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Posted: Mon, 29/04/2024 17:21 (1 Month ago)
@ckotian22, please read through the shop rules. You must fill out one of the provided forms to order a shiny or mega-able from one of the available breeders, and you can only order what they're currently breeding/offering.

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Posted: Mon, 29/04/2024 17:15 (1 Month ago)

We Are Open!

We've taken on a new breeder, please welcome ~SpiritBeholder~ to our little shop! They are currently hunting Ghastly, and you can check out their breeder card for more specifics on the first page. If you're interested in becoming a breeder, be sure to read through the shop rules and fill out a form to apply.

Additionally, I am hosting a giveaway to celebrate our re-opening! Share #freeshinyhubgiveaway on your feed, as well as like my original feed on the giveaway. When my feed reaches 30 hearts, 3 random people from the feed likes will be given 100k PD each! The giveaway will only happen if my original feed gets 30 likes!

Thanks everyone for your interest and support.

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Posted: Sun, 28/04/2024 21:38 (1 Month ago)

Quote from Malice Welcome to the Sparkling Mega Shop. Be sure to read the rules thoroughly before buying or renting a hunt from Sinna. Also, you SO wanna feed me a berry.

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i. Please be kind and patient. I hatch stuff as quickly as possible, but I do have my slow days!

ii. I will NOT negotiate my prices! If I offer a price range, we can discuss where exactly the price will fall via PalPad.

iii. Regardless of if you buy or rent one of my hunts, you will receive enough shinies for the Pokémon's evo line as well as one regular mega-able specimen for no extra cost. That said, buying a hunt earns you 2 extra free shiny specimens per month.

iv. When renting a hunt, you are essentially 'borrowing' the hunt for 30 days at a time for 10% of the cost of the SM. This is a safe option in case you intend to buy a SM from me, but are still unsure about whether or not you are really going to make the purchase in the end. Should a SM hatch during the time you are renting the hunt, and you decide that you will make the purchase, the 10% you paid will be subtracted from the cost of the SM. If a SM does not hatch during your rental time, you are not given a refund! You will also not be offered a refund if you decide against buying the SM, should one hatch.

v. When buying a hunt, you more or less have full rights on the hunt until your SM hatches. You are, however, expected to pay 50% of the cost of the Pokémon up front. Buying a hunt also takes precedence over renting a hunt. This simply means if there is a renter waiting in line ahead of you, you get to skip them. This does NOT mean that I will end or pause a renter's allotted time when a hunt is bought. When you've bought a hunt, there is no expiration or time limit for how long I will hunt for you. I will hunt until your SM is hatched.

Example: User A has rented my Mareep hunt for 30 days, and has 15 days left on their rental. User B is in line to rent my hunt after User A's remaining 15 days is up. User C decides to buy the hunt, and pays their 50% up-front cost in order to secure their slot. User C is moved ahead of User B, however, User C's hunt will not begin until User A's remaining 15 rental days are completed. This ALSO means that if a SM hatches during User A's rental time, and they decide against purchasing the Pokémon, the SM will go to User C rather than User B.

vi. When buying a hunt, you are expected to pay 50% of the total cost of the SM up front in order to secure your slot in the current hunt. I take up to two rental slots and three bought slots per hunt, however this may change from hunt to hunt, I just get bored easily hatching the same Pokémon for too terribly long.

vii. I do have my future hunts listed, which you may reserve a bought slot for without payment. However, when the hunt begins, you are expected to make the pre-payment in order to keep your slot.

viii. If buying a hunt, you can provide gems to me to speed up the process at your own expense, of course this is completely unnecessary. I will also be searching the tall grass for the current hunt's Pokémon at no extra cost.

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i. Prices can be converted into , with 2000 = 1. I will also take gems or items at their equal converted value.

ii. Rental prices are basically just 10% of the total cost of the SM. If a SM hatches while you are renting a hunt, the 10% you paid is subtracted from the cost of the SM. Please keep in mind that rental prices are non-refundable, you're paying for the inconvenience of not only the uncertainty that you plan on actually buying a SM from me, but also the 30 days that you are taking in my daycare.

iii. All this being said, remember that you DO receive a shiny for every evo in your Pokémon's line, as well as a regular mega-able for no extra cost. This perk counts for both renters and buyers, and for every rarity tier, including Genderless and Event Pokémon.

iv. Buyers get an extra 2 shiny Pokémon per month that their hunt continues, as a thank you for buying! I do not care if you trade, sell, or give away the extras you get.

Rental Prices

Easy: 150
Medium: 250
Hard(And Starter): 400
Genderless: 700

Buying Prices

Easy: 1500 (750 Down Payment)
Medium: 2500 (1250 Down Payment)
Hard(And Starter): 4000 (2000 Down Payment)
Genderless: 7000 (3500 Down Payment)
Event: 10,000 (5000 Down Payment)

Current Hunt
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i. In order to finalize your slot for a current hunt, you must make either your 10% rental payment or your 50% buying payment up front. I can 'hold' a slot for you for up to 7 days, and no longer! If someone currently has a slot on hold, and you purchase/rent a slot, you will be placed ahead of the person on hold.

ii. I will not take a hold for the last available slot on a hunt. If other people buy all the slots while you are on hold, and you end up having the last slot, that's OK.

Chain: 208

3 3 0

Medium: 2500 (1250 Down Payment)


Upcoming Hunts
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i. There is no need to pay for slots that you 'reserve' for an upcoming hunt until the hunt has officially started! This is because these hunts may get switched around/canceled depending.

Starter: 4000 (2000 Down Payment)

Hard: 4000 (2000 Down Payment)

(For this specific hunt, I do not yet know if I am going to offer gender requests. Gender Reqs may end up costing x1.5 -x2 and only be available to buyers as I could go through MULTIPLE SMs before getting your preferred gender.)

Genderless: 7000 (3500 Down Payment)

Partner Shops
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Whether you are a normal shiny/mega hunter or a fellow SM hunter, please PalPad me if you'd like to become a partner of my shop. I will list the link of your shop below, as well as what you are currently hunting, and expect the same sentiment in return.

Mew's SM Hunting Services

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Posted: Sun, 21/04/2024 18:33 (1 Month ago)
I'm planning on overhauling it!! I'll have it re-opened soon

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Posted: Tue, 02/04/2024 06:55 (2 Months ago)
No longer need to buy gems <3

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Posted: Fri, 24/06/2022 18:51 (1 Year ago)
catching up on orders now! will update

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Posted: Mon, 30/05/2022 00:21 (2 Years ago)
@~UmbreonLover~ , your shiny Riolu is available in a private trade in the GTS! Please remember to offer a trash-mon back so the trade can be completed. Thanks for visiting!

@~SakuraMoonEXE~ , your mega-able Riolu is available in a private trade in the GTS! Please remember to offer a trash-mon back so the trade can be completed. Thanks for visiting!

@ShinyMegaGardevoir and @Noobishgod , please only make requests for pokemon our breeders are actually currently hunting. Please make sure to read through the entire first post before making any requests.

Everyone else, please refrain from making rude comments regarding activity. I don't live on this site, but I'll certainly be making an effort to check back in more often and be more consistent. However I have never 'left' the game, even when I take long breaks, lol. Thank you though!

Oh and @SH1NYM, your request have been accepted and notated B)

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Posted: Mon, 30/05/2022 00:07 (2 Years ago)
Catching up on stuff here B) Sorry for the delay! Will post again when everything's done

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Posted: Fri, 01/04/2022 06:02 (2 Years ago)
@AKAMANA , you'll have to wait until i have more shiny Riolu slots, as I said before I don't have any shiny slots left open, and I will need to fulfill my current requests before I can accept any more. You can subscribe to this thread though, I will post when I open slots back up!

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Posted: Fri, 01/04/2022 05:50 (2 Years ago)
@*LunaEXE* Your request is accepted and you're in the first mega-able riolu slot! Consider subbing to the thread so you can get updates o when your pokemon is ready!

@AKAMANA , You can only request shinies that breeders currently are offering and have slots for. Not only am I not breeding swablu, I don't have any shiny slots left. Also, please don't ask for items that are not offered. If we had fossils up for grabs, we would have that advertised.

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Posted: Fri, 01/04/2022 02:07 (2 Years ago)
@LauJiaLynn you request is accepted and I'll add you to slot 5 :)

There are no more slots available for shiny riolu at this time!]

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Posted: Wed, 30/03/2022 04:49 (2 Years ago)
Hey @ZeltozYT, if you need to make a request, please read through the first post and follow the rules and forms provided!

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Posted: Wed, 30/03/2022 04:40 (2 Years ago)
@Pika~, your rquest is accepted and you've been added to slot 5. Remember to sub to the thread so you can get updated on when your shiny is ready!

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Posted: Wed, 30/03/2022 04:05 (2 Years ago)
@Madamagius, you're all good! Just make sure you open all the spoiler boxes and read through all the info in the first post.

@Kristie, your request is accepted and you've been placed in slot 3! Please consider subscribing to the thread to keep up to date when your shiny is ready!

@Zeraoraa, your request is accepted and you've been placed in slot 4! Just like above, please consider subscribing to the thread so you can keep up to date when your shiny is ready, or when other breeders are offering 'mons!

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Posted: Wed, 30/03/2022 03:13 (2 Years ago)
@~UmbreonLover~ , your request is accepted and you've been placed in slot 1! Consider subscribing to the thread to keep up to date when your shiny is ready!

@Madamagius, you can only request a shiny pokemon that a breeder is currently offering! Make sure you read through the rules thoroughly, please!

Quote from Rules 6.) Don't request a shiny that no one is hunting, and don't suggest or request what a breeder should hunt next.

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Posted: Tue, 29/03/2022 19:04 (2 Years ago)
It's always worth the little bit extra it gives, but if you don't go through clickboxes, then it wouldn't be particularly useful- though that's no fault of the item.

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Posted: Tue, 29/03/2022 18:12 (2 Years ago)

Quote from Malice
Hello and welcome to THE free shiny hub! I'm Malice, and I'm Sinna's dear mascot. If you'd train with me, or even feed me a berry, I would really appreciate it. I'll event grant our team some luck in their future!

Hey everyone, and welcome to The Free Shiny Hub, where you can get shiny pokemon, mega-ables, and more for the low low cost of nothing!This thread is for folks to have a chance at getting shiny/mega/rare pokemon, and the user providing these freebies are doing it simply out of the kindness of their hearts.

Along with giving away shinies, mega-ables, and non-shinies, we will sometimes host giveaways for more rare or even legendary/event shinies! All for free!

This shop is descendant of The 3rd Generation Shiny shop, that was run by the awesome 20GayTeen


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i.) Be respectful to all Shiny Hub Breeders and Moderators! Failure to do so may result in a strike or ban from the shop.

ii.) Make sure you use the forms to order a shiny/mega-able! Failure to do so WILL result in warnings or even a strike from the hub.

iii.) There is a 6 month time period in which you may not re-trade/sell/give away the pokemon you received from this shop. It was bred for you specifically, and if you don't want it any more, give it back to the breeder and they will find a use for it.

iv.)Any breeder has the right to refuse any request they receive for any reason.

v.) You may only have one active order for a shiny and mega-able Pokémon at one time. You can order another shiny/mega-able from the same or different breeder as soon as your current order has already been processed. (EX. You may order 1 shiny Riolu from Breeder A and 1 mega-able Mareep from Breeder B, but you may not order 1 shiny Riolu from Breeder A and also a shiny Mareep from Breeder B)

vi.) Don't request a shiny that no one is hunting, and don't suggest or request what a breeder should hunt next.

vii.) Gender requests are alright as long as the breeder has specified such! This option will be included on their breeder card. Remember that gender requests may take longer to fulfill, and if someone else doesn't have a gender preference or have requested the opposite gender, they may receive their shiny before you.

viii.) Each breeder will allow different amounts of time to claim your free pokemon. Failure to claim your 'mon will result in it being handed off to the person waiting in the next slot.

Breeder Rules

i.) I, SinnaStyx, reserve the right to remove any breeder from the shop with or without warning, or reason.

ii.) Breeders are required to have premium to make the hunting and giveaway process much more swift and easy. If any breeder at any point needs to go any amount of time without premium, you MUST let Sinna know.

iii.) Breeders are required to be active during their hunt. Please do not accept more slots than you think you can feasibly handle, and be sure to fulfill all requests before switching hunts. If you need to go inactive after a hunt, please PalPad or PM SinnaStyx.

iv.) After 1 Month of breeder inactivity without warning, you will be marked as inactive. After 3 months you will be removed from the shop. You can reapply to become a breeder again, however.

v.) Breeders reserve the right to refuse an order from anyone!

Become A Breeder

Applications currently OPEN

[b][u]Why Do you want to become a Breeder?[/u][/b]
[b][u]Do you have a premium account?[/u][/b]
[b][u]Pokemon you are breeding[/u][/b]
[b][u]How many slots will you open?[/u][/b]
[b][u]Will you offer gender specific requests?[/u][/b] (This is optional)
[b][u]What's your pickup time?[/u][/b]

Become A Thread Moderator

Applications currently CLOSED


[b][u]How active are you on PH?[/u][/b]
[b][u]What can you bring to The Shiny Hub?[/u][/b]
[b][u]Do you have any kind of mod experience?[/u][/b]

Meet The Breeders!

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Breeder Currently Inactive!


Shiny Slots


No Slots Available!

Mega-Able Slots



Shiny Slots


No Slots Available!


Shiny Slots


No Slots Available!


Shiny Slots


No Slots Available!

Order Forms!

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Shiny Form

[b][u]Shiny you want:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Breeder Username:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Have you read the rules and agree with them?[/u][/b]

Mega-Able Form

[b][u]Mega-Able you want:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Breeder Username:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Have you read the rules and agree with them?[/u][/b]

NON-Shiny Form

[b][u]NON-Shiny you want:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Breeder Username:[/u][/b]
[b][u]Have you read the rules and agree with them?[/u][/b]

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Posted: Thu, 13/02/2020 21:41 (4 Years ago)
I saw your pm, thanks ^^ The offer didn't show for me

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Posted: Thu, 13/02/2020 19:49 (4 Years ago)
@Casseyr2, you only have a couple hours left to claim your shiny Rufflet before it goes to the next person! Please check your private trades to claim it. If you do not see the trade, please contact me via pm or Palpad!

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Posted: Wed, 12/02/2020 21:59 (4 Years ago)
@Kazyaquin, congrats! Your shiny Rufflet has hatched, and will be waiting for you in a private trade. Please claim your shiny Rufflet within 24 hours or it will go to the next person. Thank you!

@Casseyr2, congrats! Your shiny Rufflet has hatched, and will be waiting for you in a private trade. Please claim your shiny Rufflet within 24 hours or it will go to the next person. Thank you!

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