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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Go_Gettem_Bon_Bon.
Posted: Wed, 01/12/2021 21:33 (3 Years ago)
Commission Type: full body
Payment Type: 650k pd
Character: these two
Additional Notes: can they be together if possible please?
No, sorry. If it was just mine then I would, but it's a gift for a friend who doesn't have PH

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Posted: Sun, 28/11/2021 20:18 (3 Years ago)
I don't suppose you could do these together please? 😅 Maybe inside a heart please.

Character's name: Harvey & Neo
- Character's reference: Mochi
- What you'd like me to draw: full bodies please
- What you are willing to offer: 800k pd (I don't have any nuggies, sorry)

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Posted: Tue, 21/07/2020 14:37 (4 Years ago)
Username: Harvey_The_Dark_Vulpix
# of Gems: 9
PD amount: 20k pd
Total tickets buying: 19

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Posted: Wed, 01/07/2020 06:53 (4 Years ago)
Happy birthday 🎉🎉 thank you Riako!!

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Posted: Fri, 19/06/2020 05:30 (4 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 08/06/2020 22:25 (4 Years ago)
Hello. Any chance I can get a head shot/icon of this guy (the regular vulpix version) please? ^^ would 100k be ok? :) And in the style of 3 if possible :D thank you :)

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Posted: Sat, 20/04/2019 15:05 (5 Years ago)
I would like to join please :)

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Posted: Mon, 11/02/2019 20:41 (6 Years ago)
Username DarkDerpyUnicorn
Type of Pokemon vulpix
Species of Pokemon OC him
Paying with PD or Normal Gems 200k PD and whatever Normal gems I have in my bag XD

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Posted: Mon, 29/10/2018 18:41 (6 Years ago)
100k for the Roman mudsdale

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Posted: Mon, 29/10/2018 16:28 (6 Years ago)
50k for the Roman mudsdale

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Posted: Sat, 27/10/2018 10:11 (6 Years ago)
Kids are spoopy

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Posted: Fri, 26/10/2018 05:03 (6 Years ago)
Username: Carfish
# of Gems: 25

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Posted: Fri, 26/10/2018 00:25 (6 Years ago)
User: DarkDerpyUnicorn
Art/gif/pixel art?: gif please
From Who?:(Glacey or Midnight?): Glacey
Payment: 50k :3
Additional?: maybe a butterfly land on his nose if possible?
Oc,Pokémon,or pokesona?: OC Harvey <3
Other: thank you owo

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Posted: Thu, 18/10/2018 14:53 (6 Years ago)
What shiny[s] do you wish to order?: Darmatian
Quantity of shiny?: 3
Choice of Payment?: 250k PD + 3boxes/keys
If more than one sent all st once or ine at a time? whichever is easier for you

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Posted: Tue, 02/10/2018 22:29 (6 Years ago)
Username: DerpyDorkDarkyWolf
Character(s) Reference(s): him and her
I want a: 2 avis. Matching if possible ^^"
Pose/Emotion?: if possible - spooky but loving. Halloween spoopy :3
Anything else?: 300k pd ok?
Password: Pallet town

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Posted: Sat, 15/09/2018 07:12 (6 Years ago)
Would it be ok if I had:
Mystery Box (Brown) 3
Mystery Box (Light Blue) 11
Mystery Box (Red) 1
Mystery Box (Black) 2

Mystery Key (Dark Blue) 2
Mystery Key (Green) 6
Mystery Key (Pink) 7
Mystery Key (Purple) 1

Ghost Gem 32
Dragon Gem 5
Poison Gem 98

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Posted: Wed, 12/09/2018 13:12 (6 Years ago)
Page Link: can't link. It's palpad
Description: takes up whole page and have to refresh or shut the page
Device/OS/Browser: mobile/ Samsung internet

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Posted: Thu, 06/09/2018 16:51 (6 Years ago)
Username: DerpyDorkDarkyWolf
How many gems: 150 ice 5 dragon
How many entries: 125

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Posted: Wed, 05/09/2018 14:53 (6 Years ago)
Username: DerpyDorkDarkyWolf
What would you like?: could I have him and her together? :)
Full body or both?: Full body
Background color/s: something calm
Addition information (ex. pose, emotion): in love/happy
Payment: 250k pd
Other: the dark side has some really nice cookies

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Posted: Mon, 03/09/2018 09:04 (6 Years ago)
The gem collector does actually tell us his name.
"Hey dude! My name is Greg - but everyone just calls me "The Gem Collector"."

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