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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 15:49 (8 Months ago)
"Ahh...no need to apologize. You did the best you could!" he smiled. "Besides,we know something will happen and we're prepared for it,at least mentally." Leonidas added,taking another bite.

He coughed a bit,clearing his throat. "Say uhh...do you happen to have someone to go to the ball with? I mean,does anyone else know about it? Wouldn't it be better if we went together? Y'know,since we are aware..." He rambled on and on,trying to conceal the true intentions as to why he was asking Eris to accompany him. It was much easier said than actually follow through Ayran's advice but he definitely tried.

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Posted: Tue, 18/06/2024 18:49 (8 Months ago)
"Well...at least it confirmed that there really is something to worry about the ball." He admitted. He glanced to the side,trying to focus for a moment and see if he could feel what Eris' felt but to no avail.

Leonidas offered to pat her back as he noticed her sudden cough but she managed to quickly recover. "Is there anything we can do to get a more detailed or precise reading? Can't really complain since we know something will happen,but we are still as much in the dark as before..." He added before starting to take small bites out of his meal.

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 14:01 (9 Months ago)
One by one,as Eris flipped the cards,Leonidas first admired the cards and their art but he almost immediately focused on what she was saying.

"Something is not fully fulfilled. Something happened that negatively affected the Ball. The one in control thinks they are doing what is best." Leonidas kept silently repeating to himself to keep up with Eris. "Something needs this to occur. It will be up to the people to determine the result." he followed.

He scratched his head somewhat intensely,trying to make sense of all this. "Aren't these too broad?" he groaned. He noticed Eris was somewhat calm about it,merely taking a sip from her lemonade. She could be thinking and complaining that she seems too calm about this wouldn't change anything.

His attention shifted back to the Lovers card. "Partnership and unity,that's us! Right? Or could it be the students of the academy coming together to stop this impending doom?" He groaned once more,leaning back with his hands on his head. All this uncertainty and the fact that nothing was quite as specific as he would've like it to be directly contradicted the way he goes about dealing with situations.

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Posted: Mon, 17/06/2024 00:40 (9 Months ago)
Leonidas was having an extremely difficult time keeping up with what Eris was saying but he did manage to understand the fact that it wasn't magic,which was somewhat hard to believe given what was happening right in front of his very eyes. He simply kept looking in awe,mouth slightly opened from the impressive speed with which she shuffled the cards and the rather peculiar humming which he had never heard before. It was a rather unique set of cards,unlike any he has seen in his life.

He briefly looked around to see if there was anyone else watching. Eris' hair moving on its own should probably be enough to attract some eyes but luckily no one seemed to be paying attention to them. Leonidas' anticipation kept increasing and increasing each time the cards shuffled and swapped places,though he knew better than to disturb her and talk to her in the middle of the reading. His eyes were locked in the pile of cards,waiting for Eris' next move. Part of him really wanted to draw a card but he wasn't familiar with the procedure and he didn't want to to risk messing this up. Maybe once Eris was done...

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 22:17 (9 Months ago)
Leonidas silently nodded as he looked around one last time,searching for vacant soots. Luckily,another group of students had gotten up and left.

"So...what exactly do you do? Are those cards filled with magic or somethin'? Can they talk?" he inquired as he slid one of the chairs out and sat,also sliding the chair next to him out for Eris to sit as well.

He was really curious about it and was intending to watch her every movement with his undivided attention. Talking about the ball and its potential threat created another opportunity for him to ask Eris to go together,under the guise of being a team to stop the calamity before it strikes

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 16:53 (9 Months ago)
It was indeed rather interesting how Eris' cared about Leonidas' opinion,though it could also be regarded as something she said out of kindness. Judging by the blush,the point did come across and caused him to chuckle a bit. "Ahh,sorry,sorry!" he quickly muttered when he put out that little fire. It's always a bad habit of his to assume everyone is used to being around fire. He didn't really have any other choice since that's his power.

"Of course!" he chimed in response to her asking if he's alright with her doing the tarot reading. "I mean,if anything,we might just learn what that permonition of yours is!" he added,with perhaps more enthusiasm than required given the situation.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 13:43 (9 Months ago)
Leonidas got a chuckle out of that last part. He filled his tray with relatively small and bland meals,he wasn't the breakfast type anyway.

"Weird,you say?" he asked almost sarcastically. He grabbed his glass that contained some sort of fizzy drink and held it above his other hand's index finger,which he had raised. Still maintaining eye contact with Eris,he caused a small flame to ignite on his finger and watched as the sparkling substances went wild. Unknowing if his flame was below the standards of a smoke detector and sprinkler,he quickly snuffed it out and took a sip.

"Take a look 'round you. Everyone's weird and unnatural. And that's okay! As long as you don't bring about the end of the world,of course." he added. He hoped that even if his little show didn't convey his message,at least some of his words would.

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 00:05 (9 Months ago)
Leonidas was drawing a complete and utter blank. He was always oblivious and clueless but the way Eris brought it up almost sounded as if he was supposed to also be suspicious.

"I see..." He uttered,mostly as filler until he could think of a proper response. "I'll make sure that you...no," he corrected ",everyone stays safe!" he puffed up his chest. He was this close to jumping the gun but he managed to somewhat correct that last sentence of his.

"You often seem to be fiddlin' with some cards before a test or any event hosted by the academy... If it helps you calm down,I wouldn't mind if you want to do that." he added,hoping to reassure her. Truth be told,he has happened to just come across Eris doing a tarot reading but,naturally,Leonidas doesn't know what that is.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 19:45 (9 Months ago)
Leonidas didn't even seem to try to hide his eyes lighting up the moment Eris complained about other students tossing away their invitations. "That's what I'm sayin'! You have no idea how many people I had to scold just this morning..." he huffed.

"There's...?" he repeated,tilting his head sideways in both confusion and curiosity. It was news to him that not even the Elites were unaware of what would go down during the ball but that made it all the more exciting for him!

While waiting for her to reply,he grabbed two plates and carried them over to the area they would choose their meal,also trying to spot any vacant seats for them to sit at.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 18:19 (9 Months ago)
Leonidas was somewhat startled as he felt a smooth sensation on his hand,though he quickly realized what had just happened. He initially intended to just motion at the cafeteria but he subconsciously placed his hand in a different manner,not that he minded of course.

He quickly cleared his throat,trying to bring himself back from the shock. "So uhm... Have you heard about the ball?" That should be one way of getting to know whether or not she already has someone to go with. He'd really have to be careful with the timing this time...

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 13:19 (9 Months ago)
Unable to ask for any further tips or explanations,Ayran was quickly needed elsewhere. Leonidas quickly muttered a "Thank you!" before Ayran departed and,now that he was somewhat saved from Trix,he approached Eris,taking into consideration everything Ayran told him.

Inviting her formally... Buying her flowers... Candlelit dinner... That guy somehow became even more gracious and charming than Leonidas remembered. Well,it all depended on how they interact during their breakfast.

"Sorry 'bout that!" he said as he slightly bowed,still walking towards her. "I had to help a friend out..." He kept trying to think of better ways to put it but that's the one that he managed to blurt out.

"Well then... With that out of the way..." he offered her his hand. "Breakfast?" he beamed at her,hoping that would be enough to forgive him.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 12:02 (9 Months ago)
"Yeah..." he admitted rather defeatedly. "I feel like now,the time's actually right! It's true that I chose the worst moments in the past,not just with her but y'know...Anyway! Now's prom! And judging by the fact that she didn't turn down my offer for breakfast,I'd say I have some fighting odds."

It took everything Leonidas had not to make it look like they were talking about Eris as they were walking towards her.

"I know I can count on you,Goldie!" he pleaded.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 09:51 (9 Months ago)
"Me? Good at lying? Nah,far from it." Leonidas admitted. "I guess the situation was dire enough that what I said sounded like the truth... Not like it really mattered to her anyway." he paused for a bit.

Part of Leonidas wanted to learn about her through Ayran but it seemed like he wanted to keep Leonidas out of this whole mess. He wasn't one to pry and ask about things that didn't concern him,seeing as his straightforwardness only made matters worse. If Ayran actually needed help,he would have filled Leonidas in anyway,right?

His eyes then wandered and ended up back at Eris. "Ah! Perfect!" He leaned a bit closer to Ayran and tried to lower the volume of his voice to the best of his abilities. "Got any tips?" He motioned towards Eris' direction. It was the best opportunity for Leonidas to get some advice from the academy's most charming guy and he seized it.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 08:36 (9 Months ago)
Even though Trixie didn't seem willing to separate from Ayran,some other person Leonidas hadn't noticed managed to somehow convince her. After walking a bit further away and getting closer to Eris,Leonidas adjust his arm so that it was just over Ayran's shoulder and not a fake headlock.

"Man,just what have you gotten yourself into? Can't handle your own fans?" he scoffed. "Who was she,anyway?"

Part of Leonidas hoped she was maybe in a different academic year than them and that she wouldn't be invited to the ball but her tenacity only proved the opposite. Speaking of the ball,he would have to ask Eris about it as soon as they get back to her,she was just a few steps away.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 01:08 (9 Months ago)
It was quite evident from Ayran's expression that he absolutely despised the situation he was in. He usually seemed to have a soft and gentle smile,though now he looked irritated beyond words and almost as if his patience was running out.

Holding his hand up as to signal Eris that he'd be right back,he jogged towards the two. "Ah! Ayran! Don't think I've forgotten that you owe me from last time! You'll pay right here,right now!" Leonidas exclaimed as he wrapped his arm around Ayran's neck,barely applying any force to make it look like a headlock and carried him back to where Eris was. "I'm gonna burrow him if ya don't mind!" he added,Trix as he walked away,still holding Ayran.

It was genuinely the least he could do considering how many times Ayran's silver tongue got Leonidas out of trouble. Of course,Leonidas lied. Ayran didn't owe him anything,he just thought it would be the best,most effective way,to drag Ayran away from that girl.

Hoping that situation was solved,he now had to think of a way to apologize to Eris AGAIN. He already promised to buy her breakfast but now that he pulled this,he was afraid that wouldn't suffice.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 15:18 (9 Months ago)
Not a moment after Leonidas finished asking Eris to buy her breakfast as a way to make up for bumping into her and raising his voice,he happened to overhear some rather unpleasant words being exchanged. Being a curious person,he turned to look and was met the sight of Ayran literally swatting the hand of the same girl he saw him with just a moment ago off his cheeks.

He took a step in their direction,not wanting to also ditch Eris. "Hey Goldie,is she causin' you trouble?" Well,both of them were blonds but Leonidas only knew and called Ayran that name. Actually he had quite a few of those for a handsome guy like him but this is the one that came more naturally to him.

He glanced at the other, shorter, blond. Leonidas has seen her around the academy a few times but she never really caught his attention. He could feel something was off about her. Even after Leonidas talked to Ayran,she didn't even bat an eye towards his direction. She seemed obsessed with Ayran and even though it wouldn't be the first time,this one was unlike the rest.

"A no's a no!" he added,this time directly referring to her.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 10:00 (9 Months ago)
"GACK!" Leonidas winced. Having unexpectedly bumped into some unknown force,his body jumped. Was his mind wandering somewhere? Either way,he hadn't noticed the person.

He clenched his fist and engulfed it in flames. "Watch where you're going,you foo-" He quickly extinguished those flames as he soon realized he had bumped into a young girl who also happened to be an elite among her house. "Ah...Sorry 'bout that!" he scratched the back of his head,both from embarrassment and also in an attempt to hide the hand he ignited.

"How 'bout this? Breakfast's on me! Sounds good?" he said as he motioned towards the cafeteria which both of them seemed to be heading towards.

Food was an easy to way to sneak in Leonidas' heart. Not only did he like food but it also helped him be able to maintain his energy throughout the entire day. God knows how much energy he consumes getting in or out of fights or just keeping up with his intense personality.

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 18:37 (9 Months ago)
Leonidas' pace kept slowing down the closer he got to Ayran and Trixie. While on his way there he kept seeing more and more people come up to each other and ask to be their partner in the ball. His eyes quickly snapped back at the two and awkwardly smiled at them,slowly walking away.

"Ah~ It's nothing! Don't worry about it!" he said while he was within talking range. He gave Ayran a quick thumbs up,unsure of whether or not he read the room correctly,before turning around and departing.

Seeing as most other students were going there,he too made his way into the cafeteria,that way he'd kill two birds with one stone. He would be able to eat breakfast as well as potentially coming across someone who hasn't been asked out yet,if he was that lucky...

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 13:24 (9 Months ago)
Kendo managed to get a small laugh out of him.

"Ain't no way I'm telling you man,should've paid attention in class." As if he was one to talk about that but if it meant getting on his nerves even more,it was worth it. It was clear that Kendo's patience was starting to get paper thin,much like the letter he had torn up. Having told him about the importance of the ball,Leonidas turned and walked away hoping the last couple days in the academy would be rather peaceful and quiet. He was going to join the High Court no matter what!

He patrolled and wandered around the area a bit until he spotted two other students,one rather gorgeous blond student and a somewhat shorter,also blond,student near a trash can. "Hey! You two!" he exclaimed as he started approaching them.

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Posted: Tue, 11/06/2024 11:38 (9 Months ago)
"Yeah..." Leonidas scoffed. "Today..." he repeated that small part of Kendo's sentence. "You may not have any plans for today,which I doubt,but you better not be up to something tomorrow." A big part of that sentence should have stayed as just a thought but Leonidas just cannot seem to be able to use his inner voice ever.

Leonidas' way of speaking could easily be misinterpreted as a threat or a warning due to his voice's volume but he wasn't looking for a fight.That same pride and way of speaking caused him whatever trouble he had beside damaging the academy and yet he hadn't learned his lesson.

"This is just as important to us as it to you. You're also part of this school,at least try to act like it..."

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