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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Uchiha_Sasuke.
Posted: Wed, 30/04/2014 23:15 (10 Years ago)
//ragequits cause I only got 5 D:<

But seriously though, I had a lot of fun searching!~

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Posted: Wed, 30/04/2014 22:17 (10 Years ago)
Oooh, this seems like fun. I'm in! :D

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Posted: Tue, 29/04/2014 21:02 (10 Years ago)
@BlackSD- There's no need to write your username (I can see it well enough above of your avatar xD). Your chatots are in the GTS

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Posted: Sun, 27/04/2014 18:25 (10 Years ago)
Ryoma (Prince of tennis)~

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Posted: Sun, 27/04/2014 05:54 (10 Years ago)

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Posted: Sun, 27/04/2014 05:54 (10 Years ago)
Yay and nay, because I'll probably get in trouble for staying up late D:

Doing cartwheels~

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Posted: Sun, 27/04/2014 05:46 (10 Years ago)
@Everyone who ordered from 13 days ago until now- I was a bit busy with school so I didn't have time to remind everyone who didn't offer yet. PMing those people now!

@SnivyIsEpic- For some reason, I seemed to have missed this. Anyway, the password is incorrect.

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Posted: Sun, 27/04/2014 04:25 (10 Years ago)
@Flaafy-Chan- Accepted! I remember being obsessed with Alice Human Sacrifice, lol xD

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Posted: Sun, 27/04/2014 03:43 (10 Years ago)
Yay (although I haven't seen it yet >_<)

Reading a scary story~

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Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 07:32 (10 Years ago)
Nay, only because I'd rather go shopping xD

Running around in the rain~

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Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 04:22 (10 Years ago)
Good luck Diana! :D

I'm probably going to start another hunt really soon, but I might want to get a Latias/Latios first before doing so~

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Posted: Sat, 26/04/2014 04:09 (10 Years ago)
Now you toucan drink as much soup as you want! (that was a horrible pun >_<)

Waiter, there's a dragon in my soup!

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Posted: Fri, 25/04/2014 21:50 (10 Years ago)
Argh! He found out! Mission abort! Mission abort!

Waiter, there's a cow in my soup!

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Posted: Fri, 25/04/2014 21:47 (10 Years ago)
Actions and verbs next time, please.


Rowing a boat~

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Posted: Fri, 25/04/2014 20:01 (10 Years ago)
Nay :p

Wishing school would end already~

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Posted: Fri, 25/04/2014 19:48 (10 Years ago)
I just knew the new legendary would be Ho-Oh! xD

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Posted: Fri, 25/04/2014 06:21 (10 Years ago)
Ohh, so that's where my mustache went! *takes it out and puts it back on*

Waiter! There's a mattress in my soup!

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Posted: Thu, 24/04/2014 23:58 (10 Years ago)
Ahh, I love them so much! Thank you! >w<

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Posted: Thu, 24/04/2014 23:57 (10 Years ago)
Yay xD

Flying a kite~

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Posted: Thu, 24/04/2014 20:34 (10 Years ago)
Queen, I want a Pokemon Card!
The number of Pokemon Cards I want: Two!
The Pokemon I want for the card(s):
The Pokemon that are shiny: None~
The background colors I want for my Pokemon Card(s): Not sure if you accept hex codes but...
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#abf4d4 (pastel green) & #f8e6c9 (light tan)
Also, idk why there's the ". . ." at the end of the card. I've tried changing the name slightly but it didn't do much >_<
EDIT: Never mind, it seems to be gone now owo

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#a9dbfb (pastel blue) & #c9e5f8 (even lighter pastel blue xD)

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