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GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2015 03:40 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) The Kamehameha Wave!Sheeptrainer: KA! ME! HAA! MA! HAA! (He launches a Kamehamehaa at the ocean causing it to stir) Goku: Well i guess you've learnt well from Roshi. Sheeptrainer: Mostly hes just being dirty. (Roshi in the background: Guilty!) Goku:...Anyway lets see your Kamehamehaa! (Sheeptrainer launches one past Gokus head.) Goku:.......Woah Sheeptrainer: Now then i wanna show you that i can take care of myself... Goku: Oh? (Sheeptrainer's eyes turn green and his hair goes straight up and turns yellow!) Sheeptrainer: Now im a Super Saiyan! Goku: Wow you've grown really strong.... Sheeptrainer: Well....Now that i've shown you mine why dont you show me yours? (Goku turns Super Saiyan) (They both rush at each other and punch each other) (They kick and punch extremly fast trying to gain an edge) (Goku punches Sheeptrainer rapidly then Sheeptrainer kicks him!) Sheeptrainer: Gotcha! (Puts hands together) KAMEHAMEHAA! (Sheeptrainer blasts Goku in the back) Goku: Whoo well your defintely strong...Anyway we should-- Sheeptrainer:----! Goku:-------! Sheeptrainer and Goku: WHATS THAT POWER?! (Back in OtherWorld) Zero: Well looks like ive recruited everyone and stolen everyones energy so ill be on my way. Good Day Kai's. (Zero looks into the sky) Kibito Kai: Old Kai he knows we're watching! [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Tue, 26/05/2015 07:09 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Buu's Battle FinaleBuu: So Goku...Now that ive gotten Gotenks why dont we have a little fight? Ive only got 30 mintues you know. Goku's Mind: Dam...He knows about the time limit....I have to be able to last 30 minutes..... Goku: Hergrah! (His hair extends and a blast of aura is released) Goku: Alright lets go Buu! HAA! (They rush at each other and vanish) (Two small slabs meet each other and a big BANG is shout out and they seperate hitting each other over and over BANG BANG BANG!) (Goku and Buu reappear on seperate sides of Rocks) Buu: Hahahaha! Well done Goku! Goku: Hehehe well ya know... Buu: But now its time to fight for real! No more warm ups! Goku:.......Fine (Buu starts punching Goku tons and then Goku retaliates with an energy blast) (Goku wipes blood off of his check) (Buu puts his hands together) Buu: KA! ME! HA! ME! HAA! Goku: KA! ME! HA! ME! HAA! (The beams clash and they both explode) Buu: ERRRRGHHHH!!! (Buu turns into Buu Piccolo Absorbed) Goku: Looks like your outta time Buu! (Goku puts his hands on Buus Chest) Goku: Goodbye. (Goku blasts the insides of Buu into nothing then incinerates him) Goku: Now then i think ill head to Kame House. [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Mon, 18/05/2015 21:12 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Buu's battle Part 2(Gotenks jumps off of a rock he was sitting on) Gotenks: Took you long enough you jerk! Dont you know its rude to keep someone as awesome as me WAITING?! Super Buu: ..... Gotenks: Well whatever lets just get this thing started. (Gotenks takes a fighting stance while Super Buu just stares) Gotenks: Hey! Buu! Make a move already this is boring! Super Buu: ....... (A rush of wind knocks Gotenks back) Gotenks: Wait what?! Super Buu: What the matter? Cant keep up with Buu? Why dont you grow hair like before? (Gotenks shudders) Gotenks: Uhh are you sure you wanna fight ME in my full power? (Super Buu just gives a death stare) Gotenks Mind: Jeez will he stop starring at me? I can feel as if hes staring into my soul..... (Gotenks leans back and starts to transform) Gotenks: HRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (Gotenks hair extends out) Gotenks Mind: I hope i have enough energy to do this..... Gotenks: Alright you happy? Now lets start! (Super Buu rushes at Gotenks full speed and throws some punches but Gotenks dodges them) (Gotenks puts his hands up) Gotenks: So Buu do you like your Donuts normal or Galactic? Super Buu: NO! NOT THIS ATTACK! NO! YOU MAKE BUU MAD (The donut squeezes around Buu) NO! STOP! BUU KILL YOU! EYYYYYYYYYEAHHHHH (Buu unleashes a shout so loud the donut is destroyed) (Super Buu breathes in and out but suddenly a Ghost rushes into Buus chest!) Gotenks: You should keep your mind focused on the fight!My Galactic Donut was just a distraction. I knew it wouldnt work so i used it to distract you and make you use up your energy to destroy it leaving you open for a Ghost Kamikaze Attack! (Suddenly a Pink Blob encases Gotenks in a shell just as Goku arrives!) Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed): Ahhh Goku it took you long enough. Goku: OH NO! IM TOO LATE! (Meanwhile in OtherWorld...) OtherWorld Worker: Uhh sir the gates have been breached! The breacher is unknown and i suggest we send out our strongest forces to hold back the man and the souls so they cant get out! King Yamma: Hmmm....... (??? throws down a OtherWorld Worker who seems to have been slashed by a sword and then drained of his energy) ???: Im gonna need reinforcements...Buu isnt good enough alone... King Yamma: Who are you? (Theres an orb behind him.) Zero: Call me Zero. King Yamma: You have just told us all we needed. Zero: WHAT?! (The orb flys to Roshi's house) Zero: Damit...Well then i guess i dont have anything to hold back on you now? (He grabs an Energy Sword out of thin air) King Yamma: Whats that sword made out of? Zero: Its made of Katcin (I hope it spelled that right) King Yamma: Well then ill just be on my wa- (Zero slices King Yamma's chest hard and blood is spilled everywhere) Zero: Not today.... (To be continued!) [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Mon, 18/05/2015 00:13 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Buu's battle Part 1Goku: I dont think so Buu. Buu: Buu remeber you...Where is friend? Vegeta? Goku: He'll be here soon but until then I'll- Gotenks: DA DA DAAA THE GRIM REAPER OF JUSTICE GOTENKS ON THE SCENE! Goku: AWW CMON GUYS REALLY?!?!?! Buu:.........Buu remeber you as well. Weak you are. Gotenks: Oh yeah? Then ill step it up! Gotenks: SU-PER- SAYIANNNNNNN!!!!!!!! (A blast of yellow energy as Gotenks hair turns Golden Yellow and a Gold Aura of power surronds him) (Buu is gone) Gotenks: HEY WHERED HE GO! (Goku is gone as well) Gotenks: WHAT THE HECK?!?! (Buu is flying towards Hercules home and Goku is secretly following him.) Buu: Near here somewhere.... Goku: He must be looking for Good Buu....... (Buu arrives in Hercules home) Hercule: HEY! WHO ARE YOU?! Good Buu: Buu? Buu: Buu here to eat you. Good Buu: No eat me! Me kill you! (Buu launches a Chocolate Beam attack at Good Buu and eats him and undergoes the transformation into Super Buu) Super Buu: Now Buu can fight puny Gotenks (Super Buu flys off to confront Gotenks while Goku trails him) (To be Continued!) [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Mon, 04/05/2015 01:23 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Its training time!Goku: Can you fix him up? Bulma: Of course I can! First ill repair the bones and then ill give him a Senzu Bean! Goku: Ok good....Because... Bulma: What? Goku points to the TV. News Reporter: A evil monster is attacking the town! Turning everyone into...candy? Bulma: Oh...right Goku: Im going to go on ahead and get Goten and Trunks to preform Fusion and fight Buu Bulma: What about Sheeptrainer? Goku: Send him to Roshi's when hes up Bulma: Dont you want him to help you fight Buu? Goku: No i cant risk it... Bulma: Well ok then... Goku uses Instant Transmission to get away and go to the city. Bulma: Finally..It took me about 2 hours but ive fixed Sheeptrainers ribcage and now for the Senzu Bean! Bulma drops the Senzu Bean into Sheeptrainers mouth and Sheeptrainers eye open wide Sheeptrainer: WOAH! WHAT HAPPENED? Bulma: Buu is attacking the city and Goku wants you to go to Roshi's house to train. Sheeptrainer: Wait why cant i go help Goku? Bulma: He says he cant risk you getting hurt. Sheeptrainer: Fine then! Sheeptrainer flys to Roshi's house. Roshi: Oh baby! Sheeptrainer: Uhhh Roshi? Roshi throws his magazine into the lake. Roshi: WHAT I WASNT BEING DIRTY! Sheeptrainer:......Right anyway will you help me learn the Kamehamehaa? Roshi: Uhh sure.... As Roshi and Sheeptrainer train the mysterious aura is back and watching them. ???: With Roshi there i cant steal Sheeptrainers power......Ill just have to wait and help Buu fight Goten Trunks and Goku.... [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Sat, 02/05/2015 05:09 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) Test time!Sheeptrainer: Uhh ok. (Goku immediately transforms Super Saiyan and rushes at Sheeptrainer!) Sheeptrainer: Woah! (Sheeptrainer dodges) Sheeptrainer lunges at Goku and lands a succesfull punch leaving Goku open for a combo move! Goku: Agh! Wow your strong...not as strong as Buu though... Sheeptrainer: Majinn Buu! He was quite a threat... Goku: You know him? Sheeptrainer: Sure! He was on the news and he is Hercules student right! Goku: Buu isnt really Hercules student but their both great friends! Sheeptrainer: Heheheh yeah... Goku: Its a good thing you know about him because... Sheeptrainer: Because what? Goku: Evil Buu has come back....apperently something is happening with Otherworld is happening (No i am not adding me in Fusion Reborn trust me im basing this off of my own imagination) Sheeptrainer: Wait Goku! Goku: What is it? Sheeptrainer: Will you show me your kamehamehaa? Goku:.......... Sheeptrainer........ Goku: Sheeptrainer: OH CRAP! Hes aiming it directly at me! -puts hands together- Time for a Nova Star! (Nova Shenrons Ultimate in case you didnt know) Goku: HAAAAAA (He blasts at Sheeptrainer) Sheeptrainer: LIKE ILL LET IT HIT ME!! NOVA STAR! -throws it- (The attacks both collide and explode but Goku's Kamehamehaa is much stronger than Sheeptrainers Nova Star!) Sheeptrainer: AGHHH! Goku: What is it? Sheeptrainer: I think....I broke some of my ribcage... (Blood drips from chest) Goku: Quick lets get to Capsule Corp! (Goku carries Sheeptrainer away but in the distance there is a evil energy along with some sort of Energy Powered Sword...) ???: Hehehe...Ill get the both of you...And steal Sheeptrainers power....And once i do that its straight to Goku... Sheeptrainer: So after my ribs are healed will you tutor me about the Kamehamehaa? Goku: I will after you finish Kamehamehaa training with Roshi ok? Sheeptrainer: ALRIGHT! Ow my ribs still hurts. Uhh can we hurry this up? [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2015 06:05 (9 Years ago) |
Title: (DBZ) A new warrior revealed?You cannot have over 2 weapons! (Note Energy weapons such as Salza's Energy Blade dont count has weapons but as energy attacks and yes Fists count as one weapon) (And you can have 2 sets of moves and 1 set of tranformation! (Fusion doesnt count as a transformation nor does Potara) (Almost all character sets are allowed unless there is a Character that isnt officially released or i dont know about) (Transformations have sets such as SSJ set will include SSJ1-SSJ4 and if you have 5 sayians with pure hearts you are allowed to have SSJG on your set but you need to tell me your buds usernames) (Transformations include: Kai Set Mystic Potara God set: God Freezer and Bills Power so on so on) (Ultimates are moves such as Goku SSJ4 Super Dragon Fist or LSSJ Broly Omega Buster) (Special is something only special people have. Its an ability that allows the person to use all of his ultimates. All ultimates without transforming to gain it. Making him very important. He can use a ultimate like True Kamehamehaa without having to go SSJ3 saving him alot of energy and power but only people who i allow may be Special Sayians) (Custom moves are allowed but you must PM me about them so i make sure their not to overpowered.) (My character is kind of not very special even though i am the creator of this forum. I plan on making myself more powerfull as we get more clicks and subs and the story goes along) (Full power transformations will only be allowed once youve mastered them. To master them simply train with the creator of the move Example: SSJ3 Goku SSJ3 form train with him for 3 years in DBZ time and ill allow you to use Full Power transformations) My Character: Weapons: Staff and Fists Energy Attacks: Kamehamehaa set + Nova Shenron set Clothes: Robes Pants: Kid Goku GT pants Headgear: Halo (My character is dead yes deal with it) Transformations: SSJ USSJ2 SSJ3 Full Power SSJ3 Fusion Ultimate Moves: True Kamehamehaa (SSJ3) Super Kamehamehaa (SSJ) Eraser Cannon (USSJ2) Beam Sword Slash (Fusion) Special Sayian: No Goku: Ahh so thats him! Shenron: Indeed. Goku: Welcome to the team Sheeptrainer! We need your help to fight off the villians! Will you help us? Sheeptrainer: Of course! Shenron: Your wish is granted. Farewell! (And Shenron took the 7 Dragon Balls and vanished into the sky) Sheeptrainer: Was that Shenron? Goku: Yeah huh. [Read more] |
GoatStore OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 28 |
Posted: Fri, 01/05/2015 05:57 (9 Years ago) |
Goku: Shenron! I need your help! Shenron: What is your wish? Speak it now. Goku: I need a warrior who is strong enough to help me and Vegeta defeat all of these soldiers! Shenron: Your wish is GRANTED. (A aura appears and a man is down as he looks at himself and where he has been summoned to) [Read more] |