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Posted: Wed, 16/12/2015 01:25 (8 Years ago)
Please evolve my Pokémon!
Pokémon ID: 3669243
Comment: thank you (=

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 03:27 (9 Years ago)
That would be a normal quest..just like the one that was for that one fushion thing. And it would be tradable. But breeding it with Pikachu could work too but have a lower chance for a Cosplay one

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 02:49 (9 Years ago)
Make it breedable, with only Ditto like Mewtwo, Rotom, Phione, and a couple others are. Tradable can be debatable. If it can be bred then it would be able to be traded.

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 02:25 (9 Years ago)
You go to the lab and Professor says. "I've been getting strange reports of a female Pikachu walking around Emera Town. I've tried finding her myself but to no avail. If you happen to see her. Please, bring her to me!."

You then will have a chance to see a Pikachu when you click the town button.
maybe interacting would increase the chance to see her, or make her time based.

When you find her, click her, she joins your party and then go to the lab

the professor says

"Oh my! There appears to be something special about this Pikachu.. She appears to gain certain moves depending on what she wishes to dress as."

"here, raise her for now and take this pass to the Saloon, someone there might know how to help."

He's give you a Fashion Pass which would unlock a new area of the Saloon.
So then you go to the Saloon place and then a girl says.

"Oh! I've never seen you here before! Here at the (insert story name) we sell cosplaying items for anyone ranging from adults to children, even Pokemon!"

"oh what's that? you have a Pikachu that likes to cosplay? Well we have just the outfits

The first out fit would be Pikachu Libre for 5K, to make her Electric/Fighting
The second would be Pikachu Belle, Electric/Ice
Pikachu, Ph. D would be third for for 10K Electric/Psychic
Then Rockstar to make her Electric/Steel for 15K
And last Pop Star to make her Electric/Fairy for 20K.

Then once you buy them all you go back to the professor and he says

"Oh my! It appears that she seems to been an avid cosplayer which has made her acceptable to different types. With each outfit she appears to change something about herself"

You then get a Egg that looks like a Pikachu egg with instead of 3 brown lines there is a brown heart

bam hatch and you have your own Cosplay Pikachu and the other one goes to the Professor

and then you already have all the cosplay outfits and your own Cosplay Pikachu. The Professor takes the wild one to study more and leaves the newborn with you.

(Me and Glitch thought of this idea together)

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 01:29 (9 Years ago)
@TailsPrower I thought the Rock Star cosplay was only available towards males and Pop Star was only for girls. Thanks for the heads up :3

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Posted: Fri, 12/06/2015 01:27 (9 Years ago)
Well, I'm not sure how the Sprite-rs make sprites, unless they just take the ones directly from Pokemon.
So some one would have to probably make a sprite themselves.
As of breeding;no, cosplay Pikachu is not breed-able so it should either be an Event egg or make it breed-able like how Mewtwo was.
As of changing forms, exactly like how you change a Furfrou, go to the Saloon and just buy a different outfit for the Pikachu. Depending if it's male or female it could get certain outfits. Each one should be a one time purchase (maybe 10K PD per outfit)
As of GETTING it, Like Glitch explained (the best way it could be explained) it should be an event. A mod or Raiko would have to decide the event to receive her/him so there is no better explanation. Maybe a click event or luck. But cosplay Pikachu should be considered a Special rarity and should not be able to breed with a regular Pikachu. Just Ditto, exactly like Mewtwo.

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Posted: Thu, 11/06/2015 19:38 (9 Years ago)
Anyone buy that Uxie voucher yet?
I've not, PM me and I'll buy it!

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Posted: Sun, 31/05/2015 22:52 (9 Years ago)
With the recent loss of Trialpay, I know many people who will be incapable of spending at least 10 dollars for anything over a month. I mean sure, we could log in everyday and get a small amount of Nuggets (1-5.) But at the end of the day, that's not enough. You an win them from slots, but still. The luck of getting those are very low and as far as I am concerned there is no other way to get them except trading. But that'd be hard to find someone who'd be willing to give you more than 100 nuggets they bought with real money or spent over a month getting.
So, here's my suggestion.
Make your own surveys, with questions about Pokeheroes giving feedback on the things that have been implemented. It could be about 10-15 minutes long and you can do one once a day for 5-10 nuggets. 10 nuggets a week with 3 weeks in a month is 30 nuggets a month. It's not much but still it'd make people feel better. Because there are people like me, who can't work due to disabilities so they have no way of making money, not even a dollar to buy 100 nuggets.
I don't know, this is just my opinion because with the recent loss of Trialpay, I feel that a lot of premium members will be dropped due to the fact that they can't afford anything over a week of premium. Because 5 dollars for 500 nuggets. 15 dollars a month and then 120 a year. It doesn't seem like a lot, but for people like me who have absolutely no way of making real life money then it is quiet expensive. I don't know, I'd just like to see a better way to get nuggets.

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