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Searching for: Posts from CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.
Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 05:24 (8 Years ago)
I do not regret assigning the snek recolors. Not one bit. Those colors look so awesome on those Pokemon, and you did very nicely with placing the colors. The animations are also lovely. *^* (Where do you get your sprites? Because the sprite sites I know of are Pokestadium.com and Spriters-resource.com.)

Basic Recolors:
Please try Togetic as Empoleon and vice versa, as well as Crawdaunt as Sharpedo and vice versa.

Please try a three frame Slurpuff, a four frame Donphan and a 2 frame Pansear. (And if there is only one sprite, feel free to get creative. Such as making the Pokemon wink, blink, etc.)

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Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 05:04 (8 Years ago)
Again, the ear is layered above the Kirby's arm. It's tricky with ears, though. *^* You just have to erase the part of the ear that is covering the little arm. X3 The rest of it is great! :D The egg is cute! <3 And the musical is perfect. *^*

Dratini and Poliwag, please.

The Rattata line, please.

Two flying types of your choice, please.

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Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 01:25 (8 Years ago)
I see you also made the Froslass, so nice! The charms are just lovely. :3 I noticed that Anorith and Armaldo have dark grey spots, as well as black spots on them, whereas it should only be black. I don't see any on the other two, though, so very nice. X3 The berry babies are perfect, as usual.

Please try the Poliwag line.

Please try any Pokemon of your choice, but use shiny Pokemon.

Berry Babies:
Please try Slowking, Golurk, Reuniclus and Accelgor using berries of your choice.

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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 10:40 (8 Years ago)
Those look awesome! I love Shuckle! *^*

Please try a 2 frame Darumaka and a 3 frame Sharpedo.

Please try a party using a tag team sprite. (Ex: Twins, couples, Liza & Tate, etc.) You can choose which Pokemon to add.

Aww, so cute!! The Kirby looks awesome, except the ears should lie behind the arm stubs. x'D Also, I forgot to tell you that you can get creative with the eggs rather than just fusing. Like, add the yellow belly onto the Charmander egg. That kind of thing. Medicham is awesome! :D

Please try Marill.

Please try Oshawott.

Please try Garchomp.

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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 08:06 (8 Years ago)
Fortunately, I have a fusion sprite in my journal when I looked, so I know you can fuse/recolor. X3 Accepted. Edit the password out, please.


If you understand, please try Zorua.


If you understand, please try Charmander.


If you understand, please try Medicham.

Fixed it up. :3 I don't think I labeled you as inactive. So feel free to take a student unless they request a specific teacher. x3

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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 07:25 (8 Years ago)
You left the prerequisites part unfilled. X3

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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 04:32 (8 Years ago)
You forgot Froslass, but it's okay. They look great. :3 The white electric parts on the oven mitt/electric part of Rotom look half finished, to me. Sometimes you just have to scratch sprite some extra pixels in when that happens. @-@ It's more of a pain, but it's worth it. The Berries are amazing! <3

Please try Metagross, Gastly, Floette and Gallade.

Please try the Fossils from Hoenn. (Lileep, Cradily, Anorith and Armaldo.)

Berry Babies:
Please try a Pamtre Cofagrigus, Enigma Kecleon, Iapapa Ponyta and a Ganlon Ariados.

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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 02:36 (8 Years ago)
You forgot to darken the outlines on Ekans's belly, because without those, the shadow/ink on the belly is kind of awkward. However, the rest of it looks just fine, and the Cherrim is quite adorable! X3 Very nice job with the charm. :D

Please try the Snorunt line. (Not including the Mega.)

Please try 3 electric types of your choice.

Berry Babies:
Please try a Cornn Weepinbell, Pinap Exeggutor, and a Sitrus Bunnelby.

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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 01:23 (8 Years ago)
I hope you meant this sprite. x'D Edit the password out, please. :3


Omw, I hope you like it. >w< Edit the password out, please.


Here you are! C: Edit the password out, please.


Mega Latios and Mega Latias are the same Pokemon, palette-wise. So I assumed you meant regular Latias? Because regular Latias is red, whilst Mega Latias is the exact same color as Mega Latios, and it would've been the same sprite if I were to do that? o3o Edit the password out, please. ^-^


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Posted: Wed, 27/07/2016 01:10 (8 Years ago)
Those look awesome! Great trainer choice, as well! ^^

Please try a four frame Shuckle.

Please try one of your in-game parties. :3 (Whether it be from one of the games or PH.)

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Posted: Tue, 26/07/2016 02:26 (8 Years ago)
I think Buizel's sprite is perfect for a couple. *^*♥ Edit the password out, please.



Thanks for the tip, and I'm glad that you loved it! >w<

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Posted: Tue, 26/07/2016 02:25 (8 Years ago)
I'm not entirely sure. </3 I hope someone can answer that- as I don't use paint.

AHH, sorry! I forgot to specify. Sunny, please. ;w;

Accepted! I will PM you now.

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Posted: Mon, 25/07/2016 02:30 (8 Years ago)
Oh. I'm not sure where to find those. I never use sprites that aren't transparent. </3 Is there another site/program that you know and also makes them transparent? I'm kind of dumb when it comes to other programs, yaaay. @w@;

I do like those. Especially the Bulbasaur! The Pokecharm is a little unbalanced with the outlines, and it's kind of my fault for not telling you about that. `x'D If you prefer dark black outlines, recolor the menu sprites outlines black. If you just prefer to leave it as is, use this base:

And the differences would look like these...

Dark outlines:

Grey outlines:

Do you see the difference? ^-^ Use whichever you prefer, because both will work.

Please try Lopunny.

Please try Ekans.

Berry Babies:
Please try a Cheri Cherrim.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2016 08:32 (8 Years ago)
Okay, cool! Just want everyone to have fun and not worry about time, so work at your own pace. AH, Haban berry Numel. xD That's what it looks like. *^* Oh, no, I like the different frame rate. I mean, you can go anywhere you want with the frame rate as you see fit. As long as it works. The setting I usually pick just seems to work for most Pokemon in general, but I like that you're going with what you think will work nicely. ^^

Please try Serperior as Seviper and vice versa.

Please try a 4 frame Buizel and Floatzel.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2016 07:07 (8 Years ago)
AHH, no, shh, it's fine. xD But you're accepted to receive the exam, so edit the password out, please. :3 I'll send the exam, now, and then once you pass, I shall add you as soon as possible. ^w^

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2016 06:18 (8 Years ago)
Accepted. Edit the password out, please. C:

Show hidden content
First, go to Ezimba.com. Then click load image.

Then load the first frame and click load image.

Then click frame animation.

Then, one by one, load each frame in order.

Then set the speed to 1/4 and the loop to infinite. Also uncheck that auto resize or the sprite will be blurry!

Then click view full size image.

Now right click the image and click save as and save it to photobucket, or whatever you may use because Ezimba does not save the sprites. It will throw them away in, I believe 90 days and then your sprite will be gone forever. So beware!

If you understand, please try a 3 frame Magcargo.

If you understand, please try a fire type party.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2016 04:44 (8 Years ago)
Nah, I think the animation turned out great! At least that speed works well for a Yanma, since they move quickly. Maybe slow it down just a bit for other ones, though. :0 I like how you used the red in Oddish's eyes for the cheeks; rather than green. *^* I think they look great! ^w^ (And again, you don't have to use Ezimba. You can use whichever you're comfortable with, as long as it produces sprites that aren't blurry/saved on JPEG.)

Please try Carvanha as Numel and vice versa.

Please try a 2 frame Lucario.

(Also, I get this a lot, so I'm going to just tell newer people from now on. There's absolutely no rush to finish, so no stress or deadlines.)

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2016 02:23 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! Edit the password out, please. :3 Use whichever program you're comfortable with and can use well.

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First, go to Ezimba.com. Then click load image.

Then load the first frame and click load image.

Then click frame animation.

Then, one by one, load each frame in order.

Then set the speed to 1/4 and the loop to infinite. Also uncheck that auto resize or the sprite will be blurry!

Then click view full size image.

Now right click the image and click save as and save it to photobucket, or whatever you may use because Ezimba does not save the sprites. It will throw them away in, I believe 90 days and then your sprite will be gone forever. So beware!

If you understand, please try a 3 frame Yanma. :3

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The palette idea is there in case you get confused with colors, and some Pokemon... oh my, they are just confusing. So just make sure you erase the palette when you're finished so that it's not hanging around in the sprite afterwards. ^^

If you understand, please try Pachirisu as Oddish and vice versa.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2016 01:48 (8 Years ago)
Yes, that's it. x'D Edit the password out of your post, please, as you are accepted. :3

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Go to Pokestadium.com, And click the tool section at the top of the website, and type in the Pokemon you would like to use. Make sure you click the miscellaneous sprites, and then the menu sprites of the Pokemon should pop up. Just copy/paste it onto the editor that you're using, and surround it evenly with the charm ends. That's pretty much it, really. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. Don't have a tutorial for this made.


((X/Y menu sprites))

If you understand, please try Politoed.

If you understand, please try Ditto.

Show hidden content

((Just look up the official berry sprite of whichever one is chosen, and copy/paste it onto the editor you're using, and you can use its colors there.))

If you understand, please try a Chesto Bulbasaur.

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Posted: Sun, 24/07/2016 01:07 (8 Years ago)
Mega Latias looks so stubby now. x'D Edit the password out, please.


Np! I appreciate the tips. C: Edit the password out, please.



Omw, Gastly fangs. *^*♥ Edit the password out, please.



Here you are! C: Edit the password out, please.


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