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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2019 15:34 (4 Years ago)
Hoshiko just watched the others talk from her hair as she was pulling out various sets of cards, and placing them on the desk. "I'll just wait till they're done talking." She thought to herself. "Actually, what are they talking about?

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2019 05:42 (4 Years ago)
She chuckled, "Is that right? I usually mess something up to be honest." "Oh yeah, i forgot about that." She pulled out her top hat out of her backpack and placed it on the table. "Do you wanna see a magic trick?" She asked with a smile.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2019 05:14 (4 Years ago)
"The name is Dietrich Hoshiko, but i can also be referred to as Hoshiko the Great Magus of...I'm still working on my stage name. But, Hoshiko is fine." She chuckled nervously.

She carefully drew the shuffled cards and placed them in their respective positions. Like always, the cards don't show anything that makes logical sense. "A reversed star and a sun popped up this time." She said. "This doesn't make any sense, but the near future points to the fortune arcana. This is just weird at this point." She scoffed. "Like I said, my predictions aren't accurate."

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2019 03:51 (4 Years ago)
She took the cards back and reshuffled them in her hands quickly and elegantly. "Have a seat." She said to Noelle. "I'll need your name first before we begin."

Once she's in her most comfortable position, her confidence presents itself in it's best form.

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2019 02:33 (4 Years ago)
She looked up at the boy who walked over and got up from her slouched position. "Oh, so you're into that show?" she asked in curiosity. She is fully aware of the show and it's helped her thru her days of studying for her parent's wishes. "Also, my tarot card readings aren't that good. They always vary and aren't always as accurate." she said. "I could try tho, so it's your choice if you want me to do them."

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Posted: Tue, 30/07/2019 00:45 (4 Years ago)
(Since i missed a part, let's just say Hoshiko paid attention to the lesson since she's used to it.)
Hoshiko pulled out her backpack, which contained a home made lunch. Yeah, it wasn't technically homemade, just something from the convenience store, but it was made from things she has at home. Pulling it out and picking at her food, she sighed. "What was that world about?" She muttered to herself. Then, a thought went thru her head, "Maybe this is a good time to practice that skill i was working on." She whispered to herself.

From her hat, she pulled out an old box containing a set of tarot cards. Apparently, her great grandmother was a fortune teller and pretty popular in her days. Her family did inherit the cards, but her father wanted to destroy them for being nonsensical thinking. Luckly, she saved them before he could ever find them. "I wonder if this could work?" She muttered, shuffling them in her hands.

Setting them out like in the tutorial videos she'd watched and flipping them over. "I guess i got a trash hand again." She said to herself, seeing that the tarot cards meanings didn't convey a message, but one card was always strange. The magician card was always placed in the near future. "Pure coincidence." She said, staring at them.

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Posted: Mon, 29/07/2019 17:36 (4 Years ago)
"Not again!!!" Hoshiko groaned, accepting her fate once more. "Well, at least this place isn't a black hole." she said in a bittersweet tone. "Also, this place can look, umm...palletful, the second time we entered here."

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Posted: Mon, 29/07/2019 15:28 (4 Years ago)
(Minecraft took over my life)
After a while, Hoshiko opened her eyes once that music was turned down. "That ear-bleeding music is gone! Wait, why are we in a Disco? I didn't think a black hole lead to a disco?!" Hoshiko said in amazement. "Why weren't we shredded to pieces?" she wondered, until she realized it wasn't a black hole. She sson took notice of the other and walked closer to them, "At least i see some familiar faces," she thought as she opened her mouth. "So where are w-" she stopped when seeing the other residents. "M-Monster!" she thought, falling down from fear. "M-Monsters are everywhere!" she muttered, "Are we in a nightmare?!"

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Posted: Sun, 28/07/2019 15:45 (4 Years ago)
Hoshiko, on the other hand, closed her eyes along the way. She didn't know if she'll keep falling, or they would go somewhere else. She just held her hat in her arms, curled up, just hoping something could happen.

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Posted: Sun, 28/07/2019 14:36 (4 Years ago)
"This isn't the freedom I wanted!!!" Hoshiko yelped loudly. She tried to think on what she could hold on to, but none can be considered a good solution. "I guess this is the end of me, Quick Silver." She uttered under her voice. "Well, it hasn't been a good life no doubt, but maybe this is the best." she said, letting go. It's not like she was gonna make friends, and she has nothing to lose. She smiled while being in the vortex and thought to herself, "Maybe this time i'll get reincarnated into a slime or something?"

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Posted: Sun, 28/07/2019 13:50 (4 Years ago)
"Yeah, i know that there's a spinning vortex of who knows what, but it can't be a black hole-" she stopped as she thought. "Wait, that could be, no it can't. But, it could be the start of a black hole forming to destroy this world as a whole." She quickly though, sending her a chill down her spine. "Yeah, on second thought, i'll just be right behind you Kataoka." She uttered and fell right behind her.

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Posted: Sun, 28/07/2019 13:36 (4 Years ago)
"I guess they vanished just like that. Are we sure this isn't a magic trick?" Hoshiko said with a slight chuckle. She's seen something like this in the morning as a magic trick on one of the channels she've watched. She thinks they used dry ice with some food coloring, or just dyed the water.

She saw that Kataoka has fallen and reached out to help her. "Hey, don't go dying on all of us so soon." She chuckled. It seemed that the less people around her, the less nervous she became. Maybe that was the reason for her spike in confidence.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 21:05 (4 Years ago)
"Yu Naruka- I mean my name is Hoshi-I mean- Dietrich Hoshiko! Yeah that's my name!" She said, trying to save herself from her auto pilot words of speech. She was still recovering from the fright of seeing so many students look at her. "Yes, My name is Dietrich Hoshiko." She said calmly, switching from her panicked state to a more cool one with a tilt of her top hat. "Nailed it!" she mouth with a smile, completely forgetting her mess up.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 19:55 (4 Years ago)
Before she went in the classroom, she placed on some bandages she hid inside her Top hat. In general, it's just a backpack or a purse, but as a fashionable hat that matches any outfit.
Hoshiko thought she new the definition of stage fright, or just the basic fear of meeting anyone new, when she met Semi. She was wrong, this was a whole new level of fear and adrenaline. Even with a smile on her face, deep inside, the mini Hoshiko's in her brain were panicking and making a whole mess in her already inferno-ed brain. "Don't Panic, Don't Panic. I'M COMPLETELY FINE!!!!" She screamed internally.

Even in her internal meltdown, she noticed Anzai's gesture and walked towards him. "Of course, i do have a partially known friend in this classroom, i'll be perfectly fine." she thought in her distorted train of thought.

She soon heard the girl's name and it snapped her out of her trance, "So, you're name is Kataoka?"

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 18:45 (4 Years ago)
Hoshiko nodded in agreement, "I bet that would be a good idea, and i don't wanna be penalized for my first day of school." She replied. She too was relieved, since she has already stressed enough on first impressions. "People make it look so easy, yet it's so hard." She thought. "Anzai, where did you say the classroom was again?" She asked, being in your own thoughts would always shut the outside world out of you.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 13:16 (4 Years ago)
Now knowing the background, she knew she could now be confident in what she would say next. After all, she did practice all morning with Quick Silver. "My name is Dietrich Hoshiko, but i'll go by Hoshiko for now" She shot back with a confident grin. "Nailed it!" She thought happily.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 12:49 (4 Years ago)
Hoshiko noticed the student immediately, and it kinda made her jump at first. She wasn't very used to tall people, seeing that she had a shortness problem herself.

"Ummm...Yeah, we are. Is there a problem?" She replied, in a slight nervous tone. She wondered what the student would say back to her, or if she just made a new enemy. If it involves Hoshiko, anything is possible.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 05:25 (4 Years ago)
She followed Semi, "I hope I didn't- No, of course I did! I messed up big time for my first impression! Now I bet he thinks i'm an Dummy, or just an annoyance!" She thought to herself. "Maybe, i'll just try to salvage what i have left to at least get a C in first impressions. I'll even be happy with a 70 at this point!"

"So, how close do you think we are to the nurses office?" She asked a playful question.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 05:06 (4 Years ago)
"Heh...I mean, i know it's dangerous and all. It was just a joke really." She replied with an awkward laugh. "Shoot, i dug myself in a deeper hole." She thought nervously. "It's just a mode of transportation, that's all i can explain it as. But you have to understand the fundamentals of it." She continued to ramble onwards on the concept.

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Posted: Sat, 27/07/2019 04:33 (4 Years ago)
"Oh, then I guess I was a bother when you were looking for the nurses office." She said, somewhat surprised by the response. She was expecting something else, but who know. She kinda stood silent for a while, dazed a bit from the blood, but she didn't wanna make the situation awkward.

"If you would have left me there, I guess i'll just surf my way here on a wave of students." She joked, hoping for a chuckle in a somehow awkward setting. "If this back fires, maybe i can impress him with a card trick or two." She thought.

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