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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from KittyTheCharizard.
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 01:38 (9 Years ago)
It's now on my Pokémon X game. (FOR REAL, I HAVE SHINY DITTO THERE .3.)

Riako stole the Illuminati. .-.

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Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 01:36 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 22:31 (9 Years ago)
*Raises Hand* I wanna join : D

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Posted: Sun, 13/12/2015 03:19 (9 Years ago)
Ninetails : P

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 22:28 (9 Years ago)
I hope so, I wanna open up AJ's Advent Calendar's gifts and get them ;-;

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 22:22 (9 Years ago)
I might have to do it later because my AJ isn't working apparently xD

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 22:18 (9 Years ago)
Wow, I just wanna kick that guy in the face because that's just not cool. I'll report him.

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Posted: Thu, 10/12/2015 13:50 (9 Years ago)
Yeah, I don't know. And I tried to get on AJ a minute ago and it didn't work... :I

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 13:46 (9 Years ago)
That just sucks. :I

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 01:34 (9 Years ago)

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Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 00:59 (9 Years ago)
Well, I don't care about that account anymore, it was like 2 years ago. xD
Still, I feel like these Holiday Adventures are less laggy than regular ones. And becides, I don't even go on them anymore! :p

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 04:51 (9 Years ago)
That reminds me of my old account. I even remember the user, cutiepaw127 or something. Someone took all of my items and even spent some of my Diamonds and Gems. AND I HAD MEMBERSHIP ON THAT ACCOUNT. But at least my current one has a heck ton of rares, and better than my old one. But still, after I got scammed, I quit Animal Jam for a year and a half before coming back, and believe me, it was freakin' tragic.

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 22:18 (9 Years ago)
Yeah, and I have like 19 Diamonds, so I'll throw them at him to make him mad xD

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 13:51 (9 Years ago)
Plot Twist - He only eats cheeseburgers and sleeps all day

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Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 04:11 (9 Years ago)
This is like Pokémon, they're running out of ideas too.
It's like comparing the Pixelated Furniture to a Klefki. :p

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2015 22:28 (9 Years ago)
I don't thing they're glitched, I think AJ forgot to give it a name. Or whatever.
But still, it is weird how AJ releases an item, one thing about it is glitched, and the next day, gone.
Weird. And maybe even crash your game

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2015 16:33 (9 Years ago)
They will never fix it

Anyways, I went to Coral Canyons yesterday and there were like 20 members asking to trade.
What has this place come to be?! xD

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Posted: Sun, 06/12/2015 14:56 (9 Years ago)
I NEED IT IN MY LIFE BUT... I'm a Non-Member.

[Insert sad MLG airhorn here]

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Posted: Sat, 05/12/2015 16:37 (9 Years ago)
Yeah, Animal Jam probably didn't give it a name, but it's just called #6389 or something, and I just threw it away. I also played Jamaaliday Rescue again and got all the gifts (Yes, again) and got a Rare Pinecone Necklace. CHRISTMAS RARESSSS :3

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Posted: Sat, 05/12/2015 04:11 (9 Years ago)
Well blame it on the Daily Spin .3.

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