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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Sat, 11/08/2018 11:06 (6 Years ago)
Past Hunt
Hunt started: 07/08/018 - Finished: 11/08/18
(Shiny= [3/2] )
[Used 11,100 Pd in Daycare]

2x Shiny Spearow for Silverlightx

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Posted: Sun, 05/08/2018 13:34 (6 Years ago)
Past Hunt
Hunt started: 01/08/018 - Finished: 05/08/18
(Shiny= [1/1] )
[Used 12,200 Pd in Daycare]

1x Shiny Corsola for Psn~White_Croat ~PAID

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Posted: Wed, 01/08/2018 10:52 (6 Years ago)
Past Hunt
Hunt Started: 22/07/2018 - Finished: 31/07/18
(Shiny= [3/3] )
[Used 17,100 Pd in Daycare]

2x Shiny Poochena for ~Ice_of_the_wolf~ ~ PAID [0/2]

1x Shiny Poochena for Silverlightx

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Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 10:44 (6 Years ago)
Past Hunt
Hunt Started: 018/07/2018 - Finished: 24/07/18
(Shiny= [9/5] )
[Used 14,100 Pd in Daycare]

3x Shiny Ponyta for ~Ice_of_the_wolf~ ~PAID

2x Shiny Ponyta for Jayka ~PAID

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Posted: Wed, 18/07/2018 13:57 (6 Years ago)
Past Hunt
Hunt Started: 08/02/2018 - Finished: 18/07/18
(Shiny= [5/5] )
[Used 327,500 Pd in Daycare]

1x Shiny Satochu for GetsugaTenshou / BanMido

3x Shiny Satochu for Silverlightx

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Posted: Fri, 01/06/2018 20:18 (6 Years ago)
Welcome back! Nice that you have someone to love ^^

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Posted: Fri, 01/06/2018 19:45 (6 Years ago)
Those 50 minutes were so stressful. I lost the internet so many times or wouldn't let me go further the '' I'm not a robot ''thingy.
June will be my first ever kpop concert(Monsta x) & BTS will be my second.
I have joined 2 or 3 groups but its pretty bad. Some way i'm terrible at finding dutch groups related to kpop.I'm mostly in english speaking groups...
I've heard that there was a plan of giving out pamflets with the happy birthday song on it to sing for Jimin. Haven't heard anything else.

You got any tips for me to get prepared? Thankfully I can sit during the performing. I'm sitting in field 109 . I wanted to sit in field 106 or 107 but i'm happy where I am now.

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Posted: Fri, 01/06/2018 08:53 (6 Years ago)
I know I know, I havent been in the forum for a long time!( please dont kill me).
I wanted to share with you guys that Im going to see BTS in amsterdam!!!!!!I did it!:D :D :D

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Posted: Mon, 30/04/2018 18:24 (6 Years ago)
Good good, can't wait ~^.^~
Really curious what the ticket prices are going to be. I only saw prices for North America.

It's much more fun if you can go with someone than go alone. I know I will tell my mum to make pictures for me xD

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Posted: Fri, 27/04/2018 14:26 (6 Years ago)
ooh! I understood you completely wrong! I thought that the fans organized it before the concert . I feel so stupid now. I've never been to a k-pop concert before. I have no idea how it goed.
It must have been really nice for BTS to be able to rest while they were doing the WING concert..

Even without the games, i'm pretty sure I will enjoy it IF I get my hands on the tickets.

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Posted: Fri, 27/04/2018 06:12 (6 Years ago)
Rapmon haha she came with me to a Take That concert before & she enjoyed the show. Oh well, she might enjoy bts coreographies. I've heard that the screamings of the fans are crazy loud :O

Oh yes! I love my mum, she is the only person in my family that do not make stupid jokes & actually ask more about it . Omg :O , what kind of things do they do???
Do you think this will also happen with the monsta x concert in Madrid!?
I might need to go alone during the day as it will be too much for her .

Mochi, I sincerely hope that there will be more places in the US & that you can go!

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Posted: Thu, 26/04/2018 21:26 (6 Years ago)
Rapmon, Day6 is amazing! They are my favorite rock group. Who knows, maybe The rose will beat them kater on...

K-PopMultiFandom you are 100% right! When will I get a chance like that!? My mum even offered to come with me to the concert. I don't mind at all , ita just bot her type of music & its too noisy for her as she already is terrible tired.. Aand.. might look a bit weird to the others hehehehehe

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Posted: Thu, 26/04/2018 20:00 (6 Years ago)
Omg, you have to tell us how it went!!!

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Posted: Thu, 26/04/2018 18:48 (6 Years ago)
Lol, it's the excitement xD

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Posted: Thu, 26/04/2018 16:29 (6 Years ago)
Wow, so many going on!
And BTS are coming too!
I reall wanna see them in Amsterdam but I don't like the idea of going alone :,(

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Posted: Wed, 11/04/2018 11:04 (6 Years ago)

It will be my first korean concert! ~^.^~
Everything was sold out so quick! Had to refresh the page so many times & at the end I could get 2 tickets for in the standing area instead of a seating area

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Posted: Tue, 03/04/2018 19:18 (6 Years ago)
For the Monsta x one? What stuff are you talking about? What bracelets? What did I miss :O !*panics*

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Posted: Tue, 03/04/2018 18:38 (6 Years ago)
Knowing bros on netflix!!? No way :O , another reason for me to get netflix

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Posted: Tue, 03/04/2018 17:26 (6 Years ago)
I had high expectations of hwarang and it dissapointed me a bit, I still liked it tho.*sigh* Strong woman do bong soon, that was fun,so cheesy & I love Kim Won Hae !

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Posted: Tue, 03/04/2018 17:13 (6 Years ago)
I use kissasian.ch & if that one doesn't work for some reason, I go to https://dramanices.com/

Maybe you can watch, It's okay that Is love .

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