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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 09:55 (1 Year ago)
@RixTheTyrunt, your icon is finished and will be sent to you in a few moments.

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 07:50 (1 Year ago)
"How can we know if we should trust you? We cannot just abandon our mission just to follow some stranger. We are with the Remnants. And we are going to the Remnant Lands. Is that right, Kuri?" Xavier got kinda mad. They are already late because of this trap. No more time must be wasted.

"Sobble, dont go with him. I know who are the Ancient ones, they are the ones who think everything must go by the prophecies. I dont believe in such things. Neither does Kuri, I think. Many people have dissapeared trying to fulfill the prophecies told by the Ancient ones." he told to Sobble. Xavier has heard quite a lot of strange things from them. Also, how could Red just appear in Palvira, when their mountain is in Ferja...

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Posted: Mon, 01/08/2022 05:47 (1 Year ago)
Xavier was also wandering through the forest, looking for Kuri. He had seen the barrier that was preventing the soldiers from reaching Xavier. One time, he had seen a persian, but didnt really care about it, as it probably was wild.

Though not long after, he heard pokeball noises. He rushed to the place where they could have come from, and saw Kuri and Sobble. "Finally, I foun..." and he tripped over a lost bow into the bushes, causing a noise and a slight breeze to come out of the pressured bush. That also was a berry bush, so he got a bit prickled, but not much due to his rough skin.

"Kuri! Sobble! I finally found you both! Is the Eclipse Ball safe? Are you both safe?" he was eager to know what happened and who made that huge barrier. It was a good thing that Xavier didnt stay on the soldiers side of the barrier.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 16:53 (1 Year ago)
Accepted both. Its ok if no tips, I understand that ppl can be poor or just dont want to tip before they see the art. Please send half of the payment now and I will start on your orders

To everyone else, [SLOTS FULL]

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 09:24 (1 Year ago)
already got flute :)

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 08:29 (1 Year ago)
Xavier is panicking. Kuri is gone, Pokemon are risking their lives for them and now a friggin explosion happened. He doesnt know what to say to Sobble. The thing is, he has the Eclipse Ball. Xavier thought it would be best if he had it, so that if Kuri got captured, they wouldnt have the ball. "Sobble, now that you know what the Eclipse Ball can do, do you think you could keep it safe until we are out of danger? I think its the best option, I could also get captured, but nobody would suspect you to have it. Fly off to somewhere safe, dont worry about us. Do you think you can do it for me?"

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 08:21 (1 Year ago)
Xavier runs off to warn Kuri. Maybe they have captured him already? The town was all just a distraction. The worst thing is, the government of Palriva doesnt care! They let other armies burn their towns just to capture an outlaw. They thought that Rex wouldnt invade Palriva's territory, but knowing Rex, he could do even more just to get the Eclipse ball.

The fire has calmed down. The wild Pokemon are safe. But... they go to help their savour. They attack the soldiers, putting themselves in danger. Now Xavier must also not let anybody get killed. Help is good, but not when the Pokemon put ther lives at risk...

Explosion sounds emerge. It appears to have been coming from the direction of where they came from - Ferja.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 08:12 (1 Year ago)
Xavier looks at Sobble for a second, then goes to get more water. The town has been already freed of the fire, but the fire is trying to spread to the forest. Kuri is nowhere to be found.

Xavier looks at the citizens gathering towards the burnt town. Only now he thought, who could have done this? Those citizens were harmless. Unless... it was not about the citizens. Silence.

Metal clanging. Arrows firing. Pokemon using moves... The soldier have crossed the ocean and found them. Palriva didnt had a law which stated that other armies cannot invade them while looking for someone. Xavier must warn Kuri.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 08:03 (1 Year ago)
Xavier looks at the flying Dragonite with Sobble on its back. He thinks for a second how good it is to be a trainer. You can choose between a variety of Pokemon. The Gyarados cant fly? Not a problem, just send out your Dragonite. But if you are that Gyarados, you cant choose.

He snaps back to reality and continues rescuing Pokemon. The fire has already touched the Beoto Forest. Xavier gets some more water and tries to keep the fire from getting deeper into the forest.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 07:57 (1 Year ago)
"Dang it! What if you use your Dragonite to help carry some water?" Xavier doesnt really know anything much about Pokemon, even though he is one himself. The Remnants kept him away from other Pokemon, to make it easier to train Xavier. That was almost 5 years ago. They could have now at least taught him something to not make him look dumb in front of his own kind.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 07:52 (1 Year ago)
"Yes! Do anything to help! Every bit of help would appreciated. Its much better to do at least something, then to just sit on Kuri's back. Your Gyarados can fly right? I would recommend staying in the air, as the fire cant reach you." Xavier agreed and flew off to evacuate some Pokemon in the Beoto Forest.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 07:47 (1 Year ago)
Xavier doesnt mind Sobble and flys to the river. He sees a small boat, possibly meant for only one person. As he doesnt have anywhere else to carry the water, he takes the boat, dives it in the water and brings it up, filled with water. He then flies off to the village and starts poaring water on the burning houses. When the boat was empty, he took some towns people in the boat and carried them to safety. He repeated the process until all the citizens were safe.

All that was left was to stop the fire from spreading into the Beoto (sorry if its wrong) forest.

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 07:42 (1 Year ago)
@BabyEevee22 Your order is ready. Sending it soon

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Posted: Sun, 31/07/2022 05:44 (1 Year ago)
Xavier's nose moves. He smells something not right, it shouldnt be here. That smell is... a burning town?! Xavier thinks for a moment is it worth getting out of route to save the townsfolk. This town should already be in Palriva's territory. 'Theres nothing too much to worry about, if we will be that late, we will just miss a night of sleep.' he thought. He looked around from the air, looking for water sources. He needs to act quick, he still even hasnt told Kuri.

It seems like they have just flew by a river. Xavier takes a deep breath, exhales and quickly spills out to Kuri: "Kuri! Theres a burning village out there! And we just flew by a river. Dont worry its just a small route change. We cant just leave them there!" Xavier stops in the middle of the air and turned into the direction of the village.

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 20:23 (1 Year ago)
"This, you have to ask Kuri. Even I dont know its full potential. But I must say if you are going wit h us on this journey, you should know what it does. Kuri, please, if this young man is coming with us, he needs to know. He may then be more careful" Xavier asks Kuri. He actually knows the power of the Ball, but doesnt want to tell it himself, it would be better if the creator explained it. Besides, how could he have been sent on this mission without knowing what hes dealing with. The Remnants are careful, they know when to talk and whenbto keep secrets.

(im sorry, its 11pm for me, I gtg sleep, see ya tommorow)

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 20:14 (1 Year ago)
Xavier thinks for a bit and says carefully "Maybe we should fly right above the ocean? There would be not many places to rest, but this would be the safest route" He was flying right besides Kuri, it was unbeliavable how Xavier could match Kuris speed, but he could. "You have the Eclipse Ball, right?" Xavier asked just to be sure if the thing, that made them hide, is still in the right hands. Who knows what will happen if the weapon found its way into Rex's castle.

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 16:48 (1 Year ago)

Your order is ready, sending it soon

Added the first example <3

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 14:45 (1 Year ago)
Xavier the Garchomp looks at his map and makes a mean look. "Theres nothing here! This must be the wrong map! How am I supposed to accompany a "friend" when I cant even find him!"

He tears up the map and was about to leave the ground, when he turned back and saw a poorly built wooden shack with Sobble, Kuri and the Tyrunts outside of it. "This must be it! I found him!" He quickly runs off to the shack and gives everyone a friendly look.

"Which one of you is Kuri? I am with the Remnants, I have been ordered to accompany you through the journey to the Remnant Lands. I hope you wanted to go there, I am right?" He makes an obviously fake smile and is waiting for Kuris answer.

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 14:34 (1 Year ago)
Accepted :)

To everyone else, my slots are now full

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Posted: Sat, 30/07/2022 08:02 (1 Year ago)
Accepted :)

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