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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 20:07 (7 Years ago)
Kara watched Z in fascination, wondering what kind of power this could be. She thought again of the dark presence that she sensed when was close to her, and pondered for a bit. Perhaps some sort of symbiosis..., Kara thought, as she watched the two girls proceed.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 20:05 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind nodded, " Yeah, we have a river that runs through the forest and into the desert. Very plentiful, but we had a major flooding problem recently...," Duskwind trailed off, not exactly wanting to remember that night. " Do you want to check it out?, " He mewed, pausing in his walk.

Dawnpelt purred, " I'm fine now, you fought hard enough for a whole clan, " she insisted. " After Greenbush and Tigerstripe tend to the others who are more injured, then I'l allow them to look me over." Just the act of sitting down was allowing her body to relax finally. Her paws and legs ached and the cut on her face stung, but she was relieved that no one was taken to Starclan this day.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 19:45 (7 Years ago)
" Well, in the forest, you have your basic mice, voles, squirrels, rabbits." Duskwind mewed, " Then, where the trees thin in the desert, you can find lizards and snakes. Tough eating, but surprisingly tasty. " Duskwind padded through the dark forest, glancing up at the stars that peaked through the nearly leaf-bare branches.

Dawnpelt placed a paw gently on Ashpelt as he licked her wounds, " Don't worry about me, you need to lie still. I'm afraid the rest of your fur is going to fall out, " she said gently, purring softly.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 19:15 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt watched Mudfeather pad away before heading towards the medicine cat's den. As she entered the den, she sat by Ashpelt gently as to not disturb him.

Duskwind looked at the gathering patrol approvingly. " Alright, let's go before it gets too late. I'm sure everyone's asleep on their paws, " he meowed, leading the cats out through the bramble tunnel and into the forest.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 18:13 (7 Years ago)
( Wow, I would find myself brotherless if that happened -_-; I just got a new laptop, i am guarding it with my life at this point )

Dawnpelt did indeed feel as exhausted as she looked. She just wanted to make sure the clan was taken care of before she took care of herself. " Ashpelt is resting in the medicine cat's den, he's....a bit roughed up. " she said. " But, I have faith in our medicine cats, " she added. " Speaking of which, I think I should get some herbs for myself, " she mewed. Dawnpelt stood up stiffly, " You may choose to resume your vigil or not, " she said. " I believe Starclan has approved of your warrior status, "

Duskwind nodded and padded to the stream, dipping the moss ball gently into the waters. He carried the ball carefully back to Ashpelt, nudging it near to his head. " I'll be getting some food for you guys, don't get into any more battles, " he mewed, and padded out of the den. He headed towards Hawkpool and the other Pineclan warriors. " IF anyone is still standing on their paws, join the hunting patrol, " he meowed loudly for the camp to hear.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 17:56 (7 Years ago)
( I'm actually at work now, but im on my laptop all day so its free reign XD )

Dawnpelt nodded, " Thank you, Mudfeather. I'll make a note of that, " she said, " We'll do more camp repairs at first light. You may get some rest for now, " Dawnpelt insisted.

Duskwind nodded, and padded down the tall rock towards the medicine cat's den. He walked by the raspberry bush and into the den, looking for Tigerstripe. " Hey, " he mewed. " Flamestar need's some attention, I think, " he said. He looked at Ashpelt resting in his mossy nest. " Ashpelt, how you feeling?," he mewed.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 17:38 (7 Years ago)
( I love how we're all randomly active in the middle of the day, this never happens. Or, at least its the middle of the day for me)

Dawnpelt padded towards Mudfeather, sitting near where she worked. " Thank you for working on this so soon. We can't be too careful. " she mewed. " This must be some first night as a warrior for you, " Dawnpelt said, proud of the young warrior for holding up her own.

Dawnpelt observed the interesting dynamic between the two clan leaders. " We are grateful for your help, " he mewed softly, looking from Icestar to Hawkpool. I'll be sharing a den with Hawkpool for a few moons?, the thought stood out in his mind. He shook his head, and faced his leader. " I'm going to swing by the medicine cat's den before going on the hunting patrol. They may need more supplies, " he mewed. And I'm going to send Tigerstripe up here..., he added silently to himself.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 17:09 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt nodded and pulled herself from the nursery. Her ears pricked as she heard Greenbush and Feathercloud shouting across the camp. At least that means Feathercloud isn't too injured..., she thought. She noted that they would indeed need prey. She looked around the camp, her eyes resting on Lilystream for a moment. She decided to look for Mudfeather, wishing to know her status as well.

Duskwind looked back into the leader's den as Flamestar spoke, " Hawkpool wanted to speak with you, " he mewed, and gestured to Hawkpool with his tail.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 16:59 (7 Years ago)
Kara stared down at Aria in astonishment. Wow! Now THATS a power!, she thought, stooping down to look at mouse Aria. Kara could still hear her thoughts, and something else as well. I feel...mousey, she thought, fascinated.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 16:49 (7 Years ago)

Duskwind made a noise to signal to the conversing leaders that he was there, not wanting to disturb them. He glanced over the camp from the vantage point, his ears drooping at the state of things.

Dawnpelt lay with her kits and Flowerheart for a few moments longer, relishing the peaceful moment for as long as she could. Before she too could fall asleep, she gently lifted herself from the bundle of sleeping kits. " Flowerheart, if you need anything, please tell me, " she mewed, looking at the queen.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 16:29 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind looked up as Hawkpool spoke to him, mildly spacing out, tired from the fighting. " Oh, hmm, " He pricked his ears as he listened to the voices of his clanmates around the camp. " I think I hear Firestar near his den, come on, " He stood up, and lead Hawkpool to the tallrock, where Firestar and Icestar were speaking.

Dawnpelt purred to her kits as they ate their herbs dutifully, " Ashpelt is home, he is resting in the medicine cat's den. They'll take care of him, you must rest for now, " she said, nudging her kits gently with her nose. She lay near them, forming a circle with Flowerheart around them, wanting to see them sleep.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 15:54 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt licked Ashpelt's ear one more time before picking up the herbs that Tigerstripe brought for her, " I'll be back soon," she purred to him as she exited the den.

Sunkit buried her face in the pelts of her brother and Flowerheart, wanting this night to be over. Her small ears pricked as she scented her mother coming near to the nursery. " I have some herbs from Tigerstripe," she mewed, placing the herbs down. She picked up the thyme and stepped closely to her kits. " I want both of you to eat this, it will make you feel better," she urged.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 15:38 (7 Years ago)
" It's okay, you don't need to, " Sunkit mewed, licking her brother's head. " Duskwind told us that our father was safe, " she said, " He saved you, didn't he?"

Dawnpelt gently guided her mate to the nest that Hawkpool had set up in the medicine cat's den. She sat beside him, trying to make him feel as comfortable as she could. " Can I bring herbs to Flowerheart and the kits? You seem like you will have your paws full, " she mewed to the medicine cats.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 14:58 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt looked to the bramble tunnel, her eyes widening with shock as she saw her mate. She stopped herself from panicking. it could've been worse. They're all alive, she consoled to herself. She padded over to Tigerstripe and helped her carry Ashpelt to the medicine cat's den. " Bramblekit is safe, " she whispered to him, knowing that was what he wanted to hear.

Sunkit was shaking as she sidled up next to her brother. "I don't think I've ever been more afraid, " she mewed. " What happened to you after you were...taken?," she asked, afraid to hear the answer.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 14:44 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt shook her head. “ Tend to the others first. “ she mewed. Her ear flicked as she heard Hawkpool approaching the den, and she stood to greet her. “ Where is Ashpelt?,” she asked, curiously looking to the bramble tunnel.

Sunkit uncurled from the tight ball she had assumed and nudged her brother, getting close to him. “ I was worried I would never see you again,” she cried.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 13:57 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind smiled as Feathercloud went to the medicine cat's den, then remembered why he was there and turned to speak to his sister. " Ashpelt is alive and...well, maybe not well." He added, " But, he'll live. And Tigerstripe is with him, they should be back soon, " he reassured.

Dawnpelt nodded, closing her eyes with relief. Alive is good, she thought. " Thank you, Duskwind,[/i]" she said, opening her eyes. She walked out of the nursery and into the medicine cat's den, standing before Greenbush and Feathercloud.

"Greenbush," she mewed. " Could you come to the nursery? I think Flowerheart and Bramblekit need some assistance, " Dawnpelt was finally feeling the sting of her wounds, her eye's wincing from the slash over her muzzle. That will leave an attractive scar..., she thought to herself.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 13:36 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt shifted her gaze to Feathercloud, her eyes softening as she saw the state of the warrior. "The both of you, you defended this place with your life. I can't thank you enough, " Dawnpelt inspected some of Feathercloud's wounds, gently licking the gash under her eye. " Let's go see Greenbush, " she said softly, nudging Feathercloud.

Duskwind ran directly to the nursery, padding by his clan mates licking their wounds and assessing the damage. He saw Dawnpelt and Feathercloud speaking inside and stood by the entrance. " Woah, Feathercloud. I hope the other cat looks worse, " he mewed, trying to tease his friend.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 13:19 (7 Years ago)
Kara looked up at Z as she spoke, and quickly ran across the stone floor and position herself behind her. She didn't stand too close to Z, however, not wishing to feel that dark force any more than she had to. She hugged her bag tight to her body as she watched the others. I wonder what kind of powers the do have..., Kara thought as she looked at Aeryn and Aria.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 12:23 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt carried her kit to the nursery, gently placing him down in the mossy nest near Flowerheart. She groomed him gently, purring and speaking soft words. She looked up at Flowerheart after a moment, who has Sunkit sleeping by her. “ Flowerheart...”, she began. “ Are you alright?,” she asked the queen.

Duskwind watched Tigerstripe at her work for a moment before padding back into the woods. He quickened his pace, his paws scuffing the dry leaves on the forest floor. Soon, he could see he bramble tunnel before him, and dashed through.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 12:16 (7 Years ago)
Kara gasped and crouched down low, holding her bag over her head as the energy comet whooshed over the group. She felt the panic from the others welling up inside her, amplifying her own fear. She scurried to a wall, trying to be out of the way. This is absurd! I can’t fight,, she thought, breathing heavily. She watched, hoping the others would ‘discover’ their powers soon.

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