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Posted: Sun, 05/06/2022 18:00 (1 Year ago)
Humans, Pokémon, Hybrids... There are very few true humans these days, and fewer hybrid beings. In order to survive, the humans attempted to adapt, to change their nature. Some were forced into it, dragged away to hidden laboratories after being kidnapped...some volunteered themselves, or their as-yet unborn offspring. Then there were the attempts to hybridize Pokémon in order to bridge the gap in understanding between them and humans. Things did not, however, go as planned.

Humans who were forced into the program were difficult to control, and any powers they developed unpredictable at best. More often than not, though, the process of combining their DNA with that of Pokémon would cause violent and rather gory deaths for the unfortunate test subjects. The same, regrettably enough, happened with any Pokémon whose genetics had not been altered before hatching.

Truthfully, Hybridization was in its infancy when the world fell to the onslaught of the many enraged Pokémon that seemingly appeared from nowhere. The scientists who were fortunate enough to have been working in reinforced underground laboratories managed to keep themselves from being discovered, and so the process continued. Through trial and error, it was refined, and strange potions were produced that were capable of affecting both Human and Pokémon alike, altering their bodies on a near-cellular level. Even more refined was the process of editing the genetics of both before natural birth.

Almost fifty years of research into genetic manipulation was well-spent...at least, that was the belief, before the creation of a small number of catastrophically dangerous subjects. Human...Pokémon...the line had been blurred to the point of nonexistence, by humans desperate for any chance at surviving and fighting back. Two such subjects eventually caused the complete and utter destruction of Cinnabar Island in the Kanto Region, wiping the island off the proverbial map. After which, both subjects vanished without a trace.

Because of this, development of such beings was halted, until a method for controlling, or even guiding them in the use of their powers, was created. Those that were active were placed in sleep-stasis pods loosely based on the now-defunct Pokémon Storage System, and research into creating less-dangerous subjects proceeded. Thus were born Pokémon with forms that were just short of classifying them as human. These new variations of existing Pokémon species were classified as The Guides, and were raised carefully. Their sole purpose was to guide and nurture the sleeping subjects.

The first subject was awoken, and the Guide was introduced cautiously. Many tests were performed...and all but one were successful. The final test proved disastrous when the Guide commanded their charge to attack the scientists and destroy the laboratory, resulting in the deaths of all personnel. The explosion that followed created a ten-mile deep crater, and atomized Eterna City in the Sinnoh Region. Similar explosions began to occur across the world, cities and towns vanishing, mountains becoming craters... The devastating shockwaves resulted in a massive loss of life to Humans and Pokémon alike.

No words could describe the horror of the event, which came to be known as The Cataclysm. As such, the surviving laboratories were further reinforced and became impregnable bunkers, many sheltering survivors of The Cataclysm. Those that continued the experiments did so with caution from that point on, and were careful to treat all subjects involved with the utmost care and compassion. Or at least, that was the belief. The reality...was that there were a very small number of the laboratories that refused to change procedure, focused only on progress. And it was these laboratories that, ultimately, were responsible for the near-extinction of the human race as a whole. Their only goal was to create superior beings that could be used as weapons against the seemingly-endless hordes of enraged Pokémon.

And one such being freed themselves from a laboratory located beneath Lumiose City in the Kalos Region.

It has been just over one hundred years since the first appearance of the enraged Pokémon, and only twenty years since the entity freed itself before attempting to wipe humankind off the face of the planet. What once were grand cities and peaceful towns are now merely ruins, many of the buildings too destroyed for anyone to use. Humanity has managed to survive, if barely, though the world is beginning to heal, and the people are slowly returning to the regions they, or their predecessors, once called home. "Remember...not all people or Pokémon will try to kill you. If you can coexist together, you WILL survive." These words were the final broadcast the world ever heard, as humans began to emerge again, trying to pick up the broken and shattered pieces of their past.

You are a Survivor, and the only goal you truly have is to stay alive. Human...Pokémon...Hybrid...it matters not. What matters is how you choose to survive in this world.

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Posted: Sat, 04/06/2022 00:14 (2 Years ago)

Title: A Short-Winded Apology

Hello everyone. I'd like to apologize for how long it's been since either of these threads was active.

Because the majority of the original participants are no longer active (many having left the site for personal reasons), the role-play thread itself will be reset to just after the initial intro. (Hoping I can maybe get one of the mods to help with that.)

Once again: I'm sorry, folks. And please, pardon our dust while the introductory story is further developed over time.

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Posted: Tue, 30/06/2015 15:06 (8 Years ago)
You've got my full support with this, Gummi. And it's a good idea that'll help reduce the amount of problems caused by scam-trades.

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Posted: Sat, 30/05/2015 14:28 (9 Years ago)
Morgan would have smacked the back of Cecil's head again were it not for Myrtle. Instead, she moved to keep pace with Arius, eyes set straight ahead. "Pay his attitude no mind...he was raised to be self-sufficient, and hates having things done for him. Unless, of course, it is his pet bringing him things." Still scowling, Cecil glowered around at the surroundings before beginning to chitter softly at his pet bat, who replied in kind before taking off to find...something. "I do hope the accommodations are tidy and clean. From what I can see, there isn't much done for the landscape. A pity...should be more flowers. At least there are trees...even if they're gnarled and barren of leaves."

Cecil's tone was scathing, at best, as he looked around to find whatever faults he could on the premises. "Morgan, I'd like you to have my parents...send me a few things. Blood roses, some lilies, perhaps some tulips. And have them send my favorite Cherry blossom tree. I want to spruce up the grounds here, should I get permission from the head of faculty. If not...I shall simply start a small garden outside the gates." Rolling her eyes, Morgan took a moment to pause so she could write everything down, being careful to set the coffin on the ground without damaging it. "...Of course, Master Cecil. I will see to it that Franklin brings everything for you. God only knows your parents couldn't care less for those plants of yours."

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Posted: Sat, 30/05/2015 13:52 (9 Years ago)
Rolling his eyes, Cecil gave a snort of annoyance before closing the gate behind himself and Morgan. "...You can still lend assistance by showing me to...what do you call them? The Dean? Or is it, perhaps, the Principal? One can never be sure in this confounded day and age..." His words trailed into muttering as he scowled again, trudging on towards the school's main building, sure he'd find who he was looking for there. It seemed he didn't like having anyone do things for him...perhaps part of his upbringing. "If, that is, I do not find Edward Malovich myself."

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Posted: Sat, 23/05/2015 20:39 (9 Years ago)
Cecil's scowl returns as he turns to regard the girl who had approached, before baring his fangs at her. Which, of course, earns him a slap on the back of the skull from Morgan. "Behave! That's no way to treat-" The resulting hiss from Myrtle, however, caused her to back away quickly as the rather large fruit bat extricated herself from the satchel. The bat hissed menacingly before clambering up to rest on the top of the duffel bag. "...Myrtle, it's fine. I deserved that one...I just don't like being surprised by strange people. Especially-" He paused, glancing over at Arius before looking away in distaste, grimacing in the process. "-those of wolven descent. No offense. And I can carry everything myself."

He gave a sharp glance in Morgan's direction, eyes glinting dangerously before he turned away, heading through the gates. "I have very little with me, so there's no point helping, anyway. Morgan has my...sleeping arrangements in hand. I have the rest. What little my parents allowed me to bring, anyway. Now...to meet with the principal. I do hope it is no inconvenience considering how late at night it is."

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Posted: Sat, 23/05/2015 11:51 (9 Years ago)
Sighing in exasperation, Cecil moved to the back of the carriage, starting to grab what few pieces of luggage he'd brought with him, snatching his favorite satchel from one of the aforementioned oafs while glowering. "Hands off! I'll carry it myself...all of it." The few things he'd managed to bring were mostly clothing items...and, of course, his pet bat, Myrtle. Naturally, he kept her on his person at all times, as she enjoyed hiding in his satchel. On this particular trip, however, he hadn't grabbed the bag in time, and it had been packed with his other belongings by the help. "Are you alright in there, Myrtle? I do hope the mindless cretins weren't too rough on you..."

A soft squeak in reply was heard, followed by a very disgruntled bat poking its head out into sight. Gently, he stroked the top of her head with two fingers before reaching to grab his suitcases...along with an oddly-shaped duffel bag that he slung across his back. Morgan, meanwhile, lifted the coffin with ease, as if it weighed hardly anything at all. "Go easy on them, Master Cecil. They were, admittedly, hypnotized perhaps one time too many." Sighing, Cecil slumped his shoulders before trudging towards the gates to the school, shifting his luggage to his left hand before pushing them open. "...Will you be staying, or is this goodbye?" He asked, glancing towards Morgan. "Afraid I'll be heading back. Your parents do require adequate protection, and I am sure you can handle things here. Just don't go feeding on anyone." She smirked a bit as she said it, and Cecil rolled his eyes. "You know I won't...I only feed on what my wonderful little Myrtle brings for me."

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Posted: Wed, 20/05/2015 10:41 (9 Years ago)
Waking slowly, Cecil gave a tired yawn, groggily glancing about before sitting up a little straighter. He'd thought he heard someone...glancing out the window of the carriage, he shook his head as if to clear it before looking to Morgan. "How...how long have we been sitting here?" Through the window, he could see it was clearly night. Which meant he'd not only overslept, but slept right through his introduction to the principal. "Oh, man...first day and I'm already late." Morgan had, naturally, let him sleep. "I was told the Principal was to expect you late at night, being as you are...sensitive to sunlight."

Sighing, he stood, slowly opening the door to the carriage before stepping out into the night air. It felt cool and crisp tonight, and the moon was unusually full. This gave him pause, and he stared upwards for a moment. "...Was the moon this full yesterday, Morgan?" The reason this stood out so clearly to him was because yesterday...the moon had been waning, rather than waxing. And had been at a half-status. "This school is known for the unusual things that happen here...as well as its unusual students." Morgan explained, gesturing for him to head to the gate as she stepped free of the carriage. "Head in, Master Cecil, and I will join you inside. Just need to make sure your things are properly handled...don't want your coffin being dropped by the clumsy oafs your parents sent along with us."

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Posted: Mon, 18/05/2015 18:42 (9 Years ago)
As the carriage pulled even with the gates to the school, Cecil gave a heavy, world-weary sigh. His parents had sent him away after his latest stunt involving three goats and a drunk bar patron, intent on having him taught elsewhere. Anywhere that their vast fortune could keep him out of trouble, anyway. "Must I really attend this place, Morgan?" The stewardess to whom he was speaking glanced his way and rolled her eyes, leaning to peer past the curtain. "Yes, Master Cecil. I'm afraid your parents were quite adamant...this is the furthest from home they can send you, in the middle of God-knows-where, so you can't cause them any further grief. Honestly...you're old enough to know better!" It was clear Morgan had been his 'nanny' for a time by her tone, though the way her nose crinkled as she smiled made it clear she wasn't angry. "...I won't lie, though, hearing about how that drunken lout woke up brightened my day a bit."

Cecil couldn't help smiling just a little himself. After he'd heard how rude the man had been towards Morgan, he'd taken it upon himself to teach the man a lesson. In this day and age, though, it was apparently frowned upon to tie a naked, drunken idiot to three very unhappy goats before letting them run free. "I wasn't going to let him get away with exposing himself in front of you...or the things he'd said. You are most certainly not a lady of the evening!"

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Posted: Mon, 18/05/2015 05:44 (9 Years ago)
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Name: Cecil von Braun

Species: Vampire

Gender: Male



Pet: Has a pet fruit bat.

Other: Stands at roughly 6'1", has long brown hair that is pulled back into a ponytail. Eyes glow a pale yellow in the dark, despite their coloration being a vibrant sky blue. Often seen wearing old-fashioned clothing that would not look out of place on a German nobleman. Age is indeterminate, though he looks to be roughly 18.

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Posted: Mon, 11/05/2015 21:19 (9 Years ago)
The world has fallen to utter chaos. In the past one-hundred years, Pokémon have risen up, destroying most vestiges of humanity. It is still unclear what initially caused them to turn on humans, but it is very clear that Pokémon have become the dominant species. Humanity itself is now upon the brink of extinction...those left are few and far between, struggling to survive in a world that threatens to extinguish them.

No longer are there Pokémon Trainers roaming the world, and the Pokémon Storage system has long since been destroyed, Pokéballs rendered useless. It is through ingenuity that humanity has still survived, though some have been raised by Pokémon themselves, unknowing of who, or what, they are...unless these "parent" Pokémon tell them otherwise.

This is a tale woven by the Survivors, a story that does not simply tell itself.

(Unfortunately, we have closed the sign-up page, as we are not accepting new players at this time. For those who are part of the RP, use this link to easily access your character information if you don't have it saved elsewhere.)

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Posted: Mon, 11/05/2015 20:31 (9 Years ago)
Hello, Role Players! I'm hoping to see some good-quality role playing from anyone who'd like to join. Please, remember to fill out the form below! To access the RP itself, click here.

The RP is set in a time somewhere within the Pokémon World's future (and, while not being strictly "Canon", should be kept as close to it as possible), after Pokémon the world over rose up against humans, nearly wiping them out. You, as Role Players joining in, are portraying characters who are either related to the original Survivors of the Poké-pocalypse, a hybrid from one of the laboratories, or are Pokémon who have lived through it. (That is up to you.)

The four Species Classifications are: Human, Near-Human (special classification of Hybrids), Hybrid, and Pokémon (for which your exact species should be entered in parenthesis on the same line).

(Edit: The idea for this was based loosely upon the old Pokémon Adventure manga, so there is the possibility that people or Pokémon may die during the course of events. There is also graphic Body Horror, gross mutations, and mutilation. Remember, folks: You've been warned in advance! So if you take offense to anything written, that is on you...and you are free to leave at your own discretion.)

(Secondary Edit: Updates can be made to your Character Forms as needed, so they aren't necessarily finalized unless you feel nothing new needs to be added.)

(Third edit: This thread here has all the BBCode you'll need for setting up your character sheets.)

Here's the form:
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[Species Classification]:

[Abilities]: (Only applicable to Pokémon, Hybrids, and Near-Humans. You can only have one Standard Ability at a time, and it must be for your chosen Pokémon Species. If your species has two Standard Abilities, you must pick one to start with, and you can use the Ability Capsule item during RP to swap, though you'll have to find them with the rest of the group later. On top of that: If your Pokémon species has a Hidden Ability on top of having two Standard Abilities, you'll need to roll to see if you're able to have an HA and an SA.)
[Moveset]: (Only applicable to Pokémon, Hybrids, and Near-Humans)
[Current Stamina]: (Only applicable to Near-Humans, base Stamina is set to 300, but can increase as you get used to using your moves. Base Stamina usage per move is 5, Powered-Up moves use an additional 10.)
[Current PP]: (Only applicable to Pokémon and Hybrids) This is your Power Pool! Base PP is set to 350, and will increase the more you use your Moves. Base PP usage is 3, but while in battle, it will go up by 3 for each time you use each Move (you have to use a Move at least once for this to apply to it, though the Power output is multiplied by 2 each time as well). This can only stack...up to 3 times per Move.


[Personality]: (Optional)

[Gender]: (Optional depending on Pokémon species)



[Extra Details]:

My characters (for this RP):
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Name: Edmund Fredericks

[Species Classification]: Near-Human (Gothitelle)

[Ability]: Competitive
[Moveset]: Psychic (90), Brick Break (75), Teleport, Barrier, Zen Headbutt (80), Psyshock (80)
[Current Stamina]: 300


Gender: Male

Age: 20 [True Age - TBA]

Background: Edmund was born, and (to the extent of his knowledge) abandoned, in a small cave on the outskirts of what was originally Pallet Town. The ruins are all but gone, and the scorched, tortured earth has prevented anything from growing there...a testament to the brutality, and rage, of the Pokémon that destroyed it so many years ago. He grew up never knowing his parents, raised instead by a lone Gothitelle. As such, he understands very little of human speech, and has an unusual amount of psychic power due to extensive training with his adoptive "mother". They are an inseparable pair, often seen traveling great distances together. Despite Gothitelle's best efforts, however, Edmund has been unable to learn how to speak any Human language.

Extra Details:
-Hair Color: Black
-Eye Color: Dark Brown
-Height: 6'0"
-Weight: Roughly 145 Lbs.
-Ethnicity: Caucasian
-Attire: Black clothing consisting of knee-length black boots, scavenged black pants, and a long-sleeve, collared black shirt.

Name: Gothitelle

[Species Classification]: Near-Human (classification given due to heavily altered genetics)

[Abilities]: Competitive (Hidden Ability - Shadow Tag)
[Moveset]: Psychic, Extrasensory, Zen Headbutt, Psybeam, Gravity, Psyshock
[Current Stamina]: 300


Gender: Female

Age: 38 [True Age - TBA] (Level: ???)

Background: Unknown to Edmund, Gothitelle knew his parents...and knows what he is. It had been just before Pallet Town had been destroyed that Edmund's parents had freed her from captivity within the laboratory in which she had been imprisoned, being that they themselves had been scientists there. Edward and Vanessa Frederiks had always looked after the Pokémon within the facility, especially Gothitelle, whom they had raised from the time she had hatched, and they made it their life's work to try and create a way for humans and Pokémon to live together peacefully once more. When Vanessa became pregnant...they used their developing son as the vessel for their experiment.

The laboratory had become a war zone the day Edmund was to be born, and Edward begged Gothitelle to help them free the other Pokémon that had been trapped inside. With Vanessa unable to help, and the other scientists gone, it would have taken a miracle to get them all out alive. Thinking quickly, Gothitelle convinced two of the captive Machamp to carry Vanessa out, and to follow Edward wherever he was to go, before going to free the other Pokémon. By the time she caught up with Edmund's parents, however, it was too late. They, as well as the Machamp helping them, had been killed by rampaging Pokémon.

Edmund had been the only survivor of the attack, born moments after his mother's death. Gothitelle buried Edward and Vanessa alongside the two Machamp, and did her best to raise their son as her own. For all intents and purposes, she is every bit his mother, though to this day, she still has not told him the truth, for fear of what he might do given the power he possesses.

Extra Details:
-Unlike others of her kind, Gothitelle has a much more human appearance due to experimentation (most noticeably, having actual fingers and thumbs as opposed to mitten-like hands, as well as her ability to speak nearly every Human language). It was a mutation caused by the chemicals within the potions tested upon her.

As of now, we have seven players, with seven confirmed characters (some of us may have more than one), of which there are three that are a Work In Progress (WIP for short). This list will be updated as needed.

Current Players - Their Characters:
(myself) - Edmund Fredericks [Near-Human - Gothitelle] & Gothitelle [Near-Human]
Eli_Vanto - Calverus [Near-Human - Torracat]
Wildstar239 - Keaton Everit [Near-Human - Pidgeot] (WIP)
Tsukoyomi - Eneko [Hybrid - Gorebyss]
Immortes - Lysander "Rook" Sigil [Hybrid - Corviknight]
-andrea- - Callista Nyx Harper [Near-Human - Milotic]
Daiko - Dahlia Vulloe [Hybrid - Mismagius]

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Posted: Sun, 10/05/2015 06:27 (9 Years ago)
It took Daemon some time before he moved again, slowly rolling up the right sleeve of his kimono. The arm beneath was covered in scars, some of them stretching from shoulder to wrist...others short, as though he'd been tortured. "...Humans can be so cruel. It is...why I prefer the company of animals. Cruelty is not within their nature...they act upon instinct, or upon their emotions. But never cruelty." Rolling the sleeve back down, he resumed eating, taking his time to chew each bite carefully.

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Posted: Fri, 08/05/2015 00:22 (9 Years ago)
Carefully untying the string keeping the journal shut, Daemon allows himself to reread the last entry for the hundredth time before taking the pen and beginning to write. His words depict, in vivid detail, the events of the past nine months leading up to this point before he sets the pen aside, gently closing his journal and rewinding the string. Tucking it away within his kimono once more, he takes hold of the third plate of food, eating slowly this time. "I'm...I'm alright. Just remembering the good times, is all." Yet still, he hid his face, his thoughts turning back. Never would he admit that it was the worst moments of his life that haunted him, so very few good ones present within his memory.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 23:50 (9 Years ago)
There was a moment of silence before Daemon reached into his kimono, seeming to search before pulling forth a small, well-loved leather journal. "If you have it, a pen, please. And...I would greatly appreciate more food, if it's no trouble at all." He seemed to be in good spirits now, fingers brushing ever-so-gently across the soft leather, his eyes somewhat glassy and expression distant...as though he were looking into some far-away place. It was clear the journal held a great deal of memories, as well as bearing immense sentimental value to him. "...My step-father gave this to me when I was so very young...taught me to read and write. It was the first birthday present I'd ever gotten that meant more than anything to me..." A single tear traced down his cheek before he hastily wiped it away, turning so she couldn't read his expression.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 22:16 (9 Years ago)
With a soft sigh, Daemon takes the second plate of food, giving Arius a grateful (if tired) smile in the process before starting to eat again. The only difference was...anytime he took a bite, the shadows over the plate seemed to diminish, before vanishing altogether. Naturally, the food itself followed soon after, though he hoped she wouldn't notice. "...Thank you. It's...been many years since I've met anyone as...kind as you." Taking a moment to steady his hands, Daemon proceeded to wipe the plate clean before stacking it neatly on top of the other, settling himself against the wall. Already, he was beginning to look much stronger than when Arius and Aqua had found him outside. Which would be somewhat suspicious given the circumstances...and the much-lighter coloring of the shadows within the kitchen itself.

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 21:56 (9 Years ago)
Slowly raising an eyebrow, Daemon gestures at himself before giving Arius a wry grin. "It's hard to go anywhere when you're as thin as I am." It was something of a relief to him that he'd found himself in the company of someone as caring...and giving...as Arius. Reaching for the plate of food again, he let out a soft, barely-audible laugh before lifting the plate with shaky hands. "I'll still be here, anyway. Can't do much when I'm this weak." For a moment, the shadows seemed to wriggle near him before settling again. He cast a quick frown in their direction before starting to eat. By the time Arius returned, the plate was completely empty, and he'd moved to lean back against the wall. "I'll be fine, I just...if I'm going to keep eating, I'll need to be able to pay. Don't want to put you in a tight spot or anything..."

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 13:03 (9 Years ago)
Daemon reached for the plate before pausing, arm still outstretched...then moved to take a seat. "...I'm not really even sure I can repay you for this, you know. I mean...I could work, but...I don't exactly have much in the way of money." He sighed softly, resting his arms on his knees before hanging his head. If he were being honest with himself, he couldn't even take any jobs without someone pointing out that he didn't have a Guild marking, and holding down a regular job was out of the question. He couldn't handle most interactions with people, especially those involving physical contact. Animals, though...he'd grown up around them, understood them better than he did humans. "...Don't take this the wrong way, but...I'm not good with people. I...uh...tend to try and avoid too much contact, if possible..."

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 12:34 (9 Years ago)
The sound of a muffled whump could be heard as Daemon swallowed back a yelp of surprise. He'd thought he was alone here in the kitchen! It also didn't help that he'd jumped at the sound of Arius' voice, slowly turning his head to stare at her with wide, bulging eyes as he clutched his chest. "I'm...fine..." He wheezed, trying to steady his breathing in the process. I hope to god I didn't scream. Daemon thought, letting his head sag as he steadied himself against the wall again. "Just...not used to being around too many people." His face colored considerably as his stomach gave a loud rumble. "...I...didn't exactly eat much, did I...?"

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Posted: Thu, 07/05/2015 07:44 (9 Years ago)
Apparently, Daemon had passed out on his feet again. It had been upon the touch of Raine that he'd come to for just a moment, eyes unfocused before they closed again...leaving him slumped against the wall. The good news was, at least he wasn't sick anymore. The bad news, he now found himself waking up on a cold, hard kitchen floor with no memory of how he got there. "...Ooookay. This is a new one..." At least he was indoors, as opposed to waking up outside. "Now, to figure out where I am..." He muttered, slowly getting to his feet before looking around the kitchen.

(Sorry I'm so late with this post. Kinda started passing in and out of consciousness because I'd been up too long.)

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