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Posted: Tue, 18/06/2024 12:20 (12 Days ago)
Sending. Missing Please :D :D

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Posted: Tue, 18/06/2024 08:23 (13 Days ago)
Sending. Missing Please :D

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 12:37 (13 Days ago)

Missing please :D

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 09:51 (14 Days ago)
Sending :D

Missing Pls

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 07:48 (19 Days ago)

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 06:04 (19 Days ago)
Ahh, im only rumbling with it in a normal area. I thought it would be enough to get to 1000 minutes by resending it. I didn't know there were maps where you can go for so long without resending the Pokémon.


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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 09:17 (20 Days ago)
my Pawmo won't evolve. It has been rumbling for almost 3 days in a row, without taking it back, but it won't evolve to Pawmot..

Is there anything else i have to do, to evolve it?

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 09:15 (20 Days ago)
you evolve the Event Buizel with a Thunderstone :)

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Posted: Wed, 05/06/2024 13:32 (25 Days ago)
Missing Pls

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 10:28 (1 Month ago)
What's up guys, enjoying the game so far. Will be online a lot in the coming weeks, feel free to add me!

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 09:09 (1 Month ago)
im still kinda new to the game. Am pretty active, add me if you want :D
I'm here to collect all the Pokemons!

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 08:08 (1 Month ago)
Thank you so much!

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 08:03 (1 Month ago)
Yeah, figured out how to redeem it. Thanks a lot!

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 07:57 (1 Month ago)
Mine is Electro, i also kinda like Steel

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 07:56 (1 Month ago)
Hey, i would like the Egg :3

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Posted: Tue, 28/05/2024 07:54 (1 Month ago)
Nice to meet you, im also kinda new!

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