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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Mon, 13/06/2016 20:13 (8 Years ago)
Oh god. Brunhilde, despite her bloodied eye, could clearly make out Ghembo's dead corpse. After seeing the lion alive and breathing only minutes ago, she couldn't comprehend his death. Sure, she was dizzy but she knew what she saw. Brunhilde had known death, she saw it happen nearly everyday sometimes, whether it be in the creatures, the elementals or her own humans, but this was different. A lion who was interested in humans, it showed intelligence but also possible future peace between the two species. Would that even happen now? she asked herself worryingly, but she shook her head. Sheera clearly was in pain but all Brunhilde could do was stand nearby and keep in respectful silence.

Zaire couldn't say anything in reply. He shook his muscles and gave a slow nod, careful not to look rude, "We'll head off now." After a moment of silence, he turned to Ghembo's body and added, "I will keep a truce period between our species - It is clear that grief will run in your pride tonight, if you wish to use the river for a moon, you are welcome to." Zaire of course was fiercely territorial over the flowing river, the largest one in this part of the land, but these creatures were going to be weak without a fully established leadership and if they needed water or even a defensive position, he wasn't going to turn creatures away to their death. "Good luck to you, he will be in the Bask's thoughts tonight." Zaire added finally and with a grumble, he lashed his tail and the others followed, two of them mumbling their condolences briefly before following. They headed back to the forest where the ambush took place and started the process of trying to take the prey back to the camp. A good feast. Zaire observed, But at what cost to them?

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Posted: Sun, 12/06/2016 18:05 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 19:51 (8 Years ago)
(Could I join - Looks fun! c: )

Name: Dorcha Ryos
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Status: Villain
Personality: Dorcha is a smart girl, but can be known to be envious of others. While she can appear as timid and weak, her cunning ability gives her more strength. She's loyal and compassionate to those she cares about and loving to her pokemon, but can be cruel and malicious to the people she has no time for.
-Intelligent - Strong willed - Compassionate - Determined
-Jealous - Resentful - Impulsive - Easily offended
History: Dorcha grew up quite happily in Blackthorn City and had a life like in any normal family, but felt sometimes she was cast into a shadow by her older sister's success in both battling and contests. Always feeling that she had something to prove, she was determined to show the world that she could be better in other things than her sister. Although learning new skills like pokemon breeding, identifying berries, etc, proved irritating to the impulsive girl, she soon left her family and headed out into the world. At this time she was naive and open to ideas and soon became influenced by others and developed a more 'villainous' personality.
Starter: Nope! xD
Other: Like xspurr, gym leader when needed! ^^

Pokemon Caught
Party: Stunky | Skorupi | Houndour | Carvanha
Storage:None yet! xD

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Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 19:12 (8 Years ago)
(Don't mind me, just screaming to the sky BECAUSE GHEMO DIED AND HE WAS GOALS. Jks, Sad to see him go but excited to see how the rp will continue! xD)

Brunhilde grunted slowly to her feet as the wildcats seemed to retreat. She staggered slightly, she felt dizzy and nauseous, blood dripped from her head, her hands and now from one of her legs almost as if she had doused herself in red paint. She looked around in a full circle before she could make out what happened, the action had come and gone so quickly, it was much more of a dream than it could be in real life. Time seemed to slow, her heartbeat seemed to race, shapes and colours swirled as her eyes produced hallucinations of the battered clearing. Holding her head quickly and wincing, she bent down slightly and hissed in the pain, but slowly trudged over to some of the other creatures. Rest was what she needed now, but she wasn't too sure how much she'd get.

The wildcats had come their way. Screams and growls filled the air, the mongrels didn't know the crocdiles were there and a chaotic mess began, the faster ones got out, but the slower, injured ones didn't stand a chance. Feeling triumphant and somewhat proud of the ordeal, Zaire counted the fallen that littered the forest floor. Wildcat meat might not be the finest, but in these times, we'll get what we can take. Lifting his head, he noticed the others that remained in the clearing, some bloodied and disorientated, some clearly in grief. While normally the crocodiles stayed away from the business of others, it was clear that these animals may have needed some assistance. "If you leave others in a pain you wish not to have, you are not a noble creature, but rather more of a cowardly rat." Zaire grumbled to the younger members, Hopefully if they need some help, it will stop some of the tensions. Of course, these wounded animals could have been attacked by the crocs for more food, but it was seen in their eyes as wasteful to kill what isn't needed. Zaire and two of the other crocodiles, one hanging back to prevent any more attacks, headed for the lingering animals, his footsteps slow and steady as his large body almost slithered over the beaten ground. That's when he noticed the body, clearly a male, clearly a powerful male, but he knew who the lion was. Is that Ghembo? Like other leaders, Zaire had to know the leaders of other groups out of respect but also to know your enemy. Making his way over, he noticed a lioness standing near the body, clearing in pain, emotional more than physical it seemed. He slowed his movements even more but kept his head lowered in respect. Coming over to the body, his thought had been confirmed. Ghembo was now dead, although Lions and Crocodiles never saw eye to eye, the leader couldn't deny that Ghembo, leader of the lion pride in these parts, was powerful. He was unable to say anything that might irritate the other lions, but slowly spoke, in order to prevent anyone thinking he was sarcastic or gloating, "May the rivers he takes to the afterlife be gentle and kind, with fresh running prey that he will find." Although this may have been a ritual for their kind, Zaire found it appropriate to use it for the leader, "We are sorry for your loss," he added, head rising up again, "If it is any consolidation, some of those disgusting vermin died quickly for their selfishness."

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Posted: Sat, 11/06/2016 09:49 (8 Years ago)
"Pathetic." Brokensky growled to herself, FireClan can't even defend themselves - cowardly pieces of fox dung. She straightened herself up and slowly made her way to the border, sitting there with her tail lashing the fallen leaves on the ground. Although she should have gone back to camp, the deputy found it unfair that rules weren't enforced and she licked her paw as she waited for a FireClan cat or patrol.

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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 22:32 (8 Years ago)
in wasm cvool

#Closeenough xD

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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 19:52 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 19:34 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry for not posting that much! )

Brokensky had gone out by herself. She grew tired with the other cats in her clan, rather than waking up, they'd sleep, rather than patrolling, they'd mess around. Who cares? she growled stiffly, They're gonna have some blame if FireClan randomly attack. she slunk through the trees, her dark pelt blending into the mud and fallen leaves. She had noticed that she had grown weary with the cats of her own clan recently, from not responding to DewDrop earlier and not wanting any more apprentices, she couldn't help but feel some irritation that the cats in the clan didn't do precisely what she wished. Grumbling to herself and giving a lash of her tail, she almost lost the sudden scent that filled her nose. FireClan!

Lowering her body and slowly dragging it across the forest floor with slow movements, she looked through a small bush, her sharp sighted eyes catching the sight of a cat. The sight was unmistakable, the cat, however young, was entering IceClan territory. Don't FireClan have the intelligence to teach their cats basic clan etiquette? Or do they lack that along with everything else? Furious, she lowered herself again and slowly made her way around the bush, readying herself for a fight.

Sandpaw lingered in the FireClan camp, he was unsure on what to do as other cats had headed out. He sighed and sat down, flicking his tail with some impatience. "Why can't I be a warrior yet?" he whined to himself quietly, flicking a bit of dirt up from the ground with his paw, bored stiff and longing for a hunting patrol.

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Posted: Fri, 10/06/2016 19:19 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry guys, been a bit too busy with school, travelling and moving. Honestly can't seem to get on this site for longer than 2-5 mins a day.. But glad to see that some epic stuff is going on in the rp!!!)

The peacefulness had gone in only a moment. A minute ago, Brunhilde was sitting under a tree but now she was trapped in a chaotic fight. With her back against the ground, she was holding her gun across the chest of a large wildcat to prevent it's snapping and frothing jaws from reaching her face, even though it's arms flailed all over the place trying to attack, she had been struck thrice from it's long, curled claws. Drawing back her lips, she spat at the creature viciously and bared her teeth in anger and frustration with a quick lash of her head to the side, she tried to see Ghembo for any assistance but struggled as blood started to drip into the left eye due to a stinging wound across her forehead. Those damn idiots took my knives! she spat in her head viciously, cursing violently with every explicit phrase she could damn well think of. Her arms were growing weak with holding the cat away from her and she flinched and yelped as one of the claws snatched at her skin and drew blood. With a yowl, she spat back an incredibly loud and clear, understandable explicit phrase before quickly grabbing the gun away from the creature and before it could jump and bit her damn face off, she roughly shot the gun, it's bullet immediately striking the head of the creature and blood gorily came out. Closing her eyes to avoid the bloody scene, she used her hand to wipe both her and the creature's blood off of her face, smearing red all over her pale face and hand. It was a sickening sight to see the creature's face now, but she simply got to her feet quickly and aimed her rifle at another creature. While usually Brunhilde preferred not to kill, this had to be the exception. She wasn't surviving alone now, but had god knows how respected members of a pride. It's either death under the claws of these damn monsters or some hope of survival. she thought before shooting the other creature.

Zaire, from the river was watching the fight. "Shouldn't we help them?" a young crocodile named Mkondo asked, looking nervous and worried about the outcome of the fight. But Zaire hesitated to give a definite answer, helping possible prey like the lions would be cowardly but he too had known about that rogue band that attacked them, they had killed another young croc several seasons ago due to a lack of prey and the crocs had never liked them for fouling near the river. The leader looked out and could see that the fight was a bitter one, blood marked most of the creatures and it looked far from over. At first, he turned away but a deep guilt flooded him, the most cowardly thing to do would be to ignore it and go back to the camp empty-bellied and with no food for the others. "Fine." Zaire grumbled, he flicked his tail and the group slowly emerged from the river, their scales camouflaged against the darker part of the forest as they slowly made their way around to attack some of the rogues from the other side and would use the element of surprise against them. Besides, Zaire huffed, There will be bodies after the fight.

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Posted: Tue, 07/06/2016 18:03 (8 Years ago)
Aitidh (Scots Gaelic)

What is 'feather' in your language? ^^

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Posted: Tue, 07/06/2016 17:37 (8 Years ago)
@PkmnTrainer V
Possible names for ya:

-Flamma (Latin for fire, burning fire, source of light, etc)
-Ignigena (Latin for 'born of fire')
-Lasair (Scots Gaelic for flame ~ Can be shortened down to 'Las' for the same meaning)
-Flammen (German for flame)
-Brandstelle (German for blaze or even 'burning/burnt area')

Other fire-related words-
Scorch, Kindle, Ignite, Flare.

Cannae think of anything else, hope it helps you out mate!! ^^'

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Posted: Mon, 06/06/2016 20:04 (8 Years ago)


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Posted: Mon, 06/06/2016 19:59 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 06/06/2016 19:56 (8 Years ago)
Faoileas (Scots Gaelic)

What's 'sky' in your language? ^^

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Posted: Sun, 05/06/2016 22:15 (8 Years ago)
Nah - Don't wanna be stuck anywhere! xD

You will be able to have any pet you've ever wanted


The pet will be quite hostile towards you (Spitting, hissing, etc. ^^')

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Posted: Sun, 05/06/2016 22:03 (8 Years ago)
(Sorry for being late - Should I start it off? ^^')

Brokensky as usual was grumbling to herself, the day hadn't reached sun-high at all, but she waited with a grimace on her face for some of the other warriors to get up so that she could lead an early morning patrol across the border and near the neutral territory. Prey had been reasonably easy to catch these days and had been generally plentiful.
Still means we can't keep our guard down around those fox hearts. She hissed to herself in her head. With a look over her shoulder to the dens, she opened her jaws in a long yawn and stretched her back in an arch to rid herself away of any tiredness that may linger.
She was eager not for a fight with FireClan, but just to prove that they hadn't been near their territory, the deputy was sceptical of their rival clan, not just for them being rivals, but she had always found them to have guarded personalities and attitudes around others, as if they were restraining themselves from saying something. Untrustworthy. Brokensky grumbled at thinking about it but with an angry lash of her tail, she looked up at the slightly clouded early morning. Are they all gonna sleep there till Sun High? she thought quite impatiently with a twitch of her whiskers.

(Might rp Sandpaw once FireClan gets a bit more active - don't think there would really be anything for him to do! xD)

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Posted: Sun, 05/06/2016 21:40 (8 Years ago)
1. Vaporeon
1. Feraligatr
3. Blastoise
4. Mudkip
5. Empoleon
6. Manaphy
7. Sharpedo
8. Dialga
9. Articuno
10. Greninja

(Too many water types.. xD)

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Posted: Sat, 04/06/2016 22:41 (8 Years ago)
Sharpened Sight

The user quickly identifies a future move by the opponent and the user's accuracy dramatically increases.

Normal-type move
Power: -
Accuracy: -

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Posted: Sat, 04/06/2016 22:02 (8 Years ago)
Aye! xD

The person below me likes pancakes. ^^'

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Posted: Fri, 03/06/2016 21:33 (8 Years ago)
Aye - A good old triangle, best instrument to play
But yep, got a few instruments, cannae play them well tho! xD

The person below me is a 'night-owl' (Stays up late, wakes up late. etc) ^^'

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