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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Dezrien.
Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:33 (3 Years ago)
Togepi didn't definitely hug a sad ranboo.

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:31 (3 Years ago)
18. Squirt someone wearing white outside of the mall with pee-colored Gatorade.

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:29 (3 Years ago)
Unbanned for unbanned.

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:28 (3 Years ago)
It hit's Professor Rowan on the other side of the fountain, who takes your Pokedex and bans you from PH

GRRR!!! Yamper, use thunder bolt! *All the pokemon in the fountain faint* *Lightly drops coin in*

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:27 (3 Years ago)
Good. Don't eat my duckies.


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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:24 (3 Years ago)
Your Eevee suddenly Evolves into Steeleon-

*Pokes coin carefully until it falls in the fountain*

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:23 (3 Years ago)
That leaves me banned. Banned for being unfair.

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:22 (3 Years ago)
I'd ask to play Pokemon instead of doing homework

What if I was your substitute teacher?

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:21 (3 Years ago)
A Magnemite passes by and floats away with the coin. Slighlty increased item chance from fishing and rumble missions!

*Yeets coin into water*

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:19 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:18 (3 Years ago)
Oh, I was playing the phone game again...

Now on 3-3-22:
മുകളിൽ പറഞ്ഞ കമന്റ് എഴുതിയവർക്ക് എന്തോ കുഴപ്പമുണ്ട്

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:15 (3 Years ago)
Any time you negate a power, you obtain that power without the ability to control it. (ie, you stop one from teleporting. you then begin teleporting to random places across the globe, rapidly, with no ability to control it.)

Regenerating stasis (i.e. if I'm about to die, I could go into stasis for a month and come back perfectly fine)

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:12 (3 Years ago)
I am the clover, where is the forest?

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:10 (3 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:07 (3 Years ago)
I am bread...

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:06 (3 Years ago)
Flapping his wings!

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:05 (3 Years ago)
Stoutland (American Forme)

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:04 (3 Years ago)
Your banned for wanting to be banned.

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:03 (3 Years ago)
📞🦆<[I wanna watch them go crazy tho-

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Posted: Thu, 03/03/2022 00:03 (3 Years ago)
Yes, but what IS the unclaimed Grass starter?

Waiter. There. Is. A. Skool. Bus. In. My. Soup!

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