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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Quando.
Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 17:08 (7 Years ago)
"Hey... Huuhhh... Pan, right? You sais That you were a "Nomadic Skiddo" right? So... What does it feel of travelling everywhere alone, with only Adventure in mind? Because... I've Never think about travelling before... I've been living here since i'm an egg..."

He says with a smile.

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 01:54 (7 Years ago)
"... Wait... Wait a second..."

Then, he starts to think for 5 more minutes...

"Steroids is a sort of Pink Cupcakes?"

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 01:49 (7 Years ago)
"Told me, Please! And, what's so funny, right now? "

Then, he looked at the clock to see what time is it.

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 01:41 (7 Years ago)
"What do You mean? Does Steroids are bas things?"

Even if Archer was strong, his brain was not stronger than his body are...

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 01:36 (7 Years ago)
"Hmm... I guess That makes sens... Even if You should do it Gently!"

When he heard the Word "Steroids" He started to think for about 5 minutes, for then asked one thing:

"Huuuuuuuhhhhh... What's Steroids...? I Can use it to sleep...? Or maybe it's something to eat?"

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 01:29 (7 Years ago)
"Aouch! Hey! Watch where your Stilts are! "

He says by hitting the ground with a big amount of strength in his foot and making a crack at the place of his foot

"Next time, i won't be so calm... Even if i don't want to do anything at all..."

Then, he yawn and try to keep his eyes open after the teacher told him to calm down if he don't want to be in detention.

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 00:06 (7 Years ago)
Archer sit at a random place again, it's his first day, he don't have a personnal Place for now, then he listen the teacher talking, but he quickly feeling a little dizzy of annoyement...

"... Geez... My eyes... Is like... Closing... Slowly..."

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 23:00 (7 Years ago)
"Aaaahhh! Finally! I Can Move!"

Then, Archer Stands up of his chair, but, This time, he controlled his strength and not throw the Chair away.

"Well... What now...?"

Then, he looked to his Schedule

"Hmm... Biology Class... Geez... I Hope i won't make explosion like last year..."

Then, he starts to walk in the direction of the Biology Room, alone and with only his footsteps noise

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 18:28 (7 Years ago)
"Hmm... Why not? If we team up, maybe we could get stronger Quickly! Sounds like a BURNING Idea!"

But then, he think about something important

*Oh... Maybe Only Two Berries wouldn't be enough for two... *

"Hem... Maybe... We should prepare carefully, no?"

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 18:57 (7 Years ago)
"Oh, yeah! I didn't feel the Bitter Taste anymore! And i feel good! Or at least... I think... "

Then, he finished the Math Works, even if the Major Part of the answer was wrong...

"Phew... Finally finished..."

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 18:02 (7 Years ago)
"Huh? That looks Weird... Meh... I trust You anyway... "

Archer tried to swallow the Root... But...

"Bueuh... What... An Awful... Taste... I... I should know... Bueuh..."

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 17:06 (7 Years ago)
"Archer... Archer King! This candy makes me awake more than the usual! "

Then, he starts to think:

*Geez... I don't know if i Can make it without those candys...*

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 16:35 (7 Years ago)
"Hmm? Oh, Thanks, Man!"

He ate the candy and then he seems to be a little more awake

"Geez... That candy is sweet! And i feel more awake, Now! "

Then, he looked and started to whispered at the direction of Blue

"Hey, You! What's your Name?"

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 16:16 (7 Years ago)
Archer Starts to think:

*Geez... That's Boring... I'm getting dizzy right now...*

"Zzz... Zzzz... Zzz... Zzzz..."

Then, the Teacher go see Archer and speak Loudly to wake him up:

"MISTER KING! I know why Your parents choose This Name! You're the King of Loafing around and Sleeping!"

"Wuuuuaaaahhh!! Ninja Attack! 0.0'"

"I think If a Ninja would be here, he Will be more silent than your Snore! Now... Back to This... Bla Bla Bla..."

Archer was pretty annoyed by what the teacher says... But he still stay in a Sleepy Position but with Eyes Open.

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 14:52 (7 Years ago)

Archer was trying to sit at a random place but he throw the chair away instead of Just trying move it a little

"*Yawn* I should have sleep a little more... I didn't control my strength... Sorry... "

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 04:39 (7 Years ago)
"I don't really know... It's called "The Cherry Forest" Apparently, it appears There was not si long ago... And it's a real Labyrinth in there... And There is should have Bug and Grass Types! I'm ready to... BURNING UP There! Oh, You wanted to train too, huh? "

He said with a smile

"Well, You decide! But i'm not forcing, if You don't want to, well.. I Will train myself alone."

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 04:17 (7 Years ago)
"Having Arms... My Dreams Will become True... "

He Seems to having Stars in the eye

"Oh! Sorry! My Name is Tyron, The Torchic! One Day, i Will becoming the strongest Fire-Type Ever! I'm always trying to fond someone stronger than me, to become stronger and breaking my limits! Nice to meet You, Pan! ."

Then he starts to think and then...

"Oh! I've almost forgot! I need to go training into the Forest before Night Come!"

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 02:40 (7 Years ago)
"Number 6... Number 7... *Yawn* I shouldn't sleep for now... Later, when i found the Classroom!"

Then Archer Heard the Bell Ringing he decide to accelerate a little, by pushing everyone on his road

"Sorry, i've got to go! There! It's my classroom! Or... I think..."

Then, he checked on his Schedule

"Huuuhhh... Yeah... That's here!"

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Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 02:03 (7 Years ago)
(Well, i see That i don't have to do anything, for now X) Just waiting...)

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Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 15:13 (7 Years ago)
"*Yawn* What time is it... Morning already...? Man... I don't want to Wake up now..."

Then, he decide to Wake up at 7:15, later than the others...

"*Yawn* I should go... I Will be late if i sleep more..."

Then, he's wear his clothes and then, he Just realised something...

"Oops... I forgot my shoes..."

And then, he go back and wear his Purple Shoes

"Now i'm ready... Huuuuhhh... Where should i go, now...?"

Then, he takes his Schedule out of his bag.

"Okay... So... It's not here... Damn... I would love having a sleeping exercise..."

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