Tue, 06/03/2018 23:02 (6 Years ago)
Jean nodded again, mumbling. "That's why I said act like it- but whatever. Personally, I have no clue where Lili is."

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