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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 05:46 (2 Days ago)
Ayran faltered.

Should he help or not?

What were the chances that the person in front of him wasn't Mona in the first place? He couldn't possibly be so unlucky that someone would try the same trick twice on the same day right?

Ayran bit his back molar in contemplation.

Perhaps he was being too cautious for no reason. Right, he should feel guilty casting his suspension on an innocent young lady such as Mona.

Afterall, Mona is a nice girl.

"Well.. I wouldn't say I have a similar mind to Kendo, but.. I shall try my very best Lady Mona." Ayran bowed and temporarily washed away his doubts.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 05:38 (2 Days ago)
"Is.. that so"

Warning bells went off his head. Perhaps it was due to Trixie's earlier attempts, but Ayran is now skeptical at any slight flaws or inconsistencies a person might have towards him. Was he being to skeptical? After all, how could someone replicate a person's appearance so perfectly?

But even then.. it was better to be safe than sorry.

Ayran put an apologetic expression as he shook his head.

"Unfortunately I am unable to do so.. plus it doesn't seem rather appropriate for a guy such as myself to critic your dress wouldn't it Lady Mona? Though I'm sure your dress is beautiful and Kendo would love your surprise, so there is no need to be worried."

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 05:27 (2 Days ago)
Ayran turned around when he heard his name.

How many times was this today?

He knew he was popular, but he didn't knew that he was popular to the point where people would come running towards him left and right.

Ayran knitted his eyebrows subtly.

"..Lady Mona?"


That was the first thing he thought. Why was Lady Mona alone? Usually, she is always accompanied by someone, whether it would be Kendo, or one of her friends. It was rare to see her alone, if ever.

But that wasn't the first thing that caught him off guard.

She was smiling.

Though that wasn't the problem. The problem was that she looked way too happy to see him. Though they were acquaintances, they weren't close enough to the point where they would be able to address each other this comfortably.

Perhaps he was just paranoid with the events earlier today. But.. something truly felt wrong.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 02:19 (2 Days ago)
Who else within the academy is 6'8 except for a certain moth like species except for Adara Firtina? It was no wonder his shoulders throbbed.

"Ah yes.. thank you Madam Adara."

Ayran gave Adara a quick bow and gently took back his comb from the others hands. Due to the fact that Adara has untamable hair and he has a horrendous bed hair (unlike popular belief) they had quickly bonded over his unbreakable hair comb.

Though in Ayran's words, it's more like he was trying to convince himself that he was a genuinely nice person just like the rumors of him being Mr. Perfect.

Ayran then turned to Leonidas who looked at him eagerly. If Leonidas had a tail it would have probably been wagging rapidly just now.

He chuckled and motioned the other to take a step back and calm down.

"It's Ayran not Goldie, Leonidas."

"Though I don't know much about Miss Eris, I'm sure your enthusiasm will show her how genuine you are either way. But if you really want to try something then.."

Ayran thought back to previous encounters with Eris.

"How about you try to invite her formally? Like perhaps ask her out to dinner and buy her some flowers? From my personal experiences and observations, don't ladies usually enjoy nice bouquets and fancy candlelit dinners? Though I haven't tried those myself.. I'm sure if I were a lady I would be grateful for the effort put into it nonetheless."

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 10:22 (3 Days ago)
Ayran chuckled.

It was almost as if he could see those gears turning in his head. So it wasn't unexpected that the fellow asked him for advice. If anything, this wasn't the first time this has happen.

Whether it was prom or any type of fancy occasions, Leonidas is always the first to come running up to him for love advice.

...for whether they have worked or not.. that shall be left unsaid.

Ayran smiled and crossed his arms.

"Say.. is it for Madam Eris again? "

Just as he was about speak, he let out a yelp.

Quickly he spun around to see a... 6'8 comb— oh it's Lady Adara.

No wonder his shoulders throbbed. It's probably bruised too.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 09:06 (3 Days ago)
Ayran smiled wryly at Leonidas's concern. He's a good kid, but reckless nonetheless. If it weren't for him, the other might've already been part of the Shadows years ago.

He put up a reassuring and patted the others arm gently.

"Don't worry about it too much Young Master Leonidas.. but I do admit that you did save me there. I never knew you could lie so well."

Ayran chuckled and joked around hoping to lighten the others concern. With how his warning bells were blaring earlier, it's best to not get the Leonidas involved.

Afterall, he's a good kid...

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 05:45 (3 Days ago)
Once Ayran is confident (110% this time) that it's just he and Leonidas he took a sigh of relief, his shoulders sagged and his whole entire body released it's tension.

All of the sudden, the adrenaline left his body and he felt incomparably exhausted. He almost didn't want to shower tonight and just enter Dreamland once he enters his bedroom.

But even then, he knew, instinctively that the matter was far from over. Ateast in the next two days, he must not let down his guard.

If it were just Trixie, he wouldn't have been too nervous. Afterall, she was just like a unruly fire. You'll only get burn once you get close.


Ayran hesitated.

Lady Bliss was an entirely other matter.

Ayran may not trust his luck in life, but he did trust his judge of character. From what he observed. Out of the two of them, Lady Bliss is an whole contradiction itself.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 04:57 (3 Days ago)
The moment Trixie let go of his sleeve, Ayran took his chance to flee from the scene of course he wouldn't call it that way, but that's exactly what his actions looked like right now in this context

Of course he took Leonidas with him, as he is still responsible enough as his role as the upperclassmen.

But before he left, he gave one last look to the girls behind him.

He hoped... That he'll have nothing to do with them ever again after these last 2 days.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 04:23 (3 Days ago)
Trixie's hand clung onto his arm like vines slowly caging him in. Disgusted with the sensation he forcefully pried her hands off him and took a step towards Leonidas.

Pushing the reckless fellow behind him he looked towards Bliss and Trixie with a hint of a frown on his lips. His warning bells were ringing rapidly signalling to him that he should leave the vicinity of the two of them as soon as possible.

Especially Lady Bliss.

Unlike her name, she was no such dream. Unlike her voice, she was a siren.

Ayran grabbed Leonidas by the shoulder and signaled him to stay quiet with familiarity. This wasn't the first time they've greeted each other. If anything Ayran uses to help the other get out of trouble regularly. But this was the first time that their positions were switched.

But that wasn't the point as of current. First thing he needed to do was get his points across and stop this interaction all together lest this becomes a bigger mess and troubles everything that he has been building up till this point.

So Ayran looked at Trixie in the eye. He just realized that he has never truly looked at the other in the eye directly before

"Lady Trixie I don't think we need to discuss things any further as we're both busy people. My answer is still the same."

Ayran turned around with Leonidas.

"We are not the same type of people, we're not fit to play together."

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 00:32 (3 Days ago)
Ayran was just about to rebuke whatever nonsense Trixie has just said when he noticed that they had people around them.

Ayran quickly let go of Trixie's hand and tried to smoothen his expression.

Surely they didn't see his rough actions just now? Surely they didn't.

He couldn't afford to tarnish his reputation, not when the end is so near.

Thankfully it was only 2 newcomers. Thankfully one of them was Leonidas. But the other.. was a unfamiliar voice.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 23:45 (3 Days ago)
"I'll be damned if I do."

Ayran stared at Trixie incredulously, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. (To be fair, he didn't.) He wanted to take another step back, but realized that he couldn't as he already retreated as much as he could possibly could.

So now with his back against the wall, he has no where to run.

He swatted her hand away roughly. His previous gentle facade is gone, and all that was left was a deep chill that replaced the previous warmth. Ayran clenched his fost, his evenly trimmed nails digged into his palm. The pain did nothing to quench the slow and simmering chill that ran deep in his bones as he looked down on her. Whatever outside interference there is now, he sure didn't hear it. The only thing that was on his mind was blazing fire in front of him.

"Don't you dare lump me within the same category as people like you. I don't know what gave you the inference that I was anything as mentally insane as you are, I'm afraid you are terrible mistaken. Whatever plan you have up your sleeves.."

Ayran took a deep breath, then roughly grasped her arm, drawing her in. His lips brushed her left ear as he murmured, "Leave me out of it."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 11:17 (4 Days ago)
"You're not human."

Ayran couldn't help but blurt that out. It was the first thing can came to mind when he heard her words.

"There's no way a proper and sane human being would ever think that way unless they're a complete psycho— no what am I saying. You are one aren't you?"

He swatted Trixie's hand off his cheeks and couldn't help but let a chill rise up his spine. If he doesn't somehow stop this right now.. Ayran felt like he will soon be engulfed by the wildfire.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 10:40 (4 Days ago)
Ayran frowned and took a step back putting his back against the wall. He didn't like how he felt like he was cornered, nor did he like the other pushing his personal boundaries.

No, if anything, there was barely anything to like about that women in the first place except her physical appearance.

"Do as you like.. but I hope you know that your enjoyment is not reciprocated. If anything... What would you gain from this Lady Trixie?"

Ayran brushed his hair back in frustration.

"What is the whole point of all these games? Except for making a fool of yourself, what would you gain from your actions Lady Trixie?"

Filled with mixed feelings, Ayran looked straight at the other firmly.

"What is it exactly that you want?"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 09:20 (4 Days ago)
Ayran took a deep breath.




Restraint yourself Ayran. You can't mess this up. Not when the end is so close. Not when you have so much to owe.

The next time Ayran opened his eyes, he is much more composed. He looked down at Lady Lathiel– no Lady Trixie with a serene expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about Lady Trixie, but it's time to stop with your silly acts. Clearly you won't gain anything if you keep acting the way you are."

Ayran paused, thinking on how to make this girl stop her.. Little prank.

"Plus, if you want to see me lose my composure.. I'm afraid you'll never see that day arrive within your lifetime."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 08:59 (4 Days ago)
If Ayran was just tired before, now he is drop dead exhausted.

He thought the fellow in front of him needed him for something important, something urgent. Not to.. play around or any of the sorts.

His eyes narrowed, and his eyebrows noticably knitted together into not very gentlemanly expression. Not that he'll know, he's too pricked to even notice.

"Lady Trix– no. Sorry, wrong person. Lady Lathiel, I'm not here to play some games. If that's what you'd like to do at the moment, I fear you have looked for the wrong person."

Why did he mix those two up? Perhaps it's because their troublesome personalities are so similar? Or perhaps it's because they both know just the right buttons to push for him to go teetering over the edge?

Either way, he's not in the mood for games.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 08:45 (4 Days ago)
Once Ayran was sure he was away from any more accidental human encounters, he turned around to the red eyed girl behind him.

At this point, he didn't know how to start the conversation. Not only was his social battery exhausted, but also physically, as he was almost jumped by somebody as well.

Trying his best to hide the signs of exhaust on his face, Ayran gave Lathiel a tired smile.

"My sincerest apologies Lady.. Lathiel." The name felt forced, yet the person felt familiar. But he was too tired and couldn't give a crap to figure out why.

"...Now that we're in a more empty environment where no one can interrupt us, Lady Lathiel can finally speak her business with me."

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 06:07 (4 Days ago)
Ayran paused, but then nodded firmly.

"It's an honour to serve your royal highness.. so if that's what you wish, then your wish shall be my command. "

It's true, after all, if he doesn't listen he'd have to fear for his head.

"Now that if you can excuse us.. Lady Lathiel is looking for me."

Ayran signalled Lathiel to follow him.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 05:12 (4 Days ago)
Ayran did a quick bow towards the princess. Afterall, a royalty should be treated as such.

"No that'd be too much your royal highness..how could your loyal subject ever do so except to treat you with the it isn't respect?"

Ayran then turned his gaze towards the red eye girl, Lathiel, her name was. The source of his deja vu and the bad feeling in his stomach.

He brought up a smile and nodded at the other.

"Lady Lathiel you called?"

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 04:52 (4 Days ago)
Ayran huffed with amusement.

"This isn't a competition Student Kalyteros, now go about your day and head to class alright?"

Sometimes it was easy being the Idol of the student body, sometimes.. not. Ayran steeled himself for the next few minutes and turned around to-

"Princess Athena?"

Ayran's eyes widen is surprise, he almost forgot that Lathiel was there.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 04:27 (4 Days ago)
Ayran exited the cafeteria finally, completely dead set exhausted from any social interactions. But it seems like he is still the world's unluckiest person as there seems to be another student calling his name out again.

Well, sort of.

"Must I remind you a hundred thousand time again Student Kalyteros, it's Ayran, not Aryan.." he huffed exasperated. But the guy is a good kid none the less and usually means well.

So that's a plus at least.

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