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Searching for: Posts from Gaspoo.
Posted: Thu, 28/04/2016 23:53 (8 Years ago)
Well, it will be difficult, but let's at least try. It's not in order though. One of each gender so it's "fairer" xD

- Pokémon B/W
- The Binding of Isaac Rebirth
- Minecraft

Honorable mentions: Bravely Default, Pokémon Emerald, Final Fantasy IV, Age of Empires II, The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past, Undertale, Chrono Trigger, Portal.

Those were a ton of honorable mentions xDD

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Posted: Wed, 27/04/2016 02:03 (8 Years ago)
Well, the reality is that I only buy premium because I must continue my +7600 eggs shiny mega hunt, I don't think I would buy it otherwise.

And I've bought at least 16 months of premium (one by one) only using resources that I get by myself on the site, I mean that I haven't payed for any nugget, except for the first month that I bought by myself (I literally can't buy nuggets irl).

Let's think about this a bit, and I'm gonna talk just about my situation because it will be the easier to explain for me. How many nuggets did I spend only by buying premium? I've bought a month of premium every month since October 2014. That means I bought premium for 19 months, spending an incredible amount of 15200 nuggets. I could have bought 3 dittos, or 3 shiny megas, but no, I used all those nuggets buying premium trying to get my own shiny mega and failing miserably. Yeah, I hatched 215 shinies in the process and a lot of megaables (a bit less than 40 I guess, I don't really know) that payed for the premium by themselves (only thanks to the flutes though), but I lost a very important resource that's not so evident: time. By doing this shiny mega hunt I've spent over a year and 5 months, and that's a ton of time, specially talking about a site like this one.

You could be saying: "but time is not valuable monetarily speaking, nobody here pays for time or something like that!". For which I say, yeah, people buy time all the time lulz. How? Well, they buy gems. It's pretty self explanatory, but they buy overpriced gems only to get eggs faster and finish their shiny hunts faster. They are willing to pay over 40k PD for a single egg (talking about about an Absol egg for example) just to speed up just a bit their shiny (mega) hunts.

So there's that, I think this needs a fix, and I have arguments to think that.

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Posted: Fri, 22/04/2016 22:58 (8 Years ago)
I support. Before saying that it would make Premium unfair, well, I think it wouldn't. Why? Because premium is already weak enough in my opinion so it's not a waste of 800 nuggets per month (with 800 nuggets you can buy a ton of stuff, but you are, however, spending in premium).

So yeah, I think premium needs a buff, because I'm pretty tired to waste my hard earned nuggets (I can't buy nuggets irl so I buy all of them from users) into premium every month so I can keep going with my shiny mega hunt.

Edit: adding more to the subject, I don't think it would make PH a pay2win game. At least, if it isn't a p2w game already, because nuggets are worth a lot and people who can buy them can get essentially anything for free (of course for free ingame, not irl). There are many many users that have a ton of stuff just because they bought a ton of nuggets.

By the way, I'm not saying that it's necessarily wrong, at the end of the day, that pays the servers where PH is hosted in, but it's necessary to have a broadest point of view of all of this if you want to have a good opinion.

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Posted: Thu, 21/04/2016 00:26 (8 Years ago)
Tensazangetsu111 there's a Shiny Houndour waiting for you on the GTS ^^

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 01:52 (8 Years ago)
As a premium user since forever:

I don't think premium is worth it. It's way too expensive, especially for somebody like me who can't buy nuggets with real money and has to buy nuggets from other users, and the benefits it gives are not that good, you would rather lab hunt with the flutes that are cheaper than getting a month of premium.

Then, why have I bought premium since the second month I registered in here? It's simple, because I'm shiny mega hunting. I need to buy premium every month to continue my damn shiny mega hunt, and I can tell it's not worth it.

But hey, it's not that simple, if you shiny hunt a lot, premium with flutes is definitely the way to go, the flutes really made premium much more worth it if you want to shiny hunt with the Pokéradar. Otherwise, if you want to labhunt, using only the flutes is usually better.

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Posted: Tue, 19/04/2016 01:28 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Thu, 31/03/2016 02:13 (8 Years ago)
Username: Gaspoo
I will like to order: Shiny Azurill
Quantity: 3
Payment Mode: PD

Pal Pad me if everything is alright ^^

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Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 01:21 (8 Years ago)
Username: Gaspoo
Pokémon wanted: Cleffa
Password (read rules): Raul

Thank you! :3

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Posted: Sun, 27/03/2016 03:13 (8 Years ago)
Sending! A Jolteon plushie, please ^^

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Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 04:22 (8 Years ago)
Well, what kind of judgement do you need for the Higher or Lower game? To know when to choose higher or lower?

It's easy, being "x" the number that you are given: if x < 5 choose higher. If x > 5 choose lower. And if 5 = x you can choose anything. The higher or lower game is based entirely on luck, the choices you're given are just an illusion, you don't have much control (at least if you want to go with the option that has the highest chance of winning).

So yeah, I support this suggestion.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2016 06:01 (8 Years ago)
Hey, people, what's wrong with those kind of words? They haven't done anything to anybody by themselves, it's just that people misuse them. Well, they don't misuse them, but use them with derogatory intentions. The words themselves are just there, the best on their kind to express that kind of feeling. You are putting them like they are the worst of all sins and children should always get away from them because they are intrinsecally "wrong". Y'know, people have different moral, you shouldn't impose yours to others.

Anyway, it's different when some people make accounts like the ones you mentioned that insulted Ecco and Princess, because those were directly insulting them. Those kind of usernames shouldn't be tolerated imo, and the change of the username is a good move by Riako, and I think that's what should be done in all cases (because it's so rare).

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2016 04:56 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon being Hunted: Shiny Mega Houndoom
Date started: 02/01/2014
Chain: #6983
Hatched Shinies: 199
Hatched Mega-ables: I have no idea xD
Whine/body of text: Oh damn. I'm literally the unluckiest shiny mega hunter on the site. I have the longest shiny mega chain without a shiny mega, this is now getting ridiculous. It's not by far though, poor Gothbutter is in the same situation than me, but still. Without mentioning that I broke my chain in the first month when it was near #300, so the hunt is around #7250 Houndour eggs hatched.

Even three of my friends hatched shiny megas in low chains, and one was even without premium... Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them (I even got euphoric when my dear friend hatched hers xD), but a little luck for me wouldn't be bad xD. And my friend Enderman (she was Daster before) gifted me her Shiny Mega Gengar, so I shouldn't be complaining about that xD.

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Posted: Fri, 25/03/2016 04:34 (8 Years ago)
Jajajajaj gracias Luji por apreciar mi arte (?) xD

Andy, pensé en hacerlo hace ya bastante, viendo lo que hace Princess, pero no sé, prefiero quedar en la ranklist por algún tiempo por esta hunt, y que nazca cuando nazca. Y si tarda todavía más, bueno, tengo más derecho de quejarme xD

Manu18, eso está desde que me registré creo, todavía no tiene ningún uso xD

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 21:48 (8 Years ago)
Oyy sí los Palitos de la Selva! eran buenísimos, yo juntaba los envoltorios y los pegaba en un cuaderno que tenía.

Eso sí, los que eran viejos y estaban duros eran incomibles xD

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 21:22 (8 Years ago)
Hola locona! Voá a llamar a todos mis amigos argentinos a ver si se animan y comentan xD

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Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 01:41 (8 Years ago)
Hola chicos, ¿qué hacen?

Yo estoy harto de esta shiny mega hunt, es infernal x.x

porque enTIENDEN, es de Houndoom vieron? juaz juaz juaz (?)

Nah, en serio, estoy harto de esta hunt :c

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Posted: Tue, 08/03/2016 03:07 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Mon, 29/02/2016 16:16 (8 Years ago)
De nada Andy! veo que te compraste el premium al final, felicitaciones xD

Sebast1, si todavía no conseguiste el Gulpin decime, yo debería tener alguno en mis cajas para darte ^^

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Posted: Sat, 27/02/2016 02:17 (8 Years ago)
Claro, en esas ofertas te ponían "%50 off" y era como que te ponían Dream Points (que son carísimos en nuggets) en las ofertas con las otras cosas y te engañaban, en realidad ahorrabas como un %10 xD. Si lo que pasa es que te hace ilusión, no lo pienses mucho, hacelo que no te vas a arrepentir, tampoco es mala la cuenta premium ^^

Ah, y de nada! es un placer ayudarte :3

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Posted: Fri, 26/02/2016 07:05 (8 Years ago)
Andy, no sé, en mi opinión la cuenta premium es muy cara para su valor real. A menos que quieras sacar muchos shinies de la misma especie, te conviene usar las flutes que te duplican la experiencia.

Yo usaría las nuggets para comprar shinies y megas (y materiales para legendarios shiny), pero es depende de lo que quieras hacer. Lo de los event pass me parecía muy caro, pero ya ni me acuerdo cuanto salían xD.

Igualmente, me parece que los mas inteligente sería esperar hasta que salga alguna oferta de premium más barato como suelen salir a veces.

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