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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from vampelf.
Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 20:09 (9 Years ago)
Edit- I just found egg #11! Now looking for egg #6! Q~Q

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Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 06:42 (9 Years ago)
Did Riako put "Good Duck" as a hint for the event egg?

Last but not least: Have fun and good duck!

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Posted: Mon, 06/04/2015 00:12 (9 Years ago)
I've found 11/16!

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Posted: Wed, 25/03/2015 23:31 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 23/03/2015 19:26 (9 Years ago)
"Huh? Bye Mew! Come back soon okay?" Susan called out to the pink pokemon. "Mew Mew! Mew!" Mew replied as it floated down and gave Susan a hug before playing with Manaphy and Ukulele Pichu. "Manaphy! Mana Mana! Happy!" Happy exclaimed as it hugged it's old friend.

"Awww....Oh yeah....You guys were friends a long time ago huh?" Susan said to Manaphy and watched as it nodded happily. "Mew....How would you like to join our team?" Susan asked Mew. Mew looked at Susan and then at Joey who was still sprinting for the Pokemon Center. Susan giggled and said, "Okay you can be Joey's pokemon. Just watch out for him and keep him safe okay?" Mew nodded it's head and floated after Joey before landing on his head.

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Posted: Sat, 07/03/2015 07:27 (10 Years ago)
Username: vampelf
Number: 24 and 31
Have you interacted for the Double Number?: Yes

You have already interacted with Ditto today!

It's important for Pokémon to be in contact with as much people as possible, to collect a wide variety of experiences.
Password: Cuteditto
Other: thanks!

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Posted: Sat, 28/02/2015 20:00 (10 Years ago)
buy a milker from the shop & use it :P

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Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 15:53 (10 Years ago)
Will we ever see Meloetta on PH? Q~Q

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Posted: Wed, 18/02/2015 21:41 (10 Years ago)
Started up a Dragon Cave account!

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Posted: Wed, 11/02/2015 23:51 (10 Years ago)
Susan looks at the tablet as she hears Manaphy say, "Mana! Manaphy! Mana Mana!" Susan smiles as she feels the weight of the tablet get heavier. Manaphy had jumped onto the tablet to take a closer look. "Happy! Off!" Susan said as she fell backwards and landed against the entrance to the Ranger Union. Manaphy looked up at Susan and began to cry. "Cover your ears!" Susan yelled to her fellow Rangers.

"Manaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Happy cried loudly. "Manaphy! It's okay....I'm fine. What does the tablet say? Is it your home?" Susan said as Happy stopped crying and pointed at a pokemon with a long tail. "Huh? Whaaaa-----! That's....That's......It can't be....." Susan sputtered. "Pichu!" Ukulele Pichu said as it strummed it's little ukulele. All of a sudden Susan saw something pink floating above the Ranger Union. "Mana? Happy!" Happy said excitedly. Susan let Manaphy play with Ukulele Pichu as she stood up and continued to hold the tablet. She then looked above the Ranger Union and saw the same pokemon from the tablet.

"Hmm......I was right!" Susan said excitedly as she watched Manaphy and Ukulele Pichu look up and wave at the pink pokemon.

Tablet Image

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Posted: Sun, 08/02/2015 04:40 (10 Years ago)
I would send but I don't have enough candies yet :(

can I give you a plushie instead?

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Posted: Tue, 03/02/2015 21:29 (10 Years ago)
Entered & didn't win anything! Q~Q

Congrats to whoever got Manaphy! ^_^

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Posted: Mon, 02/02/2015 07:57 (10 Years ago)
@squirtle- ally shops?
@banette- see above^
@banana- see^^^^

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Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 21:27 (10 Years ago)
If anyone wants-

Susan's Sprite Shop

AS AN ALLY (in case you get overloaded with requests)

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Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 21:09 (10 Years ago)
Cynder....your image doesn't work :(

@Pheobe365- Here you go!

@Tradgedy- Here you go!

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Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 21:07 (10 Years ago)
Got my first ever EVENT pokemon on PH! Yay!

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 21:12 (10 Years ago)
Susan takes the stone tablet and she begins to examine it. Manaphy stops the attack as she sees a dragonair appear with a lady riding on it. "Mana!" Manaphy yelled as the dragonair landed behind the Pokemon Pinchers. Susan smiled as she nodded her head. Manaphy launched another attack at the Pokemon Pinchers from the front as the Dragonair launched one from behind.

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:39 (10 Years ago)
ooc- @lunafirewolf- Pokemon Rangers are the GOOD guys/gals!

RP- "Ha! See you later Team Rocket! Manaphy! Fire the ice beam at the balloon." Susan said as she watched the balloon disappear after being blown up from the double ice beam attack. Team Rocket yells, "Looks like we're blasting off again!" Susan turned to Serena and said, "Thanks. We had it handled, but it's always great to have an assist." She winked at the Totodile that was jumping happily at the victory. "Mana Mana.....Manaphy!" Manaphy said as she hopped down to the ground next to Totodile. Manaphy stopped Totodile from jumping by saying angrily, "Mana! Manaphy! Mana Mana!" Susan watched as Manaphy pointed at the Pokemon Pinchers.

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:25 (10 Years ago)
"RED ALERT! All Union members on deck! Team Rocket is in our vicinity!" Susan yelled as the music stopped playing and Manaphy hopped onto Susan's head. "Mana! Mana!" Manaphy said angrily. Ukulele Pichu let off a spark and a loud TWANG was heard as the alarm stopped. Susan saw that Pichu was angry as well. "I know Pichu....I won't let them get you or Manaphy." Susan said as she picked up the little pokemon. She then handed Pichu to Joey and gave him a wink. "Take care of Ukulele Pichu until I return. You are to remain at the Ranger Union until further notice." she said to Joey before following her top Rangers outside with the Go Rock Squad.

Once outside not only did they see the Ranger Grunt that was described by Joey, but they also saw Pokemon Pinchers. "You aren't welcome here! Get lost!" Susan roared as she pulled out her stylus. Manaphy prepared an ice beam to fire at the Totodile. "Last warning lady!" Susan said angrily.

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 20:16 (10 Years ago)

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