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Posted: Mon, 08/08/2022 15:48 (2 Years ago)
A tear rolled down Ava's cheek. What great timing from this kid (who is several years older than Ava), honestly, genuinely. They looked towards Noah, whispering something about his mom being scary and something else about the knight being a bit "cringe" and "flop". They waved at the two afterwards, stupid grin and all.

"No... this is most certainly getting removed. What was Ava even thinking here, exactly??" Heart was so very immersed in revision that they hadn't noticed anything at first- but can you blame a woman for being so invested right now? Most of Ava's lines were not PG-13 whatsoever. It is a bit impressive they fit this many swears in one sentence, really. However, a louder knock was enough to get her attention this time.
"Huah. Ha. Huuh?" She looked around before realizing the knock was coming from a window, then proceeded to get up and see who it was. "Oh. My apologies," They spoke, despite their voice being too low to be heard by Twig. They opened the window a little. "What is it that you request? I am still waiting on Ava to get the. Needed, information. That they will for sure get. Certainly." She tried her best to be discreet about this, but she also trusted enough in Twig to know no one was going to catch them.

Hadeed was flabbergasted. Astonished. Gobsmacked, even. He should be used to this by now but Enzo's words still manage to catch him so off guard. "...What?" They tried to genuinely consider her question for a second. "Enzo, you should probably not say that again. I think they'd kill us. Me, if not you." Just the thought of it made their heart drop for a second. "Please do not kill the leader."

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Posted: Sat, 06/08/2022 18:14 (2 Years ago)
Ava grinned widely again and almost giggled out a "thank you, thank you" before noting that Noah is still looking around. For a paper, they assume? They scanned around to help but did not expect to find anything, really, they know the extent of their skills in hunting and survival. They would not last a day on their own in the wilderness. After a minute or less of peeking around, she instead turned her attention to thinking of some extremely dumb thing to say, perhaps an 'Are you free this weekend?', or a classic 'Run away with me so we don't have to deal with any of this pressure anymore. We can live in a cottage together, just the two of us. And also Cerys. I don't want Cerys to be sad about me being gone. We can have a little cat too.', but his train of thought was interrupted before he could blurt anything out.
Ohhh my God it's a code red where is Heart where is she where is she where is she wher
"ahaHA! Your socks will be knocked right off, my bud- your majesty, you have absolutely no idea just how prepared Heart and I are. Yep. Show's gonna be soooo crazy. It's crazy. Seriously seriously." Ava smiled nervously, an eye twitching a little. He didn't know how to break the news to Heart that he is going to die here, now, and for 5 accounts of treason because they almost called the Queen "buddy".

"WOO!!! YEAH. You get it, my dearest friend!" Hadeed was now officially Pumped, as he noticed Enzo is really good at instilling some spirit in his cowardly heart. They hopped up and followed behind her, whispering reassurances to themselves as they walked along. They definitely have got this. Big day.

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Posted: Thu, 04/08/2022 13:52 (2 Years ago)
"Woah. You're too generous, really, thank you." Ava patted Noah's back and tried their best to process all the information that was basically handed to them. They felt a bit guilty, but it's not like they wouldn't need the schedule otherwise. They tried to justify it. Still felt a twinge of Bad in their heart. "I hope our performance makes you cry laugh, on the floor, all that funny stuff. You are our number one supporter <3" They grinned again, except a bit more stupidly this time.

Heart, now in the assigned Comedic Duo room, screamed into a pillow. She loves Ava- she truly does, seriously- but they can be very unreliable at times. They wondered how it is that Ava is a tiny bit higher in status with a brain this dysfunctional. In the nicest way possible, of course, it is part of Ava's charm, yet it still gets frustrating to her. There are times when one wishes their sibling can pay more attention. They shook their head to get out of their bad mood, declaring now no time to be hung up over Ava being Ava. She got up to revise some backup "Ava & Heart's: Extraordinary Extragalactic Extravaganza" scripts and tried to come up with ways to work them into tonight's ceremony's show. They tried to estimate the time they had, but they can't do too much without the schedule. She prayed to God that Ava does not forget it the moment they come back.

"Aye aye!!" Hadeed decided to wrap the belt around their leg. A classic, honestly. She looked at Enzo and smiled widely. Just the fact that they were not forgotten should be enough to lift Enzo's spirits, they think, but she doesn't seem too excited so they tried to pass on some good vibes. Some energy. "We are sooo gonna win at... the meeting. At talking? You know what I mean. We are gonna win." They stood almost proudly, straightening their posture and placing their hands on their hips. They have both got something to prove tonight, right? Hadeed felt a bit nervous, but, thankfully, they are not going alone.

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Posted: Tue, 02/08/2022 12:40 (2 Years ago)
Heart let out a nervous laugh. "Tonight. Right. And, you would really think so, but I do not recall anyone telling me..." She turned her gaze towards Ava and squinted. Ah. They forgot to tell her about this. And then they entirely forgot about it themselves. Ava, noticing the judgmental squint, pretended to be too busy helping Noah search for his papers to retaliate. Heart stepped a bit closer to Ava and whispered to them. "Cyfrin. We need to go prepare for our show now, if you may please hurry up?" Ava genuinely considered it for a second. For just a second, and then they remembered Noah is here. Their thoughts immediately jumped somewhere else and they whispered back. "Cerys, my dearest sibling, we so need to read these papers to know how the ceremony goes. Why else do you think I'm helping my good old buddy here? Work smart, not hard, my sister." They winked. Heart had to stop themselves from audibly groaning. "But of course." Who cares at this point. She cleared her throat and went back to a normal volume. "Well then, I am going to need to excuse myself, I fear. I must revise my scripts." She smiled at the two and proceeded to head to the The Comedic Duo room.

Ava looked at Noah's papers and tried to read them, casually peeking over and looking for when their performance is supposed to happen. Among the other ceremonial events' timings, of course. "Don't mind Heart, by the way. They just get a liiittle bit frantic sometimes." They smiled.

Hadeed jumped a little at the sound of someone knocking, not really expecting anything right after they complained about Enzo not being called. It is a little bit humorous, he thinks. They hummed a little and watched Enzo interact with the leader, deciding it wiser to stay in the background for now.

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 16:07 (2 Years ago)
Ava shot Heart a look that said 'I told you so' and she rolled her eyes again, deciding it is no time to deal with Ava's strange Noah related friendliness. While Ava was too busy speaking reassurances to Noah ("You got this buddy, seriously, your charms? crazy levels." "You'll totes kill this whole ceremony thing." and some others Heart didn't care enough to catch), Heart seemed to perk up at Noah's mention of a "huge ceremony".
She held back her urge to ask Ava if this here is where, when, and how they die.
She took a deep breath and looked at the prince. "Huge... Huge ceremony? I apologize for my silly question here but, I seem to have. Forgotten. About such an important event," She gave Ava a nervous smile before looking back at Noah. "We seem to have forgotten about such an important event. When is it, again?" Ava pretended not to hear any of that. Cerys will definitely deal with this.

Hadeed wiped a tear that wasn't there and sniffled. "Enzo, you save my life every day. Did you know that? Thank you." They grabbed the ever so slightly lighter belt and started pondering on where to wear it. "Also, yes, most likely! It is a bit early in the day, you're right. As I said, they could be taking their time with it. Well." They straightened their back and exhaled a little. "Until then, do you have anything you need to do?"

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 18:15 (2 Years ago)
"Ah!!!" "Oh," Ava and Heart exclaimed in unison, a bit too shocked about getting bumped into. Despite them clearly not paying attention to where they were going. Heart, very embarrassed about this, apologized in an immediate fashion with multiple "sorry"s and bowed after regaining their footing. Ava made an acknowledging 'O!!!' noise and grinned before Heart put an arm behind their back and forced them to bow too. They gave her a look that communicated a 'we don't need to do that!' and she rolled her eyes in response. Ava finally straightened their back and faced a Noah collecting his papers. "Sorry about that, bud!! You seriously need to invest in a bag for your papers or something, though." They giggled and, without really thinking about it, went in to help Noah gather everything. "Are you good? Nervous about something?"

Heart could never wrap her head around how casual Ava is with the royals, and especially Noah. Are they supposed to be befriending the enemy this closely? Or is this all just part of the plan? Ava isn't the best at communicating these kinds of things and the way they treat Noah makes it almost seem like they just don't consider Noah an enemy, despite him being the Queen's son. Strange. Ava wouldn't be that stupid, though. She shook her head to get rid of her thoughts. "Oh! Where are my manners, I should assist your highness as well."

Hadeed's smile grew bigger. "Actuaallyy, yes I do," She picked up two belts and displayed them for Enzo. "Which one do you think looks better on me? For today, I mean. Very important event and all that." The belts looked... pretty much the same. One less than a shade darker than the other. No other differences to be seen. "Oh, and, after this, we can definitely go figure out why they didn't invite you. Lecture them, even. Don't worry. I got your back."

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 09:02 (2 Years ago)
"No, you may certainly not do some 'crazy cool stunts' during my routine. You have your own moment, do you not?" Heart sighed as she walked down the hall alongside her comedic partner Ava, both in full performance garb. They were discussing today's (or tomorrow's, or after tomorrow's, they are very flexible) show, very important business stuff of course. Ava frowned and whined in reply to their sibling's rejection. "But. Cerys. C'mon! You're no fun, seriously." They crossed their arms, "Anyways, I bet I can make the Queen laugh first. You wish you had my lyrical genius."
"Yes yes, clearly. Until you fail and they fall for my impressive sound effect skills. Can you make a realistic honking noise using only your vocal chords?" She wasn't exactly expecting an answer, it was a brag before it was a question. And yet. "Cerys I don't know what those are." She sighed yet again. "...I know, I know." She gave their sibling a pitiful pat on the back and paused. "I feel like we are forgetting something quite important today..?" Heart looked to Ava, who just replied with a shrug. "Well that is encouraging, isn't it. I suppose we shouldn't worry about it for now." Ava threw an arm around Heart's shoulders and grinned. "Truly, worry we need not!" They continued on their merry way, simply terrorizing the halls before they end up bumping into someone or something.

There are many, many benefits to being an early bird, Hadeed believed. They get to prepare things without worrying about them later, finish up their little chores before noon, and maybe even find some free time to stare at the very scenic Wasteland nature. It's a perfect and productive schedule. Or, well, it would be. They looked over at Enzo and halted their search for the Best Belt Of The Day to reply to her.

"Whaaat? No, no. Not at all. Why would they be scared of you? I mean, look at you. You have a big heart, you're kind, and you're super... friendly!" It's not like they really mind Enzo's antics- in fact, they are a big fan. But so early in the morning? This time is really not Brain Time for Hadeed. They can barely formulate a thought, let alone translate thoughts into spoken words. However, it is Enzo. They try their best to smile at her. "I'm pretty sure they're just taking their time with it all. If they were scared, they'd call me instead of you, right?" He tried his best to rationalize it in simple enough concepts for her to grasp.

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Posted: Sat, 23/07/2022 14:53 (2 Years ago)
experience: Fruit Basket. Ok but fr aeraya...

I'll make clean and colored refs for Heart and Hadeed later I prommy
I'm not very good at writing personalities and backstories down so these are mostly like. 5 words sentences I'm so sorry 😭😭
Oh also i might be a bit too busy to continue playing at some point so idm my characters being killed off/having to leave

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Name: Cyfrin "Ava" Aisling

Age: 19

Gender/Pronouns: Genderqueer, Any Pronouns but usually They/She/He

Role: Servant, Entertainer/Jester

Appearance: u already kno.

Personality: Ava is what one would call a classic Gooftser. A sillyguy. A funnydude, even. They seem to be very hyperactive and air headed, not really bothering themselves with anything considered "serious". Their jester routine strays away from anything political, or anything that can cause tension in general, and instead includes singing comedic songs about "relatable" endeavors and performing acrobatics. However, this all is more of a survival tactic than any genuine loyalty to the kingdom. Ava tends to hold very strong morals and ideals that, in their eyes, the kingdom has immensely betrayed.

Other: They are in a comedic (and.. Spy,) duo with their sibling, Heart (:

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Name: Cerys "Heart" Aisling

Age: 17

Gender/Pronouns: Transfem, She/They

Role: Servant, Entertainer/Clown


Personality: Heart, despite their name, is more so the Brains of the whole Ava & Heart (working title) operation. They are clearly well educated and tend to use their head more than Ava does. Thus, people usually go to her before Ava for any kind of consultation. She balances her smarts and compassion well, but it is also very evident that she's solely book smart. They are easily manipulated and can be shockingly naïve at times; it wouldn't take an insanely charismatic person to sway her opinion on a situation.

Other: They are in a comedic (and.. Spy,) duo with their sibling, Ava (:

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Name: "Hadeed"

Age: 17

Gender/Pronouns: Genderfluid, Any Pronouns

Role: Fighter


Personality: At first glance, one would not really conclude that Hadeed is any kind of fighter. He is more timid and non-confrontational, believing words to be stronger than physical violence and usually seeming a bit scared of fighting at all. However, beneath this weak looking personality is a heart that does not forget- she manages to hold really strong grudges and she often expresses vengeful attitudes.

Equipment: A (... non-ceremonial?) Khanjar/dagger, a very expired bottle of black nail polish, many-a hair ties they never get to use, some bag(s) i'll add to the reference later lol

Backstory: Hadeed, born to a noble family, was once a page striving for the path of knighthood. But, around the age of 6, they were "expelled" and abandoned for reasons unbeknownst to them, and they were left to fend for themselves in the wasteland. (So they basically have personal beef with the kingdom tbh LOL).
If left alone, they probably would not have survived past a year or two. Thankfully, Enzo managed to take them under her wing. They owe her a lot because of this, and it seems he generally really looks up to her. They try their best to be of use to her, usually acting as her mouthpiece as to not escalate situations. Otherwise, their fighting prowess seems to be good enough.

Other: they are in desperate need of a haircut.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2022 09:13 (2 Years ago)
hello.sorry i completelty i forgot i had an art dump,. nyway im gonna celebrate finally finishing the refs of Clown Guys after like 3 whole years <33

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Posted: Thu, 05/05/2022 17:49 (2 Years ago)
thank u so muchh😭😭!!

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2022 21:33 (2 Years ago)
thank u sm :3c!!

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Posted: Thu, 28/04/2022 20:46 (2 Years ago)
yeass bbg u alreayd know <3
also hi hello i think. im gonna start doing a thing where i put my fave pieces outside of the spoiler. just for fun. also because i keep forgetting to update so it looks like a lot of clutter in there el oh ell

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Posted: Sat, 23/04/2022 16:34 (2 Years ago)
claim :o)

them, her or any here/here

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2022 14:24 (2 Years ago)
Loving by COIN . listen to uncanny valley . 's a good album 👍

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2022 18:33 (2 Years ago)
thank u <3 u are swag

oo ee oo a a ting tang walla walla bing bang (one profanity warning) (also gore? body horror? i think.)

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2022 14:38 (2 Years ago)


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Posted: Sat, 12/03/2022 13:08 (2 Years ago)
claim :o)

anyone here (the ones w a drawing as their icon only lol >.>) , here , or here

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Posted: Sun, 13/02/2022 15:58 (2 Years ago)
yo... pop...
Username: Kenzan
What you want: anyone you'd like.. or you know.
Payment: 1 million pokedollar like the 1 million years you will spend in jail .
Other: have fun drawing :3

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Posted: Sun, 30/01/2022 15:10 (2 Years ago)
Revolution 909 - Daft Punk 😈😈

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Posted: Tue, 11/01/2022 05:30 (2 Years ago)
nev i am kissing ur art . i am giving it all a kith . lovely andbeautyful imo. it all has so much swag and yolo

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