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I'm Feeling Lucky

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Posted: Mon, 02/10/2023 13:19 (11 Months ago)
A loud alarm goes off, Nick slammed down his hand first on his table missing the alarm clock, but after waving around his hand finds his alarm clock and hits "OFF". Nick gets up groaning, wishing he didn't stay up as late as he did. Glancing back at the alarm clock he remembers that he has got a big deal today. 8 suspected unicorns in what seems to be a family unit. Not his biggest deal but still a big deal all the same. He stands up, skretchs and starts getting dressed. A pair of jeans, plain white shirt, and a leather jacket. Then he starts packing up his few belongings. An alarm clock, some clothes, and some work related papers. He then puts on his knife's, with the knife still inside and walks out of the hotel room. Suit case in one hand, phone in the other. He pats his back pocket with his phone to make sure he has his wallet and continues down the hallway.
After making his way over to the market he looks for the group of people that he had made a deal with on helping him sell the unicorn family. He found one of the people, a short thin man dressed in a lab coat and glasses with thin frames. After talking with the man he realizes that he and the man in the white coat had likely been tricked and used. It was likely that the other 3 dealers were at some other market selling the unicorn family while they sat here confused. Not angry but instead surprised Nick pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and opens an unlabeled app. A map shows up on the screen with 2 points relatively close to each other, showing a location nearby. Outside the market but not to far outside.
After tracking down the 2 points, Nick and the man turn into and alley way to see a blue utility van. The logo of a spoof electrician company on the side. Nick walks up to the doors on the back of the van, pulls out his knife and grabs onto the handle of the door. He pulls the door open to see the unicorn family and one of the 3 people he was supposed to meet up with. A man in black coat holding a double barrel, slowly moves towards the entrance in fear drops the weapon and points upward towards a nearby building. Nick looking upwards sees a man holding a sniper prepping his shot aiming towards the man in the white coat. Nick shouts but it being to late the man gets shot in the leg. Nick unholsters his knife and runs towards the building in anger. He jumps up grabbing the bottom rung and starts climbing a fire escape seeming faster than an human has gone doing such a task. After reaching the top of the fire escape he jumps up grabbing the ledge of the roof and pulls himself up just as fast as he had jumped. Knife in hand charges after the sniper dodging a desperately fired bullet. Once he reached the man holding the sniper he grabbed their right arm and made a deep cut in their fore arm. He then let go of the man's arm and sheathed his knife. "Seeing that the other person has no chance against me and my friend is, that you can't fire a gun, and your buddy over there made the smart decision and gave up, can we go sell these Unnaturals please?" A sharp pain emits from the back of his head. Dizzy he turns around to see a woman in a suit and glasses holding a wooden baseball bat. "Don't you feel bad selling one of your kind?" She asks in a taunting way. Before Nick could answer he loses consciousness collapsing to the ground.

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Posted: Fri, 29/09/2023 22:52 (11 Months ago)
Username -Shaggy8636

Character name - Nicholas (goes by Silver Blade, or Silver for short)

Age - 160

Gender / Sexuality - Straight, Male

Species - Vampire

Appearance - Light Blond, green eyes, 5'10,

Occupation - Black Market Dealer

Personality - Reserved, quiet

Backstory - When he was 10 he was captured with his family by a band of black market dealers, his parents ended up breaking him free from containment sacrificing themselves. Afterwards he found himself in the middle of an underground market. After exploring a bit, a black market dealer stops him and asks what he's doing and where his parents are. Out of panic he points to a random man in a brown hat and says "that's my dad". He is taken over to the man in the brown hat, and the dealer asks if Nick was the man's son. The man says yes and grabs Nick's shoulder. After the man walks away the man in the brown hat asks Nick what happened and Nick half lies and says that he got seperated from his parents. The man in the brown hat "adopts" Nick(ment to kidnap him but didn't have the heart to sell him in the end) and Nick grew up following the man in the brown hat's footsteps, never telling him that he was a vampire and feeding secretly on the corpses of their victims. The man in the brown hat, never revealing his true name, tells Nick to call him Red Blade, or just Red for short. A name representing his knife seeming dyed red with the coloring of his victims. 50 years after meeting Red, Red went on a solo mission and never returned. 100 years later Nick still continues his work in the black market, while secretly being an Unnatural himself. He still looks for clues as to what happened to Red Blade.

Password - you

Other - Nick prefers to fight with knifes, typically a knife that was given to him by Red Blade a long time ago, Nick keeps good care of it and values it above all other belongings. Also, I haven't done a roleplay before but I am a bit of a writer so I hope that helps.

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Posted: Fri, 01/09/2023 03:50 (1 Year ago)
I liked SwampertIsCool's story the most, although they were all amazing and had shown much talent.

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Posted: Fri, 25/08/2023 12:27 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Fri, 25/08/2023 01:23 (1 Year ago)
Name: Adonis
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short blond hair, black cloak, black long sleeve shirt, jeans with lower right leg of them cut off. 3 throwing knifes tucked into sheaths strapped to my lower right leg, and dark green eyes
Personality:Cold, hurt, and always anxious
Skills/Abilities:Stealth, Assassination, Agility, and the ability to turn into a werewolf for a very small period of time under severe stress or when in dangerous situations(uncontrollable for now but may be able to learn to control it, feel free to reject the werewolf idea, i just think it would be fun)
Sector: 7
GC: if it means Group Chat of course
Other: Has been in sector 9 for a whole year, hiding in the shadows, preparing to fight the beast but too afraid to actually do so. I'm new so to this so don't be afraid to make fun of me if I mess up 😂
Questions?: GC means Group Chat right?

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Posted: Fri, 18/08/2023 15:24 (1 Year ago)

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Posted: Wed, 09/08/2023 22:02 (1 Year ago)
Clicking someone

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Posted: Tue, 08/08/2023 03:14 (1 Year ago)
Mine would definitely be Squirtle, he was the first start I picked in a Pokemon game and has ever since been my first Pokemon. I named him Aiden and I went off on my journey. The game I was playing was an online game and you could battle other players. Most other players picked Charmander so right off the bat I had a decent advantage over most players in my league at the time so naturally I worked on covering my squirtle's weaknesses which I later found to be quite easy. I eventually created a team that had completely covered each other's weaknesses. I then started working my way up the pvp leaderboards. I made it to the top 100 and got excited and decided to join a top rank tournament (which unlocks after making it to the top 100). There were 20 other people participating, most being NPCs. I had beat my first enemy with a single pokemon then I got cocky and decided to try to do the same thing all the way through. I beat the second enemy in the same way but when the third one came around I had my first Pokemon killed in a single move(it being a fire type and my opponent having a water type) I brought out my grass type but as I was doing it my opponent switched to a fire type. I desperately use leach seed but it fails and I get knocked down to 20 hp. I switch to a ghost type type expecting my opponent to pull a sneaky move and just as I expected he pulled out his grass type i wiped it out using ghost ball(it's hp was suspiciously low) then he switched back to his fire type just as i pulled my Blastoise out. I wiped out his fire type in 2 moves then his ghost type right after. I ended up losing to his fighting type but I was still pretty happy with my progress. I had placed 14th in the tournament and that was the last time I played. Thank God I found Pokemon.

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