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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Artemis93.
Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 15:51 (7 Years ago)
" Ah, forgive me for taking the situation too seriously...", Beverly said as the breath was squeezed out of her. When Frederick put her back down, she couldn't help but smile a little and shake her head. " What have you two been up to?, " She asked, straightening her cloak slightly.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 15:41 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt got a chill as she listened to Ashpelt recount his dream. " At least you're not a medicine cat. Our dreams are just dreams, " she said, grooming Ashpelt's ruffled fur back down flat. " The next time we see those rogues, we'll be ready, " Dawnpelt said seriously.

Duskwind groomed the last of the burrs out of Feathercloud's fur, adding them to his small pile of debris. " Yeah, Pineclan left 4 warriors with us to 'help restore our clan', as Icestar put it, " he said, while cleaning his own paw. " I guess they're going to help with repairs and patrols and stuff?," Duskwind was curious to see how things would work out.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 15:33 (7 Years ago)
( Well, you certainly don't see octopi riding crabs every day XD )

Beverly surveyed the group, nodding. " You two were the last to arrive, " she said, leaning away from the statue and uncrossing her arms. " With a group this size, word will surely spread through the towns." Beverly figured that the surprise approach against this prophet would be impossible.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 15:23 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind chuckled as he spit a burr out onto the ground, " Go back to sleep, you crazy fur ball. " he said, grabbing another twig with his teeth. " There's plenty of other warriors who can do work today." He remembered that some Pineclan cats were still here. He wondered how the two different clan cats would interact for longer than a few days.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 15:14 (7 Years ago)
( I can't seem to get to bed before midnight, I'm always finding other things to do )

Duskwind yawned, and stood up to stretch. He padded over to Feathercloud and began grooming the twigs and burrs out of her fur.

Dawnpelt looked worried. " I'm sure a restful night wasn't likely after what happened, " she mewed. Dawnpelt groomed Ashpelt lightly, " Do you want to talk about it?," she asked.

Sunkit curled her tail around her body. " Come back to sleep, it's cold out there, " she mewled.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 14:30 (7 Years ago)
Beverly raised her hand, greeting her friends, and leaned up against the pedestal of the statue. " Seems like ages since I've seen this many of us together. " She said, smirking and crossing her arms. " Who else is coming?," She asked, glancing at Alex.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 13:10 (7 Years ago)
(what is this 'reasonable time' you speak of?? lol)

Duskwind woke up to the sound of bird calls as he slowly opened his eyes. He yawned, then caught a strong scent of leaves and wood. Duskwind flicked his ears in confusion then noticed Feathercloud, looking haggard with twigs and leaves in her fur. At least she's finally asleep..., he thought to himself, resting his head on his paws for another moment.

Dawnwind awoke at the sudden movement of Ashpelt. She blinked, forgetting where she had slept last night, then nudged Ashpelt with her nose, wondering the same as the medicine cat.

Sunkit poked her head out of Flowerheart's fur, noticing the spot where her brother had been was now empty. She panicked slightly, then breathed a sigh of relief when she saw his shape sitting at the nursery entrance.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 04:10 (7 Years ago)
(yeah go ahead, im falling asleep as im typing anyway)

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 04:02 (7 Years ago)
Dusktwind watched Hawkpool walk away until she disappeared into the elder's den. A silent atmosphere had settled over the Desertclan camp, with just the soft whispers and the rustling of leaves sounding in the night. Duskwind stood in the center of the camp for a moment longer before finally heading to the warriors den. He stopped as he suddenly spotted Feathercloud dragging a branch to the camp wall. " Feathercloud...you should get rest," he mewed, concerned for his friend.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 03:57 (7 Years ago)
Beverly appeared at the entrance of the statue square, walking towards the group at an even pace. She lowered her hood as she approached her old friends. " Sorry I'm late, " she said, "Seems like I'm not the latest though," Beverly noted that most of the group had not arrived yet, feeling slightly relieved.

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Posted: Sat, 21/10/2017 03:45 (7 Years ago)
We aren't exactly broken yet, but I can't say I don't appreciate the help, Duskwind thought to himself as he left the medicine cat's den. The moon had set a few hours ago, and the stars shone bright in the darkness. Duskwind suddenly felt tired, thinking about repairing walls the next day. He noticed Hawkpool resting in the camp center and remembered the Pineclan cats were still here. He padded over to her, " So, I think you guys can sleep in the elders den. We don't have any elders, so there's plenty of space, " He said to Hawkpool and the other Pineclan warriors.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 23:00 (7 Years ago)
Duskpelt put his fish on the fresh-kill pile, and picked up the one of the rabbits that Feathercloud had caught. He carried it towards the medicine cat's den, figuring everyone in there could use a bite. He padded into the den and was about to speak when he noticed the sleeping pelts of his sister and Ashpelt. He gently laid the rabbit on the ground, and glanced at Stoneleaf. " Feel free to eat something, its on us, " he said.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 22:34 (7 Years ago)
Kara blinked as she watched Aria transform into a human, clothing and all. " Fascinating..." , she whispered out loud. " How did that...feel?, " she asked, curious. Kara could sort of feel what it felt like already, but she wanted to know Aria's perspective.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 22:29 (7 Years ago)
Duskwind looked at Hawkpool padding alongside him. He swear he could see the Starpelt reflecting in her eyes. He tried not to stumble as he looked quickly back in front of him, padding softly through the under brush. The Desertclan camp was before them, and he proceeded into the camp through the bramble tunnel.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 22:12 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt adjusted her position, comfortable laying against Ashpelt. The regular sounds of his breathing lulled her into a semiconscious state, and she lay her head on her paws, deep in thought. She didn't understand why this had to happen. What was Sandfeather's motivation? Why did she want to destroy Desertclan? Why take kits? She asked herself many questions, before her thoughts faded into sleep.

Duskwind flicked his tail, " I'm a big fan of waiting at a burrow for prey to emerge anyway, " he mewed. " However, perhaps not in the middle of the night. Let's return to camp with what we have, " he suggested. " If we find something on the way, then we'll grab it, "

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 21:55 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt blinked at hearing Stoneleaf's words. " Your generosity is extremely appreciated, " she mewed softly. " We will need to help, we have obviously been too lax as of late..., " she said, her nose twitching at the strange feeling of the cobwebs on her face. " Desertclan will be in your debt," she added.

Duskwind shook his head to get the water droplets off his face. " I'll have you know, I'm all cat. " he meowed, as he swiped a small silver fish out of the river. After giving the fish the killing blow, he glanced at their growing prey pile. " This is probably enough fish for now. Let's look for some furry prey, " he suggested.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 21:34 (7 Years ago)
(( maybe we ought to send her a reminder?? ))

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 21:32 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt's nose wrinkled as the pungent scent of marigold flooded her senses. " Yes, thank Starclan for that. The question is, what do we do now?, " She pondered out loud, as she tucked her paws underneath her body. " We didn't kill any of the rogues, either. They will be back, " she said, lowly.

Duskwind stifled a chittering laugh, and looked on at the rushing water. " Looking for a nightly swim?, " he joked, his tail twitching playfully.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 20:46 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt looked up as Stoneleaf spoke to her. " Yes, if it needs to be, " she mewed quietly. " Thank you for helping us, " she said. " I'm not sure what we would've done without your clan's assistance,"

Duskwind laughed as Hawkpool clumsily handled the salmon. " You got it!, but make sure to get a clawhold on them, their slippery, " he mewed. Duskwind placed his fish on a small pile of leaves, and crouched by the riverbank to look for more fish.

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Posted: Fri, 20/10/2017 20:19 (7 Years ago)
Dawnpelt chuckled hoarsely, " At least I can't see it then, " she mewed. Dawnpelt sniffed at Ashpelt's torn ear, and gently groomed the areas that weren't wrapped in cobwebs yet. " As soon as a medicine cat returns, ill mention something, " she murmured in between licks.

Duskwind flicked his tail and amusement and padded onwards after Hawkpool. The sounds of the river could be heard before it could be seen, as Duskwind walked through a clump of bracken onto the river's edge. The moonlight was glittering off of the water as it rippled past him. " The trick is to watch for a glint of light when one comes near the surface, " he said. " Careful not to cast a shadow, or it will see you...," he mewed as he crouched low on the riverbank. Soon, he saw a silver edge break the surface of the water, and he scooped the trout onto the bank. He bit the fish's head, killing it. " See? Easy. These are no hawks, " he said through the fish in his mouth.

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