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Posted: Mon, 18/03/2024 07:20 (11 Months ago)
Undone - The Sweater Song by Weezer

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Posted: Fri, 15/03/2024 04:35 (11 Months ago)
Robbery by Juice WRLD

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Posted: Thu, 14/03/2024 02:09 (11 Months ago)
one last breath by creed

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Posted: Wed, 13/03/2024 17:13 (11 Months ago)
kamikaze by eminem

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Posted: Fri, 23/02/2024 19:27 (1 Year ago)
Bloodhail by Have a Nice Life

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Posted: Wed, 21/02/2024 08:32 (1 Year ago)
8/10 i like centered avatars with borders, but it's a nice aesthetic

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2024 19:58 (1 Year ago)
i remember watching the first pokemon movie + the lucario movie when i was younger and became obsessed with how adorable mew was
never locked it in as my favorite until the 2016 gen 6 event mew that carried my ORAS playthrough through the power of disobedience 💀

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Posted: Wed, 31/01/2024 17:01 (1 Year ago)
Vincent by Don Mclean

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Posted: Wed, 31/01/2024 00:58 (1 Year ago)
Mario Stadium from the MK8 Deluxe soundtrack

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Posted: Mon, 22/01/2024 16:35 (1 Year ago)
9/10 i personally like my avatars to have borders, but mew is cute

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Posted: Fri, 19/01/2024 05:38 (1 Year ago)
This is How You Remind Me by Nickelback

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Posted: Fri, 19/01/2024 05:36 (1 Year ago)
mew has a pretty mid shiny tbh, it's just 1 color

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Posted: Thu, 11/01/2024 02:21 (1 Year ago)

eh why not, here's my overused second character
palpad group chat my beloved <3
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Name: Mei Akamatsu

Age: 18

Gender: Female

District: 2, Masonry

Power: Umbrakinesis, the manipulation of shadows

Strengths and Weaknesses:
Strengths - Mei is incredible when it comes to using weapons to their fullest, not just for their intended purpose (although being up to no good is her number 1 priority). She is quick on her feet and highly intelligent, her agility, as well as her combat skills and knowledge, are some of the best around. She also knows how to get into other peoples' heads, twisting her words as much as possible. Mei is also a great actor, taking on many forms depending on the situation, manipulating the hell out of everyone she meets.

Weaknesses - In short, she doesn't have a heart. Mei experiences little to no empathy towards others, and she could be considered borderline psychotic. Her only goal is to "have fun" and make sure to get the most out of the suffering of others. Mei is also only slightly above average in terms of physical strength, and she doesn't have that much care for what happens to herself. It is also difficult for her to make allies due to her nature, and her confidence/lack of boundaries or limits could be her downfall.


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Posted: Wed, 10/01/2024 21:35 (1 Year ago)
Your Username:
Character name:
Smoky (Great Smokey Mountains), named Taylin before the outbreak
Rugged and rough, harsh and cold. Smokey is almost constantly yelling, her words possessing a harsh edge every time she speaks. It's never easy on the ears, and she could only be described as your stereotypical drill sergeant. Smokey has no concept of physical or mental limits, almost always pushing herself and others to the point of collapse. She's a hard, but demanding worker, seemingly only having her mind set on survival and nothing else. It's gotten to the point where she seems to be a machine, showing no emotion or care for anyone or anything. She finds allies to be a hinderance, insisting on going solo unless absolutely necessary.

In reality, she's just another one of my edgy and traumatized characters and just needs a hug. Poor gal. Definitely has the potential to be soft if she doesn't stab you for going in for a hug, or show a suspicious amount of kindness to her.
Barrett M82 Sniper rifle and a Sickle
I have literally only seen the TV series, so apologies if I'm a bit lost/inaccurate lol
Grew up on the edge of Gatlinburg, some ways into the wilderness of the Smokies. She was fairly young when the outbreak hit, but chose to stay local until she was forced out when raiders, military, and infected started trickling in. Her and her fairly large family went on a fun little Oregon Trail adventure and headed west, inevitably running into issues along the way. Insert your typical story about sacrifice, betrayal, surprise infections, and you're left with Smokey and her father, plus her eldest brother, still on the run. Oh yeah, she's bi btw, the rest is TBRPD
Can I add you to a GC with everyone else in the RP?:

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2024 06:53 (1 Year ago)
Softcore by The Neighbourhood

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Posted: Tue, 09/01/2024 02:44 (1 Year ago)

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Name: Atmós "Fahren" Solron

Age: 17

Gender: Male

District: District 5, worked at the dam

Power: Extreme and quite sensitive hydrokinesis, also has a form of "x-ray vision" that grants him visibility of any kind of water, almost like a sixth sense. This also causes his vision to be "static-y" and blurry due to water vapor in the air, but he can kinda see through walls I guess. An odd downside to this is, due to technically always being active because of his vision, Atmós tends to overexert himself and becomes dehydrated much quicker than the average person.

Strengths and Weaknesses: Atmós is very attentive and can utilize his ability extremely well, he's one hell of a quick thinker as well. He has quite the bubbly and outgoing personality, hardly a pessimist which sure does come in handy for such a depressing scenario. While not all that strong physically, he can still pull his weight and his strength comes from other places.

Due to his fun little "perk", his stamina and endurance is awful if he's out of the water or not chugging a jug every so often. Because of only being able to exert himself while submerged, his physical strength really only shines there. Also, his personality isn't all sunshine and rainbows, he quite often takes his jokes too far and can be pretty insensitive at times. Not only that, he's a bit of a sadist in regards to using his ability on others.

Other: might add another idk lol

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Posted: Thu, 04/01/2024 03:02 (1 Year ago)

Nefaria Alect

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Character Name | Nefaria Alect
Aliases | Fué

Age | 21
Gender | Female
Pronouns | She/They
Sexuality | Homoromantic and Heterosexual


[ 👀 ]



While appearing to be seemingly quiet and laid back, Nefaria can become quite the opposite when riled up. She has no problem with talking to others (usually in the form of bribes or some other back-handed means, but we don't talk about that) and can be seen a quite sociable at large events. She loves getting to know others, and not just because it's valuable information. She genuinely finds human nature to be fascinating, almost to an unsettling and obsessive degree. When conversing with others, though, she hides behind a mask of being energetic and kind, as it is rare for any of it to be genuine. Nefaria doesn't really mind this flaw, an integral part of one's humanity, but she's hardly unable to have kindness in her heart for others. She sees humans as "creatures", like one would see a dog, but she doesn't see herself as greater than anyone else.

Growing up in poverty in the mountains of Sicily, she had learned her way around the cruel world she had to call her home very quickly. Using her youth and natural beauty to her advantage, Nafaria barely made it by with her two siblings and widowed mother. Abandonment and failure has always terrified the girl, and being bombarded with instances of that fear for most of her life only made it worse. She resorted to the philosophy of, "Break them before they break you," and insists on keeping information about herself hidden, even the smallest details.

Strengths - As stated, she is a merchant of information. Her memory and critical thinking skills are on point, and she has a great work ethic. Although it's not her job, she is quite drawn to the behind-the-scenes efforts in modeling. Nefaria can put on a pretty face and tailor herself to any situation, although she isn't perfect.

Weaknesses - Naturally, she thrives on cruelty and deceit, so anyone who has seen a glimpse of who she is behind the face made for the camera will most likely stray away. It's nigh impossible for her to empathize with other people, and she has difficulty seeing outside her own world.



Information. Information is key to a girl like her, getting to know the dits and dots of every little detail. A cruel spectator who flows through the shadows, behind the scenes of any setting she dwells in. A whisperer in a poor passerby's ear, the voice of reason in a fragile mind. A silent eavesdropper with no remorse for the words that hurt more than sticks and stones. She sees herself as the merchant of knowledge, gaining power and importance through means of gossip. An excellent manipulator and liar, twisting words and scenarios to fit her perfect reality.

So yeah, she's Regina George.

Additional Info

Even though she's only been outside of Sicily for 2 years, Nefari has tamed her accent and adapted to the drastic change quite well.

Unfortunately, she doesn't have many household talents such as cooking and maintenance, but her pride gets in the way of letting others do it for her. Plus, she considers it "invasive" or something like that.

Her taste in activities is quite unpredictable, ranging from sports to obscure hobbies, and even journaling to pass the time is all in her array of daily life.

Nefari enjoys modeling casual wear and posing in general, but one particular modeling experience she enjoys the most is extravagant dresses and "old-fashioned" clothing. This would probably be odd considering she is only seen in loose clothing and actively shares her distaste for confinement.

She is very fond of imagining scenarios, fantasizing the ideas that she sees in movies. Her favorites are campfire stories, such as sing-alongs and cozying up with a partner. Although she knows it'll most likely never happen due to just how differently those situations play out, she still finds enjoyment in her own world.


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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 20:44 (1 Year ago)


Too much had gone on that Akari nor his writer could be bothered to pay attention to, and therefore, he had just been sitting in his own little edgy circle of the room, watching from afar.

Then those damn bears came up again, mentioning some weird "workout" or whatever. Lovely, guess that was his cue to leave. He was not going to stay around for this and definitely didn't want to be involved with whatever had been going on.

But regardless, whether he wanted it to happen or not, prom was rapidly approaching and he had a strange feeling he couldn't get out of this one. Unfortunately, he could not get some food beforehand, but at this point he didn't think he could hold it down anyways.

He made his leave without a single word, deciding that anywhere was better than the cafeteria at the moment. He didn't exactly want to go back to his room either, it was a bit redundant at this point and well... Yeah, probably not best to go back for now.

So instead he made his way to the secluded, merely forgotten library, probably the quietest part of this horrid school. At least, he hoped so.

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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 20:24 (1 Year ago)

Abryn Soelare

he's rockin around the christmas tree ig

Cassidy Louvin

Cass stood in silence for a bit, blinking rapidly out of pure befuddlement. What... Just happened?

Or rather, what did he say?

She stared at the wallet in her hands and opened her mouth to reply, only to be too utterly confused to follow through. "I- Uh..."

"I'll buy you a coffee! On our way to... Er... 21 Stryd Neidio? Yeah. There. Er... Cass."

"A-alright... Thanks...?" Was all she could get out, at least, not until she recovered and was able to actually process it all. "Oh, no it's fine, Niwa! Didn't do a thing, really, don't worry about it! 'Preciate the offer but you don't need to-"

She paused, figuring this was probably leading to nowhere. Well, now she actually felt bad, it was just a back and forth and Cass wasn't doing much to clear the situation at hand. "Well... If you insist-... I'll uh-"

She perked right up again, seemingly getting rid of that nervous and flustered air that plagued her. "I'll pay you back! But uh..." She looked over at Iliya and sighed. "Guess we should get goin' then, huh?"

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Posted: Fri, 08/12/2023 19:55 (1 Year ago)

Cassidy Louvin

Huh. Did he really not know her? Well, it made sense, Cass was sorta new here and didn't really know all of her fellow employees well, so she really couldn't expect them to know her either. She heard about Niwa and all, but not much about the other guy... Oh well, guess this would be the perfect time to do so then.

She made her way over to the duo, giving a bright smile as she continued to wave. "Hellooooo~! Yup! Cassidy Louvin, at your service! Nice to uh-" She held her hand out for a handshake, letting out a sheepish chuckle while doing so. "Formally meet you, Niwa."

"We're on the same case, though you probably already knew that so I probably should shut up now and- oh boy."

Cass gave him an amused smile while lightly laughing to herself, finding his fumble humorous. "Don't worry about it, honestly. And yeah, Cass'll do juuuust fine. Cassidy, Cassi, Cass, Dee..." She began to trail off, "Y'know, any sort of whacky name you can come up with will be a-ok for me!"

Oh. Right. She was supposed to be more put-together than this, she was at work for christ's sake! Talking to someone who was technically higher up than her too... Oh god, this was going great. Hopefully she didn't seem too... Unprofessional. "Ahh sorry! Getting a little too worked up about this, aren't I-" She muttered quietly, her entire demeanor seemed to recoil and constrain itself.

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