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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 03:54 (9 Years ago)
(crap I gotta go as well, goodnight)

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 03:52 (9 Years ago)
Wolf notices a Pikachu running in the woods. Wolf got out his pokedex to identify the pokemon. "Oh wow a Pikachu!! I heard these pokemon are quite rare to encounter in here." He snuck up on the Pikachu before it notices him. The Pikachu kept on running off. After a few attempts of encountering it again he tossed many pokeballs to catch it. He finally caught a Pikachu. "I'm calling this guy Zippy" Kinkin is beginning to warm up to Wolf. He continues into the woods and bumps into Amara. "Oh sorry! I caught a Pikachu. I didn't know there were Pikachu in this woods. He notices a Weedle crawling on a branch. "Hey first one to catch that weedle wins!!" He raced towards the weedle as fast as he can. (Awww....gtg now bye :( )

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 03:36 (9 Years ago)
Rocky was trying to hard to protect himself. He saw a blue light surrounding him. He had learned Protect. He thought he was a goner. "I didn't know that I could use that move." He said is surprise.
If you want a fight missey, you have messed with the wrong poochyena. He tries using Ice Beam to freeze the Sylveon.

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 03:28 (9 Years ago)
He saw the Sylveon try to attack him but Bow blocks the attack. "Thank you." He said as he tries to remember how to use Ice Beam again.

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 03:24 (9 Years ago)
"I wonder what a poochyena's doing right here in the forest. Poor thing looks like it's been through a tough battle." Wolf said. "I'll take it along with me" Wolf carried the injured poochyena. Kinkin still looked at Wolf with a grumpy look.

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 03:10 (9 Years ago)
Rocky saw the Sylveon and shuddered. "Oh no! I fairy type. I can't stand them." He said terrified. "Dark types and Fairy types don't mix."

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 03:01 (9 Years ago)
Rocky ran out of the bathroom and quickly ran towards the pokemon. He grabs a ball in his mouth and started wagging his tail.

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Posted: Mon, 25/05/2015 03:00 (9 Years ago)
Wolf took the pokeball from Amara and threw it at the sleeping fennekin. He caught it. "I'm gonna name you KinKin." Kinkin came out of his pokeball and Looked at Wolf with a grumpy look. He saw a delivery man deliver a package to him. It was from Prof. Sycamore. It contained 12 pokeballs, a Pokedex and 6 potions. "Yay now I can journey towards the forest!!" He ran towards the forest and notices an injured poochyena on his way.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 22:09 (9 Years ago)
"Ok" Wolf said. "But I don't have a any pokeballs to catch it." He sighed as he saw the speeping fennekin.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 22:01 (9 Years ago)
"Well I'm Wolf." He said. I'm still trying to get my starter Pokemon. " He saw the Fennekin with the black scarf again. "That wild Fennekin's back again" he said. The Fennekin layed down and fell asleep.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 21:57 (9 Years ago)
Wolfie was wondering about the place exploring every nook and cranny of the area.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 21:51 (9 Years ago)
Wolf was all happy then he looked at his pants. "Oh gosh! I'm still in my pajamas!!" He saw his mom running towards him holding his bag and clothes. "Honey, you forgot your stuff and you didn't even get dressed!!" she shouted. Wolf quickly went back home to get changed. He rushed back as quickly as he can after get got changed. "Phew....that was close. I'm glad we're all here!!"

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 21:24 (9 Years ago)
Wolf quickly rushed towards Aquacorde Town and met up with the trainers. "Sorry, I'm late. I've overslept." he said all winded from running. He notices a Fennekin with a back scarf running about. "Did Prof. Sycamore forget a Fennekin?" He pointed to the wild fennekin running around town.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 21:13 (9 Years ago)
Rocky sighed and sat down with his ears drooped down. "At least I didn't forget Shadow Ball" he said.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 21:11 (9 Years ago)
Wolf woke up in the bed not noticing the time. "Mom, What time is it?" He said while half asleep. His mom told him the time. Wolf all of a sudden was wide awake. "OH MY GOSH IT'S THAT TIME ALREADY! I OVERSLEPT!! I'M GONNA BE LATE!!" Wolf all of a sudden rushed out the door not noticing that he was still in his pajamas. "I told my friend I would meet them at this time. Oh no! I hope I'm not to late!!" he said while running.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 21:06 (9 Years ago)
Rocky notices Clover. "Oh hey there." He said smiling yet cringing from the pain from his head. "I slipped on a puddle and smashed head first into the wall." Now I can't remember how to use my Ice type moves."

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 21:04 (9 Years ago)
(Sorry for being so inactive in the RP)

Kinkin arrived in town and started to explore a little bit of the town.

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 20:58 (9 Years ago)
(Updated with a trainer character)

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 20:47 (9 Years ago)
Name: KinKin
Age or Level: Lvl 5
Gender: Male
Appearance: A Fennekin with a Black scarf round his neck
Party: (humans only)
Rank: Pokemon
Other: Wild Pokemon

Name: Wolf
Age or Level: 10
Gender: Male
Appearance: A trainer with short black hear andd blue eyes, He wears a black and yellow cap, wears a black vest and has blue jeans and blue sneakers. He also has a brass Mega manectric pin.
Party: Fennekin(Lvl 5/Male) Skiddo (Lvl 3/Male) Poochyena (Lvl 2/male)
Rank: Pokemon trainer

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Posted: Sun, 24/05/2015 20:40 (9 Years ago)
Rocky all of a sudden wakes up and snaps out of his dizziness. "Owe my head." He said.

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