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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Wed, 18/09/2013 00:47 (10 Years ago)
Euan blinked as the Snorunt came over and tried to help him sit up, but not being able to do much. "Thanks," he said, smiling. "I appreciate the effort."

Then, just like that, he felt the temperature rise. He sighed happily, taking in the much needed warmth. After a while, he was finally able to feel his legs and arms again. He stood up, his balance a bit wobbly, but none worse for wear. The Murkrow flew up and perched on his shoulder, giving a quiet caw.

Euan looked up and saw that Yuki had gone over to the shade of the forest while Aqua still stood on the beach. His gaze fell to the sand. He really should apologize. Even if it came out wrong and made everything worse, he would at least know that he'd tried. Slowly, taking it step by unconfident step, he walked up to her.

"Er, sorry," he said, not able to meet her eyes. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything. I guess it just was a bit sudden and I reacted without thinking."

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2013 23:42 (10 Years ago)
Lee sat up straighter as Raffaellu announced their arrival, relief mixing with worry inside him. So, he'd survived the ferry ride. That was good, but in the long run it meant nothing. Once he took that step on to Sanctuary Island, his actions and responses would be twice as important. He shifted slightly in his seat. He would have to watch himself carefully. He couldn't... he wouldn't allow himself to screw up.

Lee closed his eyes, collecting his thoughts. You can do this. Just act natural and everything will be fine. His attempts to soothe himself sounded hollow and cliche, but yet they made him feel calmer than he had been all day. Maybe it was the fact that the island was in sight. Having gotten this far, this was nothing left for him but to do.

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2013 22:11 (10 Years ago)
Lee smiled as he watched Gale dance with the Kirlia, fumbling with keeping in step but sharing equally in her happiness. He remained silent as the others talked about Guardians and Gijinkas, not sure if he should chip in. Hearing them express genuine uncertainty made him feel fake. He believed, he knew, more than he let on. That didn't make the idea of being half-human, half-Pokemon any less strange to him, but beyond a doubt he knew that the Gijinkas did exist.

Selene's words echoed in his mind. We're going to be Guardians. It was such a simple statement, but it had brought such joy to the group. Lee occupied himself with watching the two Pokemon dance across the floor, trying to share in that happiness as well, but he felt his smile grow smaller instead. It belonged to them, he realized. He could have no part in it.

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2013 16:23 (10 Years ago)
Gale closed his eyes contentedly as Raffaello petted him, swishing his tail slowly back and forth. The Miccino looked down as the Kirlia came over, giving his trainer a glance before hopping onto the floor next to her. Lee opened his mouth to answer Ruru's question, but then hesitated, picking his words carefully.

"I've heard of them," he said, letting out a small sigh. "I... I'm not sure what to believe. I want to think that the Guardians were good, but with all the negativity around them now, such hope is easily stomped out." He paused, biting his lip. "Do you think they'll really be on the island?"

Lee hoped not. If there were no Guardians looking for recruits, he could just forget about the whole thing. Take the ferry back to town and laugh it off, wondering what he had been so nervous about. But yet, he knew his fantasy would likely be crushed. He looked over the ocean, trying to catch a glimpse of the island. Soon he would know for sure.

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2013 13:18 (10 Years ago)
Lee looked up as a young man with green hair spoke to him, introducing his companions. His gaze shifted over briefly to the girl with black hair and the girl with a Chatot. Crystal and Selene. Got it. He adjusted a button on his shirt nervously as the other trainer smiled at him.

His Kirlia, however, was not happy at all. She glared at him and Lee felt a brief moment of panic. Shoot. Kirlia could sense emotions, couldn't they? He needed to calm himself down. Even if she couldn't communicate clearly to her trainer, he couldn't afford to raise even a Pokemon's suspicions this early.

He pressed the button on the pokeball and a red light shot out, materializing into a Miccino in his lap. "Miccino!" Gale cried happily. Lee smiled, already feeling his anxiousness melting away. The little rodent was always so cheerful. He stroked Gale's silky fur and the Miccino nuzzled his hand.

"...My name is Lee," he said, finally trusting himself enough to talk.

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2013 02:56 (10 Years ago)

Title: Onboard the Ferry

Not able to spot anybody that looked like a fellow recruit, Lee walked onto the ferry. The weight on his shoulders only seemed to increase. It'll be fine, he kept reassuring himself, looking for a good seat. No need to worry. These people don't know you at all. It's a clean slate, Lee. Make the most of it.

He saw something out of the corner of his eye and turned his head. At first, Lee didn't notice anything strange; just a few young adults sitting with their Pokemon. But then one of them, a tired girl with faint red highlights... her hair changed. The red disappeared as she sat up straight, becoming black like the rest of her hair. Lee raised an eyebrow. What the...? Well, I guess here's as good a place to start as any.

Lee pretended not to have noticed and took a seat across from the girl. Looking down at the floor, he tried to decide if he should try introducing himself or not. Probably not a good idea. I shouldn't risk coming off as a weirdo. And even if I did try, I'd probably fumble with my words. He pulled a pokeball from his bag and gazed at the shiny surface, not sure what he should do.

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Posted: Tue, 17/09/2013 01:34 (10 Years ago)

Title: Ferry Stop

Lee looked out over the shining blue sea towards the approaching ferry, anxiousness building in the pit of his stomach. It was finally time. He dug the ticket out of his pocket, fingering the crease lines from the many times he'd folded it out of nervousness. No more second guessing, he told himself. You were given this because you're capable enough to follow through.

He took a deep breath and approached the man in charge of checking tickets as the ferry pulled to a stop. Handing the piece of paper over, Lee scanned the passengers already on board, trying to pick out those he'd end up traveling with.

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2013 23:45 (10 Years ago)
Seeing Aqua take offense at his sudden action, Euan wanted to kick himself. Well, there goes strike two, he thought, frustrated at his own stupidity. What else am I gonna be able to mess up today? He watched as she was joined by a Togetic and went up to talk to the Froslass Gijinka. The Murkrow tilted her head curiously at the Normal type, but didn't move from where she stood.

Not wanting to just be lying down while the two talked, Euan attempted to pull himself up. Though his body was still thawing out, he managed to clumsily bring himself into a sitting position. He turned his gaze back to Aqua and felt the urge to apologize, but he hesitated. He would probably just end up saying something stupid that would make her like him even less. Shifting his attention away quickly, he focused on trying to breathe feeling back into his hands.

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2013 22:31 (10 Years ago)
"Huh?" Euan said in confusion as Aqua took hold of his wrist. A slow, steady warmness emanated from where her hand met his skin. Oh, so she was trying to help him warm up. He smiled a bit a bit wider, but then flinched as she moved his hair out of his face. He moved his head away awkwardly. He was thankful for her help and all, but they had only just met and he still had his personal space.

"Murkrow!" the Murkrow cried, flying to the other side of him. Euan looked over to see what had caught her attention and saw the Froslass Gijinka standing not too far away, the Snorunt in her arms. She examined him with her scrutinizing stare, her face passive. He resisted the urge to shrink back, but couldn't bring himself to meet her icy gaze.

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2013 21:39 (10 Years ago)
Euan walked stiffly over to the shore and lay down on the sand, his body faintly recognizing the sensation of heat. His skin was pale and he shivered fiercely; he would not be getting up anytime soon. The Murkrow landed beside him, cawing in concern. "I-I'm Euan," he said through chattering teeth. "Thanks f-for the save back t-t-there." He gave Aqua as big a smile as he could manage, which turned out to be little more than a smirk.

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2013 01:42 (10 Years ago)
Not knowing what else to do, Euan nodded. Though he was very grateful for the Milotic's help, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance. Way to screw up, Euan, he berated himself. In your rush to meet new people, you nearly drowned and had to be saved by someone you don't even know yet. Great first impression! He felt like an idiot and since the feeling was nothing new to him, it made it hurt even more.

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Posted: Mon, 16/09/2013 01:17 (10 Years ago)
Euan nodded to the Milotic Gijinka before closing his eyes and letting out a long exhale between clenched teeth. Okay, so maybe he wasn't doing all that well. He could already feel his body becoming numb, the cold sapping away at his strength. He had to get out of the water before he couldn't move anymore and sank.

His movements already a bit sluggish, Euan swam towards the ice bridge and tried to pull himself on to it. No matter how hard he tried, though, he couldn't get a hold on the slick surface, and he slipped back under the water. Crap, crap, crap! he panicked, coming back up with a bit more of a struggle.

Seeing his distress, the Murkrow flew over and flew in circles above him, not sure what to do. Euan looked back and forth quickly from the bird to the Water type Gijinka. "Nevermind, I'm not fi-" he started to say, but water splashed into his mouth and he choked on the words.

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Posted: Sun, 15/09/2013 23:39 (10 Years ago)
Euan gave a start as he felt something nudge him. He looked down to see a small Snorunt who seemed to be waiting for him to get out of her way. He stared at her for a second before stepping back. He turned his gaze back to the Froslass, seeing... was that a Gijinka?

It was! And now that he thought about it, the Froslass seemed to be one too. Euan's heart fluttered. It had been so long since he'd run into someone else like him, and he realized that, despite the Murkrow's presence, he had become a bit lonely. He glanced at the ice bridge. Though his eagerness to meet them had overcome his initial caution, he wasn't too keen on walking across it. Maybe I could try flying over, he thought, lifting his wings. It'll be some good practice, at least.

Euan beat his wings slowly, warming up, before quickening the pace. He felt his feet lift off the ground and took a deep breath, heading out over the water. His wings still felt strange to him and his flight path took more than a few awkward dips in the process, but using his prior experience he was able to keep himself from falling in the ocean. With the open air and no obstacles in his way, it was definitely easier.

Well, almost no obstacles. Euan noticed too late the faint remnant of an Ominous Wind attack heading towards him. Not able to dodge in time, the purple wind knocked him off balance and sent him crashing into the sea. Regaining his senses, the Flygon Gijinka swam up to the surface, his teeth chattering. The water out here was freezing.

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Posted: Sun, 15/09/2013 22:28 (10 Years ago)

Title: The Vault (Beach)

Seeing the trees thinning out and the grass transitioning to sand just ahead, Euan gave a small cheer and picked up the pace. The Murkrow squawked in displeasure, the jolts of his running footfalls awakening her. She shook her wings out and flew off, doing a u-turn and following behind him. So much for that nap, she thought, though not too off put. At least he'll stop talking to himself for awhile.

Euan was beaming as he stepped onto the sand. This is great! he thought excitedly. Just what I was looking for. The waves were just the right height, and with no trees around him, he had the space to practice flying some more. He closed his eyes and felt the soft caress of the sun on his face.

It was then that he noticed that the temperature had dropped. He opened his eyes and blinked in confusion, looking up to the sky. The sun was out in full force and there were only a few puffy clouds gently floating along. He shivered a bit, noticing there was no wind either. That's weird... He walked along the beach, searching a bit for the source of the chilliness, and suddenly caught sight of a strange ice bridge extending out to the ocean. He squinted; it went on for a little ways, and at the end there was... a Froslass?

Euan instinctively took a step back. Though he was curious as to why there was a Froslass on the beach, he knew better than to approach Ice types. If she was hostile, she would be able to make an icicle out of him in ten seconds flat.

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Posted: Sun, 15/09/2013 21:27 (10 Years ago)
"So what do you want to look for today, Murkrow?" Euan asked, breaking the silence between them. When she didn't answer, he went on. "I wouldn't mind coming across the shore soon. It's been far too long since I've had a good walk along the beach." He paused, looking up to examine the tree tops. "Have you ever been to a beach, Murkrow? It's really nice."

The black bird didn't bother responding. Having been with Euan for more than a few weeks, she had come to recognize this side of him. He was bored. Regardless of if she said she had or not, he would continue talking about the beach and what he would do if he was at one. She shifted position a bit and closed her eyes. Maybe she could get some more sleep while he was going on about it. With her attention diverted from the Gijinka, his voice became nothing more than a dull droning in her ears. Knowing him, he wouldn't even realize that the Pokemon he was talking to had long since fallen asleep.

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Posted: Sun, 15/09/2013 14:55 (10 Years ago)
Ready to take on the day, Euan took a moment to watch the graceful flow of the current. Its peaceful bubbling soothed him, and he decided that he'd try following the stream to see where it let out. From there, well, he'd look for anything that caught his interest.

A small black bird lighted beside him, giving a quiet "caw" in greeting. Euan smiled at the Murkrow. "So how did your little trip go?" he asked. She gave a slight shrug of her wings and clacked her beak. "It's a new day," he continued, his smile growing wider. "You know what that means."

Seeing the familiar gleam in his eyes, the Murkrow gave him a deadpan stare as if to say, Not this again. "Oh c'mon!" he pleaded. "I need to have something I can call you. Calling you Murkrow all the time just feels a little awkward, y'know?" She rolled her eyes, and Euan took that as a sign that he could go ahead. "Hmm, what about... Lilith? Does that sound good?"

The Murkrow kept her gaze locked on him, unamused. "No, huh?" He sighed. Another name shot down. Either she's incredibly picky or I just suck at coming up with names. Not ready to call it quits yet, Euan went on. "What about Melanie? Onyx? Violet?"

Already tired of his attempts, the bird flew onto his head, seizing a beakful of his hair and giving it a hard tug. "Ow! Okay, okay, I'm done!" he cried, and she stopped. "...For now." He chuckled as the Murkrow gave him a final peck to the head. "You ready to go?" he asked, rising to his feet.

"Mur-krow," she muttered, making herself comfortable atop his head in response. Euan laughed as he started walking beside the stream, grateful for the company the bird provided. Having someone with him made exploring ten times as fun.

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Posted: Sun, 15/09/2013 03:48 (10 Years ago)

Title: The Vault (Forest Stream)

Euan slowly opened his eyes, awakening from his sleep. Spots of sunlight danced across his face as they found their way through the cover of the leaves above him. He took a deep breath and sighed, not feeling like getting up just yet. He had covered a lot of ground yesterday, but such progress had taken its toll on him. His scrapes and bruises from attempting to fly still hurt and just remembering about them sent another wave of pain through him. Euan groaned. I could fly fairly well with my old wings, he thought, frustrated. So why is it that when I get wings better suited for flying I'm suddenly back at square one?

He sighed again. Well, I'm not getting anywhere just lying here, he resolved, forcing himself up to a sitting position. He stretched, shaking the tiredness from his limbs and taking stock of the area around him. No one seemed to be around; that was good. At least his decision to plop down and sleep without giving much thought to his surroundings hadn't bitten him in the butt. The Murkrow had gone off somewhere, though. Euan stood up and walked through the trees towards a stream. He knew better not to worry. The bird did what she pleased and would return in her own due time.

Reaching the stream bank, Euan knelt down and splashed his face, erasing any grogginess he had left. He smiled down at the sparkling water. Today's gonna be a good day. I can feel it.

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Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 21:14 (10 Years ago)
Uriel raised an eyebrow at Damian's comment. "When was this a matter of who's stronger?" he asked. "You said yourself that you didn't really want to carry Crystal, so I volunteered to stay. And it's not like both of us couldn't stay; by your logic, that would even be best. But yeah, I guess it doesn't matter now. No need to make a big deal over something that isn't a problem anymore."

The Keldeo watched the flames dance in the air and said in a part joking, but mostly serious tone, "Just be careful with your dragon fire. We are in a forest after all."

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Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 16:39 (10 Years ago)
Bracken blinked as Damian looked over to him as if expecting him to object. For a moment, he was a bit lost. Where were they going again?

"You guys are gonna try to find that Articuno, right?" Uriel spoke up, and then the Treecko understood. If the Articuno was a former Chrystanigh, then it would make sense that Lunaro would want to meet up with them. "I can keep an eye on Crystal if you'd like," the Keldeo continued. "She did seem really tired and I'm not sure she'd appreciate being woken up."

"Er, I can stay too," Bracken offered. Uriel gave him an amused glance and he couldn't help but clench his teeth in frustration. What? What's so funny? Geez, I'm just trying to help! He looked away and gave the ground an angry stare.

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Posted: Tue, 10/09/2013 03:31 (10 Years ago)
Bracken looked up as Crystal climbed into a tree to get some sleep. Is it night already? he thought, bewildered. It seemed like just minutes ago he had searched for Thyme and fought against the Ekans with the Zorua. But then again, he could see how he could lose track of time after something as major as joining the Chrystanigh.

He glanced over, Damian's form changing catching his attention. Once again, he felt the icy sting of jealousy. The Gallade... well, Bracken hadn't seen him use the form exactly, but the way he seemed so confident in it irked him the slightest bit. All he had been able to accomplish was struggle with it and burn his throat. He knew that Damian was older than he was and had more experience, but the type was just as new to the Gallade as it was to him, right?

Determined not to be left in the dust, Bracken walked away from the Torchic until he had a bit of space to himself. Okay, I should probably try a few moves or something, he thought. He scratched his head as he try to think of one. Umm, hmm... His gaze drifted over to Lunaro, but he forced himself to look away. Yeah, she would know some good places to start out, but if Damian didn't need any instruction to practice, then neither did he. Plus, she seemed really busy with the other recruits.

The Treecko took a deep breath and swiped at the air, trying to focus Dragon energy into the attack. Over and over he repeated the move, adding in a swipe of his tail every once in a while, but it felt no different than when he'd attacked in his normal Grass type. With every repetition he grew more tired, but eventually he noticed a small mass of purple energy swirling around his claws. He was getting it!

Glad that he was getting somewhere, Bracken decided to try breathing fire again. Just as he had before, he felt hot energy growing inside his chest and he breathed it out quickly. A small plume of flame shot out and he watched in satisfied fascination as it spread a tiny bit into the air.

And then, just like that, it was gone, the small amount of heat it had produced replaced by a cold chill. What in the world? Bracken looked around rapidly, trying to find what had caused the change. For a moment, he thought he saw a silhouette in the sky, catching the light of the moon, but he wasn't really sure until Lunaro said something.

"I think I saw it," Bracken responded, trying to see if he could pinpoint its shape in the sky. What with the darkness of night and obscuring branches above him, however, he had no luck.

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