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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Tue, 05/07/2016 23:06 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise nodded to Manty to show she heard when they were going to leave for dinner. In the meantime, she decided on continuing to stuff her bag to the brim with shiny crystals.

The next floor they arrived to was different from the others, but the electrike still couldn't help staring in awe. The crystals were a pink color and couldn't be broken for some reason. When Manty asked the Drillbur about them, they simply called them crystals.

Wow Captain Obvious...

The ground type Pokemon attempted to dig, but were unable to do so. With that, they exclaimed that they were going back to the guild and boy was she glad.

Once they reached the guild, the smell was tantalizing. The table was huge and full of food. When Manty mentioned the Drillbur eating habits she snickered before finding herself her own food and beginning to eat.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 05:14 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise glanced around as Manty mentioned there were no enemies. She hadn't noticed that yet. "That's kind of odd, but also cool. We don't have to worry about fighting things." She stated, grabbing a few more crystals.

When he mentioned it was nighttime, her stomach growled. Her face turned a light shade of red, "I think I need food."

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 04:31 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise gaped at the many crystals that were lodged inside the cavern walls. There were many, all of different sizes, shapes, and colors. As she followed Manty and the Drillbur, she picked up several loose crystals, marveling at their glow before placing them in her bag.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 03:34 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise rolled over so that she was laying down normally. This had definitely been an amazing exploration. She had flown like a bird Pokemon!

That, and the rocks they had just broken were pink and shiny. They were really pretty and Edelwise hopped to her paws, grabbing a few stray ones to place in her bag before following Manty and the others deeper into the new cavern.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 02:53 (7 Years ago)
"Whoohoo! This is awesome!" Edelwise exclaimed as the Minecart started going really fast. She yelped though as they ran into a Pokemon who had been stationed on the track. She flew through the air until she landed on her back in the dirt. She groaned softly, laying on the ground to catch the breath that had disappeared during her flight.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 02:38 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise tossed her pick axe into the minecart and flipped a helmet on top of her head. She then jumped into the minecart along with Manty.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 02:30 (7 Years ago)
They hadn't run long when they finally reached a sign. "Yes! We're here!" She exclaimed, grinning widely as an Excadrill appeared from the ground. She was about to follow Manty into the hole, but they were stopped by the Excadrill. It explained what the situation was and then handed them some tools. She picked up a pick axe in her jaws glancing back at Manty with a twinge of excitement shining brightly in her eyes. She jumped into the hole after her friend, looking around for shiny gems.

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Posted: Sat, 02/07/2016 01:06 (7 Years ago)
(Yes, mines is better. ^.^)

Exploring? That sounded awesome! "Yeah! Come on Manty!" She checked the map for the mines and then raced off in their direction.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 22:45 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise followed Manty back to the Smeargle, grinning like normal. Manty and the Smeargle talked for a moment about the price and such and she snickered at Manty's reaction to the added extra bonus.

Once they had gotten that all sorted out, Edelwise looked to her teammate. "Now what? We still have a little more time."

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 22:36 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise watched curiously as Manty took an eraser of sorts and began to change the drawing a bit. When he was done, the static around the lightning was gone and in its place were a pair of yellow wings. Edelwise grinned and looked over at Manty. "That looks amazing!" She exclaimed.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 14:48 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise slowed to a stop as they reached a large hallway. There were lots of Pokemon, so she followed Manty to the one that was a Smeargle. Manty began talking to the Smeargle and Edelwise began bouncing from paw to paw. She was super excited.

The Smeargle mentioned drawing concept art on paper and Edelwise grinned, glad that she had thought of some ideas originally.

The Electrike pranced over to the paper and crayons and grabbed a blue one. She held the blue crayon awkwardly in her jaws and began drawing. When she was finished, a messy blue lightning bolt sat on the paper with static surrounding it. She glanced to Manty, seeing if he had come up with something.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 04:38 (7 Years ago)
(Lol. Good going X3)

Edelwise shrugged, silently agreeing to stop talking about it. Whatever the reason for there not being an Oddish, they didn't need to know. They had completed the mission.

The Electrike's face brightened at the thought of exploring the town. "Come on then! Let's go!" She exclaimed as she followed Manty outside the guild and then proceeded to attempt to race him again.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 04:25 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise grinned at the two Pokemon in front of them. They were all back at the guild now and the two Ice-types were giving them a reward for saving them from the Rattata. She wasn't complaining at all.

They mentioned being able to make a custom badge and fairly quickly, the Electrike drew up some mental designs. It would be cool to have a badge that was only for them.

Soon after the two ice types left, Pikipek flew by. The bird Pokemon mentioned something about not guiding them on their first mission and then flew off with their money. Well then...

"That was awesome Manty! Although, I thought we were helping a lost Oddish. Not stopping plotting Rattata. I'm not complaining because that was awesome, but I'm kind of confused." She muttered, glancing the direction Pikipek had flown absentmindedly. "About the badges though, we definitely need to check that out. It would be amazing to have a badge special to Team Blue Lightning!"

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 04:07 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise grinned as the last Rattata fainted. "Yay! We did it!" She cried out, prancing in small circles to celebrate until she remembered the Shellder and Cubchoo.

She turned so that she was able to see them and Manty. The two Pokemon seemed to be fine and the Cubchoo was at least awake now. She didn't have time to talk to them though because they were suddenly teleported away. She turned to look at the badge Manty held, curiously eyeing it before they too were transported back.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 03:53 (7 Years ago)
The Rattata's Quick Attack definitely caught her off guard. The unexpected force of the impact sent her a little ways, but she quickly picked herself back up, growling at the last opponent. She heard Manty's words and nodded subconsciously before using Tackle once more.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 03:40 (7 Years ago)
Immediately after the second Rattata fainted, the small Electrike turned to the last one standing. It was still standing after a Bubblebeam from Manty so Edelwise once again attempted to use Tackle. She could feel the Violent seed wearing off, but hopefully it would last long enough to finish this battle.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 02:55 (7 Years ago)
Edelwise had a grin on her face as she watched the two Rattata attack each other. It couldn't take too much longer for them to be down. Edelwise decided to use Tackle once more. She aimed for the obviously confused Rattata and used Tackle.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 02:37 (7 Years ago)
(Alright, just making sure. Don't want to overshoot and use the wrong moves ^.^')

Edelwise was unaware of her surroundings. All she cared about was attacking these fiends. She heard Manty call out somewhere in the distance and she turned to see two of the Rattata rushing at her. One was caught by Manty's supersonic, but the other kept coming. Edelwise smirked as she allowed the Rattata to get close and then used Thunder Wave, hoping to stop it while it was running.

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Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 02:25 (7 Years ago)
(Violent Seeds! Yesh! Watch out, here I come! Hey, do we get levels for beating that Skiddo?)

Edelwise grinned as the Skiddo was finally defeated. It felt good to have won her first battle. Their first battle. However, now that meant climbing more stairs. Silently sighing to herself, Edelwise followed Manty as they continued floor to floor.

As they reached the top floor, Edelwise felt a rush of emotions. Fear and excitement mingled together as she heard the scream and watched the scene play out. They got to fight bad guys after all.

The Rattata finally noticed she and Manty hiding in the corner and by this time she knew a battle was unavoidable. She quickly ate one of the Violent Seeds she had picked up without Manty noticing and instantly she felt stronger. She immediately rushed in to use tackle on the Rattata that had first spotted them.

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Posted: Thu, 30/06/2016 04:44 (7 Years ago)
(I'm just gonna make a personal note then that Edelwise is level 7 now.)

After climbing some more stairs and gathering more seeds and other things, they finally reached the fourth floor or so. She had pretty much lost track after the second floor.

Edelwise was not ready for a wild Pokemon to attack and Skiddo's tackle caught her completely off guard. The Electrike quickly bounced back to her feet and used Thunder Wave on the Skiddo. The Thunder Wave hit its target and paralyzed their opponent.

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