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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from MoonlightWraith.
Posted: Thu, 01/10/2015 17:23 (9 Years ago)
Scooped up the cats clawing at the skirt as he followed the silently"Bad kitty cat"

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Posted: Thu, 01/10/2015 06:42 (9 Years ago)
(There is life??!)
dropped off the roof into a pile of bundled up blankets under a tarp"hmmm Lyra!! here foxy foxy!"

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Posted: Tue, 29/09/2015 19:14 (9 Years ago)
Had managed to find his way to the roof again and was hanging off the edge by his ankles looking rather bored"aww no more rain..."

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 18:08 (9 Years ago)
"No rin...Look Hitoka I am a theif I know how to follow without being noticed,I also know that that is a depressing song for a girl like you so please..tell me whats up"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 15:42 (9 Years ago)
"Mmm A bit depressing for someone a cute as you.."Riki was sitting on the ledge of the roof with a smile sucking on a lolipop"The views nice up here don't you think?"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 15:11 (9 Years ago)
Looked at her and thought(She is kinda cute...not as cute as rin..)

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 15:01 (9 Years ago)
smirked"hmm I don't mind."he did move back"And Rin could do with a few non feline friends"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 14:52 (9 Years ago)
Smiled seemingly getting closer to Hitoka"Welll Hitoka Yachi-san Me and my friend were just having a nice drink,Perhaps you could join us and how us more of your drawings?"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 13:54 (9 Years ago)
Leaned over looking down at the drawing"Nice cat,it's cute"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 13:35 (9 Years ago)
sipped a coffee before walking over to Hitoka"Hey what you working on?"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 13:19 (9 Years ago)
"Ah sure,What do you want?"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 12:02 (9 Years ago)
"..a dog huh?can't see it happening"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 11:42 (9 Years ago)
"Hmm Never appealed to me I get in enough trouble looking after myself"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 11:19 (9 Years ago)
"Yea sure I could do with something to eat"
(starts walking to the canteen)

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 11:03 (9 Years ago)
"..Maybe we can spend some time together??"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 10:31 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 10:16 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 10:09 (9 Years ago)
"Oh.Well that's a lot better"(She is raising an army of couch destroying demons...)

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 10:01 (9 Years ago)
"We are not dog hunting saying that now"

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Posted: Sun, 27/09/2015 09:58 (9 Years ago)
Watched the interaction between the cats and rin thinking(Why do i like her?..oh yea kind, caring, cute, smart, funny and nice)

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