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Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 16:20 (11 Years ago) |
Go check it out, and maybe order one! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 02:23 (11 Years ago) |
Merrin grins and lumbers away, humming a Christmas carol. Done, Moonlight! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 01:44 (11 Years ago) |
The answer hit me; earn some money, of course! I set down my bag and flipped the flap open. Then I opened my mouth and started to sing. Everything went by far too fast. They all seem to merge into one, No difference, no affection, no fun." I guess Lavanda doesn't get traveling singers that much, because as soon as I sang the first stanza, a small crowd started to gather around me. My heart swelled- it always does that when I'm singing. The song I'm singing is actually a poem, but it's one that I like, so I put a tune into it. It sounds just like a song, except much shorter. Not one difference from another. Until I happened across one thing A uniqueness to which I could cling." Coins were being dropped into my traveling pack, clattering together. I cast a glance down and smiled. I was beginning to accumulate a nice sum of money. Taking a breath, I continued my aria. The same went for the night. A lot more fun, a bit more affection, Though things were still far from perfection." More coins, more Pokemon. Some got bored and left, but others came and stopped by to listen. Things were easier though, I had a friend. Then I noticed the slight change, And everything started to rearrange." I stopped to take a breath. In that fleeting moment, I spotted something in the corner of my eye. No time to think about that now, though. Others are still too fast though. But not always in a bad way, It simply depends on the day." I was close to the end. Some more Pokemon gathered to listen to the foreign, singing Absol. That would be me, of course. After all, I found my sun, my moon, my stars." I dipped my head at the sound of applause and waited for the small crowd to disperse. When the last Pokemon wandered away, I counted the money in my bag. 473 Poke! This is the most I've ever gotten for one song before! Yeah, I guess singing travelers really don't pass by here often. Then I remembered the fleeting glimpse I saw and turned to its direction. A big board was standing tall, with a large map of Lavanda on it. Helpful, very helpful. I hurried over to it with the bag slung over my shoulder. Tracing the map with one claw, I saw a big, red square on the side of a road called Tallow Lane. It's labeled with neatly printed letters, 'Charcoal Plaza'. A small description read, 'Charcoal Plaza is one of the oldest and biggest buildings in Lavanda. Inside, all sorts of contests and activities are going on almost 24/7..." I didn't need to read any more. This was a place I had to see. Maybe there's a contest I can take part in! I set off, in search for the Charcoal Plaza on Tallow Lane. ~~~ Current Emotions: Excited and Happy Current Health: Healthy Current Actions: Searching for Charcoal Plaza Holding: (Slung over shoulder) 507 Portable Sleeping Bag (In the bag) OOC: Keep writing, everyone! It's so interesting O.o [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 00:50 (11 Years ago) |
Cora floats next to your Pokemon and smiles. "Hope you like the changes!" SPARKLE OVERLOAD O.O Well, here it is, Phoebe! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 00:24 (11 Years ago) |
Bria grins and hops away, humming a Christmas carol. Sorry it took so long, Goldstilskin! It kinda looks like a Steelix with a virus... And orders never bother me, Moonlight! I love 'em! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Thu, 12/12/2013 21:37 (11 Years ago) |
The winged lynx-like cat dived at the weak spot with extended claws. [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Thu, 12/12/2013 04:04 (11 Years ago) |
Title: Is it Here? No, it's Not...Current Health: Healthy Current Actions: Scouring the shop Holding: (In mouth) 34 (In the bag) Portable Sleeping Bag (In the bag) OOC: I guess we're all writing in first person now? ^-^ ~~~ A smile lit my face as I looked around the area. A large store stood tall a couple of blocks away, with a large, wooden sign painted in lively, bright colors. It read; "Lavanda's Local Market! Where happiness can be bought." Interesting, considering that the saying goes, 'You can't buy happiness'. A smart play on phrases on the shop owner's part, or whoever thought up of that idea. I stepped through the glass sliding doors. My red eyes widened in amazement. The building looked large from the outside, but in the inside, it's huge! I gaped at the largeness of the scene. When I finally got my bearings, I noticed some Pokemon shooting me odd glances. I realized that almost everyone in the store was a fire type, and those who weren't were all probably locals that everyone knew. I, however, have never been here in my life before. It must looked strange, a stranger Absol holding a yellow bag in her mouth amid a bunch of locals. I started to walk by, and everyone eventually got used to my presence. Why am I here, you might ask? Why, to search for the super rare Absolite, which will change me into a Mega Absol. It must be really expensive, but I'll save enough money to make my dream purchase. I passed many, many products, but I couldn't find that elusive gem. "Excuse me, ma'am, but it seems like you're looking for something. Can I help?" a cheerful voice piped from behind me. I turned around to see a male Monferno with a red vest and a metal name tag labeled, "Flare". Obviously, he worked in this store. I ducked my head a little, not used to being called "ma'am". "Erm, yes, actually. Do you happen to have an Absolite on sale?" I was disappointed when Flare shook his head. "Ah, no, I'm afraid not, ma'am. Sorry." I smiled, hiding my emotions. "Hmm, no. That's all, thanks!" The Monferno grinned and lumbered away. I sighed. Once again, I had let my hopes get too high. I padded to one of the many check-out stations, holding a rolled-up, portable sleeping bag in my mouth. The Magmar at the counter gave me a suspicious look as she scanned the sleeping bag. "Shouldn't you be in school right now, young lady?" As I laid 250 Poke on the counter, I also flashed my yellow Adventure License. It's a license that ensures people that I'm allowed to be off exploring in the wide world. It's even signed by the mayor of Havulan, my hometown. The Magmar nodded, and I put my license and my purchase away. I exited the store, ready to fully explore the volcano-streaked land of Lavanda. [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Wed, 11/12/2013 02:31 (11 Years ago) |
Nogard20: Well, I've never made animations before, but I decided to try it out when you asked. So, several tutorials and some edits later, I created my first ever animation! The transition's kind of blurry and weird, though. So yes, I can do animations, but they won't turn out very good. [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Tue, 10/12/2013 21:55 (11 Years ago) |
Bria grins and hops away, humming a Christmas carol. Done, Moonlight! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Tue, 10/12/2013 21:48 (11 Years ago) |
Leeda smiles and flies around your Pokemon's head. Done, Victory! I hope I didn't put too much sprinkles... If I did, tell me, and I'll make the changes! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Tue, 10/12/2013 21:16 (11 Years ago) |
Bria grins and hops away, humming a Christmas carol. Done, swag! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Tue, 10/12/2013 20:58 (11 Years ago) |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Mon, 09/12/2013 18:21 (11 Years ago) |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Mon, 09/12/2013 18:19 (11 Years ago) |
Merrin grins and lumbers away, humming a Christmas carol. Done, Atsuya! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Mon, 09/12/2013 18:07 (11 Years ago) |
Merrin grins and lumbers away, humming a Christmas carol. Here, Sh3ll! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 20:24 (11 Years ago) |
Then the dragon broke free. Soli startled, shrieking in surprise. She was about to fly away, but then the winged cat saw creatures... Disappearing? Definitely don't want that happening to me... Soli thought. What to do, though? Then she remembered her life in the alley, where all sorts of dangerous things happened. The grey and indigo lynx-like cat grinned crookedly. Hide. Of course! It was obvious. Solitaire swooped under the roots of a sliced tree, concealing herself from sight. [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 19:53 (11 Years ago) |
Merrin grins and lumbers away, humming a Christmas carol. Done, Fate! I am happy to announce that the Celestial Laboratory is OPEN once again!!! Come and order, everyone!!! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 19:43 (11 Years ago) |
Merrin grins and lumbers away, humming a Christmas carol. Here, Greninja! [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 18:36 (11 Years ago) |
Bria grins and hops away, humming a Christmas carol. Here it is, Finhawk! Nogard, fastrun, and Sh3ll, I skipped your orders because you didn't follow one of the rules. Please follow it next time ^-^ [Read more] |
Celestial OFFLINE Forum Posts: 127 |
Posted: Sun, 08/12/2013 18:20 (11 Years ago) |
Bria grins and hops away, humming a Christmas carol. Here it is, Victory! It was fun to make ^-^ And I'm honored that you think the sprite is good enough to go into your RP! You don't have to give credit, it's yours now. [Read more] |