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I'm Feeling Lucky
Searching for: Posts from ~Ruka_Shimizu~.
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 21:52 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 21:23 (7 Years ago) |
(Don't hurt me! I'm an innocent townie! Maybe?) [Read more] |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 17:12 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 17:05 (7 Years ago) |
Kira- She was wheeling her suitcase and carrying a large handbag while skipping in heels. Suprisingly she didn't hurt herself or trip. She grabbed her keys and a paper packet from a nice lady at the front desk and hopped into the elevator. She looked at her key marked 253 and entered the corosponding room. Mirai- She walked into the school with her duffel and suitcase. They weighted like 30 pounds each so she struggled with them. She grabbed her room key from the lady at the front desk and dragged her stuff to room 237. Her lucky numbers. She threw her stuff to the side of the room and sat on the floor. [Read more] |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 16:55 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sat, 11/03/2017 15:02 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 21:57 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Fri, 10/03/2017 14:17 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Wed, 08/03/2017 00:56 (7 Years ago) |
hidden content
Name: Rowan Glim
Nickname: None Age: 17 Gender/Sex: Demigirl Personality: Very quiet. She loves painting and is very talented when it comes to art and music. She is very philosophical. When she is angry or feels strongly about something she'll get infuriated easily. Her standards for a relationship are very high. Appearance: She has a nose stud on her left side and wears baggy hoodies and jeans most of the time. Sexuality: Pansexual but likes feminine beings more Crush: Harper Soulmate: Harper Other: Show
hidden content
Name: Kira Taylor
Nickname: Kira Age: 15 Gender/Sex: Female Personality: Very fun loving. Slightly dense. Is the kinda person you'd invite to a party if you want it to be awesome. Appearance: Sexuality: She doesn't like labels Crush: Sean Soulmate: Sean Other: Show
hidden content
Name: Mirai Nickname: Age: 15 Gender/Sex: Female Personality: Mellow and always ready to do something. She loves cuddling and sweets. Appearance: Sexuality: Pansexual Crush: Yui Soulmate: Yui Other: [Read more] |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Mon, 06/03/2017 18:10 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 20:43 (7 Years ago) |
Rowan- She walked over to Levi and stood behind him. [Read more] |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 18:26 (7 Years ago) |
Rowan- She woke up to find her head on the table. Her neck and shoulders hurt quite a bit. [Read more] |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 18:09 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 17:50 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 17:07 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 06:09 (7 Years ago) |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 05:56 (7 Years ago) |
Rowan- "Thanks. Youre the best twin I could ever ask for." She leaned her head into Levi's chest more and felt her eyes closing. [Read more] |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 05:24 (7 Years ago) |
Rowan- "I'll be fine. It's only one meal. Besides I can sneak into the kitchens and cook myself something." She looked up. "I just wanna sleep." She sobbed. [Read more] |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 04:41 (7 Years ago) |
Rowan- She looked at the food. There where only three items. She went over to Levi without getting any food. "I will cook for the whole camp if need be. I just want more food choices. And more variety. It's all comfort food." Her stomache rumbled quietly and she layed her head down on the table. Where where the eclairs and such? [Read more] |
~Ruka_Shimizu~ OFFLINE Forum Posts: 90 |
Posted: Sun, 05/03/2017 02:34 (7 Years ago) |
Rowan- "Very hungry. And don't comment on what I eat. I've seen you devour entire cakes in one sitting." She sighed, "At this rate you'll be single forever." She lightly elbowed her twin and continued to drag him to the Big House. [Read more] |