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Posted: Wed, 29/11/2023 03:08 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Sure! It might help me get into the groove of the game."

Sakura grinned. Perfect! She began to think of two things about her that she could have as true facts, and something to make up as the singular lie...

"Oh! Hold on, I've got something good, I think!"

After a few moments of finalizing her decisions for the three, she giggled and faced Eris.

"Okay, I've come up with two true things about myself, and one lie! Good luck guessing the lie! Hope its not too easy!" She joked.

"Which one is a lie?

I am Japanese American,

I have five siblings,

and I'm in love with aquatic animals."

"Try to guess!" Sakura smiled, letting Eris choose which statement she thought was false.

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Posted: Wed, 29/11/2023 02:43 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Off the top of my head, we can either do Would You Rather or Two Truths and a Lie. Unless you can think of another?"

Sakura pondered for a moment, then made her decision. "I'll go with two truths and a lie. I feel like it's more fitting for a get to know me game, so why not?" She smiled.

"So, who should go first? It's okay if you don't, though, I have some truths and lies in my head at the ready! Just in case you aren't ready to go."

"And honestly, I feel like I know a bit more about you already! You honestly don't know me that much, so how about I'll just go first? If you want, of course!" Sakura beamed.

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 23:50 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Living with Auntie is amazing. She's way better than THEY were, by a long shot. She isn't married and doesn't have her own children so she is really spoiling me in any way she can think of. I'm just happy she's so kind."


"Ooo! We can make a game of it too!"

Sakura smiled at Eris's enthusiasm. She was glad that she was doing better with Miss Adio, and now she was safer as well.

"Ooo, a get to know me game? That sounds fun! What do you have in mind? How should the game work? This is exciting!" She beamed.

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 04:28 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

As Sakura entered the cafeteria with Eris, she noticed the silence for a few moments, then the slow buildup of commotion, and the different gazes that were laid upon them. She just wore a bubbly smile on her face as she also went to get her food.

Thanking the lunch lady, she followed Eris back outside and went to the open table that she had found.

"Wow, that actually wasn't so bad!" Sakura shrugged with a smile.

She took her seat and placed her bookbag next to her, beginning to eat her food.

Covering her mouth while she ate, she spoke.

"So, *munch* How do you like living with Miss Adio now? *gulp* She's a very nice woman, I never knew your aunt was a nurse, either!" Sakura smiled.

"We should use this bit of time to learn more about eachother before we meet up after school, and to get our minds off of things too!"

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 04:12 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"I agree. As big of a deal as the case was, I hoped it would die out at least before I rejoined school. Seems it's even more major than I thought..."

Sakura was slightly relieved, luckily Eris didn't say anything about her message... or maybe she saw it and didn't comment about it? Either way, she felt less embarrased now.

She smiled. "Mhm! Still so happy that you were able to come back safely, despite all of the gossip about everything now. Should we sit outside or inside for lunch? If we sit outside, I feel like we could hear less gossip all around!"

"But, I don't know about you, but I didn't bring lunch... We might have to go inside to get some, and there's usually a ton of students inside. We can just make it quick, though! If anyone says anything to us, we just need to play it cool! Honestly hoping people keep their mouth shut." She rolled her eyes with a small grin.

"Aaaaanyways, let's get some lunch! Don't get worried when we go inside, okay? I'll be here for support!"

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 03:39 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

The bell had finally rang for lunch, as students exited their classrooms and walked to the cafe.

Sakura walked downstairs to meet up with Eris for lunch, but she looked down, hiding her face that was still flustered.

"I really hope she didn't see it, not that it's bad or anything, but..." She said to herself, trying to control her red face as she looked up.

Sakura had found Eris, who was looking for her in return. She calmed herself before walking over to Eris. "Heyyy, Eris! Ready for lunch?" She chuckled nervously.

"Please don't mention the message, please don't mention the message! I don't know if she read it or not, maybe she'll think it's just something friendly! Yeah, that's it! In a platonic way!" Sakura thought to herself as she walked with Eris to lunch.

"...Anyways, what are you hungry for? Let's hope they have some decent lunch today, I'm pretty starving!" She said, pushing her thought away for a while.

"I just hope it isn't ruined by more talk about the situation and the case, and possibly the students from my class talking about the code... I don't want them to spread more info, a lot has already been released to the public." Sakura sighed.

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 02:56 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Feeling the sudden vibration, Sakura looked down at her phone, and turned it on. Eris had replied!

Quote from ErisHey Sakura! Felt this may come up at some point. If you need to tell them anything, you can tell them that we are good, new friends and trust each other a lot. I trusted you to be able to help, and you did! It was so strange to me... But that's a topic for later. If anyone tries to get answers from you, say you won't break the trust between us. I won't burden you with this aftermath ;-P Gotta go. Class is starting soon!

Sakura blushed at the second and third sentences of the message, but smiled at the rest. Not knowing if Eris would see her message due to her quick leave, she decided to at least reply.

Quote from SakuraAww, that was so sweet of you to say! And okay, I'll keep note of that! I'll see you at lunch, hope PE goes well with you! Love ya! <3

Sakura turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket, only to realize moments later on what she had said in her message.

"Love ya! <3"

Sakura's face was completely red, letting out a gasp as she quickly covered her mouth. The students turned to her in confusion.

The teacher raised an eyebrow as she faced Sakura.

"Sakura, is everything alright??? You're very... red in the face. Do you need the nurse?" They asked.

Snapping out of it, Sakura shook her head. "N-No, ma'am! I'm okay, n-no need to worry about me! Please, c-continue with the lesson..." She managed to say. The teacher shrugged it off and continued the lesson before class would soon end.

As the students turned away and refocused on the lesson as well, Sakura covered her face in embarrassment. Oh gosh!!

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 02:07 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Halfway through second period, Sakura was back on track with always spouting out the right answers to every question that was asked.

Some students around her were suprised at Sakura's intelligence, while others whispered to eachother about that day.

"Hey guys, I know it's been about two weeks since we went home early on the day when that girl went to the hospital, but don't you remember what Sakura said before it all happened?" One student said.

"Yeah, something about 'Code Snowfall' or something. And talking about how she needed to help a girl..." Another added.

"Do you think Sakura and that... Eris girl... I think that was her name? If I remember from the news. What connection do they have, I wonder?" A third student curiously said.

Unfortunately for the trio, Sakura was close enough to hear their conversation. Her eyes slightly widened, then she frowned a little. The talk about the whole situation was still going, and these students kept digging deeper into it..

Letting other students have a go at answering the questions that were asked by the teacher, she used the same trick that she onced used in her math class, taking out her pen and notebook, opening it as she pretended to take down notes, but instead, taking out her phone and beginning to message Eris about what just happened.

Quote from Sakura: To ErisHey Eris, hopefully you'll see this, but I've got some news... some students are still talking about the situation yet again. It's honestly getting annoying now, but they were talking about the Code Snowfall thing, and are curious about our connection with eachother. What do we do?? :(

Turning her phone off and leaving it to rest in her lap, Sakura sighed a little before refocusing on the lesson in class. Hopefully lunch wouldn't be filled with gossip as well...

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Posted: Mon, 27/11/2023 00:09 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Sure thing! Gotta get through the day."

Sakura smiled sweetly at Eris as the duo walked to her class.

They had soon made it. "I say it over and over, but remember, message me if anything, okay? I'll try not to get caught again..." She giggled at the last part, scratching her head.

"Also, I know this is where... you know... the situation started, but try not to let it get to you. If those students whisper or say anything to you behind your back, don't let it get to you. Just let me know and we can talk about it at lunch after this class, okay?" Sakura said, with serious worry.

Hugging Eris before taking off, she waved to her with a giggle.

She then smiled again. "Okay, see you at lunch after this! Remember, after school we're going to have that ice-cream hang out!!" Sakura called out to Eris cheerfully as she ran to her English class upstairs.

Soon, all students had went to their second hour class, and the bell had now rang.

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Posted: Sun, 26/11/2023 21:16 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Hey Sakura!"
"How mind numbing was class today?"


"Did... Did something happen?"

Upon hearing Eris, Sakura looked up. She smiled, uncrossing her arms and walking up to her friend.

"Hi, Eris! I'm fine, just got my phone took because I got caught texting you..." She sighed a little.

"Other than that, class was pretty lame as always, probably because I'm not a big fan of math, but I can't do anything about it, you know?"

"I don't think I'll be able to text you during first period anymore, I got a lecture from my math teacher right after I was about to leave. And all those stupid students laughing..." Sakura grumbled, then smiled again.

"But, it's okay now! Come on, lets walk to your next class! I don't want you to be late!" She giggled, beginning to walk her to PE.

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Posted: Sun, 26/11/2023 20:39 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Minutes later, the bell had rang, and first period was over.

Sakura had to stay as the other students left, some giggling on their way out, watching as the girl recieved a lecture from the teacher before getting her phone handed back to her.

She finally packed her belongings, and left the class, suprisingly not being the last one, some others still packing up.

Sakura exited her class and waited for Eris. She would apologize for not sending Eris another message.

"Darn math teacher, everyone laughing at me, couldn't even get one more message in..." she grumbled angrily under her breath, crossing her arms.

Note to self: Not to use her phone anymore in first hour..

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Posted: Sat, 25/11/2023 17:51 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura's class went well so far, but she had to admit she was getting bored. Well, she could continue her streak of answering all the questions in her English class next period. Just twenty-five more minutes in the class she hated the most..

"When do I even have to find the diameter of a circle when I'm older??" She groaned angrily. Some students around her had laughed at this.

The teacher cleared their throat, getting the attention of the students that were off-task.

As they refocused on the lesson, Sakura decided to message Eris, but was suprised when she had already sent a text to her!

With a smile, she read it.

Quote from ErisHey Sakura! How is your class going? No Chemistry experiment today, though I know it will be a lot different now. Anyway, how is it on your end? Any gossip aside from me?

With a small sigh, Sakura replied back.

Quote from SakuraHihi, Eris! Nothing much is going on, Math class is still boring as ever. Sorry you couldn't do any fun experiments though, how about we just text until the bell? <3

Looks like she spoke too soon... Sakura giggled while she looked at her and Eris's messages together, when she slightly flinched at the sound of someone clearing their throat in front of her. She looked up and gulped.

"Texting in class, are we, Miss Hayashi?" The teacher raised an eyebrow, an angry frown on their face. The students turned to the two, silently giggling.

"U-Uhm...no?" Sakura quickly turned off her phone and hid it behind her back with an embarrased smile.

The teacher wasn't falling for the act. They let out their hand. "Give it here, and you and I will have a disscussion after class. Got it?"

Sakura sighed, frowning in defeat as she handed in her phone. "...yes ma'am..." she mumbled. The students continued their giggles.

She groaned and put her head down. This was just great, now she couldn't message Eris until after class, and the talk with her teacher..

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Posted: Sat, 25/11/2023 05:04 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

Sakura had made it with Eris to their classes. "You already know this, but if you need anything, just message me! I'll answer fast to any text!" She smiled.

"Just... take it easy in your classes, okay? I just hope nobody talks about the the whole thing in your classes. I know it's been all over the news too, but... you know! Maybe I'm worrying a bit too much!" Sakura chuckled.

"At lunch we can also try and just talk about each other, but mostly me, I guess! I already know some things about you, so I should return the favor, of course!"

"I'll see you after class so I can walk with you to your second!" She beamed, giving Eris another hug before waving at her and going inside of her math class.

Soon, all of the students had went to their first class after the bell had rang.

Sakura sat in her desk, pulling out what she needed for the class to get prepared for the day.

Just as she thought, students around her still kept talking about what happened at PE, and now, they wouldn't stop talking about the recent news regarding Eris.

Sakura groaned angrily. "These kids don't know how to keep their mouth shut... But, Eris's case has grown in popularity... I wonder when all of the talk about it will die down.." She said to herself, before her teacher had begun to teach.

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Posted: Sat, 25/11/2023 04:02 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Yeah, it's all amazing, isn't it? You and auntie are the reasons I'm able to be here today..."

Sakura felt those last words hit her heart. She smiled sadly, her eyes glistening.

"Awh, Eris... I was happy to help you, and I'm so proud of you for making it this far! Honestly, I'm very glad to be your friend. Now come on, lets go to our classes!" Sakura grinned.

Sakura was continuing her rambles on the way to their classes that were across from each other.

It felt so good to have Eris back!

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Posted: Sat, 25/11/2023 03:16 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

After minutes of running, Sakura made it to the gates of the school, and seeing Eris as well!


She ran up to her and let out her arms, immediately giving her a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you! Man, am I glad to see you again! I'm so glad things are going well for you, now we can get to catch up on a lot of our plans together!" Sakura beamed. She let go of the hug, and gasped at Eris's outfit.

"And on top of that, you look so pretty! It's like I'm meeting with a whole new you! You don't know how excited I am, I can just talk for hours!" She smiled. The bell rang soon, as students began to walk to their first period.

"Oh, Let's walk together, like we used to! I'm so glad you won the case, I've been keeping track a lot lately.." Sakura began to ramble on.

"After all of this great news, how are you doing with Miss Adio? I've heard she was able to bring you into her own family! Again, I'm so glad that things are looking up for you!"

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Posted: Sat, 25/11/2023 02:03 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

A whole two weeks had passed.

And what an eventful two weeks they were.

Sakura had visited Eris on and on until she was able to get out of the hospital, even though she still couldn't be in school because of the case at court...

A lot of people had saw the news about Eris's case, her child abuse by her so-called 'family'.

Sakura had kept track of the news regarding Eris's case, and she was so glad when her abusers were found guilty, given the punishments that they deserved. On top of that, Nurse Adio had taken custody of Eris as well!

She cheered, she knew it would go well! She was so glad for Eris, now she could have a 'restart' to her life, hopefully things would get better when they met up again at school!

On the second week, when Sakura had still kept track of the news, happy that she won the case, and glad that her family members got the hate they deserved, she was so excited to meet her now!

She rushed out of her bedroom, dressed in her school clothes, her backpack resting on her back as she went to get breakfast.

Sakura's parents were suprised that their daughter was doing well, even after what she had told them about 'visiting a friend' at the hospital. They hadn't really kept track with the news, though.

Sakura took her final bites and walked out of her house once she waved goodbye to her parents.

Humming to herself, she felt a vibration in her backpack. Sakura stopped to take off her bag to get her phone. Zipping her bag back up and putting on, she opened her phone.

A message from the one and only!

Quote from ErisMeet me at the gates.
Time to celebrate! 🥳

Sakura smiled brightly at the message, quickly sending a reply back.

Meet me at the gates.
Time to celebrate! 🥳

Already on my way! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to see you at school! Hang on, I'll get there fast! So excited to see you! 😁

Sakura put her phone in her pocket, smiling brightly and running to the school gates to meet Eris.

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Posted: Sat, 25/11/2023 00:13 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"I should be free to return to school within the next couple of days. Sadly I won't be able to stay for long, due to the court date coming up. I'm needed as a direct witness for testimony."

"That's nice, as long as you get to come back for a little while, I suppose it's okay..." Sakura smiled a bit.

"Oh! You should at least let your parents know. I don't want to damage your relationship with them. It's bad enough one bad bunch is here...

"I do hope to be able to really hang out with you more. It's so boring in here, and I'm practically craving the sweetness of ice cream now!"

"I know, I'm going to tell them that I'm just visiting a friend, is all. Hah, is it really that boring in here? I mean, do you just lay there all day, or?" She laughed.

"I feel you about the ice cream. My stomach grumbles whenever I even say the word!" Sakura joked, making herself laugh again.

"Hopefully things really do go well. Your recovery, the case, you in general..." Sakura blinked in suprise, feeling herself heat up at the last part. She had meant what she said, but...

She forced her flushed face to lessen. "A-Anyways, just hang in there, okay? We have a lot to do together when all of this is over!" She smiled brightly.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 23:46 (10 Months ago)

Timeskip: 2 Days Later

Sakura Hayashi

For the past two days, Sakura would always visit the Red Light Hospital after school to see Eris, always bringing her flowers as well.

She wondered when the case would start? She didn't want this to put more pressure on Eris, she had already been through enough, in her perspective.

Sakura sat in the Eris's hospital room, telling her all the details and what had happened at school while she wasn't around.

Determined to let Eris happier through this time, she would try to make her feel better when she visited her once and a while.

She told Eris about any updates on the school's aftermath of the incident.

"I'm really sorry about all of this, Eris. I just hope people can keep their mouth shut when you return. Students keep talking on and on about what happened at PE." Sakura sighed a little, looking out the nearby window in the room.

She turned back to face the girl.

"Eris...when do you think you can come back to school? You know, after the case and your recovery? It feels weird without you at the school. We even had plans to hang out after school that day, but I didn't know this would happen.. are you sure you'll be able to handle all of this?" Sakura said.

"My parents say they don't know why I come home late all the time, I didn't tell them about me visiting you. I don't want to let anymore info out for your privacy, you know? I'm just worried, is all."

"When you get better, hopefully we can manage to catch up on everything we weren't able to do! Like, learn more about each other, and all that good stuff, you know? And of course, the ice-cream!" She giggled.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 22:24 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"Yeah... I'm okay now."

Sakura smiled. Eris was so sweet!

Hearing the CPS woman clear her throat, she turned around to face her.

"Well, you're ALMOST okay, Eris. Once this case is completed, you will be okay."

Oh, yeah...Sakura recalled Nurse Adio talk about the case on their way to Eris's room. Hopefully it would go well..

"I'm sure it will be fine, Eris!" Sakura smiled at her.

"Hope you like the flowers and the card! I didn't want to visit without a gift!" She giggled.

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Posted: Fri, 24/11/2023 20:58 (10 Months ago)

Sakura Hayashi

"I'm sorry. It... Wasn't like I wanted to. I can barely remember it... I was simply walking around, then a basketball nearly hit me. It actually hit someone else, but then some of the other kids laughed. I couldn't breathe., because all I could think of was how if I had been hit it would be me who was laughed at. It triggered me, and when the Gym Teacher had me go to the locker room, I guess it came to a head..."

Sakura was saddened by this. Poor Eris. "Oh, Eris... I'm so sorry..."

"I'm sorry I worried you."

"You have nothing to apologize for, you were just going through something that triggered you badly. I'm just clad I was able to help you, and luckily you're okay, you know?" Sakura smiled sadly at the girl.

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