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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 17:35 (1 Year ago)
Trike shuffles to the side to give Gail room, "I've been here the whole time. I'm Trike. The altaria. And I'm trying to tell you guys that there are dangerous legendary pokemon around here!"
He ruffles its soft cotton-like wings and stares down at the trio with sharp eyes.
"You are literally walking into death."

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Posted: Tue, 04/10/2022 17:28 (1 Year ago)
Trike scoffs. "Stop ignoring me. What are you doing here?"

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2022 21:11 (1 Year ago)
"There are dangerous pokemon around here. Are you trying to get killed? By the looks of you, it doesn't look like you could take on a Magikarp, much less a legendary."

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2022 21:06 (1 Year ago)
"Obviously... Who are you. What are you doing here?"

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2022 19:26 (1 Year ago)
Trike dives down suddenly, and lands on the ground, flapping its large wings. He bends his long neck to look down at Yami and Kit. Its eyes narrow at them, and he lets out a sharp cry at them.

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2022 18:03 (1 Year ago)
Trike is flying above, inspecting the terrain below. He lets out a loud song-like call, attracting the attention of nearby Pokemon and Pokemon trainers with the beautiful cry.

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Posted: Mon, 03/10/2022 17:58 (1 Year ago)
Username: m3ttac0ndr1a
Name: Trike
Gender: none
Age: 19
Nickname (Can be optional): Tri, Lav
Crush (If optional): Open (he only like men tho lol)
Pronouns: He/it
Weapons (Can be optional): Sharp black axe
Appearance: A light purple altaria with sharp shards of metal and scrap bits in his cloud wings. Its wings are light gray light a slightly cloudy evening
Moveset: Dragon Dance, Hyper Beam, Sky Attack, Feather Dance
Item or Items: Super potion
Shiny: kinda

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Posted: Tue, 22/03/2022 14:15 (2 Years ago)
It's currently 10:15 am when I am posting this.

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Posted: Tue, 22/03/2022 14:14 (2 Years ago)
Let's do this!!!

click :]

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Posted: Tue, 22/03/2022 14:13 (2 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 22/03/2022 14:12 (2 Years ago)

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