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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from GreyTheUndeadPoochyena.
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 20:56 (8 Years ago)
Storm sighed. It was day. Time for sleep. He snarled at the others, and dashed off into the forest.

Fallow sighed. "Now that he's gone it's a better time for introductions. I'm Fallow, resident chespin of this forest. Nice to meet you!" he said.

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 20:50 (8 Years ago)
Storm snarled. "I wanna finish the battle!" the fighter said. He always wanted to fight, even if it was just a spar with one of his buddies.

Fallow awoke, to hear fighting on the other side of the trees. He got up quickly, and rushed to where the battle was. The chespin sighed-- there was that deino again. The last time he encountered it he had been beat in a battle. "LEAVE THEM ALONE!" he said, seeing the other pokemon he was attacking. "THEY NEVER DID ANYTHING, and... neither did I."

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 20:39 (8 Years ago)
Storm sighed. "WHY SHOULD WE?! THIS IS FUN!"

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 20:12 (8 Years ago)
Storm smiled. There were now two on his side. It was fair now! The deino snarled, and used dragon rage on the second amaura, or the zorua. He was hoping the other two would handle the ninetales.

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Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 15:32 (8 Years ago)
Storm screeched in pain when the move hit him, but he clenched his teeth and then opened his mouth, biting at the ninetales who had just shot flames at him. Storm snarled, facing two opponents at once was hard, but he wasn't about to give up! He roared, and used dragon rage again, on the amaura.

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2016 23:34 (8 Years ago)
Storm snarled, and tried to dodge the attack. It only scraped the top of his horn. The deino snarled and lept onto the amaura. "A FIGHT!" he roared, using dragon rage.

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Posted: Sat, 20/02/2016 16:00 (8 Years ago)
Storm began to walk into a forest. He saw a gray amaura and ran at it, snarling.

Fallow snored.

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2016 03:13 (9 Years ago)
Dream looked up at the Starry night sky. She yawned slightly, curling up quietly. The young chikorita was not used to staying up this late-- it was early morning. The only reason she stayed up so late was because Soar had kept her awake.

Soar was snoring, just like she always did. Usually she went to sleep after Dream, but tonight she was resting early.

Storm snarled at the night sky-- restless. He wanted to DO something other than just SIT THERE! He went out to explore the world.

Fallow was curled up asleep in his little nest, tired out after a day of training.

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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2016 02:18 (9 Years ago)
Alright so I added two more male characters))

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Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 11:50 (9 Years ago)

Title: May I Join?

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RP Name: Eve or Dream
Gender: female
Level: 10
Decided Pokémon: Chikorita
Attacks: razor leaf, growl, tackle, poison powder
Shiny?: no
Appearance: A regular chikorita with a blue swirl on her shoulder.
Crush/Mate: ~
Extra Character Info: wow, that is a ton to be created after the generator... t

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RP Name: Soar(pretending it's a flying type, as well as wishing it is a flying type!))
Gender: female
Level: 20
Decided Pokémon: Swablu!
Attacks: round, fury attack, peck, astonish
Shiny?: uuuuu sure wynaut
Appearance: Just a regular shiny swablu, nothing out of the ordinary. Except that he has small swirls on his wings, black(if possible).
Crush/Mate: ~
Extra Character Info: grew up with Eve/Dream

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RP Name: Storm
Gender: male
Level: 15
Decided Pokémon: deino
Attacks: bite, headbutt, dragon rage, tackle
Shiny?: no
Appearance: a regular deino
Extra Character Info: ~

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RP Name: Fallow
Gender: male
Level: 15
Decided Pokémon: chespin
Attacks: tackle, rollout, Vine whip, bite
Shiny?: no
Appearance: Fallow has a small bracelet around his leg, made of grass
Crush/Mate: ~
Extra Character Info: ~

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2016 04:47 (9 Years ago)
Dark walked into the room where he was kept, a room with mossy stone brick walls. He walked over to his bed and curled up to sleep. The liepard's tail wrapped around his body as he yawned and fell asleep. He closed his green eyes and began to dream.

Star yawned. She had stayed up all day and night, for the past twenty four hours. She was tired, and so lept down to her den. She ran down the long tunnel, to the underground chamber where she slept. The umbreon turned off her gllw and fell asleep quickly.

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2016 04:28 (9 Years ago)
Dark sighed. He had just seen a small mouse, but he knew that it was time to head home for sleep. The liepard got up and walked, tirelessly, inside the castle. He picked up his identification bracelet and refastened it, a trick he had learned ages ago. The liepard's green eyes twinkled as he trudged upstairs to sleep.

Star snarled a bit. She had heard some thing-- she was sure of it. The umbreon looked up at the bright moon and then relaxed. It was just the jingle of a bell.

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2016 03:59 (9 Years ago)
Don't trust circles?!))
Dark looked up at the night sky. He sighed as he watched the stars and moon, twinkling and shining. The liepard got up and began to pad towards the castle to hunt. He slowly stretched when he got there, before dashing into the dark shadows.

Star walked through the forest, her glowing rings on. She looked up and smiled, as she watched the moon through the trees. She lived in a small forest, and as such was excellent at climbing. The umbreon jumped into a tree quickly, and began to run along the branches.

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2016 01:58 (9 Years ago)
... uuu *goes to check egg groups* yeahokfine))

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2016 01:36 (9 Years ago)
Yeah sure, what))

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Posted: Mon, 15/02/2016 23:59 (9 Years ago)
((I was thinking that they had just gotten to their levels, which makes them have quite a long time before getting to their next level. This is true in-game as well))

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Posted: Mon, 15/02/2016 23:56 (9 Years ago)
Sorry, subscription did not work like it used to... I think I have fixed the problems?))

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Posted: Mon, 15/02/2016 23:29 (9 Years ago)
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RP Name: Star
Gender: f
Level: 60
Pokémon Species: umbreon
Moveset: quick attack, shadow ball, bite, covet
Mate/Crush: none.
Offspring: none.
Trainer: wild!
Extra Information About Character:

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RP Name: Dark
Gender: m
Level: 50
Pokémon Species: liepard
Moveset: pursuit, growl, fury swipes, scratch,
Mate/Crush: crushes on Karina
Offspring: none
Trainer: one of the princesses
Extra Information About Character: ~

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RP Name: Kiro
Gender: female! She acts like male..
Age: 20
Appearance: here
Befriended Pokémon: zorua, accelgor
Occupation: may I be a ninja?
Soulmate/Crush: ~
Extra Information About Character: ~

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Posted: Mon, 15/02/2016 02:46 (9 Years ago)
Eve nodded. She pulled out many books from one bag, the other had everything else. Of course, the larger of the two was for books. "I brought some of my favorites-- all fantasy-- to do some light reading while we are here. This is my favorite." She said, pulling out a foot-deep book. "Ten books in one-- the Wings of Fire series. Written by a muggle, and read mostly by muggles. Mum thought I might like them." She said, flipping to book six and quickly rereading the prolouge before putting it next to her bed. "These are really nice beds-- I had heard that from some of the older witches in my neighborhood." She finished, before unpacking her last thing; a small wooden carving of a wolf; painted to look exactly like one and also moving. There were five of these, and they were all stuck to some small disks to keep them in place.

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Posted: Sun, 14/02/2016 19:22 (9 Years ago)
Eve listened as she read. She was studying animagi, and who else was one. Due to the fact that she was an Animagi, which she had told nobody here yet, she wanted to know all she could on the subject. The girl sniffed a bit, thinking she was smelling something strange, but shook it out of her head. There didn't seem to be any more animagi at the school, but she had better check.

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