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Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Tue, 06/06/2023 18:54 (1 Year ago) |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Mon, 22/05/2023 02:04 (1 Year ago) |
Pokemon: this venusaur Anything else?: nope, thanks in advance! [Read more] |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2023 19:03 (1 Year ago) |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2023 14:03 (1 Year ago) |
Disclaimer: I am not speaking in behalf of anyone, just saying this to prevent any future misunderstandings. You do know some mods do visit via guest, right? I'd like to think that they do this cuz some users do feel uncomfortable whenever a mod visits their profile. I dont think mods really have the power to review cheat warnings since they're usually issued automatically from what I know. I'm not sure how the cheat system works here, but from what I know, most clicker games typically detect macros by tracking the frequency and regularity of the clicks made by the user and will flag users with a suspicious click rate. Also, here's the proof they gave me for a warning I got a few years back, which I think is good enough, well not informative, I did tested some scripts and got myself a warning for it Just because moderators don't have control over certain things doesn't mean they're untrained, mods usually go through an MIT phase before officially getting the moderator job. As someone who clicks a lot, I can guarantee you that its not about getting the captcha right, but more about how long it takes you to notice the captcha. I'd like to believe that the system will also flag users making clicks despite there being a present. There are also times where I can get 3 captchas within a minute and still not get issued any warning(s) for randomly answering them. I do agree with you on this one, cuz making 100k clicks for days straight is honestly very challenging and mentally draining, and them doing it for months straight without fail wouldve been really impressive if they were actually doing it by themselves. And let people cheat? What's the point of even playing if all you're doing is letting an autoclicker run? And maybe tell this friend of yours to not make any clicks while sleeping? I dont know if thats even possible honestly. But I do agree with you on removing banned cheaters from the rally similar to how it works for the ranklist. That's the price you pay for (supposedly) cheating. I also found this thread which should explain when you'll be able to mentor again. I know you're frustrated since you missed out on an entire month of progress, but I think that's the price you have to pay for (supposedly) cheating. And to sum it all up, I think everyone should accept that this is the price you have to pay to have a robust anti-cheat system. Of course there's going to be some false flags, cuz there's no perfect system, and it's really at the fault of all the bad actors who actually cheat to necessitate a cheat system in the first place. I know it sucks for you, but I do hope this is a rare occurence (in the case you didn't cheat), especially since there is really no way around it. [Read more] |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2023 18:34 (1 Year ago) |
Title: Missing Dex Mons (OT ver)[
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Tue, 07/03/2023 20:18 (1 Year ago) |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Sun, 12/02/2023 20:41 (1 Year ago) |
EDIT Box#: Kanto1 Pokemon: Pinsir Box#: Kanto2 Pokemon: Muk Pokemon: Talonflame Box#: Kanto11 Pokemon: Raticate Box#: Johto1 Pokemon: Ledian Pokemon: Dunsparce Pokemon: Female Houndoom Pokemon: Male Houndoom Box#: Johto4 Pokemon: Typhlosion Box#: Johto7 Pokemon: Ledian Box#: Hoenn5 Pokemon: Hariyama Box#: Unova4 Pokemon: Reuniclus Box#: Alola2 Pokemon: Toucanon Box#: Galar1 Pokemon: Perrserker Box#: DEX box Pokemon: Rookidee Anything else: I could compensate you with a shiny Rookidee as replacement cuz its from your DEX box, I hope you dont mind. There's 39 total, I could pay 90 nuggets for all or 165k if you prefer PD , especially since it's not gonna be easy sorting them out. and thanks in advance! [Read more] |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Sun, 12/02/2023 17:52 (1 Year ago) |
Title: Egg groups list (fix layout l8r)Useful Links Egg Group Connections Disclaimer: PH Egg Groups is quite wonky with certain mons + Still Gen 7 Egg groups. IV Calculator (40%)^6
if both parents have perfect IVs Disclaimer: IV breeding works different in PH, in the game its 5 guaranteed IVs (or 3 if below Gen IV), whereas in PH its 40% with 2x (and if both parents have 2 s) for each stat, otherwise its 5% each. also note that silver stars give 0% chance for gold stars. Note: Breeding with perfect IV parents with both holding gives 50% (1.5x) more chance for mega. also want to add that a + only gives a 20% chance for a but also a 20% for a will put the best pairs i have, and swap if i get a better pair DragonWater 2Human-likeMineralAmorphousWater 3LegendsMonsterWater 1BugFlyingFieldFairyGrassTemplateIn case youre wondering, Yes! those spaces are necessary 🤪 Show
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[center][size=16][b][u]Best Mons[/u][/b][/size] [size=6]by different egg[/size] [size=8](WIP)[/size] [i][size=6]2 pairs cuz different stats[/size][/i][/center] [right][h]Dragon[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Water 2[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Human-like[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Mineral[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Amorphous[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Water 3[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Legends[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler][/right] [left][h]Monster[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Water 1[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Bug[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Flying[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Field[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Fairy[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler] [h]Grass[/h] [spoiler][center][/center][/spoiler][/left] [Read more] |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Sat, 11/02/2023 21:19 (1 Year ago) |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Sun, 05/02/2023 00:57 (1 Year ago) |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Mon, 23/01/2023 21:06 (2 Years ago) |
The option to transfer your berries should be right at the bottom of the berry garden page [Read more] |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Fri, 20/01/2023 19:09 (2 Years ago) |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Sun, 15/01/2023 18:35 (2 Years ago) |
It should at least be Bug/Dragon after Gen 8 EDIT So before anybody here tries to jump on me saying it only works with the first egg group, ive got some cases where some pokemon are breedable regardless of it being on the second egg group [Read more] |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Mon, 02/01/2023 00:40 (2 Years ago) |
I'm guessing its a copy paste error, but it says "Sundaelish (Choconilla) can fuse with Sundaelite (Chocolate) and evolve into Sundaelux." When it should be Strawnilla instead [Read more] |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Tue, 22/11/2022 07:42 (2 Years ago) |
Qiaokeli OFFLINE Forum Posts: 1,063 |
Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 19:19 (2 Years ago) |