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Posted: Thu, 23/04/2015 12:59 (9 Years ago)
"My name is Stein, and these two are", he hadn't thought about naming his Pokemon, Croix and Zeke pointing to his Houndour and Pidgey respectively. He noted how the mentor seemed to note his age but that was all it was, just a quick squint. He had begun to notice since joingomg the Rangers, every was surprised at his age. It started to become one of his pet peeves.
He thought about what his mentor said, and glanced toward the knives on his belt. He didn't realize they would be in those kinds of dangers. The academy never really mentioned that kind of thing. Though he wasn't any stranger to danger, maybe not to the extent his mentor was, but t still surprised him.
May I ask why the academy didn't really mention to much of that in training? I feel like that's a possibility we should train for there as well

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Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 23:26 (9 Years ago)
Here, take this. You've graduated, just like I knew you could, this is a gift. A token you could say, one to show youre changing your way and this is a new beginning for you.
Stein sat on the side of the trail eyeing his new possession. A pokeball, a new companion to go along with your Houndour you got from the academy. Stein pressed the button in the center of the Pokeball. Light erupted from the Poleball as it opened, before him stood now a...Pidgey, as you know brother, I train all kinds of Flying-types. This one here happened to remind me of you. Take it and remember that you can't stop, you must go forward. You are not your past. I hope the rest of your time as a Ranger brings you joy. Remember come see me some time

He stared at the Pidgey, remembering this last words from his brother, it looked at him mischievously. Stein noticed what appeared to be a Liepard coming down the trail "Strange, you don't see those much in this area. Though I never was a fan of most cat-type Pokemon." the Pidgey darted forward and pecked Stein on the head. Stein rubbed his head, glaring in pain at the Pidgey, whom seemed all to happy to do what he just did. I see, you're very Impish aren't you. Well, now I see why he said you reminded him of me.

Stein got up, paused for a second, and grabbed his other Pokeball. He released Houndour,Come on out buddy, as soon as he appeared the Pidgey flew and sat on the back of the Houndour. Tried as he might the Pidgey seemed to stay right there. Houndour let out a whine and looked defeatedly at Stein. "It's ok little buddy, looks like you'll have to deal with it, I'm sure you'll be best friends.

With that settled, the group walked into Mahogany Town, Stein had never visited here before and was awe by the beauty of it all. He reminded himself to go and visit the lake when given the chance. He paid no attention to his surroundings as he bee-lined for the Pokemon Center.

He stepped inside as the warm white light washed over him, he stood and looked around. No one seemed to be what he was looking for. Though he didn't really have an idea of what his mentor was supposed to look like. He just had the rumors and exaggerated stories from the academy. Then it hit him, I'm an idiot. He walked back outside and looked around, looking for anything out of the ordinary. That's when he noticed the Liepard again, and the trainer he was with. Wait, he looks familiar, I think we were in the same graduating class."

Stein walked in the direction of the trainer, he most certainly knew where he could find the mentor, or if not, they could figure it out. As he walked he noticed a man sitting in the shade near a Persian and Luxio.[b] Hmm, he looks suspicious, I wonder if he is my mentor
.he kept walking, heard the other trainer talking. He put his hand up and waved as he got closerHello, I believe you may be the person I'm supposed to find

Stein's Houndour sat next to him and Pidgey perched on his back. All three had no idea what to expect.

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Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 11:26 (9 Years ago)
I hoped it turned out fine, first time trying an anime character in water color. Picture was taken with phone too.

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Posted: Tue, 21/04/2015 15:18 (9 Years ago)
Think about it this way, people are always graduating. Like boot camps, more than one class at a time ha know. That's how I'd picture Ranger school. Maybe not but it could work.

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Posted: Tue, 21/04/2015 00:25 (9 Years ago)
I'm ready whenever you are

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Posted: Mon, 20/04/2015 00:28 (9 Years ago)
Description is fine, will take a little longer just to make sure it's perfect. I will let you know when i will be starting.

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 23:55 (9 Years ago)
That's fine, just wanted to make sure. I'll get on it ASAP.

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 23:53 (9 Years ago)
Alright. Just to clarify on yours, you wrote barracuda then posted picture of jelly fish, would you like the same thing I did with the squid? Or was it by chance a mistake. I just want to make exactly sure.

I'll get on yours ASAP. I love borderlands.

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 23:09 (9 Years ago)
I'll get on it as soon as possible. I will discuss price when I get to your piece.

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 22:41 (9 Years ago)
That works, I will begin working on it as soon as this one is done.

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 21:42 (9 Years ago)
I'll begin working on in now. I will PM you when picture is done as well as post a copy of it here. from there we can discuss if you'd like the real piece of artwork.

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 21:40 (9 Years ago)
Ah just seeing that photo brings back memories.

As far as payment, are you alright with 3000?

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 21:28 (9 Years ago)

WELCOME!! This is the Imaginarium
Ladies and Gentlemen... Step up!

Step up!

I, Mercury, the messenger
of the gods, invite you...
To light the one night only here...
And this night we will enter,
into the mind...the very great mind,
of Doctor Corey!

(kudos to those who get the reference)


This is a galleria of my work. Those who want to order just let me know.


Link to DA: Here

I can post some here for those who wish to not click link.

I can draw any picture you would like, and in any media you wish (granted my painting ability is not so great)

All images will be posted here, and for those of you who wish to have the real print we can discuss that over PM/PalPad.

We can discuss prices per piece, but minimum will be 1000 for the smallest/quickest piece and up depending on amount of work needed.

WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE: (Any reference images should be in a spoiler)
WHAT MEDIUM: (Watercolor, pencil, colored pencil, digital)[Note: I can do oil pastels and acrylic paint, but I am not as skilled in them]

Will be a first come first serve basis, and do not rush me I work a full time job as well

Currently working on:

Fiona- OC Manzano Digital

People in que :


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Cujoh- watercolor bakura

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 19:59 (9 Years ago)
Thank you

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 19:21 (9 Years ago)
Finny! I want a cute lil' MOO! <3
Username: Corey_st
I shall name my adorable new Moo: The Cow King (Diablo 2 reference )
Payment: one big ol' hug
Other: thank you so mich

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Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 02:47 (9 Years ago)
Ok. That's fine, I saw the part where you said any banned one was fine as a second, so I wasn't sure. Will change.

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Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 12:52 (9 Years ago)
Name: Stein

Age: 25

Gender: Male

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Quick sketch

He has dark brown hair and a chinstrap beard. He typically wear a suit jacket with a hoodie underneath which has a very wide hood, and this allows him to cast a show over his face when pulled up. Normally wears jeans, unless hot then will wear clothes for the weather. He prefers to wear his jacket even when in Ranger uniform. Standing at just over six foot when standing with good posture but tends to slouch and looks shorter than he is. He keeps his pokeballs on the inside of his jacket. Has tattoos on roght forearm of a sudowoodo and left arm of a tribal design based around a picture of Gengar. (Think Hawaiian tribal with fave of Gengar, not stupid curly q tribal.)

Personality: Stein is a very nice and humorous person, when you get to know him. He tends to shy away from people, very rarely joining conversations or hanging out with other Rangers from school as he was one of the older people, and didn't feel he had much in common with them. He had a bad string of luck a few years before deciding to join the Rangers. During this time his family tired to help him, but to no avail. Stein did things he wasn't proud of, not caring about his own life, he started hanging out with the wrong crowds and getting into nasty business. His brother was the one who finally got him to get out of they way of life begin to feel happy again. Though it was only after Stein was in his darkest place and about to lose everything.

Stein can be a fierce and loyal friend, but gaining his trust isn't easy. Having dealt with so many terrible people, he wasn't great at finding a genuine person. It also didn't help that being the one of the oldest people at the school made him more of an outsider than he wanted to feel. He tends to put off the bad boy vibe and has a very sarcastic attitude.

Houndour [M] - His beginning Pokemon partner.
Pidgey [M] - A gift from his family, more importantly his brother whom trains and breeds Flying-types. (if shiny part is not allowed I can change)

Other: Having gotten through the Ranger school, was one step in the right direction, think of it as a boot camp for him. He was given an ultimatum by his brother, join the school or keep heading down the path that would bring him only sadness and regret. His dark past and attitude can creep up on him in the wrong moments, sometimes scaring people away.

He just wants to find happiness and not a life of crime.

( If you'd like me to change anything let me know, had to think of a good reason at being 25 and just graduating school)

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Posted: Thu, 16/04/2015 12:58 (9 Years ago)

Character Name: Stein

Gender/Sexuality: male


Species: human

Chosen, Warden, or something else? Warden

Has dark brown hair, close to black, does the undercut style haircut. Wears suit jacket with hoodie underneath, cause hood can cast shadow over face. Dark wash jeans, sneakers. Has burn scar on left bicep, covered it with tribal tattoo, has tree on right forearm. Wears hemp bracelet from his brother, whom died years ago.

Sphere of Control: (If Chosen/Warden.) fire

Abilities: can control fire, most typically uses flame whips and fireballs. Can create flame walls, as wide as 5 feet, and a ring of fire up to 50 ft in diameter.

History: One night Stein sat on a lone mountain outcrop, gazing into the starry sky. Hearing strange whispers as the wind kissed his ears. A strange feeling overcame him and he ran home, his twin brother was there. As he came closer to his home he saw a faint glow I the sky, orange cast against the dark blue. It could have been a beautiful sight had he not set eyes on the house. His home was engulfed with flames, with reckless abandon he ran into the house and found his brother. He grabbed him, hoisting him up on to his shoulders, and began to reduce him. As he was leaving a bean fell and hit his left arm, perms they scarring him there. Once he was clear of his home he sat his brother down, and began to weep. His brother had died well before he got him out, the smoke killed him, he was also badly burned. As he wept, he sat holding his brother and staring at the burning house.
Morning crept up, the house long ago left smoldering, he buried his brother, making sure to grab a keepsake, his brother favorite hemp bracelet, singed but still held together. Without knowing where, he began to walk. The strange noise on the wind again.
He wasn't sure how or when, but he came upon the Ruins, and was told he was chosen. When it came time to pick his sphere, he could only think of one, fire.

Having been a warden many many years now, his pain for his lost brother is gone, but he still yearns to find out why the fire was caused. He had investigated after becoming a warden, and found no signs of a conventional fire.

Other: Shy, prefers to be alone. Will help others willingly and without pause, but, once done he will not linger. He isn't very trusting of others.

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Posted: Thu, 16/04/2015 11:38 (9 Years ago)
Just introducing myself, seems like s fun game to play. Can't wait.

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