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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from t0asssty.
Posted: Thu, 25/02/2021 20:05 (4 Years ago)
banned for being a good boi nevertheless :3

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Posted: Thu, 25/02/2021 17:57 (4 Years ago)
100% good :D

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Posted: Thu, 25/02/2021 17:28 (4 Years ago)
banned because your nick starts with a lowercase letter

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Posted: Thu, 25/02/2021 07:25 (4 Years ago)
banned because I slept a good 8 hours and still am tired af

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 20:30 (4 Years ago)
banned because it can be, look at poems

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 19:55 (4 Years ago)
banned because i dont know if that was supposed to be french mixed into your sentence or just an abbreviation i dont know

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 19:52 (4 Years ago)
good, because there is no way breloom could be evil :)

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 18:50 (4 Years ago)
banned because work is no game

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 18:35 (4 Years ago)
banned because your username lets people believe you have been banned before

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 14:29 (4 Years ago)
banned because food is a basic human right and JoeG should definitely get some right now :0c

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Posted: Wed, 24/02/2021 14:09 (4 Years ago)
You are banned, because I decided to make this post grammatically correct and use proper capitalization. (I hope, otherwise this would be embarrassing.)

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Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 23:33 (4 Years ago)
very good mafia mom :3c

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Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 22:54 (4 Years ago)
good :3

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Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 19:56 (4 Years ago)
banned because you're online :D

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Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 19:12 (4 Years ago)
banned cuz your pfp is an evolution of eevee

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Posted: Tue, 23/02/2021 15:39 (4 Years ago)
banned because I'm having tea right now

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2021 22:18 (4 Years ago)
banned because your signature has multiple colors and font sizes

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Posted: Mon, 22/02/2021 07:45 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 21:01 (4 Years ago)
sending ~

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2021 14:33 (4 Years ago)
Good but definitely has an attitude xD

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