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Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 21:12 (10 Years ago)
Yeah, I suppose I should add something on interaction beggars too...Okay, I'll definitely figure out how to add that in. Thanks for the input.

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Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 21:00 (10 Years ago)
Thank you two so much! I was kind of nervous about how people would react to it, despite the fact that I got it okayed by a mod, and I'm overjoyed that you two approve ^.^

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Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 12:04 (10 Years ago)

Table of Contents

1. Intro
2. What is a Poke-Beggar?
3. What is SPAM & Who are Spammers?
4. What Can I Do?
5. FAQ


We've probably all dealt with annoying people online. If you haven't, don't worry, you probably will. (Unless you're really really really really lucky) They might advertise their shops on your feed, or constantly PM you, or maybe they beg for something constantly. And sometimes, it gets hard to politely deal with these members. This guide will explain what spammers and 'poke-beggars' are, and how to deal with them.

What is a Poke-Beggar?

Basically, Poke-Beggars are people who ask for pokèmon out of the blue. They typically give a reason, usually 'the newbie story' aka they say something along the lines of 'I'm a new member, and I want you to give me a certain pokèmon.'

PB are;
- members who beg for a certain pokèmon
- members who continue to beg when you deny their offer
- a type of spammer
- typically newer players who don't have many pokèmon yet

PB are NOT;
- members who politely make you an actual offer
- members who reply to a post you wrote about giving/selling a pokèmon

What is SPAM & Who are Spammers?

Spam is actually an acronym for Stupid, Pointless, Annoying Messages. Basically, any post that is stupid, pointless or annoying (or offensive) is considered spam. Spammers are sometimes people who actually participate in the game, other times they are made by people who only want to advertise their products or post inappropriate material.

Spam is;
- any offensive or annoying post, or an ad for something irrelevant.

Spam is NOT;
- a signature advertising a sprite shop, club etc.

What Can I Do?

Actually, there are a lot of things you can do to stop the spammer in question from bothering you!

On the forums;
-POLITELY remind the PB/spammer of the rules
-Report the user to the moderators

Via PM;
-Ignore the message
-POLITELY decline/remind user of the rules
-Report the user to the moderators


Here are some frequently asked questions about spammers, etc;

None at the moment

Feel free to ask your questions here, or PM me. I will try to reply as soon and accurately as possible.

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Posted: Thu, 03/04/2014 23:38 (10 Years ago)
Yes! Full support! Like Autumnstar said, cursing definitely isn't needed here.
Oh, but what if a user was talking about dog breeders, or is/was a dog breeder, and used one of the terms that could be mistaken for a curse word?

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Posted: Thu, 03/04/2014 23:24 (10 Years ago)
No support. Personally, I did like the '3Dvee', but I like the new event better. Also, if they did bring back 3Dvee, some people might want the new event (Derpatung, I believe?) back, thus resulting in a 3Dvee vs Derpatung battle for eternity. Okay, that might not happen, but what if someone wanted both events? What if someone liked the new event, like I do, and didn't want the 3Dvee? Plus, the Derpatung replacement was part of the joke. And why would anyone want blurry eevees, since the 3D effect won't be implemented atm, in the first place? And another thing; the 3Dvee is also probably worth...not much, since lots of people have it. And I agree with the points that the others brought up. So, I don't see much reason to keep it.

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Posted: Mon, 31/03/2014 22:29 (10 Years ago)
Hey guys, guess what? I didn't die! : D I just derped and forgot about the kingdom.

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Posted: Mon, 31/03/2014 22:14 (10 Years ago)
Username: the_Jewish_Blobfish, but call me blob. Or Mud. Mud's good too.
Why you wanna be a member of this club: Because I bred my female eevee with a shinx, and ended up with three shinx and lost an egg. Plus, I really want dat bulbasaur. XD
Does the daycare man hate you: Probably.

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Posted: Sun, 16/03/2014 19:08 (10 Years ago)
Wooooooo! Deathy, darling, it's fantabulus!!!!!!!

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Posted: Wed, 12/03/2014 23:57 (10 Years ago)
Woooo! I'm so excited to see it!

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Posted: Wed, 12/03/2014 23:17 (10 Years ago)
You're awesome at this, Toothless! I really envy your talent. ...that's a compliment, by the way...sometimes I feel the need to clarify in case someone thinks I'm threatening them or something.... XD So, yeah, I really adore your artwork.

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Posted: Tue, 11/03/2014 19:19 (10 Years ago)
Stop it JustMe, just stop it. The jealousy is overcoming me. XD If I had known about the exhibition, I would have asked you to steal David Tennant's costume from the display and hide it in that TARDIS bag of yours for me...

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Posted: Tue, 11/03/2014 12:10 (10 Years ago)
I saw the pictures, JustMe, they came out really nice and clear. Good job! Where was it held?

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 02:09 (10 Years ago)
No. No, Finhawk, you didn't.
Son of a biscuit, you did.

Username: the_Jewish_Blobfish
Nickname: blob, mud, whatever, ambereyes, derp...the list goes on.
Apples or Apples: Apples. I cannot even bear to speak the foul 'o' word.
Who is your king: The Apple King, Finhawk.

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Posted: Sun, 02/03/2014 01:50 (10 Years ago)
And Doctor Who, of course. Welcome to the club, Golders! You'll have a great time! (If you consider spending your time with Apple Gods and possible mentally unstable folks fun XD)

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Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 23:55 (10 Years ago)
@ Mirej, my thoughts exactly.
Support, but no support for fonts too difficult to read.

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Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 00:24 (10 Years ago)
No support, for reasons stated above.

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Posted: Tue, 25/02/2014 00:06 (10 Years ago)
Lovely work! I love me some fan fictions... I can definitely imagine this as an actual episode. Bonus points for not having an oc be the Doctor's companion, as those are becoming cliché. Also, Tennant's portrayal as the Doctor was optimistic, cheery and clever, and it is great that we see that side of The Doctor that is more villainous in the fan fic. We know that some villans are afraid of him, but it's interesting to see 'the good guys' being scared of him, which is appealing and new. With that said, *subscribe*

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Posted: Mon, 24/02/2014 12:34 (10 Years ago)
Okay everyone, it's official, Death is my new favorite person.

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Posted: Fri, 21/02/2014 13:05 (10 Years ago)
*clings on to just me* I wanna go with you!!! Huluplus is down, and I haven't gotten hold of practically anything whovian! The whovian essence is my lifeforce.... I almost died, but then someone wore a Doctor Who shirt to school.

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Posted: Mon, 17/02/2014 12:00 (10 Years ago)

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