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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Demon_Child.
Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 23:56 (8 Years ago)
mk, is the order i put work for you all?

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 23:52 (8 Years ago)
nvmmm ^^"...

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 23:49 (8 Years ago)
*is in le topia face* oh btw if it'll help, i can show you all a site i use to make one. like face wise. anyway, topia, you in? :3

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 23:46 (8 Years ago)
well due to the numbers of us.... silk would make topia an oc, topia make me one, and i make silk one. dis make sense? it has to be a good order due to each of us must make 1 and get one... so feel free to change the order, i just kinda did it to make sure this rule was followed.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 23:44 (8 Years ago)
i was thinking doing a rlly fun thing first first... my old friends used to do this, and may i say it's fun as it gets.

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 23:43 (8 Years ago)
*sits on Topia's head* Really homie :I

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Posted: Sun, 13/11/2016 23:41 (8 Years ago)
mk, here we areee... i'll handle le planning unless yal wanna just be hyper

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Posted: Fri, 11/11/2016 03:00 (8 Years ago)
marking because i like this..but dorm...

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Posted: Fri, 11/11/2016 01:30 (8 Years ago)

Title: Wolf and Lion



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Posted: Mon, 07/11/2016 20:27 (8 Years ago)

Egg Reservation:
Twisty, I'd like to reserve an egg please!
Nest: From the new snapper!
Preferred Gender: female is it's a snapper, and idc if it's another speices gender!
i'll get it asap! (my space tends to fill due to i love my hatchlings so much i keep em... look at mist's sons.. i kept all 3. )

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Posted: Fri, 04/11/2016 02:08 (8 Years ago)

Title: Note to self

work on book tomorrow...work hard...

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Posted: Sun, 30/10/2016 14:07 (8 Years ago)

Title: Rant

its funny how i had a best friend on this site, but he let popularity get to him and we stopped talking, all he ever did was chat it up the mods...right when i think depression hit me hardest. i kept sleeping through days and distancing myself from everyone...and i still hate him. because i knew him for so long..and he didnt bother to check up on me, say hi or anything...so i unfriended him. and he didnt notice. the reason was simple, i didnt make a huge rant about him, or how he failed me help me, i just silently walked away. when i finally did talk to him he acted as if it wasnt his fault he didnt know. he never checked up on me, i mean i made less feeds god dangit. so yeah... i then closed my palpad to people not on my friend's list. he than noticed, blocked me first. and made a big sob story...i hate him because i still feel alone sometimes...but i dont want people talking to me out of pitty...because i know if i act like im fine they'll vanish... i want real people to help me even when im hiding it, because they'll know thats what im doing...so yeah...i kinda do hope he sees this. it'd be a real laugh.. ha...ha...ha...

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Posted: Thu, 27/10/2016 22:19 (8 Years ago)

Title: Missingno. (for mysef...as a note)

im not giving this info away if it's not sposed to be know, im forgetful. this place is like my notes box tbh..and rant box..

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Change the name of one of your storage boxes into billrockz

Then a program window will pop up

You type in: reboot storagesystem.bl

Then press enter

Then type: shutdown

Then press enter

Then type again: shutdown

Then press enter

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Posted: Wed, 26/10/2016 23:53 (8 Years ago)
Auction #2
8k( im trying to save to transfer pd to nugs to get preiumn again, sorry. plus i just bought 2 arts. )

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Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 03:18 (8 Years ago)
Username: Demon_Child
Amount of PD: 5k
Amount of nugs: zip
Note: dont add this at all to total it's a free donation. aka i want no tickets for this :3 just wanna help

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Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 01:15 (8 Years ago)
Username: your mom, jk Demon_Child
Amount of PD: 16,500
Amount of Nuggets: -

i may get more, so bear with me ;3 (also i long for a mega able event of this so hecka yes i will donate like the wind...toy story ref, its an old joke.)

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Posted: Fri, 21/10/2016 20:55 (8 Years ago)

Title: Bog babies!!

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Posted: Thu, 20/10/2016 02:03 (8 Years ago)
i'd like a chara digne with baby body, baby with chara body, and a bronnie pokesona... i guess i'll offer an event hunt? ...hmm. i'll work on this more when im less tired i swear.

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Posted: Tue, 18/10/2016 04:46 (8 Years ago)
no one is normal now a days, its over-rated. its more fun to be hyper and weird. you may seem annoying but really, you're having fun. anyone else who disagrees has a stick too fa- i mean is just a stick deep in mud. ....yeah

blind Testjoin us for a bite....cant wait to meet you , do join yjr tonoy gsmolu (lol) so come hry yo knoe me . i gie up.

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Posted: Sun, 16/10/2016 18:14 (8 Years ago)

Title: Aloan Team ( 10/16 aka may change)

6Alolan Muk
may change.

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