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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from OmegaOdyssey.
Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 17:01 (3 Years ago)
Nagisa: Wdym *blinks confused*

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:59 (3 Years ago)
Karma:*tries to sneak behind light but passes out*

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:56 (3 Years ago)
Nagisa:*walks up to light and claps* pull out the stick carefully and if you need help im good with a knife

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:54 (3 Years ago)
Karma:*walks in with an angry face* okay wtf bro

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:52 (3 Years ago)
Karma:*Drops Grenade And Walks Out* Tf I Just Did That For What

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:46 (3 Years ago)
Karma:*jumps in to find light*

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:44 (3 Years ago)
karma: *pulls out a pipe bomb and throws it far away*

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:40 (3 Years ago)
Karma:*pulls out pistols* ughhh light would you mind waiting for me *starts firing*

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:37 (3 Years ago)
Nagisa: *grabs a knife and pistol* les go

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 16:35 (3 Years ago)
Karma:*grabs headphones,brass knuckles, a jacket and 2 pistols* hey wanna go shoppin

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 15:13 (3 Years ago)
i have a lot of berries so just tell me what you want and name your price

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Posted: Wed, 28/04/2021 14:25 (3 Years ago)

Title: sign up

Name: Karma
Together with: Autumn
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Role: Survivor and suicider/melee or close range (rushes in with close range weapons) or long range

Name: Nagisa
Together with: Karma
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Role: assassin/melee or medic

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Posted: Sun, 25/04/2021 17:53 (3 Years ago)

Title: Ummm

that isn't really worth it these go for 190k to 220k so I would say at least 160k

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Posted: Sun, 25/04/2021 17:50 (3 Years ago)

Title: Ok how much do you have


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Posted: Thu, 22/04/2021 18:42 (3 Years ago)

Title: Staff


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Posted: Thu, 22/04/2021 18:24 (3 Years ago)
Hello My People
This Is My Item Shop
Prices havent been done yet just say what you think is worth it


Aguav Berry 28
Aspear Berry 23
Cheri Berry 10
Chesto Berry 33
Cornn Berry 5
Figy Berry 19
Grepa Berry 48
Hondew Berry 44
Iapapa Berry 1
Kelpsy Berry 79
Leppa Berry 62
Lum Berry 1
Mago Berry 1
Magost Berry 2
Nanab Berry 29
Oran Berry 1
Pecha Berry 96
Persim Berry 51
Pomeg Berry 12
Qualot Berry 19
Rawst Berry 29
Razz Berry 7
Sitrus Berry 21
Tamato Berry 2
Wepear Berry 48
Wiki Berry 53
Kelpsy Soda 2
Pomeg Soda 1
Razz Shake 1
Moomoo Milk 126
Soda Pop 4
Lemonade 5
Everstone 1
Oval Stone 1
Up-Grade 1
Water Stone 1
Weather Balloon 2
DNA Splicer (Black) 1
DNA Splicer (White) 1
Bug Gem 12
Dark Gem 2
Dragon Gem 2
Electric Gem 346
Fairy Gem 1
Fire Gem 4
Flying Gem 103
Ghost Gem 3
Grass Gem 2
Ground Gem 2
Ice Gem 2
Normal Gem 2
Poison Gem 1
Psychic Gem 3
Steel Gem 3
Water Gem 8
Resolute Stone 1
Shoal Salt 2
Shoal Shell 10
Uxie Egg Voucher 1
Mystery Box (Light Blue) 1
Mystery Box (Purple) 2
Mystery Box (Gold) 2
Mystery Key (Dark Blue) 1
Mystery Key (Red) 1
Poké Ball 72
Great Ball 1
Pearl 1
Big Pearl 8
Strange Ornament 1

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Posted: Thu, 15/04/2021 01:04 (3 Years ago)

Title: yay

les go

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Posted: Thu, 15/04/2021 01:03 (3 Years ago)

Title: fine

color brown
name eevee
role imposter

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Posted: Thu, 15/04/2021 00:59 (3 Years ago)

Title: lmfao

It would be emo todoroki but to many letter

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Posted: Thu, 15/04/2021 00:58 (3 Years ago)

Title: ?


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