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Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 01:12 (7 Years ago)
Contacting you two! :)

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Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 21:52 (7 Years ago)
Sending them now ;)

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Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 16:35 (7 Years ago)
Interested in trading normal gems for all of the following ones: Dark, Flying, Water, Rock, Ground, Ghost, Ice

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 00:29 (7 Years ago)

In the upper menu bars: Community > Union Room > Clicklists ;)

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Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 12:51 (7 Years ago)
Q: If the Pokemon Company asked you to create a Pokemon for them-
What would you call it?
What type would it be?
It's ability?
4 moves it could learn?
A general description of appearance?

Well...definitely I'd want my sona to be a real Pokemon. Just...well, sorry to disappoint, but I'm a bit out of ideas in this moment to answer this properly, so let me "wip" this question a bit more this days.

Q: Do you have any pet peeves (something you find really annoying)? Either in or out of PH?
My ones in PH have already been answered, but outside of it:

Invading my personal space (specially if it's without my permission) it's definitely not a good idea. Unless you're a close friend and I've shown previously that it's okay to do it...just don't. If it happens by accident, okay, I may understand. You won't see me coming close to anybody unless I trust them enough and I feel comfortable. People call me "cold" for that, but let's say I've got my own reasons for being this way. I can tell you that if you get a single hug from me on my own will, consider yourself a trustworthy person.

This applies also for touching my hair. I've got very long hair...okay, fine, but for some reason people like to touch it, thing that makes me become extremely nervous. If they ask first, I may say yes...but not always, depending who and how's my mood.

Q: How would you react if Riako took down PokeHeroes?
Well, I guess I'd be sad, for all the good memories that would be lost along with it.

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Posted: Wed, 12/10/2016 13:28 (7 Years ago)
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Q: Have you ever found any loose ends in a TV show, video game etc.?
Honestly? I don't remember any right now x)

Q: Favorite chocolate bar?
Trust me when I say that I'm not a "sweet eater/lover", but I love Twix bars :3

Q: Do you ever get bored of PH? If yes, What do you do?
More than bored, I'd call it "necessary break". Too many hours at the PC kill my back, so I need to move to the sofa and watch a film or whatever...it depends on the day I guess

Q: Out of all of the 7 sins, which one do you think you have committed the most?
Probably gluttony, thankfully those times are over since long ago.

Q: Do you have siblings?

Q: Are there any countries/places you'd like to visit one day?
Japan, Germany, Egypt, China, Thailand...those are already planned. But I'd love to travel as much as I'm able while my time allows (and the money, of course ^^'')

Q: Greatest people you got to know on PH?
Pandas...owls...cats and kitties..."weys" and "chamos" far across the ocean...nightmares...they already know who they are and all they mean to me :)

Q: Whom would you like to meet?
Everybody that I actually appreciate but cannot see everyday.

Q: Favorite clothes to sleep in?
A shirt and my Batman pants :P

Q: Your favorite palindrome?
Never had one, tbh o.o

Q: What's under your bed?
Kira's bed, she loves to hide it there...dunno why

Q: What music were you listening to recently?
Slipknot...this morning

Q: What's the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you?
I don't really consider myself a romantic person, but when I first met my life partner...call it love at first sight in a concert :3

Q: And what's the most embarrassing moment in your life so far?
I once was with one of my friends going for a walk when we met a woman. Apparently she was family of my friend, but wasn't sure of "what" she exactly was. When we said farewell, I told her: hey, your grandma seems pretty nice! I remember she looked at me like ">.>" and added: ...she's my MOTHER.
She reminded me that situation every year since then u.u

Q: Which school lecture did you dislike most?
Maths. I still dislike them, in fact.

Q: Which new subject would you like to have in school?
Well, school times are a past memory for me since many years, but I would have loved learning Japanese then...

Q: Would you shave your head bald for 1000€?

Q: Coffee or tea?

Q: Are you an emotional person?
I guess it depends, but you won't see me showing my emotions very frequently...and not to everybody.

Q: What's your most annoying habit?
I need to pick up ALWAYS the second product in the shelf of the supermarket, no matter what it is. I always take out the one in the front and choose any other behind it. If there's only one left, I don't buy it. Don't ask me why, it's been a "bad" habit (I guess) since many years.

Q: Which animal do you like least?
Wasps >.>

Q: If you could fuse two Pokemon together, and be able to use the fusion in game, what two Pokemon would you fuse and why?
*points to her sona*

Q: What is your goal in life outside of PH?
I would love to open my own bakery...honestly. But this is a highly complicated option that I doubt it happens any sooner...so I guess having a job works for now

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 00:52 (7 Years ago)
Q: Have you ever played any of the Okami series of games? If you have, what did you think of them?
I remember watching a friend play years ago. The drawing was soooooo awesome, and I was in love with the wolf. I'd love to find the games and play them by myself if I have the opportunity, I barely remember how it was.

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Posted: Tue, 11/10/2016 00:24 (7 Years ago)
Q: How do you feel about "YAAAAAAAAAAS"

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Posted: Mon, 10/10/2016 22:26 (7 Years ago)
Phew, I've missed a lot O.O. Alright, here's my bunch:

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Q: Lets imagine its a zombie apocalypse, k? So you can have one Pokemon come to live and fight with you to survive. What would you want that Pokemon to be? It doesn't have to be your favorite.
I'd pick Entei again. Is there any better way to fight against zombies than with fire? :3

Q: Something has been broken! What will you use to fix it? Glue or Duck tape?
I guess it depends what was broken...but trust me trying to fix a broken car mirror with duck tape doesn't work x'D

Q: What background and header styles do you have?
I have Giratina in the background and Darkrai in the header. But this is going to change very soon

Q: Favorite Eeveelution?
You really caught me here. I'm between Umbreon and Espeon...both are gorgeous *3*

Q: Can you draw?
Well...it's been a lot since I don't try to draw something decent, it depends on my mood and the inspiration. But in any case, my technique is very far from being called even technique...I lost a lot of practice with the years ^^``

Q: Do you like cats?
I like them, I find them funny but at the same time majestic. But I also have a deep respect towards them, as I'm not very used to their behavior

Q: Do you own any cats if yes which breed?
No kitties at my house...yet

Q: What do you hate?
Lies. A lot. The rest...cannot be mentioned here

Q: What makes you annoying?
No idea, but not caring anyway x)

Q: Why is the sky blue?
How do clouds smell like? Gotcha!

Q: Am I a good user?
I guess that's an answer your conscience can give you better :P

Q: Do you like the way "Giblet" sounds?
Sounds cute, I guess

Q: Do you get paid?
Hooooooo...wait, you can get paid for this? *stares at Riako with a mountain of papers* Yo! Dude! This bills ain't gonna pay themselves! T.T

Q: Is their any juicy gossip on me yet?

Q: Do you guys talk about each other?
Oh yush, you can bet there's tons of gossip going around recently about -Max. But shuuuussssshhh...you didn't hear this from me, kay? :Y

Is there just the freeloader mod that never does much but still gets the mod sticker?
No pain, no gain

Q: Do you guys have a sewing circle every Tuesday?
You gotta see the cute ducky curtains we made the other day...sooooo adorbs

Q: Why am I not part of your sewing circle?
Gotta need 15 years of experience needed dude, that's skills

Q: Do you all staff want a trip with Ecco and Riako?
A trip with my boss? That'd be interesting x'D

Q: Who is fav girl protagonist in the Pokemon anime? Why?
Misty forever. She had attitude

Q: What do you think of Harry Potter Books? Specially the first 5 parts?
I have a special love for this saga. I specially like the 5th book, totally lost count of how many times I've read it during the years. And with one of the most painful deaths (in my opinion) from all the saga

Q: Your thoughts on Ash-Greninja?
Doesn't look bad, but I cannot judge before trying it myself

Q: Which Pokemon release from the anime did you find the most emotional?
Charizard. Ooooh yes...that really went straight to the feels...

Q: How did you feel of Ash's Cyndaquil evolving after almost a decade?
It didn't get much interactions during that time, did it? :Y

Q: Do you really think Deino exist?
*stares at Yato

Q: Do you play any other online game then this if yes which?
Does Battlefield count? ;)

Q: Do you like monkeys when they eat bananas?
I guess...they're cute?

Q: What will be your reaction if a monkey steals your mango?
Firstly, it'd have to even dare trying ¬¬

Q: What would be your reaction when you're an old person and a younger person disrespects you?
Nothing else to be added here

Q: What do you think when you see a kid who's trying to get attention on PH?
As long as they don't break the rules, I mind my own business.

Q: What are your usernames based on and what do they mean?
Since always, I've had a fascination for werewolves. I used to play years ago a game, where there were warrior werewolves (called Garou in their own language) from Gaia. Somehow this fits with a part of my personality, so I decided to recover that again. Plus, the french word for werewolf is loup-garou, so there you have it :P

Q: Your feelings when drama happens?
I don't pay attention to that, sorry

Q: Do you go for parties at the beach?
If we even had beach...

Q: What is your plan for Halloween?
Nothing planned

Q: Will you scare you friends at Halloween?
Why only at Halloween when you can do it the whole year? ;)

Q: Is Riako consider as national duck of Pokeheroes or troll duck?

Q: Are you planning to marry if you are 18+?
I guess this part is already done ;P

Q: Do you prefer Zekrom or Reshiram?
Aaaaaah...I have serious troubles picking one of them, really. But Zekrom probably goes more with my style, I guess

Q: What's your opinion on space?
It'd be cool to visit, too bad I don't like heights too much x)

Q: You guys actually have a sewing club?
*points to the previous question about this*

Q: Is Riako in it?
Ssssshhhh...he prefers not to let others know much about this :Y

Q: How many of you actually eat breakfast?
I cannot talk for the rest, but I actually do. Some days I just forget about it so I wait for the middle morning snack ^^''

Q: Do you generally like coding?
Well, I don't do much apart from putting things in bold or in colors...I'm awful at that x)

Q: Turtles or Turtles?

Q: Do you agree that Riako is actually a duck and not a human being?
Actually...he becomes strangely happy when we mention something about going to spend the day at a lake >.>

Q: Do you pour the milk before or after the cereal?[⁄b]
After the cereal always!

[b]Q: Do you like bongos? *shows a bongo*

You're making this drummer happy :3

Q: Owls, Hawks and or Eagles?
Don't make me choose! >.<

Q: What is the cringiest moment you can remember?
I used my Masterball on a Caterpie :Y

Q: Do any of you guys see each other irl?
CatLady and I will in not so long :P. Other plans are going around though

Q: Butterscotch or Cinnamon?

Q: Apple juice, orange juice, or lemonade?
Apple juice always :3

Q: Do the mods get free premium?
Nope, not a single nugget

Coke or Pepsi?
Coke, always. But sometimes I have to be unfaithful... T_T

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Posted: Sat, 08/10/2016 13:30 (7 Years ago)
Q: If you could add any event Pokemon into Pokeheroes, what would it be and how would you obtain it?
Good question...I think I'd love to see a Cerberus Houndoom, a 3 headed one like the mythological creature. How to obtain it...mmmm...maybe a mix between interactions for reaching a secret place where you have to solve a couple of riddles and then you obtain a special map for the rumble area of the Pokemon (dreaming is free, right?)

Q: How would you react if you walked into your room, and it was full of kittens, or puppies, or whatever your favorite animal is. Like, the animals are just in there, chillin', and walking around like they actually own the place.
I'd probably die of happiness in that same moment, after lots of "squeeeeee" and "omg". I've always wanted to lay on the floor in the middle of a herd of puppies *3*

Q: Favorite emoticon?
I use ":3" a lot, so I guess...that one.

Q: Do you like Football? If so, who is your favorite team? If not, what sport do you like, then?
I used to like football but for certain reasons I became tired of it.
I like tennis/paddle tennis a lot, whenever I find time I go playing some matches (friendly or "not-so-friendly" where the loser pays the dinner >:->). I also like kayaking in summer, but no competitions here, just chilling and enjoying the sea/river (this next summer we want to try whitewater)

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 22:45 (7 Years ago)
Q: What is your favourite Operating System (OS): Windows, Mac or Linux?
Honestly...I prefer Windows over Mac. I've been using the first one since always, but as we got a Mac as a "table PC" too, I guess it's not that bad. I use it basically for editing photos o.o

Q: What is your favorite Mega Pokemon?
Mega Charizard X is very cool, but Mega Houndoom does really get my attention

Q: Do you like anime/manga and if so, what is your favorite one?
I do. For now...my two favorites since always are Death Note (my dog's name is Kira, you can see where I took it from) and Elfen Lied. But I recently discovered a new love for Noragami.

Q: What is your favorite band/group?
It depends...from Spain I've got as favorites Sôber and Saurom, but I like very much Rammstein or Nightwish (among some others, it's difficult to pick a single one as each has a different "charm")

Q: What is your favorite animal, and why?
I like dogs a lot...but I like a lot lions/tigers and wolves. About mithological...Dragon and Werewolf.

Q: What is your favorite color, and why?
I have more than one favorite color, but I can tell you black is my most used one among all. Why? Well, it fits me very well xP

Q: What are you scared of the most?
Darkness is my most and deepest fear right now. Followed closely by heights and wasps

Q: Who is your favorite celebrity?
Uh...well I don't really have a favorite one ^^', but the first one that comes to my mind is Robin Williams

Q: What is your favorite song?
Ghost Love Score, from Nightwish. I could never get tired of it

Q: What language do you most want to learn?
Maybe German or Japanese

Q: What subjects interest(ed) you the most at school?
English, History (specially Ancient History) and Arts. I still love them, and keep reading stuff from each.[/i]

Q: What is your favourite food?
Japanese, specially sushi

Q: Where would you most like to visit?
Japan and Egipt are my dream right now...and the hoard for the first one is currently in progress

Q: Who is your favourite author?
I don't have any by the moment, but I owe J.K. Rowling many nice moments^^

Q: Which is your fave book?
One of my favorites is Diary of Anne Frank

Q: Have any of you guys ever tried competitive battling on the Pokémon games, or on an online battling site like Showdown? If yes, did you enjoy it at all?
Mmmm...well, we did some little competitions at school, but apart from that...not really.

Q: Have you ever broken the PH rules?
I just broke a rule, whoops sorrynotsorry

Q: If you had to pick one Pokemon to own in real life as your pet, what would it be and why?
I'd probably pick Entei. Apart from being so gorgeous, I can go places on its back and it can be a good guardian :3

Q: On a scale of 1-10, how tired are you at any given time?
During my working week, I'd say 9...it's very consuming. But normally, I'd say 5-6...I sleep very bad x)

Q: What is the weirdest thing someone has said to you since you became a moderator?
Sorry, I cannot say it without having to send a warning/ban myself x'D. But I can just say it was veeeeeeeeeery uncomfortable and totally broke my comfort zone :/

Q: It's the Zombie apocalypse! Pick your weapon for survival!
Katana :3. Silent, useful and trustable

Q: Haikyuu!! or Ginatama?
Didn't watch any yet ^^''

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 15:30 (7 Years ago)
Q: Do you guys enjoy your job as a moderator?
Yes, it's a very positive experience. With the good and the bad things :)

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 14:52 (7 Years ago)
Q: Do you like 'Friends'? If so, who's your favorite character?
Well, I've seen it but I don't really have a favorite character. Sorry to disappoint ^^'

Q: Which of these would you choose: Sleep or PH?
Aaaaah...sleep...is there anything more wonderful in this world? º3º

Q: In your mind, what type combo is 'Garou' - your Pokesona? What's his signature move?
I'd say Fire-Dark. His signature move: "Gaia Roar". However...there isn't a final description for it, this is still a WIP.

Q: Out of all 145 Emera Pokemon, which one is your favorite?
Mega Banettestein, of course >:3

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Posted: Fri, 07/10/2016 13:02 (7 Years ago)
Alright, let's go (after re-editing this like 2342358 times x'DD)

Q: What's your favorite food?
I'd say sushi (Japanese food in general, better said) is right now in my top 1. But Mexican food (in general) still has a special place in my life.

Q: What are your favorite Shiny Pokemon?
From the games, Entei. From PH, Mega Banettestein (this answer was a bit too obvious x3)

Q: What books do you like reading?
I guess it depends. For example...I've been reading manga recently, but I also like comics, historic novels, science fiction, mystery, even some black novels...if the plot is good enough for me, goes into my list

Q: Why do you like Pokemon so much?
It's been for sure the game of my life, since I was at the 1st year of school. Since then, except for some years, I haven't stopped playing. Probably some of the best childhood memories I have, are thanks to this game

Q: What's your current relationship status?
Married with the most wonderful life partner in the world :)

Q: Have anyone of you met any of the other mods in real life (old or new mods)
I'll be meeting CatLady in a week, but there are other plans going around :3

Q: What's your OTP?
I couldn't answer properly this one for the moment, sorry :P

Q: What are your goals?
Economic stability gets the first place. It's very needed right now.

Q: Is very tough being a mod? I figured it's way too stressful or something
Of course not all handled situations are easy...and the decisions taken are always for a reason, but there are certain things and words from users that always make you want to keep up even with more energy.
I voluntarily wanted to apply for it, and I would do it again. Thanks to the decision I took months ago, I've earned many good things and people in my life that are really worth everything

Q: What is your favorite videogame (aside from Pokemon)?
I like the Assassin's Creed Saga a lot, The Last of Us...and Battlefield games (blame mr. Garou for this last one xP)

Q: Favourite Pokesona/OC
My gorgeous beast Garou :3

Q: What's your greatest Pet Peeve on PH?
Lacks of respect/insults, rushing and...specially...lies. There are some others but in one way or another, I can deal with them.

Q: Have you ever been to a musical/live show/concert?
Yep, in fact I use to go to concerts very frequently (or when I'm really able to go for calendar matching). The last one, was from Nightwish.

Q: How did you find out about this game?
I was at home listening to music when I suddenly thought: aaah...I miss playing Pokemon...I wish there was an online game for it. I went to google, and the first result that popped up was this site. Didn't take me much time for deciding to join.

Q: What is your favorite movie and favorite car?
From my childhood, Lion King is and will ever be the first. Actual films...well...I have a huge list going around, but to say a few: Dead Poets Society, Marley&Me, The Crow (only the first one), The Danish Girl, Inglorious Basterds...

Favorite car...well, I have a special feeling towards the Nissan 370Z. But I'm currently aiming for a Golf, that's my perfect car. (Ferrari, Lamborghini& Ford Mustang, I cannot forget them :3)

Q: Favorite band and which member of it?
Spain: Sôber and Saurom. Outside Spain: Nightwish, Rammstein, System of a Down, Kamelot, Apocalyptica, Slipknot...
Members? Not really, in the case of the Spanish bands I get on well with all of them in person

Q: Favorite flower?

Q: Favorite color?
Let me add an "s" on "color": Red, Gold, Silver and Black.

Q: What do you like most about your parents?
Skipping this one, sorry.

Q: What are your favorite pets?
Dog is the most obvious answer I could give. I like cats but for now I don't see me owning one. I've owned ferrets, and I can tell you they're one of the most special animals you've ever met. Also, horses (but I wouldn't really call them "pets" exactly...)

Q: Are there any evolutionary stages of Pokemon which
1.You like a lot?
2. Don't like at all?

Like a lot: Mega Charizard X
Don't like at all: uhhh...well, Garbodor wins the gold medal here x'DDD

Q: Are you on bulbagarden forums? If so, your username?

Q: Do you guys have any plans this weekend? Do you guys prefer traditional turkey meals w/stuffing?
I guess my birthday is between them...but not really looking for it, so a ride with the bike and the horses makes the plan
About the second one, even I don't live in the States, we use peach, apple, white wine and pine nuts for making the sauce...and it's deliiiiiiiicious!!!!

Q: Favorite sushi roll?
Salmon, red tuna and butterfish :P (in maki, sashimi, nigiri...all ways! >.<)

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Posted: Thu, 06/10/2016 14:18 (7 Years ago)
A blue eyed beast slowly awakes and stares at you

Be welcome to my dwelings. Feel free to ask whatever you might like to know about me.

Here you can find the already answered questions:

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Q: What's your favorite food?
I'd say sushi (Japanese food in general, better said) is right now in my top 1. But Mexican food (in general) still has a special place in my life.

Q: What are your favorite Shiny Pokemon?
From the games, Entei. From PH, Mega Banettestein (this answer was a bit too obvious x3)

Q: What books do you like reading?
I guess it depends. For example...I've been reading manga recently, but I also like comics, historic novels, science fiction, mystery, even some black novels...if the plot is good enough for me, goes into my list

Q: Why do you like Pokemon so much?
It's been for sure the game of my life, since I was at the 1st year of school. Since then, except for some years, I haven't stopped playing. Probably some of the best childhood memories I have, are thanks to this game

Q: What's your current relationship status?
Married with the most wonderful life partner in the world :)

Q: Have anyone of you met any of the other mods in real life (old or new mods)
I'll be meeting CatLady in a week, but there are other plans going around :3

Q: What's your OTP?
I couldn't answer properly this one for the moment, sorry :P

Q: What are your goals?
Economic stability gets the first place. It's very needed right now.

Q: Is very tough being a mod? I figured it's way too stressful or something
Of course not all handled situations are easy...and the decisions taken are always for a reason, but there are certain things and words from users that always make you want to keep up even with more energy.
I voluntarily wanted to apply for it, and I would do it again. Thanks to the decision I took months ago, I've earned many good things and people in my life that are really worth everything

Q: What is your favorite videogame (aside from Pokemon)?
I like the Assassin's Creed Saga a lot, The Last of Us...and Battlefield games (blame mr. Garou for this last one xP)

Q: Favourite Pokesona/OC
My gorgeous beast Garou :3

Q: What's your greatest Pet Peeve on PH?
Lacks of respect/insults, rushing and...specially...lies. There are some others but in one way or another, I can deal with them.

Q: Have you ever been to a musical/live show/concert?
Yep, in fact I use to go to concerts very frequently (or when I'm really able to go for calendar matching). The last one, was from Nightwish.

Q: How did you find out about this game?
I was at home listening to music when I suddenly thought: aaah...I miss playing Pokemon...I wish there was an online game for it. I went to google, and the first result that popped up was this site. Didn't take me much time for deciding to join.

Q: What is your favorite movie and favorite car?
From my childhood, Lion King is and will ever be the first. Actual films...well...I have a huge list going around, but to say a few: Dead Poets Society, Marley&Me, The Crow (only the first one), The Danish Girl, Inglorious Basterds...

Favorite car...well, I have a special feeling towards the Nissan 370Z. But I'm currently aiming for a Golf, that's my perfect car. (Ferrari, Lamborghini& Ford Mustang, I cannot forget them :3)

Q: Favorite band and which member of it?
Spain: Sôber and Saurom. Outside Spain: Nightwish, Rammstein, System of a Down, Kamelot, Apocalyptica, Slipknot...
Members? Not really, in the case of the Spanish bands I get on well with all of them in person

Q: Favorite flower?

Q: Favorite color?
Let me add an "s" on "color": Red, Gold, Silver and Black.

Q: What do you like most about your parents?
Skipping this one, sorry.

Q: What are your favorite pets?
Dog is the most obvious answer I could give. I like cats but for now I don't see me owning one. I've owned ferrets, and I can tell you they're one of the most special animals you've ever met. Also, horses (but I wouldn't really call them "pets" exactly...)

Q: Are there any evolutionary stages of Pokemon which
1.You like a lot?
2. Don't like at all?

Like a lot: Mega Charizard X
Don't like at all: uhhh...well, Garbodor wins the gold medal here x'DDD

Q: Are you on bulbagarden forums? If so, your username?

Q: Do you guys have any plans this weekend? Do you guys prefer traditional turkey meals w/stuffing?
I guess my birthday is between them...but not really looking for it, so a ride with the bike and the horses makes the plan
About the second one, even I don't live in the States, we use peach, apple, white wine and pine nuts for making the sauce...and it's deliiiiiiiicious!!!!

Q: Favorite sushi roll?
Salmon, red tuna and butterfish :P (in maki, sashimi, nigiri...all ways! >.<)

Q: Do you like 'Friends'? If so, who's your favorite character?
Well, I've seen it but I don't really have a favorite character. Sorry to disappoint ^^'

Q: Which of these would you choose: Sleep or PH?
Aaaaah...sleep...is there anything more wonderful in this world? º3º

Q: In your mind, what type combo is 'Garou' - your Pokesona? What's his signature move?
I'd say Fire-Dark. His signature move: "Gaia Roar". However...there isn't a final description for it, this is still a WIP.

Q: Out of all 145 Emera Pokemon, which one is your favorite?
Mega Banettestein, of course >:3

Q: What is your favourite Operating System (OS): Windows, Mac or Linux?
Honestly...I prefer Windows over Mac. I've been using the first one since always, but as we got a Mac as a "table PC" too, I guess it's not that bad. I use it basically for editing photos o.o

Q: What is your favorite Mega Pokemon?
Mega Charizard X is very cool, but Mega Houndoom does really get my attention

Q: Do you like anime/manga and if so, what is your favorite one?
I do. For now...my two favorites since always are Death Note (my dog's name is Kira, you can see where I took it from) and Elfen Lied. But I recently discovered a new love for Noragami.

Q: What is your favorite band/group?
It depends...from Spain I've got as favorites Sôber and Saurom, but I like very much Rammstein or Nightwish (among some others, it's difficult to pick a single one as each has a different "charm")

Q: What is your favorite animal, and why?
I like dogs a lot...but I like a lot lions/tigers and wolves. About mithological...Dragon and Werewolf.

Q: What is your favorite color, and why?
I have more than one favorite color, but I can tell you black is my most used one among all. Why? Well, it fits me very well xP

Q: What are you scared of the most?
Darkness is my most and deepest fear right now. Followed closely by heights and wasps

Q: Who is your favorite celebrity?
Uh...well I don't really have a favorite one ^^', but the first one that comes to my mind is Robin Williams

Q: What is your favorite song?
Ghost Love Score, from Nightwish. I could never get tired of it

Q: What language do you most want to learn?
Maybe German or Japanese

Q: What subjects interest(ed) you the most at school?
English, History (specially Ancient History) and Arts. I still love them, and keep reading stuff from each.[/i]

Q: What is your favourite food?
Japanese, specially sushi

Q: Where would you most like to visit?
Japan and Egipt are my dream right now...and the hoard for the first one is currently in progress

Q: Who is your favourite author?
I don't have any by the moment, but I owe J.K. Rowling many nice moments^^

Q: Which is your fave book?
One of my favorites is Diary of Anne Frank

Q: Have any of you guys ever tried competitive battling on the Pokémon games, or on an online battling site like Showdown? If yes, did you enjoy it at all?
Mmmm...well, we did some little competitions at school, but apart from that...not really.

Q: Have you ever broken the PH rules?
I just broke a rule, whoops sorrynotsorry

Q: If you had to pick one Pokemon to own in real life as your pet, what would it be and why?
I'd probably pick Entei. Apart from being so gorgeous, I can go places on its back and it can be a good guardian :3

Q: On a scale of 1-10, how tired are you at any given time?
During my working week, I'd say 9...it's very consuming. But normally, I'd say 5-6...I sleep very bad x)

Q: What is the weirdest thing someone has said to you since you became a moderator?
Sorry, I cannot say it without having to send a warning/ban myself x'D. But I can just say it was veeeeeeeeeery uncomfortable and totally broke my comfort zone :/

Q: It's the Zombie apocalypse! Pick your weapon for survival!
Katana :3. Silent, useful and trustable

Q: Haikyuu!! or Ginatama?
Didn't watch any yet ^^''

Q: If you could add any event Pokemon into Pokeheroes, what would it be and how would you obtain it?
Good question...I think I'd love to see a Cerberus Houndoom, a 3 headed one like the mythological creature. How to obtain it...mmmm...maybe a mix between interactions for reaching a secret place where you have to solve a couple of riddles and then you obtain a special map for the rumble area of the Pokemon (dreaming is free, right?)

Q: How would you react if you walked into your room, and it was full of kittens, or puppies, or whatever your favorite animal is. Like, the animals are just in there, chillin', and walking around like they actually own the place.
I'd probably die of happiness in that same moment, after lots of "squeeeeee" and "omg". I've always wanted to lay on the floor in the middle of a herd of puppies *3*

Q: Favorite emoticon?
I use ":3" a lot, so I guess...that one.

Q: Do you like Football? If so, who is your favorite team? If not, what sport do you like, then?
I used to like football but for certain reasons I became tired of it.
I like tennis/paddle tennis a lot, whenever I find time I go playing some matches (friendly or "not-so-friendly" where the loser pays the dinner >:->). I also like kayaking in summer, but no competitions here, just chilling and enjoying the sea/river (this next summer we want to try whitewater)

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Posted: Thu, 09/06/2016 21:31 (8 Years ago)
Hello! If still available, could I buy the electric and the ghost gems? :)

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Posted: Thu, 09/06/2016 21:28 (8 Years ago)
Hiya, Aquatic!
Username: Garou
Item(s) you are looking to purchase: Relic Copper and Silver (all of them) and Star Piece
Your offer: 105k for all could work?
Extra Details: Nope, just send me a PalPad for the deal in case I miss the thread x)

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Posted: Wed, 08/06/2016 21:00 (8 Years ago)
Hello! I'd like to buy the Star Piece

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Posted: Tue, 07/06/2016 16:40 (8 Years ago)
This would make no sense, as you can already trade those items on the actual GTS (except the rods), like with others that don't specifically come from the beach

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Posted: Fri, 27/05/2016 03:43 (8 Years ago)
@-Mikaela-, yep, it would be the first hatched, so I guess mine is the first as it hatched 16 minutes before the other.

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