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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 04:01 (6 Years ago)
(All that's really happened is everyone's sorta trying to figure out what to do, and also a big booming voice from the sky telling everyone to beware the night children and go to La'Teherane)

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 03:59 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 01:22 (6 Years ago)
Oh that's good(?)

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 01:17 (6 Years ago)
Jace stood there, momentarily stunned. "The Night Children..." he let the words roll from his tongue thoughtfully "Well, that doesn't sound ominous." he continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "And that was't the most pleasant screech I've ever heard." he commented before stretching his arms, looking down at Kathy, who was now wide eyed looking up at him. "Hey, Sky Voice! Which way do we have to go to get to La'Teherane?" he called up to the sky, hoping to get some kind of direction.

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Posted: Fri, 09/03/2018 01:00 (6 Years ago)
What's shakin' bacon?

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 20:55 (6 Years ago)

The tall boy looked at the short girl who'd spoken "I... guess so." he spoke slowly, as if suddenly reluctant towards the idea that they all needed to stick together, somewhat. Honestly, he was. Even though he'd suggested it, he hadn't fully realized that it meant he needed to be around more people than only his sister, of course he knew that's what he meant, but... in practice it was much more unnerving.

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 20:49 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 20:03 (6 Years ago)
Hey Mr. Cage man, let me get a fresh breath

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 19:56 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 19:53 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 18:32 (6 Years ago)
Making another character!

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Lucia-Marie Rossi



- Tan brunette with warm brown eyes
-Wears light armor more akin to a barbarian than anything.

Lucia can be described in three words; unforgiving, arrogant and aloof. Surprisingly, she was often the popular kid at her places of teaching, more so for her name and appearance over personality. This didn't affect Lucia too much, however; in fact, knowing her name cause sway people's opinions of her and make her one of the more revered members of her class made her even more conceited. After all, her name is a big deal so she couldn't blame them. (wipwip)
- Aloof
- Enjoys keeping to herself
- Proud
- Too determined
- Enjoys being right too much
- Doesn't much care about other people
- Sulks when wrong/pride stung
- Rash
- Arrogant
- Short-tempered
- Can become obessive
- Can hold a grudge

Sphinx Mimicry ~
"The user is or has the ability to take on the form of Sphinx, a mythical creature with, the body of a lion and the head of a human or a cat." - Super Power Wiki

Instead of becoming a sphinx, Lucia gained aspects of a sphinx (eg. cat ears, a lions tail, fangs, claws, enhanced condition (strength, agility, leap, senses), night vision and now has an acute spiritual awareness); what isn't obvious, however, is that she can grow wings at will, though it is painful and takes focus to make them appear and disappear.

Because of her personality, and her new found powers, Lucia is prone to feeling above most other people, often making conceited comments about how she's better suited to certain things over others, and even makes comments about the more supportive abilities of others. Aside from being unlikable, Lucia overestimates herself, thinking she can take on more foes than she actually can, or that she can fly or fight longer than she's physically able to, leading her to failure more often than she'd like; despite that, due to her pride, she'll never change.
Her wings will especially take some time to get used to, as at first they can appear and disappear on the whim of her emotions, let alone the actual process of flight being extremely alien to her.

Due to her own temperament mixing with a sphinx's, Lucia's mood changes at the snap of a finger, going from cool and collected to trying to tear somebody's throat out in seconds (which is something she's very capable of); though these mood swings are never unprovoked, no matter how sudden they seem. These almost always lead to grudges, which mean she's less likely to listen to that person, whether they have a good point or not, just because they accidentally stung her pride once.

As the rp progresses, Lucia will begin to give into the sphinx and think more and more like a beast, wanting to play with her target, enjoying the feeling of superiority.

She's likely to become a detriment to everyone, especially herself, with her rashness and lack of respect for most of her peers.

At first she uses an war ax, but as she progresses she finds it easier to just use her claws.

Homosexual but she's not very likely to want anything more than a hook-up honestly, we'll see how it goes.

Lucia was born to a very rich family, her surname being more or less a way for her to get what she wants. She's extremely proud of her heritage and feels she must prove she deserves the name, even though her family always supported her with whatever she wanted to do, especially her father.

Despite this, Lucia dealt with feeling she wasn't good enough for her family up until she got a place at the top business college, having applied early and wouldn't finish high school until later this year, with this news she finally began feeling like her father could be proud of her. Both her and fer father were thrilled with this, he even talked about passing his company down onto her if she finished her course with good enough grades.

This fueled her even more. Lucia studied harder than she had before, which was already more than most people in her class, the top class of her year, had been doing. Her parents began to worry a little, even to the point where they had to force her to go out an socialize because she'd dedicated every spare second she had to studying.

To most people, this was clearly unhealthy, but to Lucia it was all that mattered. She needed to be the best she could be, she needed to be worth her family name. She became obsessed with it, there was no doubt she would pass with any less than full marks, but Lucia couldn't risk getting anything less than perfect. At least in her mind, that was the truth.

Of course, she was no longer in her own world, but she was more determined than ever to get into that school. She was not having her chance at success, her chance to prove herself, taken from her on an unlucky pick.

She likes monotone colours.

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 18:21 (6 Years ago)

The short blonde girl turned to face the other blonde girl who had asked the question "No clue." she chimed, having come to terms with their predicament fairly quickly. Kathy had always been rather good at that. Standing up carefully, as to not slip on the mud beneath them all; Kathy dusted herself off, though the action didn't have much purpose as her attire was mostly soaked by the constant drizzle of rain, bar the leather of course. "I suppose we should start looking around?" the short girl suggested "Who knows, we might find someone who can tell us how to get home?" optimism was all she had at this point.


Watching his sister stand, and for once in her life suggest something helpful, Jason nodded in agreement "Probably our best chance. We're going to need to find somewhere dry either way." he added somewhat gruffly "We should probably go in groups, who knows what's out there." he offered, putting a hand on Kathy's head as if to praise her.

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Posted: Thu, 08/03/2018 18:08 (6 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 14:46 (6 Years ago)
Pfff who needs grades??

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 14:44 (6 Years ago)
((I wrote out a really long thing from both my characters perspectives and then google crashed and I lost it all ;^; I'm not writing it all out again but I'll write the gist of it))

Kathy ~
Kathy looked at Caspian before glancing back to Jace "He's, uh, my brother... she awkwardly said as he nodded slightly. Kathy's attention stayed on Caspian "I wish I could say he doesn't normally bite, but he can be pretty grumpy." Kathy giggled a little, looking back over at Jason briefly, he was now a guy again. What.
"Hey, you'd be grumpy too if you turned into Fffff-fricking Hyena." he challenged her grumpily. Kathy looked at him, the both of them sitting in the mud. "Jace, your jeans." she said, Jace rolling his eyes as if to say "I know". He pushed himself of the ground and made his way towards his trousers. " He's actually really nice once you get past his prickles, and he does usually wear his clothes!" she laughed nervously at Jace's expense, as he made his way back over, fully clothed. "I'm not nice, that's such a meanthing to say Kathy!" he fiened a hurt expression as he joked with his sister. Katht noticed he was awkwardly looking at Caspian, He must be aunsure about her I guess... she shrugged it off and smiled nervously at the girl before them.

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 04:34 (6 Years ago)
"W-well... It's n-nice to meet you Caspian!" Kathy tried to force happy tone, as she would usually do. It faltered slightly as Caspian made a comment about being able to see again. "Did... did you just... grow another eye?" she asked, her face not forming an expression due to the bizarrety of the situation. By this point Jace has crept closer until Katy could feel his wet, mud laden fur against her arm. "I must be dreaming." Katy laughed slightly as the reality of the situation hit her. It was too crazy to be reality! It must be a dream! "I probably fell asleep in class! That's all!" sitting down in the mud, she looked at Jace dead in the eyes. Something about the way he was looking at her comforted the blonde girl.
"Bite me." she said bluntly to her brother, who looked at her in a way she could only describe as sternly as he shook his head. Kathy repeated her self "Bite me, Jason. If it is a dream, I won't be able to feel the pain."

Her brother looked at her pleadingly. Her defiant expression didn't falter. "OW!" she sharply cried out as her brother nipped her arm, he barely drew blood. "JACE THAT WAS HARD! she cried out, looking at him as if he'd done it unprovoked, he retorted with an eye roll.

Now that was a sight. A hyena rolling it's eyes.

"It... It hurt." Katherine muttered with a note of hopeless realization. "This is real...

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 03:47 (6 Years ago)
OOF THat's big bucks

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 03:47 (6 Years ago)
Kathy's eyes widened in shock an horror, barely able to suppress a scream of her own. "W-what is this place? This place must be the reason your eye i-is..." she stuttered, trying to find some way to say it without saying what it was. A mouth. She could barely believe everything that's happened in the last few minutes. Waking up in a strange, foreign, cold land in clothes you weren't wearing prior to waking up here was bad enough; now there was a girl, a normal girl like her, who has a mouth for an eye. That isn't possible, it shouldn't be possible. Kathy shook her head quickly "Okay, we need to calm down... Panicking isn't helping anyone. Jason will know what to do, he always does!" saying the last sentence more to herself, the way the blonde spoke was distracted and shaky. She needed Jason right now. In a rushed manor, she turned her head towards where she'd left her brother, only to gasp horrified at the sight of a large, muddied hyena in his place and shirt. "J-Jace?" she called out, temporarily forgetting about the girl she'd been talking to moments before.

Kathy was visibly shaking now, she turned back to the mouth-eyes girl "S-so. W-what's yo-your n-name? I'm K-Kather-Kathrine." she stammered, much paler than she has been before.

Jason opened his eyes again at Kathy's voice. Oh no, she's panicking, she needs me but I can't help right now... the thoughts rushed through his mind as she stole his attention. Jason padded through the sticky mud, it clung to his fur in a irritating way, but he barely noticed. Even if he wasn't the Jace she recognized, it was still him. She must know that? Right?

Jason tried to communicate with her, but all that left his muzzle was another disturbing cry. Best keep my mouth shut then. he mentally scolded himself, staying roughly five meters away from his sister and the girl, as to not freak his sister out more than she already was.

It didn't help much.

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 03:29 (6 Years ago)
CrystalAkiHeart used confusion.

It wasn't very effective...

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Posted: Wed, 07/03/2018 02:59 (6 Years ago)

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