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Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 09:10 (8 Years ago)
Got 45 Normal Gems from King_Of_Salt

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Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 10:20 (8 Years ago)
Level 45 and Gardener level 37

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Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 15:18 (8 Years ago)
@Jerrylson Wait untill we finish our orders, please be patient, since we are only human. :D

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Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 07:38 (8 Years ago)

Allowed Sazuka borrow my Ditto

And will never regret that decision.

Just met the person on that date(time). ^^

UPDATED on 24/May

I'm glad I met her

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 16:02 (8 Years ago)
Do all the employees here have a code name?

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 12:55 (8 Years ago)

Title: Mega Shiny Riolu Hunt

Hello, I will be starting a Shiny Mega Riolu Hunt. And I will be collecting 50K Fighting Gems. I'll start the hunt once I reach 40K Gems

My Progress


Buying Fighting Gems

I'll be buying each gem for 300 - 400


Selling a Mega Able and Shiny Slot
It's not guaranteed for me to get over 20 Shinies and Mega Ables, so i'll keep a limit of 10 Shinies and 10 Mega Ables slots

Show hidden content

Mega Able Slots:

Shiny Slots:

Help -Naoto-, to
collect Electric Gems for his Shiny Mega Manetric hunt.

the gif redirects you to his/her exchange thread

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 11:18 (8 Years ago)
Joined a affiliation called Emera Dairy.

Emera Dairy.
Made by Rakmo

Here we sell, items obtainable from the Berry Garden.


Quote Rakmo ;
In the happiness of sucess emera dairy i am going to make a hashtag that can help more people to know about emera dairy so share it.

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 10:02 (8 Years ago)

Title: EDITED ON 20/June

Let's remove this ...

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Posted: Thu, 17/03/2016 08:35 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 15/03/2016 15:27 (8 Years ago)

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Posted: Tue, 15/03/2016 13:23 (8 Years ago)
Congratulations! A shiny Magikarp hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #54)!

Ok, this time i got it from Greg(Gem Collector)

I am gonna name that karp, after the Gem Collector

And also hatched a Mega Able Magikarp

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Posted: Mon, 14/03/2016 14:35 (8 Years ago)
Please make this RP more Active, but don't talk about our business

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 14:43 (9 Years ago)
I am really pissed

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 13:17 (9 Years ago)

Got this at Chain 11

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 11:07 (9 Years ago)

I'll start by the RP

After getting that revive, quickly rushes back and gives it to Torchic (now he is not fainted anymore).

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 09:47 (9 Years ago)
Can you change my position to "Temporary Leader of TDS"

Nevermind that

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 09:31 (9 Years ago)
I'd support if Ditto in the prize exchange (like what you said) is 100,000,000,000 (100 Billion Game Chips)

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 08:58 (9 Years ago)
Quote from Rakmo
So, the meeting is cancelled.

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 08:54 (9 Years ago)
Ok, but why the hero chat, people can see what we are chatting

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Posted: Sun, 13/03/2016 08:49 (9 Years ago)
Suddenly goes out of the battle field, to find a Revive, searches, but finds a hoarde of wild pokemon

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