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Posted: Fri, 14/02/2014 06:59 (10 Years ago)
That would be encountering a shiny Graveler only to have it selfdestruct on itself! AUUUUGH! So frustrating!!! D':

Oh.. And my cousin saved a new game over my really good one in pokemon silver. I have completed all the Kanto and Johto legendaries there, Mew and Celebi included, which I got from a trade from a friend. D': That was a cartridge-GBA-official Mors (My cousin)! WHY DID YOU DELETE IT?!?!?!?!? T___T

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Posted: Fri, 14/02/2014 06:55 (10 Years ago)
Aside from the usual Red Gyarados in Lake of rage, mine would be a shiny Rattata that I found in the burnt tower of Ecruteak City ^_^ I also have a shiny Swinub that I found in Ice Path, both of which are in my Pokemon Gold :D I didn't evolve them though, since they look so much better in their 1st stage (I know, I know.. Not really a good reason to keep a pokemon from evolving..)..

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Posted: Fri, 14/02/2014 06:50 (10 Years ago)
Oh wow.. XD Well, "Sadimastika" is actually a combination of two words..

"Sadi" as in short for "Sadist"...

Hold up! Before I proceed, please clean up your minds for a while. Please. XD All clean? Good.

*Ahem* Anyway, Sadist or Sadista in our native tongue.. I have been known by my friends to be one for overkilling opponents in games. An example of which would be SS'ing a hero or champion even when their HP is less than 10% (I'm honestly just a coward and I panic a lot while gaming so I'd like to make sure they're defeated, no matter how much mana is carelessly wasted), or like having a high-level Houndoom use Fire Blast on a wild Lvl2 Rattata just for kicks.. I am also quite a big bully to my friends especially when I like them, romantically or not X3 But of course not physically.. But yeah..

The second one, "-mastika" is actually derived from "masokista" or simply put, masochist. In gaming, I have a tendency to pick RU's and NU's for heroes/champions and usually set game modes to "hard" so that I'll actually be able to play decently in "normal" difficulty. Back in college, I do things the hard way. No short cuts, no cheats, volunteering to take the most difficult jobs in group works (mostly because I feel bad seeing my classmates having a hard time, even though I'll most probably have a hard time myself lol), and I love taking the stairs and walking as much as I can from point A to point B. I just have a tendency to give and not ask, and refuse anything in return. I have been told countless times that I give too much to the point that I sacrifice my own needs and wants which sadly is somewhat true. So they say "I love making myself suffer" which isn't really my intention, but yeah.. Hence the nickname masokista.

Add those two together and... Voila! "Sadimastika" :D


There is actually another meaning to it but... *scrubs brain with bleach* X3 nevermind that! ~<3

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2014 23:50 (10 Years ago)
*** OOC: @Finhawk Thanks :D
@Blackscorpion2: NPC's are a great idea for now :) And it's not really a rough history between Pakistan and Philippines. It's not a direct war with Pakistan, even (It shall be explained further! Harhar). I think it's more of a misunderstanding that is truthfully solvable if only respect and open mindedness were applied.. ^_^ ****

Seeing everyone else out of the room save for Thailand and Russia, Alon smiled to herself and picked up the binoculars dangling on her chest from the strap attached to it. She brought it to her eyes to examine the waters. She couldn't help but chuckle to Thailand's comment though. "Well, it can't be helped that some people are still caught up in the past.. I'm sure they'll get over it." She mused softly with a slight pang of guilt in her voice, while hoping deep down that they would reach the untouched land soon as they were running out of time. Soon, a small frown crept up her face. She thought of Pakistan, feeling bad for how his country was generalized by most of the Filipinos, if not all, including her. Honestly, Alon does not have any direct issues with the Pakistani, but the fear that was passed to her thanks to society gave her a hard time trusting him. The war at the south was not purely between Pakistan and Philippines alone, but between two sides battling because of religious differences and their right to have some place in the islands. Of course, while some Pakistani members were involved, their actions caused majority of the country to generalize the race. It was only due to a bad case of stereotyping did some Filipinos developed a slight fear for Pakistan and nothing more. In Alon's honest opinion - which she felt bad thinking about soon after, hers as well as the rest of the skeptic Filipinos' issues were only as petty as it could be. Her fear was just a result of taking in gossip blindly and she knew that - yet she chose to believe her kin.

Feeling the ship nudge a little to the right, Alon's eye snapped in urgency at Thailand who was still busy taking charge of the ship on her own. The ship is sinking, now is so not the time to daze out! Alon walked beside her and peered through her binoculars to examine the waves. She pointed at the horizon. "Alright. Let's keep a steady knot ahead where the waves are less likely to pull the ship downwards. I'll see if I could contact anyone from here.." Looking at the coordinates, Alon was able to estimate their exact location and it seems that they are headed towards the coast of Nice, south of France.

Running a hand through the controls in front of her, her fingers came across the VHF radio as well as a small book, and immediately went for the receiver, with her other free hand flipping through the pages. Alon switched the VHF radio to the emergency channel.

"Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is Alon Amihan on the SunHo Vectra, SunHo Vectra, SunHo Vectra. Callsign Sierra-Charlie-Four-Two-Two-Three-Hotel." She said aloud, reading through the pages which displayed the basic information of the ship as well as its exact coordinates, thanks to the map. After pausing for a few seconds, the young lady then proceeded to dictate the current state of the vessel, with it sinking slowly and all. This was quite a challenge for her, as she was taught to dictate these things in her native tongue back home. She never thought she would need to call for help on an international cruise.

"We are a medium-sized corvette experiencing moderate damage on the starboard with a great chance of capsizing and are in need of immediate assistance. This is SunHo Vectra, callsign Sierra-Charlie-Four-Two-Two-Three-Hotel. Over." She finished as she scanned the controls. Seeing that there is a red button labeled as "DSC", Alon immediately pressed the button, sending the GPS coordinates hopefully to the nearest coastgard in Nice as well as a Mayday beacon.

Releasing the button on the microphone, Alon listened to the channel, hoping for an answer from anyone. She is determined to try again if there is still only static on the other line.

***OOC: I'm sorry.. I really don't know what I'm doing to this post TwT
@Ufimtsev: Nope! No plot holes at all! ^_^****

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Posted: Wed, 05/02/2014 01:25 (10 Years ago)
((My apologies as well >.< I had been away for a while because of work, and I realized that I wasn't subscribed to this which is lame hahaha
@Blackscorpion2: Welcome to the RP!))

Caelan, upon noticing the other male's silence, toned down his excitement a bit and continued to lead the way. He still kept that smile on his face though, as he could not wait to introduce Drew to the family that took care of him. As the soft grassy ground soon transitioned into gravel, the Tyranitar gijinka looked ahead and was pleased to see the view of the farm. He saw Tala, the Arcanine, perched high and mightily on a boulder looking over the mareep who are slumbering in the fields, all clustered together for warmth. He noticed how the Arcanine's eyes were so full of focus and determination that his piercing gaze would send off any tired Murkrow from perching on the fence. Indeed this pokemon was a great guardian, or perhaps too great, as when his gaze landed on Caelan and Drew, the fire pokemon jumped off his perch and rushed towards them in great speed. Caelan's smile immediately disappeared, as he knew what Tala was about to do.

He was going to attack Drew, seeing him as an intruder of the night.

His hands in the air, Caelan called out to the Arcanine, waving his arms about in an attempt to cease the Arcanine from charging but it was too late. The next thing he knew, the large pokemon was in the air above him and landed in front the Absol gijinka, his mouth wide open with a fireball beginning to form between his sharp fangs.

"Tala! NO!" Turning around, Caelan grabbed for the Arcanine's collar and pulled the pokemon's head to the side, just in time when the flamethrower was released. The fire missed a foot away from Drew's face.

Restrained but not willing to stop intimidating the so-called intruder, Tala bared his fangs and growled at the Absol gijinka, barking and biting on the air as if he was facing the devil. Caelan tried to calm him down but the best of his efforts did not seem to soothe the flaming beast in front of him. It was then a man and woman both in their old age came out from the nearby house, curious as to what the noise was all about.

"Caelan! What is this?!" The old man called out, now approaching the fence with the old lady still waiting by the porch. Caelan looked back and smiled a little, now grunting a bit from using a lot of his strength to keep the snarling Arcanine from biting Drew's head off. He threw an apologetic glance at the younger male before answering his foster grandfather. "Sorry about that gramps, but I found someone here who is in need of food and shelter. Can we let him stay?" He asked politely, still while struggling to keep the Arcanine in his place. The old man eyed Drew in a serious manner, crossing his arms and thinking thoroughly about his decision. With how he looked so stern tonight, it showed that he was still a bit wary of the gijinka stranger. He sighed, taking note of his trust with Caelan.

"That's enough now, Tala. Come." Immediately, the Arcanine was silenced. He moved away from Drew's direction and sat beside the old man, thus earning him an appreciated pet on the head as a reward. As the struggle with the beast finally ended, Caelan sighed almost loudly. He wiped the beads of sweat on his forehead with the back of his hand. Seeing how he failed controlling the powerful pokemon that only listened to his grandfather's short command, he took note as to how Old Man Arturo used to be a great pokemon trainer back in his youth. Tala was only this obedient to him and no one else. The thought made Caelan smile once more. Before he could thank his foster grandfather, the old lady was already approaching the small group. "Is this a friend of yours, Caelan?" She sweetly inquired.

"Yes. Ma, Pops, this is Drew. I met him earlier. Don't worry, he's no trouble."
"Better not be trouble. An Absol is bad luck and Tala saw it too."
"Oh shush it Arturo dear, he's just a child! You and Tala need to loosen up a little, haha!"
"I-If you say so, Felicia.."
"We apologize for the ruckus, child. Tala here has been our sole protector for years.. Come now, let me fix you up some warm stew and hot chocolate to make up for it. Caelan, kindly set the room for our guest."
"Sure thing, Ma."

Looking back, he slung an arm around the younger gijinka. He grinned happily. "Ehehe.. Sorry about that, Drew.." He said, still feeling bad for the incident.

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Posted: Tue, 04/02/2014 22:41 (10 Years ago)
Let's list it down!

1 - Your friendship! ^_^
Well, from the looks of how your bud has been quite a jerk to you lately, he surely deserves the embarrassment from farting in class. But really now, with him putting you down like that just because of that one incident is very childish of him. It was his fault for doing it wrong lol he should have been a good sport about it. I say leave him be but great job on punching him for hitting your sibling like that. Just what is wrong with that guy? D:

2 - Your broken heart! </3
Seriously. He's trying to compete just to make you feel bad, huh? Well, does your crush give hints that she likes you? Because if she does give you say, more hints than this friend of yours then ask her to be your valentine. But then again, if you mean valentine as someone whom you will be committed to as in like boyfriend and girlfriend, then leaving them be would be the most courteous way to go. If it is just for an event in your school with no serious commitments attached, then go for it. As a girl myself, I've seen that some girls say yes to things (in general) if they run out of options. Maybe she still hasn't found anyone yet to her liking and just said yes to your friend just because? Of course, if she does like your friend, then there is no need to rush or pressure yourself ^_^ It's your choice whether or not to celebrate valentines day and it shouldn't really be a big deal. Here in the Philippines, it is sadly a big deal and my friends make so much fuss with it to the point that it causes arguments but I usually celebrate it online, giving free items and money to newbies in whatever MMORPG game I'm in, waste my hours wasting pellets on toy soldiers (because legit shooting ranges once drained my wallet D':), or just have a date with the guitar. You just have to do what you love doing and it won't hurt as much :D No mess, no fuss. ^_^ Go to legit parkour workshops if that's your thing, go to the arcade, go to the park, play soccer, you name it. Who knows? You might find that girl doing the same thing who happens to have the same interests as you ;)

3 - Your broken arm! TwT
Did you go to the clinic to have it checked? D: I'm no doctor but seeking medical assistance for those kinds of things would be the best thing to do.. Hope it gets better though..

My apologies for the lengthy replies D: But congrats on your high grades!

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2014 18:21 (10 Years ago)
***OOC: Sorry to add up to the confusion T_T So shall we assume that he attempted to leave but stopped midway across the captain's quarters? Oh, and I would like to apologize for the short post.***

Looking back, she saw Finland still in the room though about to step out, but something was holding him back for some reason. A small wave of panic coursed through the Filipina's body as she tried to recall the exact words she delivered to him earlier. Boy, she hoped that she did not make matters worse by offending him more. That joke earlier was quite a sharp risk she took in an attempt to soothe things out. But oh well, it was worth a try.

However, seeing his shoulders relax a bit when he took deep breaths got her to relax a little as well. Okay, maybe that worked, and yet again, she made another mental note not to do that next time. Deep down though, she was happy that the tension was already somewhat lifted from the room.

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Posted: Mon, 27/01/2014 16:37 (10 Years ago)
*** OOC: Woah! I missed a lot of posts after a day O.o And it's not a big deal really :D this RP's fun and realistic. The conflicts made it a bit more challenging ^_^ ***

Alon was busy trying to study the currents with her fingers drumming at the surface of the map on the table, minding her own business and all, as she tried not to eavesdrop on the argument storming in the room. It wasn't in her personality to butt in, but of course, with how they were so loud and all, it gave her a hard time mapping out a route. She exhaled loudly, a hint of annoyance bubbling in her chest until someone mentioned her nationality. She immediately looked up, and saw Thailand waiting for a response. Yes, she heard everything. She did not want to be part of the argument, but unfortunately, she was expected to give out an answer.

"You're right about moving on, Thailand. It's the wisest thing to do." Trying to calm her annoyance from earlier, she took a deep breath and exhaled softly before turning her eyes at Finland. He looked really tense, scary, even, and Alon took a mental note not to get on his bad side. She softened her gaze at him. ".. But I also understand you, Finland. Maybe not as much since we both have different stories, but I know how it feels not liking to work with someone you are... Say, very uncomfortable with. She looked down for a while. Should she dare admit it? Her eyes suddenly snapped at Pakistan.

"I also have issues with other countries. Spain, for taking over our land. Japan, for slaughtering my ancestors.. Oh, and dear Lord, even the Americans put us down at some point.." She paused for a while, still keeping her eyes on the man before her before continuing. "...And Pakistan for.. Well.. There is an ongoing war between us at the south and some of your kind even managed to convert a handful of Filipinos to go and fight against us." Turing her eyes back to Finland, she shrugged.

"Like you, I am still bitter about it and it's natural that you feel that way, but let us just treat this professionally - like we are workmates under a huge company or something. You don't have to like anyone here and it's not a requirement. We are only required to work together, not make babies with the people that we utterly dislike. Okay?" Smiling, Alon managed to crack a small joke at this in an attempt to lighten up the atmosphere. The tension sure was choking her like a bad case of asthma creeping up her lungs. With this, she returned her gaze at Pakistan, almost forgetting to respond to his thanks earlier.

"You're welcome by the way." Nodding with a small, yet somewhat sad smile on her lips, she turned her attention back to the map before moving over to the controls to set up the radar, saddened that he already left even before he could receive her gratitude.

*** OOC: Lol my post is bleeding XD ***

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2014 11:20 (10 Years ago)
Hearing the man before her exclaim his frustrations in his foreign tongue, Alon placed her hands on her hips, showing him how agitated he had made her. Of course, she couldn't understand him word by word, but she could tell that he was not too happy with what he was seeing. What? Did he want someone else who looked more capable to rush to his aid? Well, that's just not fair. Beggars can't be choosers.

Now hearing Thailand's comment, Alon couldn't help but turn away a little, hiding a smile Pakistan probably knew was there. Oh yes, let all the men do the work while the ladies sit here like feeble princesses. That was a nice comeback from the fellow Asian, one that Alon would give a lot of points to. As she tried to break her eye contact from the guy, she finally saw the two people standing behind them, both that she had seen earlier: Finland and Russia. Silently, she hoped that the two have gone over their differences today. Of course, as she had already spoken to the Russian before, she gave her a small smile as a greeting.

But hey, now is not the time to wonder. There are urgent matters to attend to. With that in thought, Alon turned again to face the Pakistan man. She responded, as if adding to what Thailand has offered. "I guess that makes the two of us. I fish a lot in the tropics, oftentimes delivering goods to neighboring islands." Alon shrugged then continued. "Even under stormy clouds, we set sail. But you heard her, Thailand can get this ship off the ice then." Rushing past Sameer, Alon rummaged through the compartments to pull out a rolled map displaying ocean currents as well as a pair of binoculars. Halfway through opening the map, the Filipina stopped to glance at Sameer as if forgetting something.

"I can help her out in navigating."

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Posted: Sun, 26/01/2014 10:42 (10 Years ago)
I am so going to subscribe to this thread XD Seems like you have a lot of funny stuff happening in your life hehe

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Posted: Fri, 24/01/2014 00:54 (10 Years ago)
Alon was busy trying to get her balance back as the ship lurched to the left. She held on to the indoor railing with her life but then someone had to run behind her, slip, and take a good hold on her ankle. The additional weight caused her to lose her grip, as she slid down to the other side of the room with that blasted young man finally letting go of her leg. She was almost standing on the wall behind her as the ship was slightly tilted when she began to run and jump her way across to avoid anyone from falling towards her. It was a sad sight seeing how the others fell like bugs on the other side of the ship just like that - a realization that humans are not all too powerful when placed to fight against nature. The planet wouldn't have done this to them if it weren't for their selfishness.

Almost tripping when the ship lurched a little again, Alon flinched at the sound of that familiar screeching feedback coming from the announcement speakers. The young lady cringed at what seemed to be like needles piercing through her eardrums, hands on her ears and all. Alon groaned, but soon softened after hearing a voice blare through the speakers.

"Well it's about damn time the captain spoke." She commented to herself as she rushed to the captain's quarters. If there is anything she could do - anything at all to help out, she would gladly offer. It would be sad to let humanity fail without giving a good fight anyway.

Alon dashed through the corridor and skidded to a stop, holding on to the door frame to keep her balance. It was then to her horror she saw the captain in a bad shape and her now alert eyes shifted to the young man holding the microphone.

Pakistan. Religious differences. Obvious stereotyping.

A wave of slight fear coursed through her body as she tried to ignore it, sending her rude racist comments to the back of her mind before her tongue fishes it out from her mouth. Right now, an urgent matter needs to be attended to and this is so not the right time to start a fight.

Of course, she still couldn't help but walk on eggshells around this guy.

"What's the plan?" She inquired firmly, finally noticing another young lady right next to her. From her looks, Alon knew she was Asian. Plus, seeing the Thai flag displayed on her proved it. Clearly, Alon does not have any problems with this one - she's not on her "imaginary scary country list." Giving the girl an acknowledging nod, she turned her eyes to look back at the man as if waiting for an order.

*** OOC: Been busy with work lately.. Sorry :( ***

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 00:40 (10 Years ago)
Strange.. I experienced the crash as well :o But great work team!

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Posted: Thu, 26/12/2013 19:06 (10 Years ago)
Seeing the boy's reactions once more, this made the Tyranitar gijinka smile widely. He nodded. "Yeap! They took me in a few years back. I have never been this pampered since. Hahaha!" By pampered, he meant made to work for them. He always saw these things as wonderful opportunities for him. He was just excited that Drew might get a chance as well.

Caelan turned around and motioned for Drew to follow. "Grandma makes some great Sitrus berry stew. I know it sounds weird to turn these fruits into stew, but trust me, it is really good!" Stopping for a while, he glanced at Drew. "... That is except of course if you don't like sour things.. But nonetheless, they're still good cooks." He said softly, realizing that not a lot of people liked his taste. For some strange reason now, he felt like a child again. Maybe it's because it has been a while since he had a decent conversation with anyone other than the people he's with at home. As a matter of fact, he still doesn't feel like his age, even.

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Posted: Thu, 26/12/2013 18:32 (10 Years ago)
((Merry Christmas! And thanks Ufimtsev :) Sorry for the late reply guys.. ))

Watching the other lady walk away, Alon sighed to herself. She just hoped that there won't be any more fights in the future as they won't be going anywhere from it. It disappointed her in a way to see the people still caught up in the past and forgetting about thinking what this mission requires of them to do. As she would rather not lecture them about it (this will start more fights, she thought), she just preferred to be kind to everyone in hopes that they would follow suit. Deep down, Alon prayed that her patience would be thick enough for this, as racism annoys her as a whole. The young lady then decided to stand up and stretch a little. Putting her jacket, scarf and hat back on, Alon decided to head towards the front of the ship to see how far they still needed to go before they hit land. It was then she realiZed from the giggles behind her that someone decided to make fun of her kind.

"Oh look, a housemaid on board." Someone called out to her. Alon stopped for a while before walking away again, trying her best to ignore them. The man however, did not stop. "Have you turned the bed yet?" He said aloud while enunciating his words, mocking the Filipina and making her look like she did not understand a thing. Of course, this somehow made her blood simmer. She turned around and forced out a smile. "Why of course, kind sir. Would you like for me to change your diaper as well?" She asked sweetly, earning a light laugh from the man's companions. Turning around once more, Alon walked swiftly towards the window before any fight could start on her end. It was then when she reached the window sill did the ship rocked sharply, she almost lost her balance and held on to the nearest pole to keep herself from stumbling over.

"Juskupomariosep!" (1) Alon muttered sharply without meaning to. As the ship came to a halt, Alon fixed herself and stood up straight, eventually peeking through the window only to see everything blocked in ice. The young lady turned around and called out.

"Did anyone get hurt?

*** Terms and Translations ***
(1) "Juskupomariosep!" = Is the shortened expression that means, "Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph!"

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Posted: Thu, 26/12/2013 16:27 (10 Years ago)
((Gaaah sorry for the late reply! I was having trouble signing in :( Glad the server's working now though..))

"You're kidding, right?" That was the first reaction Caelan made toward Drew's answer. If they boy just got here, then how and where is he going to crash in for the night? Surely it would be a bit risky for him even though he is a gijinka. Caelan, even as a full grown Tyranitar had trouble staying in one place every night - that is until he was taken in by his foster family.

That made him wonder... Would they mind? After all, they seem to be nice to gijinkas..

Caelan then looked down. He is starting to get a bit nervous now, as he did not know how he should offer it to Drew. Of course, they just met, but wouldn't it be too weird for him to offer a place to stay for a young boy lost in the night? Really now, it looked like an impending crime scene. Of course, the young man had no intentions of that whatsoever. He just wanted a friend, or a brother even.

The thought saddened him. There goes his memory of his old family, seeping through his mind again. When will he even get over it? It's been twelve years!

Caelan took a deep breath, readying himself."You know, my grandparents wouldn't mind having you as our guest.." He exhaled, letting the stress out. He continued, "Would you like to join us?" Smiling gently, he hoped he sounded okay.

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Posted: Fri, 20/12/2013 20:46 (10 Years ago)
Her feet tapping rather impatiently, Alon leaned over and rested her elbows on her knees. Just when are they going to arrive to their destination?

At this minute, Alon somewhat got the hang of the noises around her. It was quite amusing watching people come and go in her line of sight as well. Seeing so many of them somewhat made her feel alive inside, as there is still hope for humankind. Everyone just needs to get along at some point and completely understand each other, to forget their differences and forgive one another. At this stage, Alon somewhat had a hint of this mission's purpose, and that would be bringing world peace. Cheesy as it may sound, but bringing unity among nations would give humankind a greater shot in life. Perhaps if everyone were to forget about the concept of racism and just focus on them gathered together as one species, then there won't be a need for selfishness anymore and everyone would be there for each other as if they share the same blood.

This sounded promising to Alon, and a glint of hope sparkled in her eyes.

However, seeing that small spark of conflict in front of her made her think again. Watching the two as they collided into each other got her holding her breath for a while. The young man definitely looked pissed and with the way he delivered his words in his native tongue to her, it sent Alon the impression that he really wanted to insult the lady before him.

Russia and Finland. I wonder what happened? Alon asked herself in her thoughts. It saddened her seeing how some nations still felt hate towards one another. This is going to be a very challenging mission indeed.

Watching the lady now, her eyes continued to follow her until she began to approach the bench. Alon immediately looked away. Where were her manners? Of course it is rude to stare, what was she thinking? She kept her eyes on the ground now until she felt a slight movement on the bench she was sitting on. Russia actually sat beside her. Alon finally brought her eyes on Russia once again. This time, she gave her a friendly smile.

"Don't worry, Ms. Russia. They'll get over it someday." She said all of a sudden. Being someone who hates conflict, Alon gave her a reassuring nod, as this must have been hard on Russia at some point, considering what her nation is well known of. Heck, even videogames and media portray them as "the bad guys," which was unfair. Even so, the only way to accomplish this mission is to care for one another.

Turning her eyes away now, the Filipina then proceeded to tie her hair in a high ponytail once more.

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Posted: Fri, 20/12/2013 19:21 (10 Years ago)
Seeing how smoothly this is going so far, Caelan tried to hide a grin which then resulted into a small smile. Truth be told, he is happy to be able to talk to a gijinka casually than to see them in the battlefield. This was something different, and boy his interests to go back to battling began to dwindle to zero. Of course, he could still sense the uncertainty on the boy - he IS a huge Tyranitar after all, and meeting one at night would prove to be a bit.. scary.. Despite that, Caelan tried his hardest to be as accomodating as he could. Perhaps today is the day that he would finally overcome his insolent Tyranitar nature. Though he knew that Drew still hasn't given him a lot of trust tonight, he was relieved to see that he is not as jumpy around him as before. That should be a plus.

When the young lad answered his question, Caelan only glanced at him and nod a little. He answered his question in return.

"Caelan. Pleased to meet you, Drew." He looked ahead. Now what? Is he permitted now to ask further questions? It has been a while since he befriended someone..

"So..." He started, with a hand reaching up to ruffle his green hair at the back of his head. Caelan continued. "Where are we headed at?" Of course it was out of pure curiosity. He also wanted to know if he was alone, if he is working, and so on.. He couldn't help but become a bit overexcited with what is happening right now, too. Back when he was human, he loved making friends.

Sadly with how difficult it is in this kind of form, Caelan missed that feeling of being with those whom you trust.

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Posted: Fri, 20/12/2013 17:50 (10 Years ago)
The Tyranitar gijinka felt his feet move as he turned around and began walking. What are you doing, Caelan? He mentally scolded himself as he sighed heavily. Surely, he really couldn't get off his weakness with children. Though he is obviously male, his nurturing instincts couldn't help but kick in. Perhaps it was because of his longing for his real family. After all, he have always wanted to have a little brother and tonight, he somehow saw himself in Drew back when he was younger. Caelan knew he would not be able to leave him alone like this. Maybe he could be a little bit nice tonight for a change?

The Tyranitar gijinka quickened his pace until he was walking beside the younger male. It was then he noticed how startled he got after a Noctowl flew by all of a sudden. It was strange to see an Absol react like that.

"Need a walk home?" He inquired casually still without looking at the boy. Deep down, he convinced himself that he needed a stroll tonight anyway, and that was the reason why he left the farm just like how he usually does every night.

Looking around, he wondered where this boy will lead him. He had also wondered about the kind of place he stays in. Does he have any? If so, then he must be lucky, as it is quite difficult to find a place to stay if one is a gijinka. Perhaps he lives in that rumored town where humans and gijinkas coexist.. If that is the case, then he would end up asking him a lot of questions. In the meantime, he is on the lookout for potential dangers along the way. But why is it that he thinks he is forgetting something? Oh, right..

"What's.. Your name?" He paused for a while, asking himself if it was okay to ask that given the situation right now. He just hoped Drew did not see him as a threat or something. Caelan wasn't the type who would hurt young ones unless attacked, even in arenas.

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Posted: Thu, 19/12/2013 22:18 (10 Years ago)
Did he just stutter? Caelan thought to himself. He just stood there for a while, deciding what to do next to this kid beside him. He never really had a gijinka friend before, as he always encounter them face-on only in arenas. This somewhat weighed him down with guilt. If he keep his distance from him, then he could still battle. If not, then his conscience will keep bugging him to set a good example. It was difficult, as he has financial problems.

But of course, he couldn't just leave the young lad here alone, right? He should at least do something about it.

The Tyranitar looked ahead and placed his hands on his waist (after realizing that he had no pockets to stuff his hands in). Caelan cleared his throat a little.

"You be careful next time," He could only say firmly. Nope, he couldn't bring himself to soften up completely to Drew, at least not yet. Fellow gijinkas always get him into trouble, no matter how nice he treats them. Caelan continued. "And get yourself home. It's not safe out here." Of course, Caelan knew that there is a high change that Drew doesn't have a place to stay as he too had a difficult time just coexisting with the humans. He really didn't know why he had to say that.

((So sorry for the late reply.. I was working))

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Posted: Thu, 19/12/2013 21:29 (10 Years ago)
Sitting alone on a bench, Alon was not really the silent type at all once you get to know her. She is usually accomodating and talkative, and one who enjoys a good conversation especially if a glass of Tuba(1) is involved. Today is a different case. Though she had encountered foreigners before on a regular day to day basis because of tourism in her home island, she never thought seeing everyone cooped up in one space could be so overwhelming. Everybody was trying to express themselves to the people they are talking to either with difficulty, or with so much ease that they looked like they have their own world now. Truth be told, Alon never felt so out of place today and it made her a tad uneasy. Looking on the bright side though, at least she knew English. Better have something than nothing. Looking up, she sent a quick prayer of gratitude for once for having her home country colonized by the Americans, Japanese, and Spaniards. That would at least help her understand and communicate with some of those who are present here. The young woman took off her bamboo hat as a form of respect and placed it back on as she looked down once more. It was then she thought it was the perfect time to observe the others once more.

Guns, guns guns... She thought to herself. Most of the people here seem to have guns with them. The way she took her hat off to release her ponytail gave away her uncertainty. Ako nga lang ba wala? (2) She convinced herself that carrying a rifle would weigh her down, and pistols would make too much noise, unless there's a silencer. Alon likes to keep it sneaky. But of course, she is open to using different kinds of weaponry - very open in fact, as she is eager to learn.. Just not today, but she will get one later.

Taking off her grey wool and leather jacket, Alon stretched her shoulders a bit and placed the wooly garment beside her, along with her bamboo hat, which was covered by wool inside to keep the head warm. She wore thermal, waterproof black pants today, and her leather boots went up to her ankles just below her knees. Her top was long-sleeved, black and fitting, and her lower arms were covered by what seemed like bandages to be used if ever needed in the field. Her hands were covered as well, but with dark brown gloves that had her nation's flag at the back of her palm. With her jacket and hat besider her, the girl then untied her maroon scarf and placed it there as well. The weather outside was freezing, that's a fact, but with everyone cooped up in here made the place warm enough for her. She could only sigh at this moment while waiting for orders, letting her elbowlength dark brown hair rest on her back as she leaned her head on the wall behind her. Minutes later, she found herself gazing at the doors while fiddling with her stingray whip, thinking of possible routes to take in case something bad happens. Better do something productive while waiting, right? Alon thought that it was the best that she could do for now.

*** Terms and Translations ***
(1) Tuba - Or Palm Wine, is an alchoholic beverage made from the sap of different species of palm tree. What is common in Alon's hometown is the coconut palm wine.
(2) "Ako nga lang ba wala?" = "Am I the only one who doesn't have one?"

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